Chapter 12

The Faces Of My Idol

I know I might get too paranoid sometimes, but I'm pretty sure something's wrong here. 

I quickly search through my bag, wanting to make sure that I didn't forget to bring anything. After triple-checking my bag and making sure that I've brought everything, I quickly take out a small mirror and check how I look, hoping that nothing funny is on my face. I sigh as I wonder maybe the weather had actually cool down a bit. Just after a moment of standing under the same hot blazing sun, I already feel like melted ice-cream. 

Despite the hot and annoying weather, everything looks normal, though. Gosh, maybe I'm really getting more paranoid than usual. This is definitely not good, I really should stop worrying too much. After all, they say if you worry too much, you'll get older. When you get older, you won't have any more real teeth. Then, you have to buy fake teeth, which costs a fortune and I would definitely not spend my money on buying something stupid like that. Then again, if I don't buy any fake teeth, I can't taste the sweetness of chocolate or the delicious taste of other crunchy and crispy foods.

"Chae, have you seen Onew?"

Ohmigosh, that's right! Onew isn't here yet! Well, at least now I know that my sixth sense isn't so bad. In fact, I'm pretty sure I can make a good fortune teller. Sure, I might need to lie and what I say might be just prediction but I still can get the money. I'll just escape before they find me and sue me and live with guilt wherever I go.

Speaking about guilt, I sure hope Onew's not sick because of what happened yesterday or else the guilt would just kill me. Even though in the end I did tell him to do something crazy but it was real fun hanging out with Onew. Just before we could go to anywhere with even more people, I had to disguise him up. The disguise was just so awesome and superb that not even a single person noticed that it was Onew. Yeah, I'm amazing and cool just like that.

"Uh, Chae?"

Oh right, I almost forgotten about Minah. Minah's also one of the few chosen ones that get to act in the drama, I find her company quite pleasant sometimes because she isn't as annoying or cold as the others. Right, I better answer her question.

"No, I haven't seen the guy at all. Why the question?"

Minah simply rolls her eyes, obviously hinting a tad bit of annoyance. She sighs and tilts her head to the direction of a group of the other chosen girls for the dramas. Gosh, if they are really curious about Onew and are really his fans, they could ask the director instead of me. 

"You must have it hard, huh?" She scoffs, "You don't even know the whole story. Too bad I'm not as cool or brave as you to actually call them crazy and end up spending the whole shooting time without much company. I sometimes wonder how you could still stay so happy and cheerful without that much friends with you." I shrug, not really understanding what's so bad about hanging alone rather than hanging out with people that truly annoy you. Isn't it better if you avoid those types of people? If I chose to hang out with them, I would probably be spending my entire time disagreeing and rolling my eyes at all their statements. 

Minah then thanks me and quickly return back to the small group. I see all of them looking a tad bit disappointed, but soon started chatting away, probably trying to distract themselves with other interesting topics.

Slowly, I start to feel a hint of envy towards them. No, I'm not envious that I can't be as annoying as some of them. Instead, I'm quite envious that they can talk and hang out as a group in school. Sure, I have Hyunjae but we don't hang out as much as before since she's busy with her part-time job. I'm pretty glad that SHINee are actually kind enough to make some small talk with me from time to time, especially Onew.

I'm getting worried about Onew though, last night I practically forced him to dance in the rain.

What? I was curious how it feels.

Actually, it feels pretty awesome and cool if you ask me. The only thing that's not awesome is that you'll feel freaking cold afterwards and that you'll have to go through the trouble of drying up your clothes. People usually get sick but my immune system is actually a bit stronger than other people, that's exactly why I'm feeling worried for Onew, not all people has awesome immune system as me.

Luckily, I see someone who can give me some answers now.


The said maknae turns around and gives me a bow, making me bow in reply. Then, we find ourselves bowing at each other non-stop. You see, it was quite awkward to stop bowing since if I stopped first, it seems like I'm disrespecting him and acknowledging that I have a bit of a higher level than he does. 

Still bowing with him, I finally break the awkward bowing session, "Let's stop bowing now, starting from you."

Just like I said, he stops bowing first, making me stop too. I'm seriously starting to wonder whether the guy has a weird hobby of bowing. Well, I don't really blame him. In fact, I find his polite attitude a bit cute. He is indeed the maknae of the group. Finally remembering my true intentions, I quickly ask him, "Have you seen Onew?"

He shrugs, I can tell that he's getting a bit uncomfortable here. There's definitely something fishy with this situation. "He's doing fine, nothing happened." I furrow my eyebrows after hearing his answer to my question. "That wasn't my question, Taemin-sshi." Gosh, I think I actually sounded a bit scary just now. The guy looks like a thief being caught red-handed. I see him trying to avoid eye-contact with me as he fidgets, he looks more anxious and nervous than usual.

"Is Onew... sick?"

Taemin widens his eyes as his mouth starts to repeat the action of closing and opening, he looks like a little bit like a goldfish. Wow, I guess my sixth sense and guessing skills are really improving a whole lot, huh?

"No, I'm not."

I turn around and see Onew standing there, looking perfectly healthy. In fact, the guy actually looks a tad bit cheerful than usual. I'm actually to feel a bit confused with this entire situation. I turn to Taemin, hoping that he could give me some explanation, but I only see him looking as confused as I am. "H-hyung, what are you-?"

"I went back to take something I left. Didn't Minho tell you anything?"

Taemin shrugs, and shakes his head. "P-perhaps he did, but I've forgotten." I feel utterly confused and I hate feeling like that, it makes me feel so vulnerable, you know? That's why, I'm not going to just give up on my gut feeling that something is definitely wrong here.

"Wait a minuteI thought Onew is-"

The said guy simply chuckles and pats my head, making my confidence waver a little bit. "Hey, hey... I'm here. That means that I'm fine. Don't worry too much, okay?" I shrug, and hesitated a bit. As much as I would like to just point at him and claim that he's lying, he seems pretty convincing. Maybe I'm just a bit awed that someone could have awesome immune system like mine. 

I nod and feel my smile appearing once more on my face. "Well, I'm glad you're fineIf you were sick, the guilt that I would've have felt might even make me depressed and thus resulting to the failure of working properly." I can Onew shrugging. He then smiles, probably trying to convince me that I was too paranoid for my own good.

Sheesh, and there I thought my sixth sense could actually reach the level of a fortune teller's.


[Kim's POV] Believeitbabeh



Wait, that's not the reason why I wanted to come out. Yeah, I have to stick to the plan. I'm going to find out if that twisted guy lied to me or not. Call me childish but I would definitely feel disappointed if she lied and Key was speaking the truth.

"Key-oppaGood morning!"

Wait a minute, did she just called the f-cker 'opaa'? I'm definitely going to put poison in the orange juice he usually drinks every morning. , , , she's coming closerHow does he usually act again? Oh yeah, smile like an idiot and greet her back like the would always greet her.

"Hello! Morning to you, too!"

Heh, like the dummy she is, she's still wearing that same old grin of hers. Woah, I seriously wonder how long its been since I've seen her so close up. That bastard Key practically hogged over the body and he wouldn't let any one of us out at all. It definitely didn't help when the others aren't too excited on going outside the world as I am. Seriously, I don't get them. Wouldn't it be better if you roam around instead of staying still in a dark place where you could do nothing?

I bet Key would've agreed with me, considering his obsession of coming out.

"Is today a special day? You seem happier than usual." What the heck, did the guy unleash his sadistic sides on her and give her the impression of a sadistic and evil person? Seriously, if I find out that dumb ty guy did anything to her, I will definitely spend more time in this body than I promised with him earlier, so that I can annoy the heck out of him. 

"H-how so?"

Chaeree smiles, "Your smile and tone is brighter than usual? You seem to force it out but I don't know..." Well, at least now I know that Key is still being the faker he is. Heh, he's definitely lying to me about that thing. One look at her and anyone could notice that she's head over heels in love with the amazingly awesome me.

"Chaeree, you and Onew are coming up in a few minutes!"

I frown, not really pleased with this fact. Chaeree gives me a slight smile and waves to me, saying that she's going to have a quick practice with Onew. I smirk, and grab her arm. Well, I wasn't going to tell her that it was me but desperate times call for desperate measures. 

"What the-? Are you who I think you are?"

I had a pretty hard time controlling my laughter since the face she is making is totally priceless

"Congratulations, you got it right, dummy!

She huffs and pouts, then crosses her arm. Gosh, I would be lying if I said she didn't look cute but I sound so creepy saying that so I'll just shove that stupid thought away. I feel a big smile forming on my face as I see her grinning even wider than before. So, she actually prefers me more than Key, right? If I could make her grin like this by her presence, I probably could make her even happier if I do something even greater, right?

This means that the stupid leader is nowhere near the level I am in her heart, right?

 "Chaeree, Onew, you're next!"

Woah, did I just growl at the director just now? 

My question was answered when I hear Chaeree getting into a giggling fit. I swear, the girl is like an open book. I give her hand a squeeze and make sure to remind her, "After finishing that stupid scene, I wanna ask you something. I'll wait for you at the courtyard, okay?" She widens her eyes as I can see her starting to blush. Yeah, she's EXACTLY an open book. She nods happily and I slowly let go of her hand.

I see skipping happily towards the director and Onew, I'm pretty sure the cause of her happiness, is me. Even though it's getting obvious on whom she actually likes right now, I think it feels better if I hear it coming out from her own lips. I'll make Key feel stupid for even thinking that she has no feelings for us anymore, she's the most honest person I've ever met and I'm pretty sure she'll keep her word on never giving up on us.


[Onew's POV]

Oh no, Oh God no. Please don't tell me this is happening. I bite my tongue, hoping that it would actually help me to stay awake. Gosh, my headache is getting worse. The very fact that we're right under the sun doesn't make the situation better. I'm thankful that the director gave us a 5 minutes break, but I'm pretty sure the 5 minutes passed a long time ago. 

"Hyung, are you okay? Oh no, d-don't tell me-"

I give Taemin a sharp and stern look, not wanting him continue his sentence any longer. Sure, I'm sick but he doesn't have to make it so obvious, especially since Chaeree is here. Taemin shuts up and lowers his head. Gosh, now I feel guilty.

"I'm sorry. I just... I don't want anyone to know my condition. I promise I'll take a rest after we finish shooting this, okay?"

Taemin hesitates a bit but finally nods. I'm pretty lucky to have caring members, but sometimes I wish that they aren't too caring for their own good. Chaeree is still oblivious about the fact that I'm sick and I'm glad she doesn't notice it.

"Hey, Onew? Can you help me out in this part, I wanna practice it with you a bit."

I smile and nod, feeling like granting every single wish of hers. I really love it when she smiles and will do anything for it. 

We practice on the part a bit and I correct a few mistakes she made. We had to practice over and over again, mostly because she requested it. After practicing for a long time, she finally did the part well. She grins at hops up and down in glee. Hmm, is it me or is she happier than usual? She finally notices the stares that she earned from everyone because of how cute she is and stops hopping. 

I cringe a bit as I feel that my headache practically killing me. My breathing starts to get a bit heavy as I feel a bit uncomfortable. I bite my tongue as hard as I can, really wanting to continue my healthy and fine act. Chaeree is cheerfully talking about the camping trip she had when she was 6 years old with her family with a big grin. I definitely do not want her cheerfulness being replaced by worry and anxiety. I want her to be happy, no matter what it takes.

"Back to your place everyone!"

I see Chaeree frowning as she notices something is wrong. "Onew, are you okay?" I gulp as I force a smile, "I-I'm fine, reallyNow come one, we have some acting to do."

However, instead of coolly pulling her to the shooting scene, I start feeling a bit dizzy halfway and stumble down. Oh no, this isn't going as well as I expected. Chaeree is panicking beside me as she starts yelling. Oh gosh, why are there so many noises? Chaeree stares at me as she starts to say something, I furrow my brows as I can't seem to make out what she's saying.

Oh God, don't cry, don't frown, don't be depressed.

want you to smile.


[Kim's POV]

I start to get a bit worried as she is taking quite a long time. 

After a moment of thinking hard, I finally decide to search for her. I head to the shooting scene where she and Onew is at, thinking that she's probably making too much mistakes because the she is too excited to meet me. Heh, I'm awesome and I f-cking know it. The first person I see is Jonghyun. I smirk and kick him in the back, making him fall flat onto the ground. 

"Pfft, !"

Jonghyun groans and rolls his eyes. "What do you want, Kim?" I shrug and look around, wondering where most of the staff went. "Have you seen your fellow dinosour?" Jonghyun purses his lips I see him looking a bit hesitant about telling me where she is. He finally sighs and points to the left, "The infirmary."

Worry starts to fill my mind and I quickly dash towards the infirmary. If anything f-cking happens to her, I'm going to sue them for letting her work too hard. It took quite a long time to reach the infirmary since there were quite a lot of turns I had to take. I don't really exercise this much because Key is usually responsible for all the idol stuffs. Despite that, the thought of that dummy being hurt actually motivated me to run even faster than I usually do.

However, the moment I reach in front of the infirmary, I saw something I didn't really want to see through the windows.

Chaeree is crying real hard while hugging the leader, who is sitting on the infirmary bed. I feel a tight knot in my heart as I feel anger boiling inside of me. I scoff as I imagine Key laughing at my miserable state. 

I quickly stomp off, not really wanting to interrupt the sweet little moment they are having. 

She was supposed to be looking at me and ONLY me. Why the hell does she have to go so far for him?If she loves me, she should have just come to the courtyard and answer my question. Heh, even if she did answer, she would probably be changing her mind soon. As much as I would like to believe that she'll accept me, it's really something hard to believe. No one likes me, no one likes Kim, NO ONE. Heck, I didn't even know why did this stupid personality of mine even existed!

It's unfair, life is a !

I'm created by all the negative feelings we have and I only usually curse and yell. However, just for the first time, I was actually starting to feel something a little bit positive.


I start to feel a bit dizzy, and this time I didn't feel like resisting at all. I don't want to come out anymore, Key could hog this body all he wants but there's no way in the world I am coming out to this ty world with ty people.

Everyone could rot and die all they want, I don't even f-cking care anymore. I don't need them, I don't anyone.

I especially don't need someone like her in my life.




My main intention on this chapter is to make you guys feel annoyed reading this. xD I dunno. It's just the flow. ;P SO yeah, hope you guys liked this chapter and felt annoyed reading it. 

BTW, I'm sorry if I kind of offended some people. I dunno. ;P Oh and I haven't even edited or read through the whole chapter yet. I was too exicted on updating and really wanted to update for you guys cuz I LURVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH. ;A;

Comments are highly appreciated and it benefits everyone. ;D


Hi~! I'm the new co-author. Yea...she must've told you quite a lot...abt stuff. Anyways, we sorta agreed on making each other co-authors just for the sake of it.

Actually, we are planning on joing stories. And I can help her edit faster, I sent her the list of things to edit but she didn't for for like...what? A month or two? So, I took matters into my own hands. I will re-check all this again tmr. I will MAKE SURE she updates another chap b4 she goes on hiatus. Bye peeps.

Current situation:  I give up. There is no longer a thing called hope for this girl.








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Omg so damn cuteee this story jjang!
Chapter 17: LOL I wonder how that cousin of hers would have felt if he realized that a famous person just bought a cake there xD
Chapter 16: YOURE BAAAAAACKKKK!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D late updates are better than none :3 I feel bad for Jimin being hit by the door but honestly I laughed at it xD soooo you like Onew but love key? And you also love yeollie? XD I like key a loooot but Onew is forever :3 I also like chanyeol a lot but suhos my favorite :3 I guess I'm a big fan of the big hearted leaders lol
b2utygonnabastalker #4
Chapter 16: Uh, Dude. Thanks for promoting by fics, But PLEASE, do not promote it is VERY unsatisfying.. and thank you very much for guilt-tripping again But it ain't gonna work you manipulative excuse of a human.(I can totally see where this is coming from.) And I can see that I have less to edit now. Praise the lord.(am not Christian)
Chapter 15: Then I shall wait :P FIGHTING AUTHOR-NIM! ^^
Chapter 14: Nooooooo kimmmy!!!!!! Just because onews my bias doesn't mean I don't like you too!!! T.T
b2utygonnabastalker #7
Chapter 13: Nagging u really made u a better author. Lol
b2utygonnabastalker #8
Chapter 13: Otl. Are u sure they're not possessed or something?
b2utygonnabastalker #9
Chapter 13: I JUST TOLD U NOT TO EXPOSE ME! AND NOT TO CALL ME MELLOW! Just call me by my name.

Btw... I Love how onew is a sweet guy here. Lol. Key. Real evil diva. And I thought he liked her when he hid behind tht tree.but my guess is that she ends up with key. I will see how this goes then..
Chapter 13: Hah! Jokes on you Key! I like your Kim personality most xD Kim seems extremely adorably grumpy and childish xD especially when you try ignoring him hehe