
Boy Trouble

Its been a week and it was Sunday so i went on my laptop and went on facebook. I had an idea -look up Kim Myungsoo. I'm sure he has one because he was so cool and mysterious. I looked and pop there he was i looked at his pictures and they were all so cute. I didn't hesitate to click the ''add friend'' button. I clicked it with proud and dignity. I didn't want to stay on my computer for a long time so I logged off not knowing is he accepted or not. The next day my alarm clock woke me up at 7:10 and i knew it was Monday. School. but the bright side was that i get to see Myungsoo or ''L." haha. I went down stairs and washed my face and brushed my teeth before my parents woke up. I woke my mom up at 7:30 and she made our food and finish probably around 7:45 because she had to make 5 sandwiches. At 7:35 I woke up everyone else but my dad because he's really stressed out with work and crap. I walk to the bus with my friends and sister and slept alittle on the bus and once i woke up i felt refreshed. I walked off and did the same thing as usual everyday at school and went to first period. Today we actually got some songs and got time to write in the notes and what key we are in. I finished so did Su Min, Ji Hee, and Jin. We had about 5 minutes of free time after that i followed Su Min outside and pasted the 4th building and i saw L. His hands were in his pants pockets, as usual, and his style was too much to explain. I almost fell off the stair because i wasn't looking because i was mesmerized by his looks. We walked first then he was behind us, i freaked out and started to talk fast and loud, which was so obvious. So Su Min walked away to gym and I kept walking infront of L until we walked upstairs. I looked back and he went the other way. So far i got most of this classes down -

1st :i don't know

2nd :world history

3rd :math

4th :gym

5th :biology

6th :english

7th :world language

I got most of it as i said. haha. I walk in my next class and i had someone to talk sisters friend which is my friend now...not weird. Everthing was fine. I got through second period and third now its fourth. I walked out with my new friend, Carrie, we met in this class and suddenly become friends. As we both walked out i see L too, he looks at me and i look at Carrie and showed her that he was the one. She 'ohhed' in the sign of 'ggiirrrlllll.' I laughed and ran in to the upper gym when Myunsoo walked in cooly to the lower gym. After class i walked up stairs in the first building and saw no one was there then i thought that it was so nice outside they must be outside. As i walk down the stairs to go outside i got my phone out and checked facebook. As it openned i saw that it said L's Birthday. I froze in shock in the middle of the stairs, literally. I saw that HE ACCEPTED MY REQUEST!!!!I ran down the stairs and push the door to go outside and rushed to my friends on the stairs but i saw Myungsoo and his friends.

"Accepted It!!!!!" I yelled out well i looked at Myungsoo. 

"what? who? what?" Su Min asked when i sat down and shoved my phone to her face.

"Him, It, That!" I said all excitedly.

"okay! -"

"Its his BIRTHDAY!" I yelled but not as loud.

"It is? wow, what are you going to do?" Ji Hee asked giving me the 'look.'

"NOTHING!" I said meaning what i said.

"Uh Huh." Bo Yun said with that look Ji Hee gave me.

I glared at all of them and ate my lunch. Today Zelo wasn't here because we talked over facebook and he asked me out ...again. But this time i said no because i really didn't like him anymore. So thats why but i told him we can be friends. I passes him in the hallways i looked at him but it seemed like he ignored me. So i was happy and all that good stuff and i was thinking about what i should do. I thought of it! I should text him since i got his number from facebook. His number was easy and i memorized it. I'll think of a plan later. 

"Hey i'll see you guys later!" Su Min said as she walked away while looking at Clay and Ji Hee snuggling together. I was disgusted, as always, but i think its too fast. This was like the third day they were dating and I never did that to Zelo. I felt bad that i said no to Zelo...ahh whatever it happens. I left with Jin when she came and sat with us after Su Min left. 


After school i went home with my friends and sister. I instantly got on my phone and text Myungsoo.

"aiesugbjsk" I texted going with my plan.

"what?" Myungsoo replied after like 30 seconds.

"sorry that was my 6-year-old cousin, she was messing with my phone." I lied about the cousin part. But this was my plan...haha.

"and who is this?" He asked and i panicked.

"Min Ji. I think I see you around at school." I said after a minute...It pasted 2 minutes and i texted him again.

"And who is this?" I pretended not knowing.

"L" he replied once more. 

"oh hey is it your birthday today?" I asked him like i knew him.

"yeah" He said and i knew he would say that.

"well Happy Birthday!" I said while smiling.

"thanks" he replied. 

"Well i hope you have a good one." i said and that was the last one.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH I DID IT SIS!" i yelled at my sister downstairs and my friends came running down to see whats up with the screaming.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Two Weeks later.

I got use to the school schedule and Myungsoo. So i see him aftre first period, at lunch, after 6th period, and after school. So in World History I meet a friend named Angie and Carrie was there too. So i moved my seat from the back to the front because yesterday after school in the beginning i asked the teacher if i could move my seat because i was distracted my the two annoying kids and she put me in the front with Carrie and Angie. So i walked in and sat inbetween them and waved too both of them. 

"so how are you?" I asked Angie as i get my notebook out.

"yeah, guess what its Zebra's birthday today." and she screamed as ''Zebra'' was sitting three seats behind us. 

"dude then say something." i glared at her and i was serious.

"did you say anything to L on his birthday?" She knew about my ''obsession'' with Myungsoo. 

"you should of saw what i did." I laughed and opened my notebook to the page.

"what'd you do?" She asked.

"i texted him..." and i smiled.

"did he text back?" she gave me a weird look.

"yeah..." i said and ignored her weird crap.

At the end of class i walked out and turned around and didn't see Angie. I waited with Yu Ri, another friend i meet who can be clueless most of the time. Finally she came out and had a weird joker smile on her face. 

"what?" i asked her as we walked outside.

"i said...Happy Birthday to Zebra!" and she slaps her face.

"what? i haven't even said anything to Myungsoo!"

"Hey i have to tell you something." She got serious.

"sure what?" I got kinda worried about it.

"Myungsoo, L, whatever yeah i..kinda liked...him." she said really slowly.



I'M SO SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T UPDATED AS MUCH I HAD A LOT OF CRAP I HAD TO DO. A TEST TODAY, AND A PROJECT DUE TODAY AND I JUST STARTED BUT I FINISHED IT. SO now i can write. I hope you liked it and ohhhh What is Min Ji going to react to that?

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shafkyulove #1
Chapter 19: Sorry its not bad like i dont wanna be mean but its such a hurried ending
shafkyulove #2
Chapter 19: Ur ending was bad and mean
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 19: OH.MY.GOD. U JUST END OFF LIKE THIS?!!! *cries* can make a squeal? Maybe make myungsoo likes her or sth?? T^T anyway I loved ur story ^3^
NicLuvGuiLun #4
Chapter 18: HOPE SHE ASKS HIM REAL SOON. IMMA GETTINF IMPATIENT >< hahhaha just update! Hwaiting! Update update update!!~~
kikiiosz #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update. But I'll have to be frank, what is the point of this chapter? Not to offend you or anything, but this chapter was just too much of her rambling on ):
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 17: Yayyy! It's updated!! XD I would dump those fwens if I were her ><
NicLuvGuiLun #7
Chapter 16: Awww... no more chapters to read :'( I srsly.. love this story ><
Greedy greedy greedy~ me want more chapters! XD
UPDATE sooooon! ㅠ.ㅠ
NicLuvGuiLun #8
Chapter 15: >< why are her fwens not listening to her anymore?! It's a terrible feeling ><
Hope you'll update soon!!
NicLuvGuiLun #9
So.. this is a life story about you!? Omg coooool! Can't wait to see your update xD