Facts I knew

Boy Trouble

I've been thinking things over, which I shouldn't but still... So I decided I can talked to Myungsoo over facebook and ask him for real this time. I needed to know right? Right. I needed to know for the fact if he likes me or not. I just really hope that he likes me because I have a lot of facts about why he does. 

Fact #1 

He told me in our first conversation that he likes someone in my gym class. It's not Carrie. 


He doesn't like Ji Hee


Natasha was dragging him, one day, around our hallway. He was like 'why?' and that was kind of funny.


He told Ji Hee and Su Min that who he liked would blow their minds. 


I told Carrie to see if Myungsoo liked that girl he was walking with last week at lunch. He said eehhh uummm but like a no answer. So I'm taking that as a No. They tried in sixth grade so I don't want them to try again this year.


When I talked to him, his would hide his face and would kind of like blush I guess. He would laugh and smile when I say things. 


During the ice skating field trip, when it was time to go and we all were at the lobby. He would walk around and I would just sit there with my phone. I was taking a video of him, it's creepy i know, so I was just looking at him then he came closer and closer so i looked at Angie and Salie. Then once I look at the video again he was looking at me and I didn't notice. He seemed like he wanted to talk but I guess I was with friends the whole time he was scared?


I believe he would not talk to a girl if their friends around them. When we were at the skating rink I saw Natasha and Myungsoo together and Myungsoo went behind Natasha and put her hoddie over her head. I was laughing then he came back but her friends were coming to her too so he backed out. 


Carrie said that he is a shy and funny boy. My other friend said that he is a hyper boy but not those jumping up and down ones. nonono, but the mellow ones. He is an athlete, I know that. Then Salie says that he is a straightforward guy...


I really like him and he knows that, well he kind of knows that I like him because he's a "ninja.'' I believe that he is. But I thought if would of been nice if he did one of those romantic lines from movies. But I don't really see him hugging, kissing, or even holding hands with a girl. Kind of ironic actually.


Now I have to do it, for real this time. Everyone of my friends are counting on me. I mean I can help Su Min and Alex but I can't help myself...I still don't get it. I needed to conquer my fear. Like what Salie said "is your fear that he might say no more important than knowing his answer?" My answer to that is...no. I did care about his answer but I needed to know his answer first. I guess. I was scared about his answer being no but after what Salie said I felt like that changed. I rather know his answer than wishing it wasn't the answer I didn't want to know. Salie is the wisest person I knew, then Carrie, then probably me but Angie too. Those three has always been there when I asked for their help, unlike my ''best'' friends. Who one says they're too lazy and has to do their homework, which I thought she should of done YESTERDAY because well duh obviously shes just too LAZY to do it...Then the other one is just reading magazines and listening to music and not listening to me but only the other person. Then comes the last one, she just doesn't have time for us anymore but just has to hang out with her boyfriend, under any circumstances they had to be with each other. It's not like standing next to each other in first period wasn't enough but they had to spend another hour together at lunch. I really think I needed new friends, I think my true friends are Carrie, Salie, and Angie, but Angie can get on my nerves sometimes but still she's still more helpful. I hope my so called BFFs see that they are changing and that I am drifting away from them.


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shafkyulove #1
Chapter 19: Sorry its not bad like i dont wanna be mean but its such a hurried ending
shafkyulove #2
Chapter 19: Ur ending was bad and mean
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 19: OH.MY.GOD. U JUST END OFF LIKE THIS?!!! *cries* can make a squeal? Maybe make myungsoo likes her or sth?? T^T anyway I loved ur story ^3^
NicLuvGuiLun #4
Chapter 18: HOPE SHE ASKS HIM REAL SOON. IMMA GETTINF IMPATIENT >< hahhaha just update! Hwaiting! Update update update!!~~
kikiiosz #5
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update. But I'll have to be frank, what is the point of this chapter? Not to offend you or anything, but this chapter was just too much of her rambling on ):
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 17: Yayyy! It's updated!! XD I would dump those fwens if I were her ><
NicLuvGuiLun #7
Chapter 16: Awww... no more chapters to read :'( I srsly.. love this story ><
Greedy greedy greedy~ me want more chapters! XD
UPDATE sooooon! ㅠ.ㅠ
NicLuvGuiLun #8
Chapter 15: >< why are her fwens not listening to her anymore?! It's a terrible feeling ><
Hope you'll update soon!!
NicLuvGuiLun #9
So.. this is a life story about you!? Omg coooool! Can't wait to see your update xD