I think im Falling for you

Aish ! i should have never fallen to a guy like you ~ON-HIATUS~

After that incident Yumin felt really awkward so do Kyuhyun, they would just take glances at one another then looked away, but the awkward feeling is still there, Both of them were confused. Yumin stay on her room for the rest of the day and would only go out to clean the house or to cook food for kyuhyun, Kyuhyun on the other hand busied himself at his office, not bothering to go home yet, his feelings confuses him and most likely he's really falling for her.


"Cho kyuhyun, for the tenth time... what's gotten into you" Dongahe irritatedly asked him, as they were at their usual hanging out place with the rest of their friends. it was abit unnatural for kyuhyun to act the way he was acting right now. he stared blankly at the window and looked at donghae with a raised eyebrow.

" uhmm... Im fine" he stuttered, making the other members chuckled, Kyuhyun glared at them

" Hey, what's funny about that"he then went again on staring at the cup of coffee infront of him

" guess.. Someone is In Loo-veeee" Siwon nudged at Kyuhyun, which made the other members high fived each other.

"Who's the lucky girl?" sungmin asked, while the others leaned in anticipating for his answer.

" YAH ! ALL OF YOU STOP IT" Kyuhyun threw glares at them,which made them flinched and laugh a  little . Kyu on the other hand saw a very familiar figure at the other side of the street, a petite girl with a brownish hair, carrying atwo heavy grocery bags. 

Is that her?

His body somewhat reacted, he rushed out of the door then towards the girl, the members were dumbfounded as they follow their gazes to kyuhyun who managed to catch up with the girl. 

Siwon clicked his tounge and snapped his finger. " Yep. He's Inlove"


"Aish~~ This is so Freaking to the highest level Heavy...." Yumin tightened her gripped at the two grocery bags she was holding. why must i buy food these much, she keep cursing and muttering until someone stopped infront of her. She looked up to see the least person she would like to see.


Her cheeks flushed red as she hung her head low, neither of them speak, kyu on the other hand have no idea on what to say.

.. Kyuhyun, what the heck are you doing infront of her

Kyuhyun scratched the back of his neck and he cleared his throat.

"D-Do you want a ride home" he said, as Yumin looked up, but before she could protest, kyuhyun snatched the grocery bags on her hand and put them at the back of his car, 

Pssh.. still as stuborn as ever

Yumin thought,    but she cannot deny the fact that she miss Kyuhyun...well, A alot

The ride was,... well...... VERY AWKWARD

" Im sorry..." Kyuhyun Blurted out.. " for what happened" he said as the car stopped infront of a cake shop. Yumin was silent, then she looked outside the window to see a very cute little pink cake shop.. she immediately smiled and looked at kyuhyun who gave her the most charming smile of all.. She felt her cheeks were burning up.

" errm... My treat" Kyuhyun winked at her and even open the car door for her,

Yumin eyes brightened as they both entered the shop, there was only a few costumers eating, a middle-aged woman approached them with a smile on her face.

" well, what do we have a here" She said looking at them " a young cute couple" Yumin instantly blushed at that remark and kyuhyun just chuckled a bit. Yumin elbowed her and pout.

"Haha. How cute" the woman said,

" since you're the very first couple today... I'll give you a free cake.." the woman said as thay take their seats.

" omo~ Thank you so much ahjumma" yumin said as she bowed her head and smiled.

The woman served them cakes and treats which yumin enjoyed a lot. she's eating like forever and kyuhyun was just staring at her.. smiling like an idiot. Yumin somewhat noticed it and blushed,

" Yah.. why are you not eating?" 

Kyuhyun chuckled. " No... Im fine." he said as he took a sip at his juice.

"Here" Yumin placed a cake infront of kyuhyun. " eat." kyuhyun smiled at her cuteness.

" yumin-ah" Yumin flinched. The way he said her name was totally different, she felt warm, secure and well, Happy.

" Im sorry.." kyu hung his head low, " i should'nt have done it.. I-i just can't control myself" Kyu apologetically said, Yumin softened and she found her hands on kyuhyun's hands, interlacing both of their fingers together.. Kyuhyun tilted his head up.

"Park Yumin." Kyuhyun looked at her sincerely.





"I think  im... im.. Falling for you"

















Yow.. Yow.. Im BACK :))]

Not totally :)0 well,

I just have to update my stories,


and this is like a very short update

Thanks guys :))))




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Heiyuun #1
Can't wait for the next update kyaaaaaa~
omo!!! who's that girl?!?!!?!??!??
eunhmie #3
omg whos that girl....tsk tsk.....wrong timing..
update so0o0o0on!!!!!!!!!!~~~~
can't wait update plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i truely am in love with it i leave all of my work and just read it <3




eunhmie #6
omg yay kilig to the max.keep.upadating pls..thanks
wonderful story.
new reader here i just want to read all of your chpies no matter what (if yuri is from snsd so yumin must be yoona)
kyaaaa~!!!!! i love it!!! update soon unnie~!!!!! xD