
Sometimes... You just have to believe

I woke up feeling really happy. It was like everything finally fit into place and I was really excited to see my hubby. I got out of bed and started changing my clothes when suddenly I got a text from Myungsoo saying:


I’m sorry my baby-ah but I won’t be able to come to school today. :(

I have things I need to deal with. Sorry Baby-ah :(

I wub you

Your Myungie

I felt sad after reading his text. There I was getting excited to go to school because I get to see my hubby again and he won’t be able to come.

 I wonder what he meant by things to deal with. I started feeling weird about the whole thing. I then sent him a reply saying.


That’s okay my hubby :)

I’m gonna miss you though :( So so so so so so so so much :(

But I’ll be fine :)

I wub you too

Your baby

Walking to school without my Myungie felt different. Maybe I got used to having him around me all the time that I don’t know the feeling anymore to be without him.


I wanted the day to just end. As I got inside the classroom and onto my seat. I couldn’t stop thinking about him and what he meant by his message.

Throughout the day, I’ve been sending him occasional text messages. Asking him how he was doing and telling him how my day went and everything. But the weird thing is that I didn’t get an answer. Not one single reply.

Something’s up…

I thought to myself. I then decided to get to the bottom of this. I’m no spy but there’s something fishy in this whole thing.

So when the teacher asked if someone could take the notes to Myungsoo, I saw this as my chance to find out the truth. It’s not that I don’t trust him or anything, because I do. But it’s just the feeling of not knowing.

“Am I being a bad girlfriend?” “I am aren’t I?”

I looked like a lunatic talking to myself…

“Arggghhh I’m going crazy!”

But that still doesn’t mean that I can’t send him these notes. Yeah that’s it I’ll just go by his house to give him these.

On the way to his house I started feeling anxious. I stopped like 5 times just to catch my breath. Why am I feeling nervous, I mean come on just act normal Jiyeon.

So there I was at his doorstep looking at it wondering if I should ring the bell or not.

I finally mouthed up the courage to finally ring it. After moments of waiting, I heard loud footsteps bouncing their way to the door.  When the door suddenly opened and there he was, my hubby standing right in front of me. He was breathing heavily and he looked paler than usual.

“Jiyeon…” “What are you doing here?”

“Uhm…” “Well…” “The teacher wanted me to hand these over to you.” I answered.

“You didn’t have to.”

Hearing those words coming out from his mouth, felt like knives were being stabbed in my chest. I thought he would be happy seeing me but he was everything but happy.

Now that I think about it he was sweating and he didn’t look normal.

“Are you okay Myungsoo?”

I then place my hand on this forehead to feel it and it was hot as hell.

“Myungsoo, you have a fever.”

He then smacked my hand away.

“I’m fine…” “Nothing for you to worry about.”

“It’s everything for me to worry about.” I angrily said.

I then dragged him off to his room, pushed him on the bed and tucked him with blankets.

“You stay there and do not move an inch!”

“Baby-ah, I’m really fine.”

“No, you’re not and if you don’t shut up and rest, I am never talking to you again.”

I didn’t mean to say those words; it’s just that I wanted him to listen to me. And I guess it worked because he suddenly was silent.

“Good, now rest.”

He then fell asleep shortly afterwards.

I went downstairs, to see if I can make him some porridge. Luckily all the ingredients were there, so I started making it.

From time to time I would go and check on Myungsoo and wipe his face with a damp towel. I was happy his fever started to go down.

I then brought the porridge up to feed him.


“Hmmm…” Was all he could answer.

I then planted a light kiss on his lips. His eyes then opened at what I’ve done.

“Baby-ah you shouldn’t do that, I don’t want you to get sick too.”

“If I get sick then you have to take care of me too.”I answered.

“Still, I don’t want you getting sick.” he said.

“I don’t care.” I answered.

“Here eat this.”

I then started feeding him the porridge that I made.

“It’s burnt.”He said.


“Kidding, I love it baby-ah.” “Thank you…”

“I’m sorry hubby-ah…”

“What for?” he asked sounding worried.

“This morning when I got your message, I couldn’t think straight.” “You were being all secretive and then I got paranoid.” “And you didn’t answer my messages, then I got more paranoid and I acted really crazy.”

“I was worried that you were hiding something from me, which you were by the way.”

Having that in mind, I suddenly felt sad, I then tried to stand up to get away from him. When suddenly he pulled me towards him and started hugging me.

“I’m sorry, baby-ah.”

“I couldn’t tell you because I was afraid that you would get worried and I was right.””My phone then died on me so I couldn’t answer you.”

“I’m sorry for being grumpy too.” “I’ve never actually had someone care for me that much before and when you acted like that; I didn’t know how to deal with it.”

He then started hugging me tighter.

I felt so happy by his touch…

“I love my baby, you know that right?”


“I love you too, hubby-ah.” “Just don’t do it again.”

“I promise.” He answered.

We stayed in each other’s arms until we both fell asleep. I felt warm and safe and happy.

I just love my Myungie…


So yeah, finally an update ^-^ I’m so sorry guys if it’s been so long. L
I didn’t have the time to update and that’s why I made this chapter longer than normal.
Please continue to give all the love and support to my fanfic and your comments are very much appreciated.
I really hope you like this chapter. ^-^
I wub you all ^-^

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I'll update in a moment so please stay with me my lovely subbies ♥


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moon_babydino #1
Chapter 14: DAMN IT ! why everytime i read a great beautiful stories of myungyeon it is always not completed.this really makes me frustate. i want to cry ! huhuhu T__________T. but anyway authornim thank you for making this story.Both thumbs for you ! This is DAEBAK ! one of my favorite .there's a lot of cute and fluffy moments. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IT so much! lol <3 .i will consider that this chapter fourteen is the ending. but still i hoping one day authornim you change your mind and update this story :)
Mammoth #2
Chapter 14: HAHAHAHA They're so sweet gosh! And they keep kissing lmao!
Chapter 14: Myungyeon ah!!ppalli ppalli..live together, married and have many little Myungsoo and Jiyeon!!!hahahaha..I love this chapter..muahahaha..
myungyeon4reals #4
Chapter 14: Yay! Please update soon
Chapter 14: They are so sweet!! Reading this also gives me butterflies in my stomach, kekeke. Can't wait to see the next chapter :)
melissaghehe #6
Chapter 13: <3 <3 <3 <3
stacyberd #7
Chapter 13: Awesome!when u got married?
hahaha,pls give them little jiyeon and myungsoo.
so cute couple.myungyeon fighting.
Chapter 13: So sweet , how i love them lovey-dovey moment . Update soon , authornim . . . I get butterflies in my tummy , right now .
melissaghehe #9
Chapter 12: I seriously love your story.
It's just so cute!!
I demand an update.
algaiaknight #10
Chapter 11: OMG how come they become so lovey-dovey make me so jealous ahaha...keep up the good work =)