Nobody But You

You're Still The One

Joyce: I’ll give him a 4.

Shaina: He’s actually in two of my classes and had been very nice to me so I’ll be a little kind and give him a 5.

Mel: Puhleeze! Stick to the criteria. Being nice doesn’t change the fact that he’s a two!

Joyce, Shaina, Mel and Kim were at a café, catching up with each other’s love lives and enjoying their favourite past time…ing on guys and rating their wet factor.

Mel: Oh my God delicious Sam at 3 o’clock!

Shaina: Mmm… Now that’s a definite 10!

“With a man like that, who needs ?” Mel sighed dreamily.

Joyce: Shaina honey, turn with your eyes not your head.

Kim: Too late he’s heading this way. Hold on to your girls!

Sam: Hey ladies! Hey Kim! Love seeing those gorgeous smiles. You all seem extremely happy this morning.

“Hi Sam!”

Mel: You bring happiness out in a woman!

Shaina: Mel!

Mel: What? It’s true!

Sam: Hehe…You’re a classic Mel. What about you Kim? Do I have the same effect on you?

Kim: Huh? Uhm…well, you’re gorgeous and you know it.

Sam: Missing in action yata ang mga bodyguards nyo ah.

Kim: Ladies’ day out.

Sam: Oh right. Well, I better make an exit before you turn me into a lady then eh? Good to see you girls outside school. Bye Kim.

Mel: Oh no! You don’t have to go. We can bend any rules, basta ikaw.

Sam: Sorry ladies but I’m supposed to be meeting up with Leo and the boys. Maybe next time.

“See ya Sam!”

Shaina: Mel! Ang landi mo talaga!

Mel: What? Is it my fault that I can make a man feel flattered with my honesty?

Joyce: Well, the guy can cause accidents with just a smile.

Mel: And that body in a figure-hugging shirt!

Kim: He does have nice biceps.

Joyce: And he was so totally flirting with you!

Kim: He was not!

Shaina: The guy is always more friendly to you than to any of us.

Kim: Girls, have you forgotten that I have my own hottie armed with an even cuter accident-causing smile and just as nice a body?

Shaina: We know. You remind us and make us envy every darn day.

Mel: I bet Sam can kiss better.

Kim noticed Mel winking at Joyce and had that wicked smile that always causes suspicion.

Joyce: I bet Sam is more romantic.

Kim: Excuse me but Gerald is a wonderful, caring, loving boyfriend! He’s a great kisser…I don’t think anyone can knock off my the way his kisses can…and my man is amazing in bed okay?!

Gerald: Glad to hear that I have been keeping my woman happy.

“Crap!” Kim was stunned to hear and feel Gerald sneaking up right behind her. “How long have you been there?”

Gerald chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. “Long enough to hear you brag about how amazing I am in bed!”

Kim: Mel, you are so evil!

Matt: Tell me about it! Mel dear…what am I gonna do with you?!

Kim: What are you guys doing here? I thought you guys were doing your own thing today?

Joaqui: Eh kasi yang mga mister ninyo, hindi mapakali. Worried na may ibang guys na aaligid sa inyo.

Gerald: I wasn’t worried. I have just missed you babe. Basketball is really not the same without my y cheerleader. (He pulled her closer still, tempted to kiss her lips but she was trying to evade his advances so he settled for her cheeks instead.)

Matt: Yeah, I missed that pain in the na nang-aasar sa akin everytime I miss the ball.

Joaqui: Naku kunwari pa kayo! Although na miss nyo talaga sila, you were more worried more than anything.

Matteo: Yeah these two kept complaining about how y you girls dressed today at kung sinong mga lalaki ang makikipag-usap sa inyo.

Kim: Nagseselos ka babe?

Gerald: Huh? Me? Of course not! Is it so wrong to want to protect my girlfriend against hoodlums out there?

Kim: So you don’t think that I can look after myself?

Gerald: Of course you can babe. All I’m saying is that some guys can be so shameless. Hindi man lang marunong rumespeto sa girls kahit na alam nilang may boyfriend na, pinopormahan pa rin. Nakaka turn-off yan di ba no matter how good-looking he is!

Kim giggled and pinched his cheeks. “Don’t worry babe, walang binatbat yan si Sam sa’yo. Granted he’s gorgeous but you’ve got the whole package and more.”

Gerald: Sure, ipamukha mo sa akin na you think he’s gorgeous! And don’t think I’m not aware that you fantasize about his biceps!

Kim: Mmmm…Ang cute mo talaga when you’re jealous! In the risk of expanding your ego, para sa akin mas gwapo ka and I’d rather have your biceps wrapped around me any day!

Gerald: Sweetheart you gotta have to up a little better than that to get out of trouble.

Mel: Geez, can’t you guys chill? We were just having a little bit of fun!

Gerald: So, this is what you girls get up to when we’re not around huh?

Kim: Hey I wasn’t doing anything wrong!

Gerald: Dude, why is it that it’s completely okay for girls to e and flirt with guys but if we are ever caught looking at another girl, we are immediately branded as complete A-holes and get sent to the doggy house?

Matt: There is just no justice in the world.

Mel: Because men cannot be trusted. The minute you check out some girl, you are already humping her in your head. Whereas we women have a bit more class than that. When we look at a man, we are simply admiring the wonderful art form right before us.

Gerald: Oh sure, when you’re looking at a man’s you really are thinking about such boring subject as art!

Matt: Seriously, we leave you girls alone for a minute and it doesn’t take you long to start worshipping some other guy!

Mel: Come on! Don’t be such a dork honey. We’re not talking about just some guy here, it’s Sam! The God of all that is so Godly in a man! Give me the freedom to score a man of his caliber kahit sa ilusyon ko man lang ano!

Matt: Fine! Go magsama kayo ng God of all Gods mo! (Matt stormed out.)

Kim: Uh-oh! I think you just got yourself in serious trouble bestfriend.

Mel: Hay naku, kisses lang ang katapat ng tampo nyan…especially where I plan to kiss him!

Shaina: Okay! That was a little too much information than I cared to hear!

Mel: Wish me luck on my mission girls. I have a man to seduce into oblivion.

Kim: I think you’re gonna need more than luck and a lot less clothes sweetie.

Joaqui: Hehe…Kawawang Matt. He can never win. She’s got him exactly where she wants him.

Gerald: Don’t you be giggling there missy! You’re not off the hook yet.

Kim placed her hands around Gerald’s neck then sweetly caressed his cheek with her fingers. “Baby have I mentioned how lucky I am to have such an incredibly gorgeous, y, loving boyfriend?”

Gerald: Getting warmer…

Kim: Just one smile and you’ve got me falling head over heels in love with you babe.

He didn’t want to give in so easily. Although he didn’t want to admit it, he was outraged when he saw Sam flirting with Kim. He wanted to beat the guy up. He wasn’t thrilled to see Kim smiling back and being nice to the guy.

Although he tried to tell himself to resist, he was powerless. She was armed with sweet words, loving caresses and a smile that can always make him weak. Shaking his head in surrender, he couldn’t help himself and pulled her closer against his body and gave her a quick smack on the lips. “Woman pasalamat ka I’m so crazily in love with you!”

Kim: I knew hindi mo naman talaga ako matiis babe!

Gerald: What can I say? You make it impossible for me to stay mad. Besides, you did say I’m incredible in bed. (He held her close and winked at his blushing girlfriend.)

Kim: How can you be sure I was talking about you?

Gerald raised his eyebrows looking a little agitated. “Kimmy you better have been talking about me!”

“Or else what?” Kim teasingly smiled, placing her hands on her hips.

He cupped her face and brought his lips within a centimeter away from hers. “Or else I’ll be compelled to show this whole café some proof.”

“Yeah, sure”, she scoffed, casually disregarding his threat. Before she could say another word, Gerald dipped her lower and consumed in a long, scorching, breathtaking kiss. She held on to his neck for support as his kisses took all the strength off her knees.

She finally noticed that the background noises were hollers and whistles as she emerged all red-faced.

Kim: Gerald!

Gerald: Oh ano? Maghahanap ka pa ba ng iba?

Kim: Baby naman, you know ikaw lang talaga ang love ko eh! Wa’g ka nang magtampo. Nobody does it better…no one else comes close… (Started singing and smiling teasingly)…and who can love you like me…who can do you all night long…nobody, baby…

Gerald tried but he just couldn’t suppress a giddy, excited smile. The knot he felt on his stomach seems to be directly connected to his groin having a hard time thinking of anything else but intimate moments with his temptress.

“God baby, you got me so ! Let’s go back home.” He whispered as he ushered her out of their table and towards the exit.

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athenskg #1
hello kgjhean09, thanks again :)
MarieKG #2
OMGosh!!! Thank you so much for sharing it and posting it here. So excited to read it. :)))))
athenskg #3
hello kgjhean09, thanks a lots for posting this kimerald ff, i was looking for this, thanks again :)
update soon