amber, amber, amber

Snoopy and the Llama

drabble thirteen; amber, amber, amber (sequel to “henry, henry, henry”)

genre: fluff


description: Henry wonders why Amber was drunk in the first place.



“So..wanna tell me why you were drunk?”


No, Henry."


“But Amber~”







“If you say that word one more time, I will hurt you.”


Henry smirks. Amber’s visibly annoyed, and that was probably his first (and only) warning to shut up, but he doesn’t really care. Annoying Amber is one of his favorite things to do.


“Soooo..” he drawls out, grinning cheekily at her. Amber twitches irritably, giving him a hard kick to the shin underneath the table while glaring at him. He winces.


“Shut up,” she hisses, her grip on her book tightening. “I’m trying to read.”


Henry snorts, because he knows she’s doing anything but reading. She’s been looking the same page for the past five minutes (granted, that may have been because he’d been bothering her for the past five minutes, but whatever) and besides, the book is upside down anyway.


“Right,” he says, plucking the book out of her hand, slowly turning it the right way and placing it back into her hands with a cheeky grin. She turns a light pink color and he chuckles, leaning over to ruffle her hair. She hates it when he does that, which is precisely why he does it anyway.


“So,” he repeats again, in danger of being flung out the nearest window. “Wanna tell me why you were drunk?”


Amber growls, “No, Henry.” She holds up her book so that she can no longer see Henry’s face, because he’s smirking at her in that annoyingly attractive way that he does.


“But Amber~” He whines, kicking his feet like a child. “I helped you and everything! I made Ryeowook’s special medicine thing for you!”


Amber scoffs, putting the book down again. “Ryeowook made it, don’t lie to me.” She reaches over and flicks his forehead, and he scrunches his nose cutely, pouting at his best friend.


“Amber...” he looks at her with a puppy-dog look, and she rolls her eyes, mimicking his expression to show that it has absolutely no effect on her before glaring at him. His lips curl up into a smile and he laughs, poking her cheeks and trying to pull her lips up into a smile. She swats at his hands.


“Just tell me,” he says. “Should I just ask Krystal? She’s really good at giving me the really dirty secrets. You weren’t planning on getting laid, right?”


Amber’s cheeks burn bright red. “What the-- Henry! What’s wrong with you, no!”


He shrugs innocently. “That’s what people do, when they go to drink. Isn’t it?”


Amber kicks him under the table again. “Or they go to drown their sorrows, idiot.” He pouts.


“I’m here, why do you need to go drink if you have me?”


She rolls her eyes, resisting the urge to flick his forehead again. “You’re stupid,” she says in response. He just smiles.


“C’mon ‘Ber,” he insists. “Just tell me--”


“I went because Krys wanted to, okay?! That’s it! No reason, now can you please shut up?” Amber snaps at him, and Henry reels backwards, puffing his cheeks out.


“Seriously? That’s it?”


“Yes! Seriously, that’s it! God, you’re annoying,” she scrunches her nose and grabs her book, standing up. “Can’t even read with you like this...”


Henry can tell that’s not the reason, but he lets it go, standing up to follow her. He smiles a little and attacks her with a back-hug, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her close against his chest. “Amber~” he cooes in her ear, laughing at the way she struggles in his arms. “Amber, Amber, Amber~”


She shrieks a little, her voice going up a few octaves as she tries to slip out of his grasp, but he’s stronger and he rather likes the way it feels with her back to his chest, her hair tickling his neck a little. He rests his head on her shoulder and smiles at her and she stops struggling for a moment, her breath hitching in at his proximity. He smirks a little, turning her around in his arms.


“Henry,” she breathes, and he leans down, their foreheads pressed against each other and their noses brushing. He hums, reaching down to take her hand and entwining their fingers together.


“Yeah?” he murmurs, and she can feel his breath on her lips, distracting her for a second. Her eyes flicker up to meet his and he stares back at her, a smile playing on his lips.


“I swear to god, you better kiss me, right now,” she whispers, just a little forcefully, and he laughs, wrapping an arm around her waist again as he pulls her close, pressing his lips against hers.


“Amber,” he mumbles against her lips, and she kisses him again before he manages to let out a, “don’t go drinking without me ever again, okay?” and she chuckles against his lips and gives him a reassuring kiss.


“I won’t.”





i’ve had this in my drafts for a while LOL i just never put it up

it was supposed to go up after drabble seven but yeah that didn’t happen /shrugs

here you go anyway! :D

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Chapter 6: Awww this is sweettt.....
Chapter 4: Wangzifan's manga brought me here.. And the original fanfic also the best..!
Chapter 2: So cutee.. I love it..!
Chapter 19: Yasss! Love how you wrote pregnant Amber here. Cute and all. Thank you for this! :)
Chapter 23: Well I missed your masterpiece and need more huhu I camr here again to read all of your story but when will you make another one?? I'll still waiting for you author nim :)
372 streak #6
Chapter 23: Thank you for writing...really love all the chapters...your writing so great! Love it! I'm new with this couple but love them instantly...hope you will continue to write this...thank you again!
Chapter 8: So my parents caught me crying staring at my phone.
No Mom, it's not my life. T_______T
Spageti #8
Chapter 3: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy T_____________________T
GreenTinge #9
Chapter 20: the thing is... you write it wrong in Thai XD the grammar and everything is correct. just one word. it's not พรหม. it's งานคืนสู่เหย้า

"คุณจะไปงานคืนสู่เหย้ากับผมได้มั้ย?" also sound a bit forceful? so "กรุณาให้เกียรติไปงานคืนสู่เหย้ากับผมด้วยครับ" is the gentlemanly, sweet way to ask a girl to prom. though this might not be the case of henber XD
raccooneyes #10
Chapter 23: I would love to see this from Henry's point of view. I love your drabbles.