What's this feeling?

You were only just a dream

The day for the Mr and Ms Trick High competition

Bom: I'm so nervous. Where the hell is GD...

GD: Yo

Bom: Where have you been? 

GD: I was just talking with Top

Bom: Your shirt is dirty. Oh no *panick*

GD: Really where? *looks at his shirt*

Bom: *looks around and founds CL* *shouts* CL!
CL: *heard bom and walked towards her* Yo, what's up?

Bom: His shirt is dirty

CL: And who is he?

Bom: He is my partner for the competition 

CL: Oh :O. Let me see *checks GD's shirt* It's not that dirty.

GD: Yeah, it isn't,

Bom: But it is

CL: HAHA Bommie you're just being a total clean freak

GD: She's right. Clean freak

Bom: Fine, fine -_-'

(competition starts)

Finally Bom and GD were called

They walked up stage not knowing what to do since they never practiced anything.

Bom: *nervous eyeing GD that she doesn't know what to do*

GD: *eyes back that he doesn't also*

Once they got into the center stage

Bom: *nervous but thought of something* *placed her arm on GD's shoulder and tried to do a y pose*

GD: *just stood there and gave a charismatic smile*

Then they were called to be asked some questions. First to be asked was Bom

Judge: As a student, do you think it's important to get involved in community service?

Bom: Yes, I think it's important because it is something that could shape up who we are. Through community service we could reach out to alot of people who feels like the world abandoned them. We could make them feel loved through that. I think it's very important because not only do we help others but it could help us mature and become better people in the process.

GD: *not really listening to what Bom had to say since he was too nervous*

Judge: Very good answer. 

Then they called out GD

Judge: As a guy, do you think it's important to court a girl for a long time or not?

Bom: *the question stole her attention*

GD: Yeah, I think it's important. Because if the guy truly loves the girl, he could wait no matter how long. If you love someone, you just don't court her in like a minute, an hour or even a day. You could wait for weeks, months or even a year just to hear her say yes, True love waits. 

*audience applauses*

Bom: *doesn't know why but GD's words made her heart skip a beat and made her blush*

GD: *Walks towards Bom mouthing her if his answer was okay*

Bom: *smiled* it was great.

Both walked out of stage. In the end they both lost but they were happy to have that experience with them. After the competition they both walked separate ways. Bom to her friends and GD to his.

Later that day

Bom laying down in her bed thinking of why she reacted the way she did upon hearing GD's answer. 

Bom: *talks to herself* Can it be that I like him? Oh God Bom, No. Don't. Stop liking guys that already have someone in their hearts. You don't like him Bom, okay? You don't. You don't. Yo do!!!! ahhhhhh *frustrated* Here I just have to stop liking him. Get a hold of yourself Bom

*phone beeps

New message from Kwon Ji Yong

Bom: *blushes and is super happy*

Reads the message

GD: Hey

Text convo:

GD: Hey

Bom: Hey

GD: What's up?

Bom: Just laying in bed. You?

GD: Playing guitar. Today was awesome though we lost. Wish Dara was my partner that time

Bom: *feels sad while reading the text* Too bad she wasn't

GD: I really need to find a way to get her

Bom: Good luck with that. Hey, I'm sleepy so uh goodnight *couldn't stand talking to him*

GD: Why so early? It's like 7pm

Bom: I'm tired. And I usually sleep early

GD: C'mon it's just 7. 

Bom: Goodnight

GD: *decides to call*

Bom: Ugh *picks up the phone*

GD: *laughs*

The two ended up talking for like 3 hours over the phone. 


How will Bom be able to stop her feelings?

When will GD have feelings for Bom?


To find out, stay tuned ;)


Hey guys! I'm trying to update as much as I can. 

Because by January 3 I don't think I could update that much anymore. 

Please do subscribe and comment. I really hate silent readers. 

I want to have more inspiration to continue writing. So please comment. Thanks x


I decided to give you guys a teaser of what's going to happen next:


Text convo with GD and Bom

GD: I love you

Bom: Are you drunk? Stop joking

GD: I'm not drunk. I'm completely sober. I love you so much

Bom: Stop joking. I'm serious.

GD: I'm not joking. Only true love got us this far

Bom: Nonsense



So what do you guys think of the teaser? ;)


Excuse any grammatical errors

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kratepow #1
perghsukadia #2
Chapter 18: Hi..i just read this..fanfic..and you know what i really think this is so good..story..and i hope you update soon...i will wait..but please complete this fanfic coz i really curious about what happend next..xoxo :)
sstlucia #3
Chapter 15: Authorinim please update..(with 90°bow).....
Chapter 17: Update!!!!!!!!!!!
Guys, I'll update this as soon as I can :) sorry for the delay. I just got a lot of things on my hands :(
Chapter 16: update.please
bomiebombom #8
Chapter 16: please update
Chapter 15: Update Please!!!!""•_•
Update update