beauty . tough . caring

Please. With Love.


kyuri : ure the first to comment! thanks, u made my day :) !!
bree : neh the boys are diff in here, kekeke. here's the new chap!!
yuna : thanks for saying i'm good :) *hugs*
clo : hehe, no problem!! ^^
nicole : thanks for reading, guessing and commenting!! *hugs!*
blacknred : and ure here too XD!! thanks :)

and thanks to all subscribers!!


Seoul National University

"Look at her.." a young guy said, pointing his finger to a tall figure. She's walking ever so elegant to her class.

"Jung Seunghee always looks pretty," the other guy replied. He too, is staring at Seunghee, not blinking his eyes even once.

Well, it is understandable because Jung Seunghee is a natural beauty. She doesn't need any cosmetics help to appear attractive. She doesn't take much time picking clothes to wear to class everyday. A simple t-shirt and jeans are enough.

"Seunghee, we need to talk!" suddenly her class president approached her as she stepped into the class.

"What is it?" she tried to asked politely, though she really hates it when people approach her like that. You know, without proper greetings? Furthermore, she just arrived from her home, why can't the class president let her breathe in some fresh oxygen first? Jung Seunghee started to feel annoyed early in the morning.

"Remember the drama competition? Tomorrow is the deadline to submit the script and I forgot to tell the class about it! How are we going to prepare a script of a drama, consists of 25 casts within 24 hours?!" the class president is shouting. Obviously, it is because he is panicking. Little that he knows his act is burning Seunghee from inside. The beautiful girl is trying to forget his improper way of greeting her. Now Seunghee is even more annoyed knowing how careless the president is. Seriously, the deadline is tomorrow! Where is his responsibility?

"I've done with the script with my best friend and we already submitted it today in Mrs. Han's office. Problem is solved, please leave," Seunghee said without looking at the president, and is breathing slowly, to control her 'volcano' from exploding so early in the morning.

"Oh my, Seunghee! I don't know how to thank you! I don't have money to treat you a meal or something~,"

"It's okay, just go,"

Well, if you readers counted well, this is the second time Seunghee asked the president, also the volcano-victim-to-be to leave her alone. One fact about Seunghee, she doesn't like repeating things twice.

"Maybe a thank you kiss will do?" and without further notice, the stupid class president leans down a bit to give Seunghee a kiss on her forehead. Well, the president forgot that the 20 year old girl is a hot-blooded one.


18 years old Honey Park is walking alone to her class. Usually she's always with her best friend, Seunghee. But since Seunghee needs to submit the drama script to Mr. Han, and Honey needs to check the bookstore first, she's alone right now. Being a manga-addict, she is always the first to stand in front of the nearest bookstore to buy mangas. Everyday, yes.

Today is different, though. The bookstore usually opens at 8am. Honey gave her watch a glance. The bookstore is late by two minutes already. What had happened?

"Honey, aren't you going to class?" her classmate who happens to passes by asked.

"I will be there in a minute! I need to check on the new arrivals first," Honey replied that classmate of her with a smile.

"See you, then," and off she goes. Honey is now staring at the door of the bookstore. What could have happened to cause it opening late today?

Another minute had passed, its 8:03 am now.

Don't get her wrong. This girl is quite good in controlling her anger. At least she didn't explode any volcanoes like her best friend, Seunghee always did. But when it comes to thing she likes, like online games, spicy food, and mangas, she's almost as bad as Seunghee. And being three minutes late to check on her lovely mangas, things are not so good this morning.

"I'm so pissed off!" she muttered to herself as she walks off after waiting for 5 minutes in front of the bookstore. She decided the owner of the bookstore will get a punch on his face tomorrow.

"Morning, Mrs. Han," she bows politely as she saw her lecturer in the hall way.

"Oh, Honey. How are you?" Mrs. Han greets her back.

"Fine, thank you. Did you get the script from our class?"

"Ah yes, Seunghee already submitted it early this morning,"

"Glad to hear that. Do you need help with those?" she asked when she saw the middle-age woman is holding a lot of books.

"Oh thanks," Mrs. Han said as she hands her some of the books she's holding. So readers, as you can see, in normal situations, Honey Park is a polite student who loves to help.

"I'll go first. See you at class, Mrs. Han," she said, waving her hand and off she went. She put on a sweet smile on her face, trying to look happy. But what happened with the bookstore this morning is still in her mind so she's now pissed off again.

"Move away!" suddenly a boy came and pushed her to the other side.

"That's rude, idiot," Honey said in a low tone as she turns to face the boy.

"So what? Any friend of Jung Seunghee is my enemy," the boy replied with a cheeky smile.

"What is your problem with her anyway?" Honey asked as she picked the books which are now scattered all over the floor.

"She rejected me in public, and she even called me 'cheap'! That's why I hate her, and I hate you too," said the boy.

"Why are you so emo in the morning? Are you having your menstrual?" Honey asked. Well, she didn't plan to make the conversation longer. So she walks off without waiting for the boy to reply her.

"Boys don't have menstrual, silly. You're just as stupid as that Jung Seunghee!" the boy shouted, obviously pissed off with Honey.

Honey then put down all the books on the nearest table.

"Do you know the bookstore is closed today?" she asked as she turned to face the boy. Not to forget, her death glare.

"S.. so what if the bookstore is closed?" the boy asked back, trying to act brave though Honey's death glare is shaking his not-so-strong legs.

"That means I can't read my favourite manga, and I am not in the mood. To add more problems for me, you pushed me to the wall, and you even called my best friend 'stupid'," Honey said as she walks to the boy.

"I.. I'm going!" the boy quickly turn away to leave the hall way, but the girl quickly grabs his wrist, locking him to the position he is standing, and give him a punch on his face without a second thought.

The boy fell on the floor, and is now rubbing his left cheek.

"Just so you know, Seunghee called you 'cheap' because she saw you cheating in the examination hall," Honey said before she left the boy. She feels much better now that she punched a bad boy.

Well, she will be in trouble if the boy makes a report on her later. But for now, she can live a happy life in her campus. No more bad boy to pushes her, no more stupid boy to insults her friend, so no more poor boy will be punished.

She steps into her class with a smile, but her smile fades away when she saw her class president is lying on the floor, and there is a desk on his back!

"H..Honey, help mee?" the president quickly recognized her. He made a good decision to ask for her help since Honey is physically strong. She can remove the desk away in a second.

"Seunghee unnie, what did he do to you?" Honey asked as she walks to her seat, and she chose to ignore the class president. Seunghee is now sitting in her place, reading her textbook as if nothing happened.

"He tried to kiss me just now," Seunghee said as Honey took her place besides her.

"Really? That desk looks pretty on your back, Mr. President," Honey said and she laughs with Seunghee.

So readers, can you tell them apart? Seunghee is the one with natural beauty, and she have a very bad-temper. Honey on the other hand, is a normal student, but she can be rough if you mess with her.

If you're tired of reading about two crazy friends who hit boys so early in the morning, let's go to a land quite far from Seoul National University. In a small house, located on the opposite of a very big garden, live a very loving girl named Shim Youngjin. She's 17 years old, but she talks and acts like a 22 years old. Matured, yes.

"I'm on the 37th page now," she muttered to herself as she pasted a picture of her and a few children, eating sweet potatoes in front of her house. This girl loves keeping memories, so no matter what she does with her friends, and the orphans in the orphanage besides her school, she'll make sure she have at least one picture to store the memories. Youngjin have her own scrap books, for her to paste the pictures and to write the captions, so that she will never forget those wonderful moments. Her rack is now full of scrap books that she made ever since she was seven. She's now on the 37th page of her 10th scrap book. One book per year.

"Done," she said as she closed the scrap book. She gave her clock a glance. It's time for her to go to school. She put on her black shoes and leaves the house after she locked the door. She has her school bag on her shoulders, and she's holding a big food container with her two hands.

"Youngjin noona!" a small boy greets her as soon as she reached the orphanage. The other children quickly run to her upon hearing Youngjin's name being called by one of them just now.

"I brought food for all of you," Youngjin said with a very pretty smile as she opens the food container. There are various kinds of cakes and cookies in it, and the children quickly take one or two for themselves. Ray, the small boy who greets her first just now took four. Well, Youngjin knows that boy loves chocolate cookies a lot, so she made extras for him.

"This is as delicious as always, noona!" Ray said and gives her a hug. The happy smile on the innocent children's face when they eat her cookies made her day, and the extra hug adds on to her energy to face the day.

"Eat well, and study well too, okay?" she said as she closed the container.

"Are you going to leave, noona?" Ray asked.

"Yes, I have to go to school. But I will come back again this evening. I'm thinking of another sweet potatoes meal," Youngjin replied as she pats on the boy's head. Her suggestions were celebrated by a joyous cheer from the children.

She got enough happiness and energy just by feeding the orphans and makes them happy, so Shim Youngjin walks to her class with a very pretty smile on her face.


"Why are we walking today?" Honey asked. Both she and Seunghee are on their way back home.

"I know it's tiring. I prefer bus too, but I need to save money," Seunghee replied.

"Why are you saving money all of a sudden? I thought I am the only one who's doing that here," Honey asked.

"I need lots of money for my final project. You know how much I love designing clothes, right? And I have a very promising project in store. Some of the materials I want are imported from outside. So to actually produce it costs me a large sum of money," Seunghee replied with a low tone. Honey looks at her. It's hard to see Seunghee looks down. If only she can help that best friend of her.

"Can't you ask from your brothers?" Honey asked.

"You know what had happened to them after my father left, right?" Seunghee replied her with a question back. Honey nods her head. Seunghee will be sad every time they talked about her brothers. Seven ungrateful sons, fighting each other over their late father's properties, forcing their youngest sister to move out and stay alone with her mother. It's not a good memory.

As for Honey, she had been saving money for two months. Thanks to her brother who was so clever, borrowing money from a loan shark, her family is now in a gigantic debt. She still remembers that day when she went home and found their family's restaurant all covered in red paint, together with a death threat. It's too late to scold his eldest brother, so the family settle down and decided to pay the loan shark together. She only shared her problem with Seunghee, however.

"Now both of us need money," Honey said.

"A LOT of money," Seunghee continues. Honey just nods her head.

"Annyeonghaseyo," suddenly a very fine, young guy approaches them and greets them, with a very polite bow, too.

"Annyeong.." both of them replied, two pairs of eyes are now on the young guy in black suit.

"First of all, I am sorry for accidentally listened to your conversation just now. I don't mean to eavesdrop, believe me. I was walking behind both of you for awhile and.. it's hard not to listen to the conversation,"

He looks so good and polite, both Honey and Seunghee decide that he is telling the truth.

"I'm Song Jihyuk. I'm on my way to distribute these posters. Maybe you can have one," the guy said as he opened his black case and took out a bundle of posters. He picked the first, right on top and hands it to the girls.

"What is this?" Seunghee asked as soon as she got the poster in her hands. Honey leans down a bit to read the poster.

"If you interested, my number is right down there," Jihyuk said, pointed to his phone number at the bottom of the poster. Both of the girls just nod their heads.

"I'll go first. Take care. Have a nice evening," he said with a smile and he left after that. Both of the girls are now staring at the poster.

"Personal maid..?" Seunghee muttered as she read.

"Seunghee, look at the payment!!" Honey almost shouts her lungs out, pointing to the amount offered to the personal maids.

"1,000,000.00 KRW??!!" Seunghee's eyes are almost fell from the sockets.

"Isn't Lee Jungwoo the millionaire who lives in the castle up there?" Honey asked, pointing her finger to the big mansion on a private hill not very far from their university.

"A billionaire, I believe. And he bought the whole hill, right?" Seunghee continues and both of them are now staring at the mansion.

"I wonder why he offers so much for a maid.." Honey muttered, and Seunghee is thinking of the same too.

Though none of them says it verbally, both of them are actually very interested with the offer.


The Lee Mansion

The second eldest son, Kim Jonghyun is lying on the couch in the living room, pressing the keys on his mobile phone. He stretches one of his legs across the couch, resting it on the table. He is in peace, until one of the remaining sons approaches him.

"Do you really have to take so much space by stretching your leg like that?" he asked.

Jonghyun turns to him. He stares at him for a few seconds and continue playing with his phone, ignoring the other boy.

"Do you want me to break your leg?" he asked. From the tone he is using, obviously he is not in the mood to tolerate with Jonghyun and his leg.

Jonghyun thought it is fun to make people angry so he decided not to move his leg from the table. He is holding his laugh from inside when the other boy kicks his leg from the table and walks passed him.

"Yah! Do you have to be that rude?!" Jonghyun shouted as he got on his feet, throwing his mobile phone on the couch.

"I told you to remove your leg twice, Jonghyun," the boy replied with a smirk.

"This living room is so big we can place 20 elephants at the same time in it, yet you want to walk passed by my LEG?!" Jonghyun is still shouting.

"So what if we can place elephants in here? I will step anywhere I want,"

"And I can put my leg anywhere I want, too!"

"Put it back on the table, then," the boy replied with a smirk and off he went out from the mansion, leaving the dino-like son in wrath.

Peace is something that is very hard to be found in the mansion, because all the sons seem to get angry almost on everything; even a leg.


"You slapped him just because of that?" Youngjin asked the old man with big stomach, who is the head of the orphanage. She is hugging Ray who is in tears now. She wonders, how someone could slap such a small boy over a broken vase?

"The vase cost me 800 USD, Youngjin," the big, fat man replied. No guilt whatsoever on his face.

"I was sleepy I knocked it down from the desk accidentally.." Ray said as Youngjin wipes his tears with her fingers.

"Don't cry.." Youngjin said as she gave the boy a hug. She knows the head of the orphanage is not so friendly with the kids. He easily lost his temper and shouts to the kids over small things.

"He said he wants me out from here.." Ray is still crying.

"You said that to him?" Youngjin asked the big, fat man. Disbelief, yes.

"Yes. Why should I keep him in?"

"He's only six!"

"He should thought about that before he broke my vase," the big, fat man replied.

"You're mean.." Youngjin said.

"Well, he can stay here if somebody paid for the vase," he said, stressing on the word 'somebody'.

Youngjin doesn't really know where she's going to find 800 USD to pay the big, fat man. But she knows she has to pay for it or Ray will be kicked out from there. She really wants to adopt the boy, but the rules stated only married couple can adopt a child. Youngjin is only 17, she knows she can't do that.

The big, fat man agrees to give Youngjin two months for her to pay the vase. Youngjin walks out from the orphanage, thinking so hard where to find 800 USD when her eyes caught a poster pasted on the post box in front of the orphanage.

She gave the poster a quick read and she took out a calculator from her school bag after that.

"1,000,000.00 KRW equals to 837 USD.." she muttered when 837.1746 appears on the screen. She knows the offer is the best way for her to help Ray.

To be continue..


I'm back with the second chapter!

In this chapter, I focus on the first three girls a lot. It is because the fictional girls are strangers to all of you. So by focusing more on them, I hope my readers will be able to know them better and not to mix them around in the future ^^. And I think it is fun to write on why they sign up to take care of the trouble-makers XD.

Jung Seunghee, 20 : A natural beauty. Easily lost her temper. Don't like repeating anything. Loves designing clothes.
Honey Park, 18 : Mess with her and you'll get a punch on your face. A helpful person. Loves mangas.
Shim Youngjin, 17 : Still schooling. Loving and caring. Love keeping memories. Love to cook. Loves children a lot.

Please welcome Kim Jonghyun, the first son to debut ^^! Isn't he and his leg funny .___. ? XD LMAO!!

The answers for the first game will not be revealed now, please wait a little longer ^^. The submission for the first game is now closed, so let's play a new game ^^!

In one of the scenes up there, Jonghyun is fighting with one of his brothers, which again, I intentionally hide his name. Who do you think he is? Choose one between Onew, Taemin, Minho and Key ^^.

Till the next chapter,

pynkfaery :)

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TsugumiSora #1
Chapter 11: Uh I think there is something wrong with chapter 9?
Chapter 16: Please continue . [[;
your fanfic makes me smile~!!!!!!
an't wait for an update
i love your story~ it's so cute and fluffy and adorable and soooooo awesome! you're such an awesome writer! update soon!
I think all the characters are cute in their own ways:
Onew X Youngjin - The childish adult and the kid who acts like an adult.
Taemin X Rin - The sensitive kid and the baby-faced 'kid'.
Jjong X Resha - The so-called-flirts.
Key X Honey - The awkward omma and the cool appa.
Minho X Seunghee - The shy beast and the natural beauty.
Jihyuk - The mysterious young lawyer.

For now, Key & Honey is the cutest couple! The fountain kiss~
And I feel there's something between Rin & Jihyuk...
Also, Yejun *sob* I will miss you! T_T

Thank you so much for writing this crazy but full of charms fanfic!
There are so many drama and entertaining plots to read. I know you put lots of efforts in all the details. Love every bits of it. ^^
Lastly, all the best in your work too! Fighting! =D
ZeRynna #6
I LOVE your story!!
Its just TOO cute to not love it..with all the craziness!! XD
Onew is so adorable and well.. I like the way you portray evry each one of them~

Please update...
I'm so curious of what will happen next :D
xoxo-Shira-xoxo #7
Please update soon! :o
I have fallen in love with this story ^^ !!
naznew #8
wow..after i read, i falling in love with your story...
it make me smile and laugh non stop...
thanks 4 create this story...
please update again.

Love Shinee 4ever...
'Gledonia Czephlot'! lol. Onew made that up?! How on earth did he come up with such a name??? :))))<br />
oh and Rin's gardenia camelot was hilarious too! XD<br />
As usual, another epic encounter inside the mansion! But I never thought that Jjong would have that kind of sickness and all that. Cause damn, he fainted! XD Resha, your fault! :))))<br />
<br />
another thing too....<br />
<br />
this one's for chapter 12 though..<br />
"You sound like a perfect housewife," Honey giggled.<br />
<br />
"And you, with your short hair, can be my husband," Key joined the joke and they laugh together as they walk along the other trays, looking for other vegetables.<br />
<br />
Kyaaaaa~!!! Kibum-ah!!!!! Gawd. I love their pairing!! ;D<br />
and the best thing about this chapter is...<br />
<br />
<br />
KEY & HONEY KISSED!!!! Oyea~!!!! :D Mwahahahah!!! They freakin' kissed!! *throws confetti* XD