More insecurities

You were only just a dream

It's been a week since GD and Bom decided to "work their feelings out". On that week, they've been happy. They felt more connected with each other. They would text 24/7. But Bom noticed how GD doesn't call her as much as before anymore. They don't talk on the phone that much anymore. Bom felt sad but then understood that perhaps GD was just busy doing homework or something. 

Bom's POV

I'm just here in my bedroom spending the whole day laying down my bed and just texting my baby. HAHA yeah, I call him my baby. But only in my head though. We have no special nicknames for each other. It kinda saddens me. Well, I'm happy at least he loves me. And this time I am very much sure I have no feelings for another person but just him. Well, honestly, I realized that I only liked TOP because he was what I would say "my ideal guy". He has good grades, he is a really good speaker, and good at debating. Heck those qualities could melt me right away. But then, I noticed how ever since me and Ji started texting my world just revolved around him. Even if I don't admit, I guess I already had a crush on him even before we got together. Well, fine I did have a crush on him. I've always thought he was cute HE STILL IS! and has good skin too kekeke. Everyday I regret ever teasing him with Dara. Oh God, If only I could turn back time I'd never do that! ever! But as much as possible I don't want to remember that.I just want to enjoy every minute I have with him. I really really love him. I guess I've fallen in love AGAIN. I hope I don't get hurt so bad this time. I hope... My world is starting to revolve around him. I would get like tons of messages daily but I'd never reply to any of them. Heck I don't even text with my friends anymore now adays. I just want to text him and only him. I know he is like that also. I trust him and love him


Meanwhile at GD's place


Here I am bored out of my brains in this place. This past week was a good one. Bom's a really nice girl. I find her sweet and loving but I can't seem to keep Dara out of my mind. She's a really pretty girl. Honestly, when I first saw Bom, I had a crush on her. But then she teased me with Dara and I don't even know how I started liking Dara, honestly. Well, I just need to put more focus on Bom. I know she's a great girl and that I shouldn't play with her. *beep* Ah it must be a reply from Bom.

From: Yoona

Hi G! :)

Oh it's Yoona...She's my bestfriend since like I was 13. We text a lot. We used to text 24/7 before. I had a really huge crush on her before. Eveyone in our classroom would tease us with each other. During everything I do, I would be texting her. She's a really fun and pretty girl. I stopped liking her ever since she grew taller than me. Gah, why did she have to grow. Well, me and Bom haven't been talking on the phone that much these past few days because I would be busy talking with Yoona. I feel most happy whenever we talk. Aside from Bom she's my 24/7. Honestly, if she didn't grow, I would still love her up to now.. We don't see each other that much now. I heard she was moving to Canada. I don't know when though. Me and her wont probably see each other anymore... *sigh*



How will this Yoona girl affect G-Bom's relationship?

Will Bom throw more jealous tantrums or keep it in?

Will GD end up being an ?


Stay tuned ;)


Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while but I hope you're still with me kekeke

Please give my story some love

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Love you all :x



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kratepow #1
perghsukadia #2
Chapter 18: Hi..i just read this..fanfic..and you know what i really think this is so good..story..and i hope you update soon...i will wait..but please complete this fanfic coz i really curious about what happend next..xoxo :)
sstlucia #3
Chapter 15: Authorinim please update..(with 90°bow).....
Chapter 17: Update!!!!!!!!!!!
Guys, I'll update this as soon as I can :) sorry for the delay. I just got a lot of things on my hands :(
Chapter 16: update.please
bomiebombom #8
Chapter 16: please update
Chapter 15: Update Please!!!!""•_•
Update update