First real date

Sometimes... You just have to believe

That night Myungsoo brought me home.

“The spaghetti was really yummy, you should cook more often.”

“You mean cook for you more often, don’t you?”He teased.

“Maybe Haha”



“Let´s go on a date tomorrow.” “I mean, that is if you want too.”

“Of course I want to!” Holding his hand tighter to make sure he understood what I meant.

He started to laugh at my silly actions.

“Okay baby-ah, tomorrow well go on a date.”

I was so happy, finally our first real date. I couldn´t help but giggle all the way home.

The night went by faster than I expected and before I knew it, it was already morning. I got up extra early to get ready. It took me a big amount of time to choose what to wear. I just want this day to go perfect.

When suddenly the doorbell rings…


I opened the door to see my hubby standing right in front of me. I then gave him a kiss on the lips and he happily answered my kiss.


He then looked at my outfit and frowned.

“Baby-ah, I want you to go up and change.”

“Why?” “Do I look awful?”

I looked at what I was wearing and I didn´t quite get the reason why Myungsoo wanted me to change. I was wearing a floral dress and I thought it was really cute.

“No that´s just the point, you look perfect and I don´t want other guys looking at you!” “This dress is just too short.” “Go and wear something else!”

“No way, I like what I´m wearing.”

“Baby-ah please?” He said with a cute voice.

“For me?”

He was looking at me with those puppy eyes and I just couldn´t say no.


I stomped my feet as I went to change. He then grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. He gave me a long kiss on the lips.

“I meant it, when I said you look perfect.”

I then started blushing at what he said. He really knows how to change my mood.

After I changed into my outfit, I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. But still it was funny to see Myungsoo get all jealous.

We then headed out to start our date.

“Where are we going anyway?” I asked.

“Well my baby can decide.” “I will go wherever you want to go.”

“Really?” “Okay, well I’ve always wanted to go to an amusement park.”

“Then amusement park it is.”

As we got there, the park was filled with people. Myungsoo´s grip on my hand got tighter as we walked through the crowd. I then gave him a confused look.

“I just don´t want to lose you.” He said.

Awww, can my boyfriend get any cheesier?

We stopped to get some ice cream. Myungsoo got the chocolate flavored one, while he got me vanilla.

“How´d you know I like vanilla?”

“It was just a wild guess.”He answered.

“Well, it was the right one.”

After eating, we went on a lot of rides. We rode the roller coaster, but I learned right then and there that roller coasters aren´t my thing. I couldn´t stop screaming and hitting Myungsoo all the way till the end. I looked like a freaking lunatic. And Myungsoo, instead of calming me down like a good boyfriend should do. He just laughed at my strange behavior.

“You´re cute, when you get scared.” “We should ride that thing more often.” He said while laughing.

I started glaring at him.

“Kidding, kidding.”

Just then, a large big white teddy bear caught my eye. It was one of those kinds of things where, if you like shoot enough cans and making them fall that you will win a prize. Lots of couples were doing it.

“You want one?” He asked.

“Want what?”

“You know what I mean, the teddy bear.” “You have been staring at it the whole time.”

“I wasn´t staring at it the whole entire time but yes I do want one.” I cheekily said.

Myungsoo then paid the guy and got three tries to shoot all of the cans. But he didn´t even need the three tries since well, cause you know, he´s Myungsoo.

He then handed me my teddy bear. I was happy of how loving Myungsoo was acting towards me.

“I love my teddy bear.” “I´m gonna call him, my Myung Myung.”

Myungsoo couldn´t help but chuckle at what I said.

He then pecked me on my lips. We stood there with our lips locked for a few minutes.

“As long as he doesn´t get more attention than I do then it´s okay.”

We then started walking again. We were headed to the Ferris wheel when I suddenly needed to go to the bathroom. Myungsoo then waited for me outside while I went.

I was headed back to where Myungsoo was and I couldn´t help but feel so happy at how perfect our date was going.

That was until I saw Myungsoo with some other girls. They were touching him while laughing and the worst part was that Myungsoo wasn´t doing anything about it.

He just stood there…


Here is another update you guys ^-^
I don't how much I can update next week, it all depends on me having the time hehe.
So please bear with me ^-^
I hope you all can comment on what you think.
Your comments really make my day.
It makes me want to update more^-
I love you all and I hope you all have a great week ^-^











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I'll update in a moment so please stay with me my lovely subbies ♥


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moon_babydino #1
Chapter 14: DAMN IT ! why everytime i read a great beautiful stories of myungyeon it is always not completed.this really makes me frustate. i want to cry ! huhuhu T__________T. but anyway authornim thank you for making this story.Both thumbs for you ! This is DAEBAK ! one of my favorite .there's a lot of cute and fluffy moments. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IT so much! lol <3 .i will consider that this chapter fourteen is the ending. but still i hoping one day authornim you change your mind and update this story :)
Mammoth #2
Chapter 14: HAHAHAHA They're so sweet gosh! And they keep kissing lmao!
Chapter 14: Myungyeon ah!!ppalli together, married and have many little Myungsoo and Jiyeon!!!hahahaha..I love this chapter..muahahaha..
myungyeon4reals #4
Chapter 14: Yay! Please update soon
Chapter 14: They are so sweet!! Reading this also gives me butterflies in my stomach, kekeke. Can't wait to see the next chapter :)
melissaghehe #6
Chapter 13: <3 <3 <3 <3
stacyberd #7
Chapter 13: Awesome!when u got married?
hahaha,pls give them little jiyeon and myungsoo.
so cute couple.myungyeon fighting.
Chapter 13: So sweet , how i love them lovey-dovey moment . Update soon , authornim . . . I get butterflies in my tummy , right now .
melissaghehe #9
Chapter 12: I seriously love your story.
It's just so cute!!
I demand an update.
algaiaknight #10
Chapter 11: OMG how come they become so lovey-dovey make me so jealous ahaha...keep up the good work =)