
Married, Because of Business Matters
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Listen to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9kXCdlPAHU

“HUBBY!” You screamed at the top of your lunges from your room and you heard rushing steps making their way to the room. The door flung open and he saw you sitting on the bed with a baffled look. “What is it? Are you okay?” he ran over to your side and looked at you concerned.

You nodded your head and gave him an apologetic look. “I was just wondering about something” he sighed, but soon smirked. “Calling me Hubby are we?” he wiggled with his brows and you shrugged. “Since you called me Wifey, so I thought why not” His face turned crimson when you mentioned that.

“But I was wondering if you could go out with me? I am bored at home” You pouted and he sighed. “This is my last day off before my work starts tomorrow” He explained and you nodded. “I see. I can go out with Yixing” “I didn`t say no” Kris quickly retorted and your eyes widened. “So you`re going, with me?” You pointed at yourself and he nodded. “Of course your Hubby will go with you” he nuzzled his nose with you and your face turned red. *When did he become so touchy?*


The two of you took a stroll and you enjoyed the wonderful weather and the sun shooting it`s hot sunrays at you. “How about we buy ice cream to cool us down?” he questioned and you beamed. “That sounds like a great idea”

Walking towards an ice cream store he handed you a Popsicle and took one himself. “But I want strawberry ice cream with

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re-read it again
Chapter 55: Is as if i never read this before, it's really amazing
Chapter 55: just reread and enjoyed all over again!
14 streak #4
Chapter 55: Rereading this again! Forgot how many times I read this and I still loved it!!
Chapter 55: I really liked the pace of the story, will check the sequels ^.^
Chapter 47: It's heartwarming to have Yixing and Kris getting to know each other and become friends
Chapter 41: Finally ^_^
Chapter 35: If only she listened to Yixing's wise words...
Chapter 34: Oops! That hurt :|
Chapter 27: So, when is he gonna find out that he actually cares about her??