Chapter 11

The Faces Of My Idol

[Chaeree’s POV]

I groan as I take a seat in one of the nearby benches.

The days of shooting the drama was torturing, I tell you, TORTURING. Okay, I might have exaggerated it a bit since SHINee probably has it even worse.

Shooting a drama was tiring but one part I hated the most is when they tell you to do a scene over and over again but ended up cutting it from 20 minutes to like 6 minutes. Sure, I understand that it’s better like that but it’s so frustrating to see your hard work getting cut off just like that.

One of the important reasons I still continue on with shooting the drama is probably because of SHINee. I mean, what I can possibly do? I’m a huge Shawol. Believe me, if there’s a chance for you to at least even be in the presence of your favourite idols, anyone would take it.

"Hey, want one?"

Key smiles as he offers me a bottle of water. I seriously wonder how he manages to be so perfect, sometimes.

"Gomawo, Key-oppa."

Then, I hear the director yelling Key to get over there immediately. Key sighs and gives me an apologetic look. I smile and gesture him to quickly go. I can’t help but stare at the guy. Even though I did claim that I plan to make every single personality of his love me, it’s hard.

Or maybe it’s just especially hard dealing with this personality.

It would be a bit selfish and illogical if I want every part of him to love me so I try to actually listen to Hyunjae’s advice. I actually found out that after I calm myself down with my fandom, I can actually pay more attention to class and it’s actually a nice thing. The only stupid thing is that I sometime get too tired from shooting the drama and end up sleeping in class.

It’s been quite long since I’ve seen Kim and I really miss the guy. Key and Kim are after all the same person so I try to love them equally but it’s kind of hard when I’m especially missing Kim.

Well, Key has been nothing but a friendly and supportive guy. Though I sometimes get disappointed that he sees me nothing more than a friend but I appreciate everything he has done. It’s actually really endearing when he helps me out and everything.

Sometimes I just don’t get enough care.

I shift my gaze away from Key and stare at the sky with full of longing. Seriously, if I had the powers to fly, I would just fly off like a boss.

Too bad reality doesn’t allow me to have powers. I bet there are actually people who can actually do all those crazy supernatural stuffs. I definitely envy them for that. It’s nice knowing that you’re different and special from other people.

Soon, it was time to continue on with the dreadful process of shooting the drama. Luckily, we still have like 4 or 5 episodes left to go.

The scenes they gave me are quite easy to act actually. I feel like I totally didn’t act at all, instead, I feel like I just read out those lines without putting any effort to my expression and tone since I’ve always been this happy. So, the staffs would occasionally tell me that I did a better job than anyone else.

Right now, I’m acting a scene where I’m hanging out with Key and where I encourage him to actually confess to the dreadful girl the director chose as Key’s main love interest.

I think I can actually play my character well since I actually do have a bit similarity with her. My character is a happy-go-lucky girl who falls in love with her best friend, who is completely oblivious about her feelings. Unfortunately, the girl’s too shy to confess and ends up keeping it all in her heart. Then, her best friend ends up falling in love with a new student, who’s actually his neighbour.

One thing I don’t really like about my character is how shy she can get when it comes to her feelings. Sure, I get it’s hard to confess but seriously, she should at least let him know before he confesses to the new girl. Another thing I don’t like about my character is that she usually gets sad and emotional near Onew, her love interest.

Onew’s character kind of similar to mine, the new girl is actually his childhood friend that he has feelings for since he was little but he’s just too shy to admit. Then, Onew and I meet while we were stalking the couple. We both ended up being partners in crime, mostly because I threatened him to. bet anyone could predict what happens next, though. The plot is like so cliché and to tell you the truth, I have never liked dramas like this.

Although I don’t look like it, but I prefer tragedy and angst better, those movies always hold an important moral value in the end. I do like romantic films but not those sappy and cliché ones because… no, just no. Meh, if anyone asks what type of movie I like to watch, I’ll definitely answer comedy and action first because those types of movie suit my style.

The shooting for my scene ended sooner than I expected and that was actually good because I really can’t stand today’s heat.

Then, I feel someone patting my head. "Nice job there, Chaeree!"

I turn around and see Onew smiling brightly at me. I shoot a wide grin and told him that he did well too.

The awkward little tofu has been nice and awesome these past few weeks. I usually have scenes with him and I find him to be really considerate. Every time when there’s like a sweet and fluffy scene between the two of us, he would always ask me whether I’m comfortable or not and if I’m not, he’ll immediately tell the director to edit out some scenes.

He leans in and whispers to me, "How’s the mission with Key?"

Did I mention that he was a really supportive guy? No? Well, now I did.

I shrug as I stare at Key then back to Onew, "No progress. I think this personality just sees me as a friend. It’s hard but I’m still not giving up! When I make up my mind to do something I will definitely do it!"

Onew smiles, "Good luck!"

I seriously feel like giving the guy a big bear hug for all his support but it would be too awkward if I do it here so I just smile back as a sign of thanks.

"Are you free after school, later?"

I purse my lips into a thin line and start to think real hard. My parents’ aren’t coming back until next month so I’ll just leave the chores for next time. I don’t recall having any homework that’s due tomorrow, so no need to sleep late tonight because of them anymore. Hmm, nothing.

"Yeah, I am. Why?"

I see Onew’s smile brighten up and wonder what’s gotten into him. "Wanna hang around?"

I’m pretty sure my face just literally spelt out ‘WTF’ since Onew was chuckling at me. "Don’t you guys like have a schedule? Don’t get it wrong, I would love to hang but I wouldn’t want you to skip practice because of me." Woah, I think I sounded real mature saying that.

"The manager’s finally letting all of us rest for the night, we can do whatever we want during our short little free time."

"Woah, being an idol must be hard."

I see the guy chuckle bitterly and sigh, "You don’t know the rest of it. Sure, we get a good pay but it’s really pressuring for us sometimes." He then looks around the place with an anxious face, after making sure whatever he was so afraid of wasn’t there, he sighs in relieve.

"We aren’t really allowed to complain. If the manager finds out that I just blurt those complaints out, he’ll definitely kill me."

Gosh, the guys have it hard. I’m definitely proud of them.

"Don’t worry! Your secret is safe with me." He looks at me with full appreciation and I can’t help but feel happy that I was actually interacting so well with one of the members in my favourite idol group. I feel happy around Onew and it’s nice, actually.

Being happy is a really nice thing.


[Onew’s POV]

After waiting for quite a long time for her classes to end, I finally see her. She’s as happy as usual, waving so enthusiastically. Chaeree then stares at me for a while until she starts bursting out laughing. Even though I feel so confused, I can’t help but feel grinning even wider because her laughter is definitely the cutest thing in the world

"Squat down to my height."

I shove away my confusion and obey her like a puppy. I can feel her little fingers in my hair and that actually gave me butterfly in the stomach.

"There, the leaves that invaded your hair are all gone!"

I shrug as I remember that I actually spend time running around the school because I got too bored waiting for her classes to end.

"So… where to?"

I smile and chuckle, "Let’s just walk around town, I know some awesome places where they sell ice-creams and other delicious stuffs." The girl’s eyes twinkles a bit as I see her getting a bit excited. She links her arms with mine and start dragging me.

"Well, lead the way captain!"

I can’t help but chuckle at her as I start to lead her the way. I love her company and she’s a really amazing girl. Just one smile from her would make me grin like an idiot. She probably treats me as a best friend but I don’t really mind, as long as I can spend my time with her.

Too bad I don’t have much time since I have to work. Yeah, it’s hard being a K-pop idol. One thing I don’t like the most about it is that I can’t have the freedom to simply talk and be friends with everyone.

If I had more freedom, I would probably spend all my time hanging out with her.


[Key’s POV]

I’m pretty glad that the stupid manager gave us a short rest. Even though it’s just for the night, I’m like super grateful because it’s hard getting even 1 hour of rest. We definitely deserved the rest since we worked like 23 hours per day and it’s really stressful.

Hmph, I bet the others don’t even want to care about coming out since they know that our work is super stressful and pressuring. It’s stupid to let your chance of coming out slip just because you don’t want to get stressed out, though.

After all, the personality who others like the most will have dominance over this body.

Kim’s usually the one to fight for the chance to come out when he can because he hates staying at one place. Too bad I wasn’t going to let him do as he likes, though. If you can’t be the best, no one will need you; it’s the same for our case. There are 5 of us and 1 body, of course only 1 would survive until the end.

I plan to be that person.

"Well, lead the way, captain!"

I flinch as I hear a familiar annoying voice. I quickly hide behind the nearby trees, fearing that she would just force me to hang out with her.

She’s scary. Out of every single person that I’ve interacted with, I dislike her the most. Mostly because she’s so demanding that sometimes I feel like unleashing all my anger towards her. I’ve been the greatest actor out of all of them and I won’t just let it get ruined because of this stupid fan. I’ve been able to control all the anger inside of me and create another fake me. I am almighty Key, and I won’t get beaten by a random person name Shin Chaeree.

I feel a frown forming on my face as I see her linking arms with Onew.

"Really like me, my . She’s completely all over that stupid guy."

Kim’s really stupid sometimes. To believe words of a fan just like that is nothing but foolishness. People lie and they act like they did no wrong.

If you’re not number one, no one will care about you. If you have no use to them, they will all ignore you. If you make mistakes, everyone will look down on you.  If you have nothing, everyone will leave you.

No matter how good or how bad they treat you at first, they will leave you in the end.

They always do.





WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO AWESOME. QAQ I lurve you guys so much. I appreciate all the votes and subscribes very much. I seriously LURVE all of you so much for that. Thank you , thank you so much. ;A;

TTATT I'm sorry for being so cruel and not updating yesterday or the day before yesterday. I've been a bad girl and my mom punished me by not letting me get on the internet. During those days, I seriously missed onlining. ;A; I sincerely apologize to you, Mellow. QAQ I'VE BEEN A JERK, NAH, I'VE BEEN MORE THAN A JERK. TTATT But seriously, I can't reply during those days because I was being punished. 

Oh yeah, if you guys wonder who's Mellow, it's.... /DRAMATIC DRUMROLLS\   b2utygonnabastalker!! Sorry I just busted out your identity. I didn't mean it... not.      /Whistles casually\ 

She's an awesome person, really. xD Sorry for shameless advertisement but she writes real good and believe me, the way she describes objects are just so  BVAJLBVSJLKBSAKJDBSKJ BEAUTIFUL. QAQ

Check it out here

ANYYYYWAYYYSSSS ONTO THE AWESOME DIVA. xD I just LURVE him so much. He's such an awesome guy. ;A; He's especially diva-ish in this video and there's another awesome diva accompanying him, JOKWON. xD BEG Gain is in it too. Hahaha, good old times.


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Omg so damn cuteee this story jjang!
Chapter 17: LOL I wonder how that cousin of hers would have felt if he realized that a famous person just bought a cake there xD
Chapter 16: YOURE BAAAAAACKKKK!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D late updates are better than none :3 I feel bad for Jimin being hit by the door but honestly I laughed at it xD soooo you like Onew but love key? And you also love yeollie? XD I like key a loooot but Onew is forever :3 I also like chanyeol a lot but suhos my favorite :3 I guess I'm a big fan of the big hearted leaders lol
b2utygonnabastalker #4
Chapter 16: Uh, Dude. Thanks for promoting by fics, But PLEASE, do not promote it is VERY unsatisfying.. and thank you very much for guilt-tripping again But it ain't gonna work you manipulative excuse of a human.(I can totally see where this is coming from.) And I can see that I have less to edit now. Praise the lord.(am not Christian)
Chapter 15: Then I shall wait :P FIGHTING AUTHOR-NIM! ^^
Chapter 14: Nooooooo kimmmy!!!!!! Just because onews my bias doesn't mean I don't like you too!!! T.T
b2utygonnabastalker #7
Chapter 13: Nagging u really made u a better author. Lol
b2utygonnabastalker #8
Chapter 13: Otl. Are u sure they're not possessed or something?
b2utygonnabastalker #9
Chapter 13: I JUST TOLD U NOT TO EXPOSE ME! AND NOT TO CALL ME MELLOW! Just call me by my name.

Btw... I Love how onew is a sweet guy here. Lol. Key. Real evil diva. And I thought he liked her when he hid behind tht tree.but my guess is that she ends up with key. I will see how this goes then..
Chapter 13: Hah! Jokes on you Key! I like your Kim personality most xD Kim seems extremely adorably grumpy and childish xD especially when you try ignoring him hehe