Chapter 14

The Faces Of My Idol

Chaeree's POV

I can’t help but want to giggle again and again and AGAIN!


I look around and decide to quickly cherish the time I have in front of the mirror in this costume. I try out a few cute poses and I just feel like hugging the reflection of myself in the mirror so so so SO MUCH. I really can’t believe that Chansung agreed to my suggestion of having a dinosaur as a mascot.

Okay Chae, you better calm yourself down before you go high and start singing and dancing in front of the mirror. Hey wait… that’s actually a not-so-bad idea. Good thinking Chae!

Just before I could enjoy myself even more, someone starts to knock impatiently at the door. I groan as I feel like locking myself in the changing room and never get out. "Shin Chaeree! You better get out of that changing room soon!" I nod. Then, I realize he couldn’t see me nodding. "O-Okay, wait for just a few seconds!"

I take one last glimpse at the cute reflection of myself in the costume and quickly run out of the changing room. Chansung stares at me for a while and then he starts laughing like a maniac. Tch, stupid cousin who doesn’t knows how to appreciate the beauty of dinosaurs. He pats my shoulder and let out a sigh, "Well then, Chae! Get out there and start promoting about our shop’s grand anniversary and that the sale still haven’t end yet! Remember to tell them that if they purchase a whole cake, they get 1 free packet of cupcake with Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry flavours, okay?"

I give him a salute and a firm nod, "Yes, sir!" The guy rolls his eyes and tells me to get out. I quickly run for it, being quite excited about this job I’m assigned with. I open the door and sprint to the main door, too bad a certain someone was too slow to react, making me knock into him…

… again.

"J-jimin! Oh no, I think I see a bruise. D-do you want to see the doctor or anything? Someone please call the ambul-" He covers my mouth, and I stop talking. I stare at him in confusion and he just smiles, "Chill. It’s all fine. Plus, how could anyone get mad at such a cute dinosaur?" I literally feel my eyes sparkle as I hear the word ‘cute’ coming out from his lips. "Ice-creams and Unicorns! You’re a Dinosaur lover too? I didn’t know anyone like you exist! Well, except for me, and maybe Jonghyun and well… I don’t know."

The guy shrugs, "That’s not really what I meant, but yeah, sure, Dinosaurs are cute."

I can feel myself grin as wide as I could. However, before I could say anything else, someone pushes me aside. "I-I’m so sorry Mr. Lee! I’ll make sure this little misbehaved child get her punishment." I scoff, "You sound like my mother."

"I’m nothing like your mother, Chae. I’m going to be someone who’ll make your working shift miserable!" I got confused, "Wait, aren’t you already doing that?" Chansung grumbles and I gulp. Shoot, I think I just hit a critical point.

"Get out and work your off right now, you dumb excuse of a cousin!"

I pout and walk away, deciding that it’s best to follow what Chansung says. Sure, Chansung is nice and all that sometimes but he’s just so scary when he’s grumpy. I’m starting to wonder whether this guy is bi-polar.

 As I thought of the word bipolar in my mind, an image of Key pops in my mind. I groan as I start feeling confused about how I feel towards that personality. Key is so perfect that I feel so… I dunno, weird and dumb in front of him. I sigh as I walk to the main entrance. Gosh, it hasn’t been more than 10 seconds and I could feel everyone staring at me already.  

Well, Chae, you better work your off or else the boss, who is a meanie, wouldn’t be pleased.



Key’s POV

I start to feel a whole lot better after I got out of that dreaded place. Of course, I made sure that I’ve already put on a disguise. Passing by a mirror shop, I stare at myself for a while, making sure that I’m unrecognisable and smirk at how successful I am in disguising myself. I’m wearing a cap, plain T-shirt and jeans and a pair of glasses. I also made sure to wear a fake wig. Well, I don’t think people could recognise me this way.

As I continue walking along the town, I start to get more comfortable, letting myself off guard for a while. Seeing a bench nearby, I take a sit to rest my legs for a while. Letting out a sigh of content, I grin as wide as I could. This is definitely the fresh air and relaxation I’m talking about! I shrug as I start to think about Kim and the other personalities. It’s not that I hate them, really. It’s just that they’re one of the few hurdles I need to pass in order to be loved by others.

Heh, and you guys probably thought I was just some kind of plain manipulative arsehole, huh?

Sighing, I try to ignore the dumb thought about the others that’s obviously ruining my mood. I get up and decide to walk around more, perhaps doing some window shopping. I groan as I feel my stomach grumbling.

Right, it’s been quite a long time since I’ve eaten a full meal. Who said being an idol was something so easy, huh?

I smile as I see a restaurant not so far away from here, I start walking towards the place. All of a sudden, I feel someone pulling me. I feel quite amused as I see who or what it is, unfortunately the feeling of annoyance covers the feeling of amusement.

How dare this random pink dinosaur stop the Almighty Key from his stomach’s appointment with the humongous and delicious Italian meal in that restaurant?



Chaeree’s POV

What in the law of dinosaurs am I doing?!

I could only gulp as I start to feel so nervous and anxious. I was holding Key and the guy don’t seem quite pleased about it. A lot of people probably wouldn’t be able to recognise him but seeing that I observe too much about him, it didn’t take me long to recognise him.

Well, who would walk as confidently as him and obviously, his bracelet is still on him. Shoot, I think I’m starting to become a stalker right now. Believe it or not, but I do realize how creepy I can get.

Unfortunately, I’ve tried lots of times in being normal but it always fail; it’s not that I don’t want to be normal, normal is nice and all that but being myself feels the greatest.  That’s why I admire Key the most in SHINee, his confidence is something I really really love about him.

"Excuse me?"

Shoot, I’ve forgotten that I’m practically grabbing his arm.

"Come, come! Come to our shop’s grand sale for our anniversary!" I start to do all sorts of big and weird actions to make him interested but the only expression he’s showing now is the ‘Are you insane?!’ expression.

Suddenly feeling a rush of determination to let Key go in the shop, I take a deep breath and start singing SHINee’s Hello whilst dancing. Key widens his eyes and quickly covers my mouth. I got confused as I see a frown on his face. He looks around, hoping no one heard about anything. "Shut up, and don’t you even you dare to speak another word." All I could process in my mind are the two words ‘Shut up’, but after that, I just keep staring at his eyes, realizing something I should’ve realized earlier.

"You have pretty eyes."

Key looks taken aback after hearing my words. Ignoring almost everyone that passed by the shop except Key, I just continue admiring how beautiful and wonderful he looks. Gosh, this is something so weird. Originally, I was just a fangirl like the others. The feelings I had for Key in the beginning is just like a blind dumb girl who thought that the ugly mafia boss was a perfect prince from fairytales. Okay, maybe I’ve used a weird way to interpret my feelings but that’s actually how I was in the beginning, so blind, so dumb.

"So, what’s going on?" I quickly snap out from my daydream and focus on the mission. "It’s out shop’s anniversary and we’re having a grand sale! If you purchase one whole cake, you can get a free packet of Vanilla, Strawberry and Chocolate flavoured cupcake." He tilts his head and scoffs, "Look, I need a full healthy meal, not cakes and cupcakes."

"W-we include full healthy meals too!"

He raises his eyebrows. "Oh?" I nod like an insane dinosaur, wanting him to believe in my obvious lie. Key pauses to think for a while and then asks, "Do you have regular meatball spaghetti?" Without thinking, I reply back to him enthusiastically, "Y-Yes, we do! W-wait, uh… what I meant is… you have to buy the cake and get a free packet of cupcakes and then only you could order and pay for the full healthy meal."

He stares at me in disbelief as I feel a bit proud of myself for thinking such an amazing plan.

"You know, I could just walk to that Italian restaurant over there and order my meal instead of doing something so inconvenient and troublesome."

I gulp as I block his path. "W-wait! You just have to order a whole cake and you get a packet of free cupcakes. Then, a free full healthy meal will be served, anything you ask." The guy scoffs as he stares at me for a long long time. "Gosh, this is the first time I see dinosaur, what more a pink one, being so desperate." He stares at the Italian restaurant and then let out a loud sigh.

"I must be insane. Okay, I’ll go order that full cake of mine."

He walks into the shop, and I immediately feel like a winner. I start doing a mini victory dance but I quickly stop halfway as I realized that I’ve promised something I couldn’t fulfil. Looking back into the shop, I see Chansung busy talking to Jimin.  Taking a deep breath of courage, I quickly sprint towards the Italian restaurant, bringing my wallet with me.

Obviously, it isn’t normal to go into a restaurant in a costume, but I seriously had no choice.

"I want a take away of regular meatball spaghetti, please! Oh and make it quick!" The waitress seems to be surprise by my attire but she just walks away without saying anything. I would glance at the bakery once a while, hoping Key isn’t done with the cake business. For all I know, he’s probably making a membership card if he’s taking this long.

After receiving my order, I quickly dash back to the bakery. On the cue, Key comes out of the bakery with an annoyed expression and points at me angrily, "You lied, the owner said there’s no such thing as a full healthy meal in a bakery! Gosh, people were looking at me like I’m a maniac."

Without saying a word, I quickly shove the plastic of meatball spaghetti into his arms. He widens his eyes and he starts laughing at me. "You are definitely an insane pink dinosaur!"

With both of my hands, I give him thumbs up. Key shakes his head, "Seriously, no one went as far as that for me. Well, maybe some people but yeah, let’s no talk about them." He flashes his oh-so-dazzling smile and me and at that time, I feel my whole body going light and my heart flipping. I have never felt so satisfied in my entire life.

"Judging by your voice, I can tell that you’re probably a girl?" I nod. He smirks and gives me a hug, "A little token of appreciation." After the hug, he kisses my dinosaur cheeks. My mind completely blank out after that and I hear him say, "Give me your hand." Obeying him like a lost puppy, I give out my hand. He places 10 000 won in my dinosaur hands and pats my dinosaur head.

"Be careful out there in the society, people might manipulate you if you keep doing this type of stuffs. I’m speaking from experience, don’t follow everything everyone tells you to."

With that, he left me alone in confusion. Suddenly, I feel someone knocking me hard on the head. "You dumb dinosaur, why did you just lie to a customer about having full healthy meals?! This is a bakery for goodness sakes, not a restaurant!" I rub my head in pain and I keep nodding at Chansung, but my mind is elsewhere.

I wonder what he meant when he said he spoke from experience…


Apple Piggy ;


ANYWAYSSSS, I'M BACK WIHT AN UPDATE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND OKAYY... I'm kinda being lazy in writing this A/N so I might add another A/N. I will try my best in searching for a pink Dinasour dancing 'Hello Hello'. Muahahahha, I think this got a bit deeper. Meh, I'm watching dramas and listneing to sad songs as I write this, I guess it affected me. Chae is so cute in this chapter. xDD

Anyways, Imma update for Haunting Next =D So yeah... kinda trying to maintain the balance between these two stories. Imma write a Baek story after 'Help' [gonna try out with angst], soooo yeahhh look forward [Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself]

BTW, I think there'll be quite a few errors for you beatygonnabastalker. Sorry, I was too excited on releasing this chapter, I'm sorry I get high with myself sometimes. Seriously, I think sugars make me worse. LALALALALALLALA, I'M SO EFFIN HIGH NOW OTL I NEEDA GO SLEEEEEEPPP NOWWW SO BYESSS. xDD ANYWAYSSSS PEACE OUT FOR NOWWWW.  P/S I like this pink more lol.

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Omg so damn cuteee this story jjang!
Chapter 17: LOL I wonder how that cousin of hers would have felt if he realized that a famous person just bought a cake there xD
Chapter 16: YOURE BAAAAAACKKKK!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D late updates are better than none :3 I feel bad for Jimin being hit by the door but honestly I laughed at it xD soooo you like Onew but love key? And you also love yeollie? XD I like key a loooot but Onew is forever :3 I also like chanyeol a lot but suhos my favorite :3 I guess I'm a big fan of the big hearted leaders lol
b2utygonnabastalker #4
Chapter 16: Uh, Dude. Thanks for promoting by fics, But PLEASE, do not promote it is VERY unsatisfying.. and thank you very much for guilt-tripping again But it ain't gonna work you manipulative excuse of a human.(I can totally see where this is coming from.) And I can see that I have less to edit now. Praise the lord.(am not Christian)
Chapter 15: Then I shall wait :P FIGHTING AUTHOR-NIM! ^^
Chapter 14: Nooooooo kimmmy!!!!!! Just because onews my bias doesn't mean I don't like you too!!! T.T
b2utygonnabastalker #7
Chapter 13: Nagging u really made u a better author. Lol
b2utygonnabastalker #8
Chapter 13: Otl. Are u sure they're not possessed or something?
b2utygonnabastalker #9
Chapter 13: I JUST TOLD U NOT TO EXPOSE ME! AND NOT TO CALL ME MELLOW! Just call me by my name.

Btw... I Love how onew is a sweet guy here. Lol. Key. Real evil diva. And I thought he liked her when he hid behind tht tree.but my guess is that she ends up with key. I will see how this goes then..
Chapter 13: Hah! Jokes on you Key! I like your Kim personality most xD Kim seems extremely adorably grumpy and childish xD especially when you try ignoring him hehe