Chapter One

The Dating Game

Sunggyu sat in math class listening to his AP calculus teacher explain how to do a problem he already knew how to do. What made matters worse is that the teacher was taking a simple two step problem and expanding it into about ten little steps. Sunggyu sighed as he looked around him. His best friend, Myungsoo, was on the opposite side of the room as he was. And Myungsoo sat by Woohyun, probably the hottest guy at school according to Sunggyu. This is what Sunggyu basically did in math everyday. Just stole glances towards Woohyun who was leaning back in his seat and texting under his desk as Myungsoo slept beside him. The bell rang while the teacher, Mr. Chen, was in the middle of the problem.

"Okay class!" Mr. Chen yelled over the noise of the students talking to their classmates and putting their stuff away, "I'll post the rest online!"

Sunggyu rolled his eyes as he put his calculus notebook away, knowing that none of the students would look at the example the teacher took the time to post online. Sunggyu zipped up his backpack and put it on as Myungsoo walked over to his seat.

"On a scale from one to ten how boring did you think that lesson was?" Myungsoo asked as he stopped at Sunggyu's desk.

"A solid seven," Sunggyu said as he walked out of the classroom, "He was more enthusiastic today."

"I found it a full ten," Myungsoo said, "But then again, when do I not?"

"That's true," Sunggyu said as he and Myungsoo walked down the hallway and towards Hoya's locker.

"How was calc?" Hoya asked Sunggyu and Myungsoo as they reached him.

"Normal as always," Sunggyu said as he shrugged.

"Boring," Hoya said as he closed the locker, "So where to now?"

"We can go to my house," Sunggyu said, "My parents are at work."

"Sounds good," Hoya said as he led Myungsoo and Sunggyu out of the school.

"You are so lucky you live a block away from the school," Myungsoo said as they walked outside, "It doesn't take you forever to get home like some of us."

Sunggyu shrugged, "Yeah, but everyone knows where I live."

"That's true," Myungsoo mumbled.

Hoya, Sunggyu, and Myungsoo walked side-by-side to Sunggyu's house, not talking but enjoying the fall weather. When they reached Sunggyu's house they went directly to Sunggyu's room and Hoya jumped onto Sunggyu's bed, and Myungsoo and Sunggyu sat down on the floor.

"I caught Sunggyu staring at Woohyun in math," Myungsoo said as he looked at Sunggyu and smirked, "Again."

"Hey!" Sunggyu yelled as he glared at Myungsoo, "You were sleeping in math!"

"I don't sleep the whole time," Myungsoo said.

"Sunggyu, you can't deny how much you like Woohyun," Hoya said as he laid, sprawled across Sunggyu's bed.

"I'm not denying it," Sunggyu said as he sighed, "He'd never like someone like me."

"Don't say that," Hoya said, "He just doesn't know you exist."

"That makes me feel so much better," Sunggyu said sarcastically, "And how would you know that?"

Hoya shrugged, "I was talking to Dongwoo the other day."

"You talked to Dongwoo about me?" Sunggyu asked.

Hoya nodded as Myungsoo laughed, "Instead of just sitting here and having a pity party, why don't you do something about it?"

"Like what?" Sunggyu asked.

"Well you have to get Woohyun to like you, yes?" Myungsoo asked as he reached for and grabbed Sunggyu's laptop, "Then send him a Facebook message or something."

"No!" Sunggyu yelled as he reached for the laptop from Myungsoo, but Myungsoo held it away from Sunggyu.

"Why doesn't Sunggyu do something anonymously?" Hoya asked as he sat up, "Like a dating website."

"How would we get Woohyun on a dating website?" Myungsoo asked.

"Can I see the laptop?" Hoya asked as Myungsoo handed the laptop to Hoya.

"We could create a dating website for the school. Call it woollimhighlovers or something," Hoya said.

"That sounds good," Myungsoo said as he got up onto the bed beside Hoya, "Let me make and design the website and you can come up with the rules."

Hoya handed the laptop to Myungsoo as he took out his phone.

"Do I get a say in this?" Sunggyu asked.

Hoya shook his head, "We are doing it with or without your consent."

"Fine," Sunggyu said as he sighed, "So what do you guys expect to happen?"

"You and Woohyun get set up and then fall in love," Myungsoo said, "Easy as that."

"Of course with multiple obstacles and dates before that," Hoya muttered.

"Done," Myungsoo said as he smiled and handed the laptop to Hoya.

"Holy crap," Hoya said as he took the laptop, "How could you do that so fast?"

"I've made many websites before for classes," Myungsoo said as he shrugged, "It's really easy."

"Well what do you want me to do?" Hoya asked as he looked towards Myungsoo.

"Post the rules. Number one should be... That nobody should talk about it because the school might find out and suspend us," Myungsoo said.

"The school will suspend us for this?" Hoya asked.

Myungsoo nodded, "They are really strict on this stuff. If they don't suspend us we just get in trouble."

"Okay then we should say that you must go on at least one date with the person you are set up with," Hoya said as he typed, "Because then Woohyun and Sunggyu could go on a date and Woohyun can see how cool Sunggyu is."

"Sounds good," Myungsoo said, "And it should only be for people who are single."

"And they should have a username and no using your own picture," Sunggyu said, "Because what if he sees it's me and decides not to go on a date with me?"

"That would never happen," Hoya said, "Woohyun wouldn't do that."

"Plus," Myungsoo said, "That breaks one of our rules."

"Since we have usernames it should only be Woollim High students so we can reduce the number of website users so we can find Woohyun."

Hoya nodded as he typed, "Okay so I just publish the rules and then post this on Facebook or something?"

"Sure," Myungsoo said, "But post it on Facebook for twenty-four hours so we can get users, but not long enough for anybody but students to find out.

"Okay, I published the rules. Does this look good?" Hoya asked as he moved the laptop so all of them could see.


1.) You must never mention anything about the game or the website. It is all highly classified and only for students. If any teacher or adult finds this out it will be shut down.

2.) This is only for those who go to Woollim High. If any non-Woollim High students this will be shut down.

3.) If you aren't single, or end up dating who you are set up with you must delete your profile ASAP.

4.) You cannot use your real name. It has to be a username and no sending pictures of yourself. It's supposed to be anonymous so we can set you up with your true match.

5.) You must go on at least one date with the person you are set up with.

6.) Have fun.

"Sounds good," Myungsoo said, "But why is it called the dating game?"

Hoya shrugged, "It sounded fun."

"So when does this all come into effect?" Sunggyu asked.

"Well," Hoya said as he moved the laptop towards him and typed a couple of things into the computer, "I just posted it on Facebook. So we have twenty-four hours until operation set up Woohyun with Sunggyu activates."


Author's note: Just a little background.. Thank you for all of the subscribers, commenters, and readers! You are all loved <3

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I will update in the Summer after school gets out! :)


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Simran20 #1
Chapter 10: This is fun❤️❤️❤️
jessy2 #2
Chapter 8: I♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this chapter:-D :-D
Yeolli claim Myung is his officiall boyfriend..
OhMyGyu! I'm so ecstatic for your return!!!!!!!! ♡ ^^
AoiMizuiro #5
Chapter 15: I find this story today and now I'm fall in l9ve with this story :D
welcome back author nim XD
Chapter 13: Are u still here?? Uhm please update soon. This story is really awesome!! im puking rainbows and butterflies now. This story is so cute and fluffy and cheesy and soo woogyu. I love how the events turned out . And just perfect. I was actually kinda worried when woohyun found out about the web but I believe in woogyu. I almost cried. Woogyu does not deserve angst and tears, painful tears. And you gave them a happy life. So please come back. Maybe im not enough to make you come back and continue this but this is my honest feeling and I hope thats more than enough. Come back eung? I want you back back back back~~~ fighting author'nim♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
mylastromehyun #7
authorniiiim~ please comeback for this story ;A;
hyeamazing #8
Wow this was such a fun read haha!
Curious to see how things escalate there and then xD
Update soon!
Chapter 14: I really love this
I never thougt of Sungjong with Jokwon xD the diva couple -_-

I wanna know what happens next cx