Chapter 5

The Faces Of My Idol

Rated M for language, but it's nothing too mild as well.


I groan as I punch the alarm clock off to the ground, and it still keeps ringing. I slowly get up and stretch my arms, I reach for the alarm clock and switch it off. My eyes widened after I noticed what time it was right now. I immediately get ready for school and then head downstairs, I quickly make a toast bread for myself and run out of the house.

I'm biting toast bread as I cycle through the neighborhood, I'm pretty lucky since my house is near school. I do this all the time. Even if my parents are there, they'll also panic along with me when they realize that the both of them are late for work. Guess I do really take after my parents, huh?

It was a good thing that they're not here or else I would have to wait while they shower. After reaching school, I leave my bicycle at the bicycle lot. I gulp as I saw the teacher in charge for patrolling and punishing the late students on Friday.

Why oh why?! Out of all the teachers, why does it have to be the teacher that is in charge of the karate-club?! When the teacher sees me, he pointed his long wooden ruler at me and then says, "50 times push-ups, now!" I flinch and start to do as he tells me. Thank goodness I have the habit of wearing shorts underneath my skirts or else it would've been darn awkward!

"How many times have the teachers told you not to be late?! Every week, there would always be one or more days you would come late!" The situation wasn't nice enough with me doing push-ups, but the teacher just has to make it worse by nagging me. Sheesh, he's so hard on me. I swear he doesn't do this to other students.

"Omo, Chaeree?"

I stopped pushing up and my whole body fell on the ground as I hear someone call me by my name, it wasn't a girl's voice. I look up and saw Key. I quickly stand up as I slowly wave to him, "H-hello..." He smiles brightly at me, "Haha, can't believe we're shooting the drama in your school!"

I blink a few times and start to grin widely, it's the normal Key, again!

He looks at the teacher with curious eyes and asks him, "Um, I'm not interrupting something, right?" I gulp as I turn around to look at the teacher, who surprisingly says, "N-no! You're not interrupting anything! C-can I have your signature?"

My mouth hangs open as wide as it could get, I cannot believe what I am seeing! I wished that I've risked myself and brought a camera to school! This will be one of the greatest scoops in school! I can already imagine it being in the news! The tittle will be printed big and bold, it'll say, 'Shocking news! Karate teacher is a fan boy?!'

After he got a signature, he surprisingly lets me off the hook this time. So, now I was walking side by side with my bias, Key!

"Um, hello?? Chaeree???" 

I soon snap out of my daydream and apologize to him. "Um, what were you saying?" He smiles at me and says, "I'm sorry for insulting you with... terrible words yesterday." I wave my hands as I say, "It's okay! I mean, that's what you think, right? So yeah..."

Oh no, it's awkward again.  



I made a hand gesture for him to start first and he says, "Thanks for understanding Kim, some people really hate him." I tilt my head as I repeat what he said in a more questionable way, "Kim?"

He nods as he says, "He's the one yesterday. Each of us has a name!" I nod and ask him, "Then you're..?" He bows at me and says, "I'm Key! Haha, it's probably because I often come out so I go with my stage name." I can't help but actually feel a bit cheerful being near Key, he's just so... cheerful.

Hmm, I wonder how many personalities he has, though. Just then, I saw him stopping. I look at him in confusion, "Um, Key?" He sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose, "It's Kim, you weirdo." I blink and bow 90 degrees as I say, "U-um, nice to meet you, Kim! I'm Shin Chaeree!"

He ignores what I say and pushes me away, "Get the out of my way." My eye twitch as I heard another bad word, I was never good with bad words. "Plus, why do you keep on clinging on me? I mean like, there's Onew, Taemin and the others! Ugh, why do I have to get this b*tch."

I bit my lips and say, "Well, I like you, isn't that obvious?" 

He stares at me with an annoyed expression. "You don't like ME. You like KEY." I clench my fist as I say, "I-I will definitely make every single one of you fall for me!" He groans as he scratches his head in annoyance, "Well, I don't need you to like me!!"

We both look into each others eyes challengingly and I finally back off when someone greets me, "Chaeree!" I turn to the direction of the voice and saw Onew, I can't help but feel a bit happy that he remembered my name, "U-um, hello!" Kim scoffs and points at me as he says, "See, you've already changed your mind."

I quickly reply him back stubbornly, "I did not!"

"Did to!"

"Did not!!"



Onew, who was stuck in between soon cannot take it anymore and shouts, "STOP!!"

I blink and realize how childish I was, I look at Kim as I say firmly, "I will make you like me!" Onew sighs and says, "I didn't know you were serious about that, I thought you hate him now." I shake my head and then say, "No I don't." 

Kim groans and gives me an annoyed look, "Stop making me lose my cool everytime!"

I got a feeling that I should start right from the scratch. 

"Let's just be friends first, deal?" 

He frown and say, "I don't want to have anything to do with you." I look at him with annoyed eyes and say, "It's either your friend, or your stalker, choose." I see him twitching his eyebrows and then he finally says, "Fine! Be my freaking friend, then!"

I smile and then start to follow him again, "So tell me, what are you guys doing here?" Onew smile and then replies, "We're going to shoot a drama here." My eyes sparkle as I get excited. Is this going to happen?! In all those fanfictions that I've read, there will be a scene where the group goes to a school to shoot a drama and there'll be an audition for whichever student of the school that wants to join.

I soon came back to reality after I tripped and fell, Kim starts to laugh at me like a madman, "Ahahaha, suits you right, b*tch!!" I look at him with annoyed eyes and says, "Fine, then, no more miss nice girl anymore, looks like I have to use the hard way, then!" He was going to reply, but before he could do that, I hug his arm as tight as I could, just like glue.

"H-Hey!! Get the away from me!!"

I frown again, "Unless you promise to stop saying bad words, it's a deal!" He scoffs and says, "Hell no!" I smirk and made my grip tighter. "Um, Kim, I think you really should j-" He then stops moving as he says, "Fine, then! Let's see how long you can last sticking with me like glue!" I gulp, this is not good, it's not what I've planned.

He walks toward the teacher before. Oh no, if he sees me like this he'll probably get mad since I'm hogging his favorite idol. Well, it's not like I could give up, not now! "Hello, may I know where the toilet is?" I am still hugging his hand but this time I purposely stand behind him and try to hide my face from the teacher.

The teacher just smiles and pointed to right. He thanks him and I was safe again!

Wait a minute, the toilet?!

I quickly pull him back. "What the hell?" He pulls back and soon we were in the game of tug of war. Onew just stares blankly at us like we were complete psychos. 

The others are starting to arrive as well, "Hyung, what took you so long?" Taemin's voice is heard but I don't really bother much about him, only focusing on pulling Kim away from the toilet. I grab the nearest tree as I cling onto his arm. I probably look like a chimpanzee right now.

"Let. Me. GO!"

My grip got tighter as he said that. I see Jonghyun coming near in concern. The fellow Dinosour was holding a rope, just the thing that I needed! I quickly snatch it away from him and then take the chance to tie Key's hand on mine.

Although I don't want to admit it but the ONLY talent I have is probably tying a knot tightly that it could only be let out by cutting it, with a knife. "What the?! I can't untie it!" Minho face palms at the sight of us as he reaches the scene last, "What have I missed?"

Kim looks at them with pleading eyes, "You guys??? I need some help!"

Taemin was going to help but Jonghyun stops him, the fellow dino simply smirks as he says, "Let's just sit and watch the show."

I smile widely at him as a sign of thanks, maybe he has some problems with Kim as well?

"Ugh, fine then! I'll make sure the time you spend with me would be a living hell!" I gulp, even though I knew he did exaggerate it a bit but this personality doesn't tell lies, at all.

I just hope I can survive the day.


Yay~! Another chapter!! I'm enjoying myself here XXD  Gif spam~


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Omg so damn cuteee this story jjang!
Chapter 17: LOL I wonder how that cousin of hers would have felt if he realized that a famous person just bought a cake there xD
Chapter 16: YOURE BAAAAAACKKKK!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D late updates are better than none :3 I feel bad for Jimin being hit by the door but honestly I laughed at it xD soooo you like Onew but love key? And you also love yeollie? XD I like key a loooot but Onew is forever :3 I also like chanyeol a lot but suhos my favorite :3 I guess I'm a big fan of the big hearted leaders lol
b2utygonnabastalker #4
Chapter 16: Uh, Dude. Thanks for promoting by fics, But PLEASE, do not promote it is VERY unsatisfying.. and thank you very much for guilt-tripping again But it ain't gonna work you manipulative excuse of a human.(I can totally see where this is coming from.) And I can see that I have less to edit now. Praise the lord.(am not Christian)
Chapter 15: Then I shall wait :P FIGHTING AUTHOR-NIM! ^^
Chapter 14: Nooooooo kimmmy!!!!!! Just because onews my bias doesn't mean I don't like you too!!! T.T
b2utygonnabastalker #7
Chapter 13: Nagging u really made u a better author. Lol
b2utygonnabastalker #8
Chapter 13: Otl. Are u sure they're not possessed or something?
b2utygonnabastalker #9
Chapter 13: I JUST TOLD U NOT TO EXPOSE ME! AND NOT TO CALL ME MELLOW! Just call me by my name.

Btw... I Love how onew is a sweet guy here. Lol. Key. Real evil diva. And I thought he liked her when he hid behind tht tree.but my guess is that she ends up with key. I will see how this goes then..
Chapter 13: Hah! Jokes on you Key! I like your Kim personality most xD Kim seems extremely adorably grumpy and childish xD especially when you try ignoring him hehe