A little get to know

You were only just a dream

After school..

Bom: *God who could that guy be. Bom, you're such an idiot. He's your classmate and you don't know his name* *frustrated*

Minzy: Bom, bom, bom, BOMMIE!

Bom: wha-hu-Eyy Minzy? What's wrong? why are you shouting?

Minzy: Well, I've been calling you for a long time and you seem to be... uh... Dazed?

Bom: Oh, I'm sorry. I just didn't get much sleep last night *lied*

Minzy: Well, you better get some sleep tonight *chuckles*. So, let's go hang at the school's garden with CL and hyori?

Bom: Sure, leggo! lol

(bom and minzy walking to the Garden and spots Hyori and Cl waiting for them)

Hyori: Bom! Minzy! You're finally here. We've been waiting for ages

Bom: Exaggerated much HAHA

CL: So, what's up guys? Anything new?

Bom: Well, I had a boring day. Except for speech though.

Everyone: SPEECH?!?!?!

Bom: Well, I like public speaking *chuckles*

CL: Didn't expect that

Minzy: She's really a great speaker, unnie

Bom: Yeah, but there's someone in our class that's better than me. I don't know what his name is....

Minzy: Oh that's Choi Seunghyun. Oooh is our bommie having an interest on him?

Bom: Wha-of course not! *blushes*

Hyori:  HAHAHA bommie is blushing.

(the girls teased Bom about Seunghyon a.k.a TOP the whole time until they all decided to go home)

Bom at home....

*phone rings*

From: Kwon Ji Yong

Yooo Bom! You were right. She is pretty.

She's like an angel. I think I've fallen in love

Bom: Wow that was fast *chuckles*

Text convo

Bom: See. I told ya!
GD: But how can I get her.

Bom: Dude, just confess and prove you like her. That simple

GD: It's not that easy you know.

Bom: Geez, fine. I'll help you get her.

GD: Yay thanks

Bom: HAHA kid

GD: So is there anyone YOU like?

Bom: No, noone. YET *lies*

GD: If you do like someone I'll help you get him. 

(they texted the whole night until the felt sleepy)

The next day

At school


Another day. Another day to see prince charming HAHA. I'm so bored here sitting alone on my desk. Where the hell is CL when I need her. Oh I remember something. I should remind CL to introduce me to her crush. HAHA i could about that. Wooops! *blushes* prince charming just got here.


Ugh another tiring day at school. *puts bag on chair* What should I do. What should I do. Oh the new girl is there. I should try to get to know her.

End of POV

Top: *walks towards bom*

Bom: *omona is he walking towards me. Keep it cool, bommie*

Top: Hey *takes the seat nearest to Bom* You're new here, right?

Bom: Yeah, I am. How 'bout you?

Top: I've been here since preschool. So where'd you come from?

Bom: I came from Japan and I transferred her because of my parents.

Top: Oh, what do your parents do?

Bom: My mom is a psychologist/nurse and my step father is an engineer. Yours?

Top: Both of my parents are lawyers. My mom's a judge. Step father?

Bom: *ohh lawyers huh. Just my dream keke* My mom is unlucky in love.

Top: *chuckles* I hope you don't have the same luck

Bom: *blushes* *Gah, am i blushing. No, Bom. Don't* I ho- *cuts of by the bell*

Top: Oh, it's bell. So, uh it was nice talking to you but I gotta go back to my seat.

Bom: *Why can't you sit near me* Yeah, sure. It was nice talking to you too.

(After Bom's few minutes in heaven ended. Class started*

During english class...

Mr. Bonzo (english teacher): Okay everyone settle down, I'm giving you your very first group assignment.

(class starts complaining)

Mr. Bonzo: Everyone hush.

Here are the groupings:

Group 1: 

Park bom

Choi Seunghyun

Gong Minji 

Choi Siwon

Group 2: 

Kwon Ji yong

Dara Park

Kang Daesung


(and some other groups which are not relevant to the story)

Mr. Bonzo: Your task is to make a music presentation. It's due tomorrow.

The groups gather

Group 1

Bom: So who plays an instrument here?

TOP: I do

Siwon: It's rare for you to be this participative

TOP: Well, it's music

Bom: *thinks: wow smart and talented* So what instrument can you play?

TOP: Piano. Can you sing?

Bom: *always been embarassed about her voice* I'd rather just compose

Minzy: Then me and Siwon can sing

Siwon: Great idea.

Meanwhile with Group 2

Dara: Hi guys *greets cutely*

GD: *thinks: She's like an angel straight from heaven*

Seungri: Hey, so what do we perform?

Dara: Is there anyone here that can play an instrument?

Seven: GD can. Right, dude?

GD: *still in dreamland* Hu-ah yeah right. I can do the guitar

Seungri: Nice so we got that settled. I'd be the chorus! and Dara can you sing with me?

Dara: *shyly* My voice isn't that good

Seungri: It's fine

Dara: uhh yeah sure *smiles shyly*

Seven: Then I'd be in charge of the lyrics.

(Class ended)

Bom: *walking out the classroom*

Top: Bom, wait up. 

Bom: Oh hey, what is it?

Top: Can I have your number?

Bom: My number? *blushes*

Top: Don't misunderstand. It's for the group assignment.

Bom: *a bit disappointed but still happy he asked for it* Oh, right yeah. Uhmm here it is.

Top: Thanks. See ya around!

(Bom feels like she was in heaven. She swore she wouldn't tell anyone about her little crush on TOP but she just couldn't help it)

Later that day

Bom lying down on her bed and as usual GD texted her

Text convo

GD: I'm so happy! I got to be groupmates with her!

Bom: I got to be groupmates with him! *doesn't realize what she has sent*

GD: Him?

Bom: oooppsss.. uhhh NOONE!

GD: So, you like someone now huh?

Bom: Well..... promise you won't tell anyone?

GD: My lips are sealed

Bom: Well... I like TOP

GD: That nerd in class? AHAHHA

Bom: He isn't a nerd!
GD: He looks like one with those glasses on lol

Bom: Well, he isnt! He is such a cool and smart guy 

GD: You nerds :P


Next chapter teasers

Bom: Minzy ah... I kinda like Top

Minzy: But he's been courting someone for like 3 years now. He has liked her since they were in elementary


So, who will this mystery girl be?

What will happen to Bom's 'crush' on Top?

Will GD be able to get Dara?


Stay tuned ;)



Though I'm a new writer. I hope you guys liked my story.

Please subscribe and comment



P.S: Sorry for grammatical errors. I just write whatever comes in mind. I don't prepare



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kratepow #1
perghsukadia #2
Chapter 18: Hi..i just read this..fanfic..and you know what i really think this is so good..story..and i hope you update soon...i will wait..but please complete this fanfic coz i really curious about what happend next..xoxo :)
sstlucia #3
Chapter 15: Authorinim please update..(with 90°bow).....
Chapter 17: Update!!!!!!!!!!!
Guys, I'll update this as soon as I can :) sorry for the delay. I just got a lot of things on my hands :(
Chapter 16: update.please
bomiebombom #8
Chapter 16: please update
Chapter 15: Update Please!!!!""•_•
Update update