Lovey Dovey

Sometimes... You just have to believe


Myungsoo, shocked after I initiated yet another kiss, looked at me with his eyes wide open. I started to chuckle at how cute he looked.

“You make me happy.”I said.

He then smiled at me but his expression changed soon after seeing my red cheeks.

“What happened to you cheeks?”

“It’s nothing, I’m fine.”

“It’s not, nothing! Who did this?”

I then placed my finger on his lips to shush him.

“Oppa, I’m fine, seriously.”

Not wanting to pry any further, he then started to caress my cheeks.

“You should tell me you know, if something like this happens.”

“I’m your boyfriend and I have to be able to protect the one I love.”

“You’ll tell me won’t you?” “If something like this happens again.”

“I, promise.”

His eyes then softened and his face then turns into a smirk.

“You should initiate the kiss more often.”


Feeling embarrassed about what I just did, I turned around to not let him see my red face.

He then placed his hands around my waist, giving me a back hug.

“You make me happy too.” He said.

We stayed in that position for about a minute or so.  It made me really happy to hear those words. My boyfriend is just so perfect. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

So there we were, walking on the way home. Hand in hand with smiles on our faces. I really did not want it to end.

“Why don’t we go get dinner, my treat?” He asked.

“Or would you rather, that I take you home?”

“No, no, I want to go have dinner.”I said.

He couldn’t help but chuckle at my answer.

Why does he always have to tease me? But I love him for it.

At the restaurant, I notice all the girls there eyeing my Myungsoo. I couldn’t help but feel jealous. I mean, I know he’s good looking and all but still, why do they have to keep doing that when I’m here.


“What’s wrong?”

I then started pouting my lips, turned myself to the side, completely ignoring his presence.

Myungsoo then started looking around and I guess he understood my unusual attitude, because he then turned me around, making me face him.

“You don’t have to feel jealous, you know.”

“Those girls are nothing compared to you.”

He then cupped my cheeks and planted a kiss on my lips. All the girls started to walk away knowing that he was taken.

“I’m sorry.”I said.

“I know I shouldn’t be acting like a spoiled little brat but it’s just that I can’t stand seeing those girls look at you.”

He then started grinning at my answer.

“I like seeing you, jealous.”

“I’d rather have a girlfriend who gets jealous then a girlfriend who lets girls look at me and be okay with it.”

“So I’m happy.” “It shows that you care.”

I held his hand, intertwined our fingers and then tightened my grip.

“I really love you.”I said.

When the waiter came back with our order, Myungsoo widened his eyes at the amount of food that was place before us.

“Are you really gonna eat all of that?”He asked.

“Of course, every single bite.”

Myungsoo couldn’t help but laugh at my answer. That night I ate to my heart’s content. I finished everything that was placed on that table.

“Yah!” “How could someone with a small body like yours eat so much?”

“I love food.”I said happily.

“That I can see.” He answered.

On the way home it has already gotten dark. Normally if I were alone, I would have been so scared to walk home alone but with Myungsoo here with me I felt really safe.

The stars were shining really brightly that night, it was beautiful. But still not as beautiful as the boy, standing beside me.

As we were almost near my house. I started walking slower not wanting it to end.  I wanted to stay with Myungsoo.

I guess he understood what I meant because he too then started walking slower.

“You love me that much, to walk slower?”

“No, I just wanted to walk more.”

He then started to pout at my answer. Seeing him pout made me giggle.

“Of course it’s because of you.” I said.

We were already near my doorstep and I knew then that we had to say goodbye. I started sighing at the thought.

Myungsoo then looked at me and started to smile. He then pulled me towards him and hugged me tightly.

My heart started beating fast at his sudden actions. I then replied the hug with a kiss on his lips. We kissed until we both were out of breath.

He then gave me another peck on my lips and said.

“Goodnight, my love.”

“Goodnight.”I answered with a smile.


So here is another update ^-^
Hope you guys like it ^-^
Please do comment on what you think ^-^
I ♥ U all ^-^









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moon_babydino #1
Chapter 14: DAMN IT ! why everytime i read a great beautiful stories of myungyeon it is always not completed.this really makes me frustate. i want to cry ! huhuhu T__________T. but anyway authornim thank you for making this story.Both thumbs for you ! This is DAEBAK ! one of my favorite .there's a lot of cute and fluffy moments. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IT so much! lol <3 .i will consider that this chapter fourteen is the ending. but still i hoping one day authornim you change your mind and update this story :)
Mammoth #2
Chapter 14: HAHAHAHA They're so sweet gosh! And they keep kissing lmao!
Chapter 14: Myungyeon ah!!ppalli together, married and have many little Myungsoo and Jiyeon!!!hahahaha..I love this chapter..muahahaha..
myungyeon4reals #4
Chapter 14: Yay! Please update soon
Chapter 14: They are so sweet!! Reading this also gives me butterflies in my stomach, kekeke. Can't wait to see the next chapter :)
melissaghehe #6
Chapter 13: <3 <3 <3 <3
stacyberd #7
Chapter 13: Awesome!when u got married?
hahaha,pls give them little jiyeon and myungsoo.
so cute couple.myungyeon fighting.
Chapter 13: So sweet , how i love them lovey-dovey moment . Update soon , authornim . . . I get butterflies in my tummy , right now .
melissaghehe #9
Chapter 12: I seriously love your story.
It's just so cute!!
I demand an update.
algaiaknight #10
Chapter 11: OMG how come they become so lovey-dovey make me so jealous ahaha...keep up the good work =)