
Boy Trouble

So after Asian night and after Nate told me his name. I was on my phone that night and my phone rang. I picked it up and said Davis added you as a friend.


Then I faint on to the couch.

"What?" Na Ji said coming in the living room.

"D-D-D-Davis f-fr-friended me o-on faceb-booook." I said once more then quickly my computer.

"Okay hold on I have to screen print this.-" then my message box beeped. Nate is talking to me.

"He's waiting." And I backed away.

"What?!?"I texted back with a confused look and he doesn't reply back. After I was done screen printing the proof of Davis friending me. I accepted it. At nine I got an email so I opened my phone and checked it.

"N-new m-m-message f-from DAVIS!!!"I yelled out loud and I clicked it so fast and saw his first sentence to me.

"Hey. You saw me at Asian night?"

"Yup" I said a little after.

"Well I'm Davis, nice to meet you." He typed and I got excited.

"Hello, I'm Min Ji. Nice ta meet you over the um internet." I typed really fast that I was surprised that there were no mistake.

"Well let's meet face to face." He typed and I stopped breathing.

"Haha how tho?" I asked a horrible question.

"Ahh I have to think about that." He said and He's so nice. So He's half Japanese and half British, That's the cutest mix ever. "Actually do you have a cell phone?" He asked later on the conversation

"Yeah" then I gave him my number. My phone vibrated and it was him. So after that I started to text him.

"Hey I'm sorry I have to go to bed. But I'll text you in the morning." I left the conversation but saw him text "Jaane." I left it alone and went to sleep with a happy smile. When i woke up i opened my phone and it had a new message.

"Do you wake up early for school or late?" I smile and texted back. 

"I wake up right about now. How about you?" I texted him and waited for a reply.

"I wake up around six" he said and I grab my stuff and went down.

"Haha nice, I have to go wash up now." I text and he said Jaane again. After I finished I texted him and got a donut to eat.

"What is that, Japanese?" I ask and he happily replied.

"it means see ya" and I giggled and stuffed the donut in my mouth. I checked out what I was wearing -tights with a Polo sweater.

Today was Thursday and I was ready for the chorus concert tomorrow and the practice today afterschool. Davis texted me the whole day at school and he is freaking that nice. He can sing but he always said he is bad. That he high jumps and loves badminton like I do. Well the badminton part. That we both love the Same Japanese movie. He would be the perfect guy but... He's a senior. I am a freshman.

When I kept on thinking about Davis I felt bad that I wasn't thinking about Myungsoo. I didn't see him the whole day so I checked my phone and he had a game today. No wonder coach wasn't here today. I rushed out after the bell rang and texted Na Ji that I was going to practice and I needed a ride since Ji Hee couldn't. No one could drive me home. After the practice was over I went over to Su Min and bowed 90° and apologized to her.

"I'm really sorry, I forgive you and I hope you forgive me." And we both let go of each other.

"I forgive you and you wanna ride?" Su Min said, I nod my head rapidly in saying yes and we all went outside. Ji Hee, Jin, Su Min, Alex, and I were outside. I kept on texting Davis and told Su Min about him and showed her a picture of him.

"Omg hes hot!" And she looked at Alex who said he wouldn't get jealous but in his voice he was. After the ride home I got home around 6 and called my mom and apologized for forgetting to tell her that we had practice today. After that I continued to text Davis.

The next day I woke up with a smile and walked over to my phone that had a new message. It was Davis.

"Goodmoring" he said and I texted back

"good morning to you too." I walk down and washed up and got another donut to eat. We texted and texted.

"We should meet at your concert." He said.

"Sure but nothing more." I said because I like Myungsoo not Davis.

"What do you mean?" He texted and I released a huge sigh.

"Well I kinda wanna just be friends." I said and he texted back Same here.

In fourth period we played indoor soccer and I talked to the coach a little.

"So what sports do you coach?" I asked coach and knew his answer already.

"Football and golf, but i like golf better." He said and i was ready to ask another question.

"Well then who's the best golfer?" I asked and wondered.

"Kim Myungsoo. You know Kim Myungsoo?" He asked and i smiled nervously.

"Haha umm yeah." I said and looked at coach.

"Well he's a handsome young man. He's smart too." He said and i got up and said

"well he's not taking two aps next year is he?" And gave a big laugh.

"He's smart." Coach sakd again and i ignored it.

"So coach you should come to our concert tonight." i said and looked at him.

"What time?" He asked me and i happily said

"7." I said and held out five fingers on my right hand and two on my left.

"I can do seven." He said and i jumped up and walked away to change out. I smiled.

"I have a test in math right now. Oh and can you come?" I texted him after lunch ended.

"Good luck and I'll tell you after you finish your test." He texted and I started my test. After I finished I texted him that I was finished.

"I'm sorry I can't go tonight." he texted me later.

"It's Okay, you still wanna meet?" I ask him.

"YES!!" He texted back.

"Well your going to have to wait til April 22" I texted him and laughed.

"Wwhhaattt that long? " he said and I laughed even more.

"Well that is my next concert." I texted him and walked to Chinese.

After school I waited with Ji Hee, Su Min, and Salie at the bus stop. I Watched Myungsoo play around and then he got on his bus.

"I'm about to go practice for the concert." I texted Davis.

"Can I call you later? " and I froze there.

"Umm my phone can't call, sorry." I texted hum back and left to go to the school and practice. I texted him that I was at the school and was about to go to the concert in ten minutes. I sent him a picture of a music sheet that we had to sing in the concert. "I can't read music." He texted back. "Then how do you sing?" I texted him then put my phone in my folder. We walked out and all sat down in the chairs out on the stage and I looked at the crowd. I wish Davis could of made it. I thought to myself and we stood up. After our first song we kept on standing up then the teacher turned and finally told us that we can sit. He mouthed "SORRY" to us and I laughed. We were standing for almost ten minutes. Around 8 P.M. I got a text and my phone vibrated and it scared me. I couldn't check. Then later I got another vibration. Low battery? or another text? For a second there I thought Davis would do that cute romantic thing in the movie. When the boy says they can't go and the girl says its okay but then the boy just comes and surprizes her. I thought Davis was texted me 'i'm here and i see you' but that thought soon went away when it was time for us to sing. 

After the concert i opened my phone and checked who it was. 2 new messages. One for Bo Yun and one from Davis. 

"I got my skating dress." Bo Yun's text said. 

"dude, I was in the concert when you texted me." i texted back and checked Davis's text.

"I'm bad." His text said and I looked at the last thing I said. ohhh I thought.

"You texted me during the concert." i texted him and grabbed my stuff and found Ji Hee who was giving me a ride home.

After the concert and once i got home. I received a text from Davis.

"sorry." He said and I smiled.

"Its fine. It was on vibrate so no harm." I texted back.

"sorry." He said again.

"Its fine davis." I said and washed up. Then my parents were home.



The next day was Saturday. I was going to go shopping with Bo Yun but then my grandfather said that he was taking us out for sushi.

"Hey, we're going for sushi ^ ^" I texted Davis.

"Lucky." He said and i was smiling and got ready.

"Kurama." I said and got in the car.

Once we got there I got a text from Davis.

"What do are you going to eat?" he said and I looked at the menu.

"Eel bowl." I said.

"i love eel!" he said and i handed the menu back.

"I do too. Look." I texted him a picture of the eel bowl i was eating.

"That looks freaking good." He said "ohh I think i'm going to go there for lunch now." He added and i choked on my sushi.

"WHHATT. NNOOO. go somewhere else. We're about to leave, and this place is FULL." I texted him really fastly.

"Well we are walking out the door." I texted him with a smile of victory.

"Too late :P" he texted and I looked up and saw him...

smile smile smile. no no no look away!! and i left the shop and he went in. 


When i got home I got my phone out and texted Davis. 

"I hate you." I texted.

"well i like you so you can hate me." He texted back.

"haha. Then i will hate you." I said with a laugh.

"I love you." He said and I got serious.

"I hate you." I said again.

"I love you." He said again and I laughed.

"Dude i really hate you now." I said with a smile.

"Now you're serious?" He said and I giggled.

"I was never serious when i said I hated you." I said and that was the truth.

"Okay well I still love you ^^" He said and i laugh not taking it seriously.

"haha. saranghaeyo." I said and let him guess what that meant.

"I love you?" He said.

"Nae!" I said as in yes.

"I hate you?" He said and I slapped my face.

"I love you stupid." I said and didn't mean to out the stupid in there.

"aieiru yo." he said and i seriously don't know much Japanese.

"i don't know what that means" I texted him with a confused look.

"same thing." He texted back and looked it up.

"babo." I said and meant it.

"babo?" he said and i laughed.

"stupid" I texted with a huge evil laugh.

"baka is stupid in Japanese." He said and i knew that because Angie told me.

"i know that, my friend told me." I said.

"well, saranghaeyo." he said and i was impressed.

"baka" i said and gave the screen a evil smile.

"babo" he said and i laughed.

"-_-" i texted him because i love that face.

"SORRY! aieiruyo :D" he said and i start t crack up.

"saranghaeyo" i said not taking it seriously again.

5 minutes later.

"wae do you wanna meet me so badly?" I ask him.

"because we haven't meet properly." he said and i knew that but still.

"so?" i said because if we didn't meet properly that wasn't a big deal.

"so i wanna meet you." he said and i was touched.

"i don't know wae you are taking this so seriously." i said and i really didn't know why.

"is it bad?" he said and i didn't know what to say because i didn't know.

"i don't know." i said and meant that.

"I mean like i wanna meet you and know you better." he said and we practically are meeting.

"well soon is all i can say." i said and it was the only thing i could say.

":D" he texted.

"but soon can be long" i .

"fine by me" he said and i made a strange face.

"long can be never" i teased once more.

"i will look forward to it." he said and i was confused, either he got use to it or something else.

"you got use to my teasing haven't you?" I said to get the answer.

"yup" he said and i smiled like an idiot.

"but what if i wasn't teasing you?" i said in a serious way.

"then i would wait." he said and i was soooo confused. I mean i didn't even know the guy until Asian night. 

"BUT WHY? why so much?" i got straight to the point.

"because i'm interested in you!" he said and i froze.

"i don't know what to say." i said and i really didn't know what to say.

Then another five minute pass and we stopped talking because he had to go high jumping and i had to go walk ChoCho.

Oh, Myungsoo, why can't you be like Davis? Putting smiley faces in every text message. Why can't you even text me? grrr I might even chose Davis over you Myungsoo. I should make a list showing which one of them has more in common with me. I mean they're both so hot. Both Asian, well one half and one full. One tall and one short but still taller than me. One is a freshman like me, and one a senior...Even coach thinks Myungsoo is a great guy. I'll think about it some more later.

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shafkyulove #1
Chapter 19: Sorry its not bad like i dont wanna be mean but its such a hurried ending
shafkyulove #2
Chapter 19: Ur ending was bad and mean
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 19: OH.MY.GOD. U JUST END OFF LIKE THIS?!!! *cries* can make a squeal? Maybe make myungsoo likes her or sth?? T^T anyway I loved ur story ^3^
NicLuvGuiLun #4
Chapter 18: HOPE SHE ASKS HIM REAL SOON. IMMA GETTINF IMPATIENT >< hahhaha just update! Hwaiting! Update update update!!~~
kikiiosz #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update. But I'll have to be frank, what is the point of this chapter? Not to offend you or anything, but this chapter was just too much of her rambling on ):
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 17: Yayyy! It's updated!! XD I would dump those fwens if I were her ><
NicLuvGuiLun #7
Chapter 16: Awww... no more chapters to read :'( I srsly.. love this story ><
Greedy greedy greedy~ me want more chapters! XD
UPDATE sooooon! ㅠ.ㅠ
NicLuvGuiLun #8
Chapter 15: >< why are her fwens not listening to her anymore?! It's a terrible feeling ><
Hope you'll update soon!!
NicLuvGuiLun #9
So.. this is a life story about you!? Omg coooool! Can't wait to see your update xD