Chapter 13

The Faces Of My Idol

[Key’s POV]

It’s been three days since that stupid incident happened. Kim has been unexpectedly willing on letting me come out. Well, not that I’m complaining, it feels amazing to be in charge. I just have to get use to his new ‘Do whatever you want, I don’t care anymore’ attitude. Heh, the guy is seriously so fragile and vulnerable at times. If I was in his place, I would probably just barge in and b*tch-slap the both of them.

Well, IF I was fond of that girl. The thought of even being fond of her is horrifying. 

I seriously don’t understand Kim at times. I mean, what does he sees in that… that… creeper?! She’s too hyperactive, weird and dumb for her own good! I’m pretty disappointed in Kim’s taste of girls; to be sharing the same body as that guy feels like a disgrace! I can’t believe that he uses the same brain as I do.

"Key, are you even listening to me?" asked the leader in a fed-up voice. Excluding counting this time, Onew has already asked me this question for four times. So, all in all, he's already asked me this question for five times.

"Yes, I am."

Sure, I lied, but I’m not going to admit the truth just like that. It’ll just waste my time to listening to him nagging at me. Gosh, I hate it when he nags; he's like an old grandpa when he does that.

The tofu-colour-skinned leader stares at me doubtfully but he doesn’t mention anything about it and continues on with his talk. The group has always had these talks once or twice a month. These 'talk nights' always help us out to reflect on our mistakes and improve ourselves. But of course, I don’t listen much to them because I already know that I’m perfect enough.

Tonight, is just exactly like all the other talk nights we’ve had before. The five of us would sit in a small circle and start sharing our thoughts about how we think about our performances are this month. So basically, it’s like taking turns complaining or complimenting on everyone’s work.


I nod as a sign to show that I'm listening and Onew simply sighs.

"What happened to you this month, Key? You seemed to be more rude and disrespectful to the fans and the staff members."

Oh, and did I mention that no one is allowed to talk back or answer back unless the person who is talking asked us to?

"If it was Kim I would understand, but you aren’t usually like this, you know?"

I feel like scoffing out loud but I’m pretty sure that would just worsen things up. I can’t believe how shallow my group members can get.(namely Chicken-dude)Seriously, just because this personality acts cheerful, kind and respectful outside, it doesn’t necessarily means that I’m also a perfect guy inside.

"Well, if that’s a sign that this personality is warming up to us, it’s nice, but please, try to be less obnoxious, especially to the fans." He looks at me with a pleading look and I simply nod without uttering a single word.

Just when I thought it was finally over, Onew opens his mouth to speak once more. Why Lord, why?!

"Also uh… I hope that you’ll take good care of Chaeree. She’s… a nice girl, you know? So please try to treat her well, the same goes for other fans."

Even though it was so freaking hard, I believe I did well in maintaining my pokerface. I reply to his extra reminder with a nod, knowing that it will do me no good if I break down here. Seriously, this guy is like an open book, it’s so disgusting that he can care for that little monster so much. Kim and Onew are definitely insane.

"Key, it’s your turn."

I take a deep breath as I think about what to say. If they want a perfect and happy-go-lucky guy, I’ll give them a perfect and happy-go-lucky guy.

After all, I exist to satisfy everyone.

There are those who care about me but I would rather think that they don’t, because if I do acknowledge the fact that they actually care about me for who I am, I wouldn’t be the perfect personality named Key that I am today. I’m just a public figure; an image to please others. I have no other purpose in life. No one would want me or care about me if I was just the rude, obnoxious Key deep down inside, and that’s why I hate Kim. Kim has always been capable; he can fool around and act rebellious all he wants because everyone already knows that the personality he plays is the rebellious side of the real (Key) Kim Kibum. However, one thing that I do not envy about him is that he is unwanted. It’s cruel to say this but it’s true, no one would like a negative personality, everyone would obviously choose me over all the other personalities. Sure, there’s still that wretched Kimki, but that guy doesn’t even know the fact that he’s nothing but a personality so that just makes everything better.

The days that pass, would always go by without any meaning. Heh, to be me, don’t you agree? After this, I’m definitely going out for fresh air, the air in the dorm reeks of pressure, the thing I hate the most.



Chaeree’s POV

I gasp for air as I cycle as fast as I could, making my muscles feel as sore as ever. However, I know can’t be late for this, I remember how they promised that they would murder me if I'd be late, not to mention that today's a pretty special day; if I’m late, I’ll be forced to do to have to do it.

Shoot, I think I see the boss entering the bakery with the guy.

Right after they enter the bakery, I reach. I sigh and groan, as I conclude that I’m not going to have a good time working for my night-shift. Trying to look at the bright side, I hope that if I enter using the back door, they wouldn’t realize that I’m actually late. I smile and quickly head for the back door.

I lean towards the backdoor and smile as I hear no one talking; that could only mean one thing, the others are outside working. I enter the backdoor in delight but when I open the door, I realize that the door has slammed into something. Then, I hear someone groaning and a few gasps here and there. I do wonder, why so many people would be at the back door where we keep all the pastries. I slowly peek into the bakery and I realize I did something wrong when I see the boss staring at me like I just murdered a VIP. Scratch that, he looks as if I’ve just ruined his wedding. Yeah, his face is just that scary.

"Shin Chaeree, you are officially fired!"

I widen my eyes as I don’t see the reason why should get fired. Sure, I was late but dude, I’m only ALMOST late. It's just once, right? "That doesn’t make sense, I’ve just reached and I don’t remember destroying anything on the way this time..." The boss facepalms and groans, "Okay, fine. Stand in the corner, you’re having a timeout." I pout but decide that it’s best that I follow grump’s orders.

As I walk to stand in the corner, I soon notice that I actually knocked the door into someone’s face, and that someone is the guy.

"Ice-creams and unicorns! I’m so sorry!! I get it why you want to fire me right now."

The boss glares at me, warning me that if I utter another word, he’ll really fire me this time. I gulp and lower my head as I fiddle with my fingers, but secretly, I know that the boss won’t fire me because... well, his parents kind-of forced him to let me work in his bakery. Heh, it might seem fun to have your cousin as the boss but this ain’t the case for me, having him as my boss makes me the one who always gets the scoldings, even when I don’t deserve it. Well, I guess the good thing is no matter how much scolding I'll get, I'll always get to work here.

Well, it’s either me working here or me living under the same roof as him. Conidering that he practically hates my , the lesser I appear the better it is for him, so it's obvious he'd just let me work.

"Hahaha, what an energetic girl you have here, Mr. Shin!" The boss stares at his client with an expression that makes him look as if he's questioning his sanity. I raise an eyebrow as I slowly start to find an interest towards the weird guy. When I make eye contact with him, he stares at me with a curious expression but in the end, he shoots me a smile.

"Hello there, I'm sorry for the inconvenience I've caused." I widen my eyes as he bows at me at an angle of 90° despite his horrifying injury. Dude, this ain't normal at all.


"N-n-no, not at all! I’m sorry about your face, Mr… uh…. uh…."

I stare at my cousin, hoping to get help from him but all he is doing is facepalming. So yeah, he didn’t really help me at all. "Please, call me Jimin." I smile and shrug, "Alrighty then, Jimin." He blinks for a while as he continues to stare at me, quite amused; I actually feel weird, since I’ve never been stared at as much as this.

"Here’s my card." Jimin hands over his (supposedly) name-card and I accept it with both of my hands, trying to be polite since after all, my cousin’s business kind-of counts on it.

"Anyways, Mr. Shin, it’s all doing well here, I can see that! But where is this mascot you've talked about?" Chansung [AKA my cousin] laughs gleefully as he and the others stare at me; this definitely means something bad. "Come on, Chae, I think you should get in your costume now." I pout and try to rebel against him but the stern look on his face silences me. That dumb excuse of a cousin would always give me that look when he wants something done immediately. Let’s just say that when he gives you that look, it’s either you obey him or suffer the consequences; believe me, I’m speaking from experience, it’s best to obey him.

Plus, he doesn't really give me a choice when he roughly shoves the costume into my arms. I give him a glare as I mutter a soft ‘meanie’ under my breath. He didn’t seem to hear it but considering the fact that Jimin is chuckling, I think he's heard what I said. Jimin smiles, "Good luck."

I grunt, not really feeling the luck. Well, at least being in the costume gives me an excuse to act as silly as I want to towards the bystanders since no one knows it’s me underneath that darn thing.

Oh well, I better get changed now.



Apple-Piggy:Lalalalalalalalalalala, I enjoyed writing this chapter, not sure why though. Heh, anywaysssss I’m backkkkk. [Ahem, sorry for the late coming back]. I really wanna thank those who still continue to stick with me as I write this! Hehehehe, I beg you, please do forgive me for the late updates. Gosh, I SHALL LEARN TO UPDATE MORE OFTEN. But yeahhhh… I’m having exams on the 5th of August and I haven’t done my revision yet [seriously, please pray for me]. XD

Anddd… ummm…. I’m writing another new story so you can go check it out. It’s going to be quite different than this fic since it’s angst, bittersweet and all that…. Yeah, I’m writing it for a writing contest called ‘Broken Notes’, and the story I’m writing is called ‘Help’, pretty neat, aye? Yeah, I’ve only written one chapter, I hope you guys will like it lol. Oh yeah, if you just want some short fluff, you can check out ‘Warmth of Winter’Oh and if you’re still into angst and all that, you guys could check out ‘Haunting’. It’s written  by a good friend of mine. [Lol, I think I’m promoting a whole lot of fics]. She writes awesome fics, seriously, you guys should go check them out. JUST LOOK AT HER STORIESSSSSSSS. She's more of an angst and thriller writer, kinda, so we're lol, kinda opposites.

Okay, I better not get too carried away in advertising all these fics.

BVDSJABKJLSDBL OHMIGOSH, I’M SO IN LOVE WITH KEEYYYYYYYYY XDDD Lalalalallalalalala, well, I do like Onew too but then Divas are always winner so KEY it is. xD If any of you read my other fics, I’m pretty sure you guys know that I like Chanyeol too. =3 I’m a Shawol and an Exotic.

Thanks for all of your support until now, I sure feel pretty bad for not updating much. ;] Anyways, look forward to the next chapter yeahhh. I’ve added Jiminnie in this story, hehehehe. =P 


b2utygonnabastalker: Gosh. Wasn't that a lot of editing. BTW, don't you guys think pink suits the fluffy Apple-Piggy? And lol, I was abt to question her sanity when I found out the poor, mentally-affected Jimin was knocked in the head when I added a 'despite his horrible injury'. Anyways, sorry if you guys experience any hanging. Since aff's been updated, there's this auto-save thing (which is quite Good I must say) that's kinda annoying Cuz when yr typing up a chap., the damn thing pops up and I supposed it means that this was 'edited' a bunch of times too. And if there are still any mistakes, Please forgive me as I will only re-edit this when I get home to my lovely laptop. 

And to think that I've been silent in the past chapters...(pls don't kill me Jimin fans...)

PS. I've added exaggerations to the chapter.

PPS. It was hard for me to not add the word 'dude' in when I saw 'the guy', actually, it was already hard before that, so I put something about Onew being a 'Chicken-dude' in there. Also, I've re-edited! ^o^ I love you my precious laptop~ <3






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Omg so damn cuteee this story jjang!
Chapter 17: LOL I wonder how that cousin of hers would have felt if he realized that a famous person just bought a cake there xD
Chapter 16: YOURE BAAAAAACKKKK!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D late updates are better than none :3 I feel bad for Jimin being hit by the door but honestly I laughed at it xD soooo you like Onew but love key? And you also love yeollie? XD I like key a loooot but Onew is forever :3 I also like chanyeol a lot but suhos my favorite :3 I guess I'm a big fan of the big hearted leaders lol
b2utygonnabastalker #4
Chapter 16: Uh, Dude. Thanks for promoting by fics, But PLEASE, do not promote it is VERY unsatisfying.. and thank you very much for guilt-tripping again But it ain't gonna work you manipulative excuse of a human.(I can totally see where this is coming from.) And I can see that I have less to edit now. Praise the lord.(am not Christian)
Chapter 15: Then I shall wait :P FIGHTING AUTHOR-NIM! ^^
Chapter 14: Nooooooo kimmmy!!!!!! Just because onews my bias doesn't mean I don't like you too!!! T.T
b2utygonnabastalker #7
Chapter 13: Nagging u really made u a better author. Lol
b2utygonnabastalker #8
Chapter 13: Otl. Are u sure they're not possessed or something?
b2utygonnabastalker #9
Chapter 13: I JUST TOLD U NOT TO EXPOSE ME! AND NOT TO CALL ME MELLOW! Just call me by my name.

Btw... I Love how onew is a sweet guy here. Lol. Key. Real evil diva. And I thought he liked her when he hid behind tht tree.but my guess is that she ends up with key. I will see how this goes then..
Chapter 13: Hah! Jokes on you Key! I like your Kim personality most xD Kim seems extremely adorably grumpy and childish xD especially when you try ignoring him hehe