Chapter Fifteen

The Dating Game

Woohyun, Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo, Jokwon, and Sungjong all circled around Dongwoo's laptop. Steamers, confetti, and ballons were sprawled on the floor around them and the birthday cake was left untouched. 

"May we please set up Kibum with TOP?" Sungjong asked, chuckling. 

"I agree," said Jokwon almost instantly. It wasn't a surprise to any of the others, he and Sungjong were basically thinking the same thing at all times. 

"Only if you'll let us set you up with Yongguk," Sungyeol and Myungsoo said simultaneously, looking at Sungjong. 

Sungjong rolled his eyes as he let out a dramatic sigh. 

"He agrees!" Jokwon exclaimed. 

"Okay so we set up Sungjong with Yongguk," Myungsoo said, typing furiously on the computer, "And Kibum with TOP." 

"Don't you need to use their usernames?" Woohyun asked, looking Myungsoo's shoulder. 

"Yes," Myungsoo said, "But their usenames aren't that hard to decode. It's pretty obvious that snsd-lover is Sungjong and bangster is Yongguk. Kibum is key and I am guessing TOP is bangbang." 

"Bangbang?" Sunggyu asked, unimpressed. 

"Yes, hamster," said Hoya.

"That's not fair," Sunggyu said, narrowing his eyes, "You guys picked out that username for me."

"Technically you picked it our for yourself because you look like one," Hoya said, lauging. 

Woohyun nudged Sunggyu and then shook his head, silently letting him know that he didnt share the same opinion as Hoya. 

"Now that we set them up, how will we know how their date went?" Dongwoo asked, looking around as everyone wore the same confused face. 

"See if they upvote or downvote eachother?" Sungyeol asked, looking to Myungsoo for approval.

"You guys are such amatures," Jokwon said as he rolled his eyes.

"We obvioulsy spy on their date," Sungjong said in a tone that made it seem like the most obvious thing in the world. "But no spying on me and Yongguk. I can just tell you guys what happened. I mean it will be on my blog anyway." 

"Don't worry, we won't spy on you," Sungyeol said, winking at Myungsoo. 

Sungyeol opened his mouth like he was going to say something else, but the familiar chime of Dongwoo's laptop made everyone look at the screen. 

"There's a message," Dongwoo said as he tried to look over Myungsoo's shoulder so he could read what it said. 

"I can read it out loud," Myungsoo said as he pushed Dongwoo's head back, "It is a message from bangster to snsd-lover. It says that he wants to meet tonight at the basketball court at the gym." 

Everyone looked at Sungjong, interested in what he was going to say next. Sungjong was not one to be good at sports, let alone show any interest in them. The only physical activity he will actually do is dancing. 

"Is he actually serious?" Sungjong asked, "Does he really expect me to play basketball?" 

"Yes," Myungsoo said, "Because I relpied saying that you would love to play basketball." 

"Oh, I have to see this," Woohyun said, elicitng laughter from everybody but a pouting Sungjong. 

"What about Yongguk and Kibum?" Sungjong asked, trying to get the attention off of him, "What are they doing?"

"Let me check," Myungsoo said, as he typed on the keyboard, "Just froyo tomorrow afternoon."

"Why do I have the worst date," Sungjong asked, walking away from everyone, "I'm going to go home to change. And don't you dare spy on me." 

"We won't," Hoya yelled after him as Sungjong slammed the door on his way out. 

"So when do you want to leave to spy on them?" Jokwon asked the question everyone was thinking.

"Let's wait about half an hour and then head to the gym and get good hiding spots," Myungsoo said as he glanced up at the clock. Tonight was going to be very interesting. 

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I will update in the Summer after school gets out! :)


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Simran20 #1
Chapter 10: This is fun❤️❤️❤️
jessy2 #2
Chapter 8: I♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this chapter:-D :-D
Yeolli claim Myung is his officiall boyfriend..
OhMyGyu! I'm so ecstatic for your return!!!!!!!! ♡ ^^
AoiMizuiro #5
Chapter 15: I find this story today and now I'm fall in l9ve with this story :D
welcome back author nim XD
Chapter 13: Are u still here?? Uhm please update soon. This story is really awesome!! im puking rainbows and butterflies now. This story is so cute and fluffy and cheesy and soo woogyu. I love how the events turned out . And just perfect. I was actually kinda worried when woohyun found out about the web but I believe in woogyu. I almost cried. Woogyu does not deserve angst and tears, painful tears. And you gave them a happy life. So please come back. Maybe im not enough to make you come back and continue this but this is my honest feeling and I hope thats more than enough. Come back eung? I want you back back back back~~~ fighting author'nim♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
mylastromehyun #7
authorniiiim~ please comeback for this story ;A;
hyeamazing #8
Wow this was such a fun read haha!
Curious to see how things escalate there and then xD
Update soon!
Chapter 14: I really love this
I never thougt of Sungjong with Jokwon xD the diva couple -_-

I wanna know what happens next cx