Loving you feels like a crime

You were only just a dream

Saturday Morning

Bom: *wakes up and checks her phone to find a text*

From: CL

Bommie-ah, want to go out today with Minzy and Hyori?

Bom: *starts typing a reply: sure, what time?*

*phone beeps*

From: CL

1pm at Strabucks. See ya

Bom: *checks the time* Whaaaat?!?! it's 11:40. Ugh, Time stop now pleaseeee *lazy tone*

(after staying in bed for like 20 mins Bom decided to take a bath and get dressed*

After getting dressed Bom head to Starbucks

Bom: Guys I'm here waves at the girls from afar

CL: You're late, Bom *serious tone*

Bom: What? I'm so sorry *checks time* Hey it's only been a minute past 1!

Minzy: HAHA bommie CL is joking. Hey we got you a drink.

Bom: How long have you guys been here?

Hyori: Since 12

Bom: huh? Then why did you tell me to go here at 1?

CL: We figured you slept late and we gave you some time to 'prepare' *chuckles*

Bom: You guys know me. Anyway, what's up?

Hyori: Well, we were talking about cute guys and crushes before you arrived *blushes*

Bom: Cute guys and crushes? Ah! I remember something. Cl, weren't you suppose to introduce someone to me?

CL: Oh righ, I forgot. I will soon ;)

Hyori: Sooooooooo bommie, is there anyone that you like?

Bom: Well, uhhh--*gets cut off by Minzy*

Minzy: Hey guys I need to get home. My brother is sick and no one is home.

Bom: Oh my you better get there soon!

CL: Tell your brother to get well soon!

Hyori: Take care Minz and we send our prayers to your bro.

Minzy: Thanks guys! gotta go

(after that the girls ended up talking and worrying about Minzy's bro instead of their old topic)

CL went home after their hang out for like 3 hours. Only Bom and Hyori were left.

Bom: So what time are you going home?

Hyori: I don't know? When you're going home. I don't want to go home yet.

Bom: Uhm, wanna have dinner at my house then I could send you home

Hyori: Really? Thanks!

They went to Bom's place

Hyori: Wow! your house is huge

Bom: Haha thanks. So foods not yet ready. Wanna hang at my room?

Hyori: Sure

They go to Bom's room

Hyori: So, back to the old topic when we were in Starbucks. Who's the guy you like? spill

Bom: Swear you wont tell anyone?

Hyori: I swear

Bom: Well... It's this guy in my class.

Hyori: Is it the one that keeps texting you like every minute? The one that bothers our hangout because you're always texting him back? *annoyed, sarcastic and excited tone*

Bom: HAHA no. Of course not. It's this guy named Choi Seunghyun. He is more known as TOP though.

Hyori: Oh the guy with nice eyes.

Bom: That just narrowed things down *sarcasm*

Hyori: I know who you mean. REALLY *chuckles*

Bom: Let's put a code name to him. Let's call him 'Charm'.

Hyori: Why Charm?

Bom: I don't know. He seems precious. Like Prince CHARMing hahaha corny me

So the two girls ended up talking about Bom's crush on 'CHARM'. After Hyori ate dinner at Bom's house, Bom sent her home.


5 days passed since Bom told Hyori about 'CHARM'

At school

Hyori and Bom talking outside Bom's classroom

Hyori: Omo I spot Charm

Bom: *blushes* oh stop it.

Minzy: Charm? Who's Charm?

Bom: *still blushing* He is no one. really

Minzy: C'mon tell me

Hyori: Yeah, you can trust Minz

Bom: I know I can but.. Well.... Fine... Minzy I kinda-*school bell rings* Gosh I hate that bell

Hyori: Guys, I gotta go to my class

Bom & Minzy: Bye

Minzy: Tell me later?

Bom: Sure thing


During lunch

The girls gathered up in their usual table during lunch

Minzy: So Bom our topic? Can we continue?

CL: What topic?

Hyori: It's about the guy who Bom likes *teasing tone*

Bom: *blushes* Well before we talk about him. I need to go to the CR.

All the girls: Awww no fun. FINE

Bom: *laughs then goes to the CR*

In the CR

There are bunch of girls talking but one particular group of girls caught Bom's ears.

???? 1: Oh my gosh *****(bom couldn't hear the name well) you're so lucky TOP likes you

*****: He's a sweet guy. Today he gave me flowers and chocolates. He also gave me this very long love letter

???? 2: You're so lucky. I feel so jealous. How long has he been courting you?

*****: For like 3 years

??? 1: Why haven't you said yes to him?

Bom had enough hearing what the girls had to talk about. It broke her heart. She decided to go back to the girls with a dead expression

Meanwhile at the CR

??? 1: Why haeven't you said yes to him?

*****: Why should I? I'm dating this hot American guy who's in Senior year. He is way more richer than TOP

??? 2: You're such a Hyuna

Hyuna: Well, a girl can't simply go with a man that has less that $10,000 in his pocket.

The other girls laugh evily

With Bom

Hyori:  Bom, why the long face?

Bom: Huh no-nothing. I just hit my head

Minzy: What are you okay? 

Bom: Yeah, I guess

CL: Are you sure? Want to go to the clinic?

Bom: No, I'll just go back to the classroom and rest

Minzy: I'll go with you. 

Bom: No there's no need.

Minzy. I want to. Well, bell is near and we are in the same class haha

Bom: *chuckles*

Minzy: Guys, we'll just go ahead. We'll see you later

While walking to the classroom

Minzy: Something is wrong. Tell me

Bom: Huh? How'd you know?

Minzy: You told me

Bom: What are you talking about?

Minzy: I just guessed that there was something wrong and you asked 'how did you know?'. It confirmed my assumption. So, what happened?

Bom: Well *decided to tell minzy everything*

Minzy: Bommie-ah, Top has liked Hyuna for years. He has courted her for 3 years but she never said yes to him. But she has dated several different men within that 3 years.

Bom: Several different... Men?

Minzy: Yeah, she's like a known . She dates ONLY rich men that are like a million dollar per breath kind of guy.

Bom: but... Does Top know about this?

Minzy: Of course, he does. Everyone knows about her ty ways.

Bom: But... But why does he still like her?

Minzy: Those reasons are unknown, Bom.



What could be the reason that Top likes Hyuna even though he knows She is a major ?

(sorry to the Hyuna fans out there)

What will happen to Bom's feelings towards Top?

When will G-bom start?


Stay tuned ;)


So yeah, I'm just here waitin for Christmas eve.

Super bored. So I thought of updating :))

Hope you guys liked it!

Merry Xmas!


Forgive any grammatical errors


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kratepow #1
perghsukadia #2
Chapter 18: Hi..i just read this..fanfic..and you know what i really think this is so good..story..and i hope you update soon...i will wait..but please complete this fanfic coz i really curious about what happend next..xoxo :)
sstlucia #3
Chapter 15: Authorinim please update..(with 90°bow).....
Chapter 17: Update!!!!!!!!!!!
Guys, I'll update this as soon as I can :) sorry for the delay. I just got a lot of things on my hands :(
Chapter 16: update.please
bomiebombom #8
Chapter 16: please update
Chapter 15: Update Please!!!!""•_•
Update update