Please. With Love.

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To help you to know the characters :)
The maid is right below the son she is supposed to take care of.

♡♥♡ chapter 9 : a promise

Jihyuk went down the stairs a bit late that morning. He was looking for a few old documents in his room earlier. He was about to head for the kitchen when he saw 'Starfish'. The third and the fourth page are almost full.

Topic for today :
[Resha] Anyone know why dinosaurs extinct?

Responds :
[BLING] Are you looking for fight? D:<
[Resha] What?! D:<
[BLING] What's with the topic?! D:<
[Resha] Do you know the answer? :P
[BLING] Meteors killed them! D:<
[Resha] Why are you angry ._. ?
[BLING] What's with the topiccc ??? D:<
[Resha] Do you know the dinos died because of meteor, Jonghyun-oppa?
[BLING] Of course I know! D:<
[Resha] How did you know o.O ?
[BLING] I told you the answer just nowww D:<
[Resha] Ah, I forgot :D
[BLING] You sounds like that idiot bestie of yours ._. ..
[Resha] Rin is not an idiot D:< !
[BLING] I'm not talking about Rin. Kekeke. I'll tell her you said she's an idiot :P
[Resha] Stupid dino, ahaechu D:< !!
[Honey] @Resha, did you just called BLING 'Jonghyun-oppa' up there ._. ?
[BLING] ._.
[Resha] ._. too.
[Honey] XD ..
[BLING] @Resha : How old are you?
[Resha] @BLING : I'm 19. You?
[BLING] @Resha : 20 ._.
[Honey] XD..
[Resha] Jonghyun-oppa! :D
[BLING] I thought we're sharing the same age.
[Resha] We're not. Jonghyun-oppa! :D
[BLING] Oppa..?
[Resha] You like me calling you 'oppa' right? :P
[BLING] Even if I don’t like it, it's your obligation to call me 'oppa'. :P
[Resha] Neh, dino oppa! :D
[BLING] Shut up!
[Minho] Stop it, you two. Go away. You guys write too much!
[BLING] You're slow again today, Minho.
[Minho] D:< Shut up, dino!
[BLING] Shut up! I'm your hyung!
[Minho] Like I care!
[Resha] *disconnected*
[BLING] *disconnected too*
[Minho] As if you guys are connected to anything just now..
[Honey] Where's Rin unnie?
[Seunghee] She's upstairs. Waiting for 1pm to come.
[Honey] Why?
[Youngjin] Taemin will only wake up at 1pm.
[Minho] That lazy bum.
[Seunghee] Look who's talking.
[Minho] What?!
[TOFU] Any chicken today? :D
[Youngjin] I thought your name was DUBU yesterday?
[TOFU] ..
[Youngjin] You can check back the previous page..
*TOFU has changed his nickname to Dubu*
[Dubu] Yay!
[Youngjin] It is supposed to be all capital letters..
[Dubu] ..
[Youngjin] You can check back the previous page..
*Dubu has changed his nickname to DUBU*
[DUBU] What about now? :D
[Youngjin] I think that's right. Bye bye ^^! *disconnected*
[DUBU] .. I want chicken.. *disconnected to check the fridge for chicken*
[Minho] Again, as if you guys are connected to anything just now.. Am I ignored here?
[Honey] @Seunghee, Unnie, I need your opinion!
[Seunghee] @Honey, about what?
[Minho] Don't ignore me!
[Honey] @Seunghee, let's go to my room! *disconnected*
[Seunghee] @Honey, okay! *disconnected*
[Minho] What the!? As if you guys are connected to anything just now!
[Minho] Yah D:<

"Annyeong, oppa," Rin greets Jihyuk when he's done reading the conversation.

"Annyeong, Rin," he greets her back.

"This is for you," Rin said as she gave Jihyuk heart-shaped candy.

"I don't really eat sweets, but thanks," Jihyuk said, smiling.

"You're welcome!" Rin replied, smiling happily.

"How are you and Taemin today?" the young lawyer asked.

"He's still sleeping~. I wish I can do my ME:A on him, but I'm afraid he will slap me," the girl replied.


"Ah, you didn't know about ME:A yet? It's okay, I'll tell you later, oppa! I'm going to find Resha now!" Rin replied and off she went, jumping on the stairs.

"What is ME:A ~" the young lawyer muttered to himself.

He was about to step into his office when he saw Honey running down the stairs, followed by Seunghee from behind. She grabs Rin who is on her way to climb the stairs, too.

"Oppa, please call all the sons, I need all of them to help me!" Honey said when she reached Jihyuk.

"Help? For what?" the lawyer asked.

"To get Key out from his room!" the girl replied. Jihyuk gave her a stare before he called Onew and Jonghyun using his mobile phone. The mansion is too big, shouting for each other is needed to call them, but it's not appropriate. That's why mobile phones are important in the mansion.

"I want my breakfast," Taemin who just woke up from his sleep said when he reach the others.

"You're still in your pajama," Rin said, pointing.

"So what?" he responded, smirking at the same time.

"Nothing," Rin rolls her eyes, choosing to ignore the youngest son. A few minutes later, everybody is now in the living room.

"I hope you have a strong reason for calling me out of my room," Onew said as he took his seat besides Jonghyun.

"Today, we will be going to do something fun," Honey said, and she looks excited.

"Eating tofu?" Onew asked.

"Chicken porridge?" Resha asked.

"FT Island's concert?!" Rin squealed.

"Sleeping?" Taemin asked.

"Scrapbooking?" Youngjin asked, blinking her eyes.

"Flirting?" Jonghyun asked, his eyes finding Resha.

Minho did nothing, other than checking his face in the mirror on the wall.

Honey slapped her forehead upon hearing all those answers.

"Just be patient with them," Seunghee said, patting on her shoulder. Honey took a deep breath before she started again.

"The name of this activity today is.. uh.. aish I haven't think of a name for it," Honey scratched her head.

"Just tell us what it is about first, I'll think of a name for the activity after that!" Rin volunteered, and Taemin smirks at her.

"You don't need times to think, Rin. You never think before naming your belongings," Resha chuckled as she remembers all the names that have nothing to do with the actual thing.

"Everybody, please pay attention to what Honey is going to say," Jihyuk said as he cuts in.

When she is sure everybody is now listening to her, Honey cleared .

"Are you guys familiar with fire alarm?" she asked.

All eyes are now on her, yet nobody said anything.

"Are you talking about the bell, the fire alarm and everything..?" Onew asked.

"If you're talking about that, I am sure each one of us must have experience the fire alarm lesson at least once at school," Resha said.

"I love when my school did that!" Rin responded, clapping her hands.

"What is so fun about fake fire alarm?" Taemin asked, smirking.

"It's not fake. It's a practice. A lesson," Rin replied.

"Was your school really on fire when the lesson is on?" Taemin asked.


"Then it's fake," the youngest son said.

"Aish, I don’t want to talk to you!" the cutie eldest said, pouting at the same time.

"I remember I liked the fire alarm practice, too," Onew suddenly said.

"Because we don't have to study at that time, hehe," Jonghyun chuckled.

"I like your reason," Resha said.

"Copycat!" Jonghyun said, pointing at Resha.

"Everybody loves the fake fire alarm because we will not be having any class at that time. No one is copying anyone," Youngjin, the youngest girl said. Although she is staring at her toes, everybody knows the sentence is meant for Jonghyun. Resha claps her hand after that, liking the fact Youngjin is on her side.

"Since all of you used to like the fire alarm game, let's do it one more time today!" Honey said, clapping her hand at the same time.

"What? Today? Why?" Onew quickly asked.

"It's obviously for our safety," Youngjin responded.

"B-but.. aish, are you serious?" it's Jonghyun's turn to ask.

"Of course! I know it will be fun!" Honey said.

"Blackboard!" suddenly Rin shouted.

"What?" Everybody asked at the same time, except for Resha since she already know what 'Blackboard' is.

"Let's name the game 'Blackboard'! Or maybe.. The Blackboard Mission!" the girl replied, grinning cheerfully as if nothing is weird with her suggestion.

Taemin was about to snap at her when Honey cuts in.

"Okay. The Blackboard Mission, then,"

Everybody except for Resha [again, since she is used to Rin's weird habit] drops their jaw upon hearing Honey's respond.

"But why 'Blackboard'?" Onew asked.

"I don't know too. It sounds alright to me," Rin replied.

"You don't even have to know what the lesson is all about to came out with that random name!" Taemin snapped, and Rin ignores him.

"How did you manage to stay around that weird girl?" Jonghyun who is sitting next to Resha asked.

"She is not weird. She is unique," Resha responded.

"But this game has nothing to do with a blackboard!" Jonghyun snapped.

"Why are you snapping at me? Do you have a better idea for the name?" Resha asked, raising her voice too.

"Why do we have to name this fake fire alarm mission in the first place?!"

And it took both flirts some more times arguing the name of the game.

"So, what are we going to do?" Onew asked.

"I will leave this to Seunghee unnie, because I have something to do first," Honey said. She bows before she walks out of the mansion.

"So, what are we going to do?" it's Taemin's turn to ask.

"Why are you copying my question?" the eldest son snapped.

The youngest son said nothing but smirks at him, causing him to be angry. Youngjin sigh at the scene she witnessed.

"First thing that you need to know is not to snap at people over everything. Especially when he is your brother. The youngest in the family," Youngjin said.

"Are you talking to me?" Onew asked.

"Yes, I am talking to you, Lee Jinki,"

"First, about snapping at people, I am always like this. Second, I don't care if he is the youngest. Third, do not call me by my full name. It sounds less cute," Onew responded. Youngjin sigh again after that. This guy need more lesson.

"I agree with Onew hyung. Plus, Taemin is not our brother," Jonghyun who has stopped arguing with Resha suddenly said.

Rin looks at Taemin. The boy says nothing when Jonghyun said that, be he looks hurt.

"Your pajama is cute!" she suddenly said, trying to cheer the youngest son up. Taemin turns to her. Usually he will do nothing but snapping at the girl, but he doesn’t feel like doing so today.

"Thanks," he said. He didn’t smile, but in his heart, he is thankful that at least there is a person besides Jihyuk who makes him feels visible in the mansion.

And Rin replies him with a cute smile. Taemin's heart started to pounds harder than before.

"I'm back!" Honey said as she steps into the mansion with a bucket of dirt in her right hand.

"What's with the dirt?" Onew asked.

"This is a part of the plan. And Jihyuk oppa, I need your help," Honey said, pushing Jihyuk into his room.

"What is she planning?" Youngjin asked.

"I don't know too," Rin responded.

"Okay, let's start with the practice!" Seunghee said. But it seems like no one is listening to her. Resha, Rin and Youngjin are talking about the fire alarm lesson they have in their school. Jonghyun and Onew are chuckling about random things. Taemin is lyng on the couch, trying to sleep again, and Minho is still checking his already handsome face in the mirror.

"How's the lesson?" Jihyuk asked as he approached the youths in the living room.

"You can see yourself, oppa," Seunghee said, pointing to the rest.

"We can't delay this plan, oppa," Honey said, holding a remote control in her hand. It's a different remote control than the one used to contact Key in his room.

"Are you done with that?" Jihyuk asked, pointing to the remote control.

"Not yet. I'm going to his room now!" Honey said as she climbs the stairs.

Jihyuk claps his hands once to attract the noisy youths in front of him.

"Go back to your room, please. All of you, now," he said.

"But what about the fake fire alarm?" Taemin asked.

"Since none of you are interested in doing so, go now," Jihyuk said again. Everybody is always listen to him, and today is no exception. One by one, they climb the stairs.

Jihyuk then walked into his office and he took out a DVD given by Honey just now. He plugs in the thumbdrive to his pc and took a seat after that.

Room 109

Key is lying on his white bed, holding his stomach.

"I am so hungry! I am out of instant noodles and Jihyuk hyung don't want to buy me a new stock!" he muttered to himself, angry.

"Aish, does he really want me to die?" he said again, turning to his left, grabbing a small towel to wipes his sweats on his forehead.

"Why am I sweating~? What's with the weather, aish.." he is still talking to himself. It's been two years since he locked himself up in his room. He doesn't really talk to anyone, except to Jihyuk on the screen when he's out of instant noodles. So talking to himself is a habit.

"Maybe I should try talking to Jihyuk hyung again.." he said, reaching for the remote control besides his pillow.

"Hyung!!!!!" he shouted right after he pressed on the red button, calling for Jihyuk. He was about to start ask for a new stock of instant noodles when he choked his own breath, upon what he saw on the screen.

"This can't be happening.." he muttered, widening his eyes.

10 minutes before..

Honey was about to knock on Key's door, to persuade him to leave the room. But suddenly she feels that the preparation made was enough so she went knocking all the other rooms, and in a minute she manages to gather everybody in front of Room 101, which is Minho's.

"Now what?" Jonghyun asked lazily.

"I am sleepy," Taemin asked, yawning after that.

"I need you guys' help! This is very important, and I won't take 'no' from you guys. Resha unnie and Jonghyun-shi, can you please go to the living room?" Honey said.

"Okay!" Resha and Jonghyun replied. They still do not know the plan, but they feel so excited to do it. Even though all they know is 'go to the living room'.

"Don't go now! Wait for me to assign the others! Seunghee unnie, Minho-shi, Youngjin and Onew-shi, you guys can stay here!"

"Here?" Onew asked.

"Yes, right here! Rin unnie and Taemin-shi, you two can proceed to the kitchen!"

"Okay!" both Rin and Taemin answered.

"Resha unnie, I need you to press the fire alarm button!" Honey said again.

"Wae?" the flirt asked, blinking her eyes.

"Just press it. And all of you, once you heard the siren, please pretend as if this mansion is on fire! A big FIRE!" Honey said, stressing on the word 'fire'.

It was then when she realized everybody is giving her the ._. glare.

"Go, go!" she said, pushing everyone down the stairs.

"Why are you pushing me? I am supposed to be here!" Onew snapped at her.

"Ah, mian!" Honey apologized when she realized she had pushed the wrong person.

"Don't snap at anyone over everything. Try to consider her situation. She is trying to get your brother out of his room," Youngjin said. Onew was about to raised his voice again when Youngjin gave him a pat on his shoulder.

"Try to control your anger, okay?" the girl said, smiling. And Onew turns the other way to hide the two stupid blushes on his cheeks.


In the living room

"Where's the button?!" Resha asked as soon as she reached the living room.

"What button?" Jonghyun asked stupidly.

"The fire alarm button! We have to press it, right?"

"Ah, it's there," Jonghyun said, pointing to an area 3 meters high from the floor. There, Resha saw the fire alarm.

"Why.. in the hell.. did you guys placed that button so high!" Resha asked, frustrated.

"Onew hyung and I were so into the button back then, we pressed it almost everyday. So Jihyuk placed it there, so that no one can press it,"

"Why are you two played with the button~. Aish, even if you're seven, don't you guys something else to play with~.." Resha is so not in the mood when she saw the button so high, especially with the childish reason behind the fact.

"Who says we're seven when we played with the button? It was just 4 years ago. I was 17, and Onew hyung was 18,"

Resha dropped her jaw, can't believe what she just heard from Jonghyun. Seriously, those two are playing with the fire alarm EVERYDAY at the age of 17 and 18?

"Aish~ Whatever the reason is, help me to move this sofa!" Resha said, pointing to the single sofa in front of them.

"Are you planning to move it to the wall, step on it to press the button?" Jonghyun asked.


"If the sofa can be moved, Onew hyung and I will keep on pressing the button everyday,"


"Jihyuk glued the sofa to the floor,"

Resha throws herself on the sofa, closing her eyes. All these retarded stories she just heard from Jonghyun must be a nightmare! It must be!

She told that to herself. Even though she knows it well everything happened in the mansion is reality.


In the kitchen

"Should we start acting now?" Rin asked.

"But I don’t hear any siren sound," Taemin replied, climbing on the dining table and lie down.

"Are you going to sleep?" Rin asked the youngest son.

"Neh. Now if you please, shut up," Taemin replied, closing his eyes.

"If you sleep again, I will pour a glass of water on your face," Rin said, but Taemin chose to ignore her.

It was then when he feels water poured on his face. He quickly jumps from the table, wiping his face with his fingers. He saw an empty glass in Rin's hand when he turns to the girl.

"What were you doing?!" he shouted.

"FIRE!!!" the girl suddenly shouted.


"FIREEEE!!!" Rin shouted again.

And without knowing why, Taemin started to scream the same word too.

Pynk's Ramble : Rin is bored, and tired of waiting for the siren, that's why she started the chaos first XD.


At the second floor

"When are they going to press the alarm?" Minho asked, leaning agains the wall.

"Let's just wait," Seunghee replied.

"It won't be easy to press the alarm," Onew chuckled.

"What do you mean by that?" Youngjin asked.

"Jihyuk placed it three meters from the floor," Onew said again.

"What??!" Seunghee asked. 30 seconds after that she asked the same question again when she heard the reason behind the 3-meter-beyond-reach fire alarm.

"Can we just fake a siren?" Youngjin asked.

Honey was about to reply her when suddenly they heard screams from the kitchen.


"That's Rin unnie," Seunghee said, looking at Honey for confirmation.

"I heard Taemin's voice too," Minho said.

"FIREEE!!" Onew suddenly shouts, running into his room. A couple of seconds after that he came out with his Tofu the Tiger.

"Palli go save your belongings!" he shouts again. Honey almost burst into laugh when he saw the eldest son is so immersed into the game.

"You only save that plushy," Minho said, pointed to Onew's Tofu the Tiger.

"Because he's precious!" Onew said, running down the stairs.

Youngjin followed him, running down the stairs, hugging a pillow and a few personal belongings.

"Youngjin's acting is good," Seunghee said as she grabbed a few dresses from her closet.

"Palli get your belongings," she said, turning to Minho. Minho, however did nothing but grab her arms and drag her down the stairs with him.

"I only need to save my face," he said, and Seunghee smirks.

Room 109

Key stares into the screen, dropping his jaw at the same time. He sweats a lot as he watches the big fire in the kitchen. He saw Rin and Taemin trying to save the food and the milk bottles from the fridge. Using his remote control, he switched to the other camera to check on the other part of the mansion. He saw the living room, which is also on fire. Jonghyun and Resha are trying hard to save the sofa from the fire.

Switched to the camera inside Jihyuk's office, he saw the young lawyer is keeping various documents into a suit case before he ran out from the room.

Key is now very nervouse. Not knowing what to do, his fingers tremble as he switched to the next camera. He saw what he never wants to see. The second level is also on fire. He saw Onew ran down the stairs with his Tofu, followed by his maid. Minho and his maid followed the eldest son's step too.

"Don't leave me alone.." he muttered slowly, wiping the cold sweats on his forehead; he is sure it is because of the heat from the fire.

"Hyung!" he shouted for Jihyuk as he jumps off his bed, staring at the screen, looking for the lawyer. But Jihyuk is nowhere to be seen.

He reached for the first drawer in front of him, and grabbed his mobile phone in it. The mobile phone is out of battery. He never charged it since two years ago because he does not one anyone to call him.

"Damn!" he snapped, throwing the mobile phone on the floor. He never feels that scared, his heart is beating as fast as ever. His brain is working so hard to find ways to contact Jihyuk when his eyes caught the door of the room.

"The door!" he said, running towards it. His fingers were aout to reach for the door knob when suddenly he heard Honey's voice.

"Key-shi, I already locked your room from outside,"

"What?!" he asked, widening his eyes at the same time.

"I am so sorry for the bombs and everything previously. I respect your decision to stay in there forever, so I installed a new lock on your door to confirm your security!"

Key swears he regrets whatever he did in the room the past few years. All he wants now is to get out of the room.

"Aish, I sweat a lot," he heard her voice again, talking to herself.

The fire eating his mansion is so big, of course she will sweat!

"Unlock the door!" he shouted.

"Eh? But I just installed the lock. And it's an automatic one. It can only be opened once in six months,"

"Six months??! Do you want to kill me in this fire??!" Key shouted again.

"Don't worry, Key-shi. The fire heat will kill all the germs and the bacterias, so you will die in peace,"

"Mwo?? Don't talk nonsense, now let me out!"

"I'm going now. Pray for the fire to destroy the automatic lock," and he heard the girl chuckles.

"You, evil! I'm going to leave this room!" he whispered to himself, unlocking all the locks he installed on his door from inside one by one starting with the one on top of the door, and after 60 seconds, he manage to unlock all 24 locks. Luckily Jihyuk already removed the military metal door earlier, or he will need another half an hour to unlock it and will be burn to death by then.

He ran to his bed and grabbed a small table besides it. His long fingers hold onto the legs of the table as firm as ever, and with all his strength, he swings the table as hard as he can onto his door, hoping to defeat the automatic lock. Much to his surprise, the door opened easily.

He steps out of the room carefully, only to have a fresh breeze greeting him. He turns to his left and right quickly, and he saw the mansion exactly like the last time he saw it before he locked himself inside his room. Beautiful and clean, but he knows the germs and bacterias must be hiding someone, but most importantly, no fire and no smoke.

"You're out, finally,"

He turns back and saw Honey. The girl is waving at him with her right hand, and her left hand is holding something which Key quickly recognized as the heater people use during winter.

"Oh yes, this is the reason you sweat," Honey said, smiling.

"The fire.. what about the fire..?" he asked, still in shock.

"Oh, the big fire you saw on your screen? I have my friend in the ICT department to help with the fire effect. We installed it on your camera from Jihyuk oppa's PC," Honey explained.

"B-but! My brothers and the maids were running, saving themselves!"

"Oh, I told them to pretend as if this mansion is on fire,"


"Are you angry?" Honey asked.

"How can you be so dense, asking me that question?! Of course I am! You forced me to leave my room with this .. this fake fire!" Key is now shouting on top of his lungs.

Honey didn't reply him. She dropped the heater on the floor and reach for a bucket of dirt she collected around the mansion earlier. With all her might, she poured it all over Key. Yes, all over Key, the son who is a freak when it comes to cleanliness.

"YAHH! Do you want to die??!"

Shouting and snapping is nothing unusual to Key, but never had he raised his voice like today. He is very angry he can kill. Okay, maybe not kill, but he can definitely slap this girl and dragged her out from the mansion. What does she think of herself, pouring all this dirt, sands and dusts all over him?!

"No, I don't want to die. Do you want some more?" Honey asked. And she didn’t wait for Key to reply. She dipped her hand into the bucket for the left overs and wipes it all over Key's face.

"YOU!" Key is extremely mad he pushed Honey away, causing the girl to fell on her .

Seunghee and Youngjin who just climbed the stairs back saw that, and Seunghee runs to Honey to help her.

"You are even worst that Onew," Youngjin said to Key.

"I don’t need your opinion, and please stand away at least two meters from me,"

Inside or outside the room, Key is still a clean-free freak.

Rin and Resha arrived a few seconds later before Rin hides behind Resha when she saw the angry Key full of dirt.

"Monster!" she screamed.

"Why did Jihyuk hyung hired all these crazy girls!" Key snapped again, wiping off all the dirt on his face. His heart is beating even faster, afraid of what disease will this much dirt cause him. Maybe he will die..?

The worry-look on his face is visible, Honey knows she has to do something. She went into his room, and she saw a yogurt drink on Key's table. She grabbed it and walks to Key.

"Do you think you will die?" she asked.

"Of course I will! Look at this much germs and bacterias you throw on me, you killer!" Key is shouting again, pointing his finger to Honey. But he is wrong if he thought he is the only one who knows how to annoy people with the ear-piercing shout.

"Stupid. Don't you learn Biology? Not all bacterias are bad. And as a matter of fact, there are like millions of bacterias in your room. Your clothes, your bed, your table, everything in your room contains like billions of bacterias too. And look, have you ever fall sick because of that? No! Jihyuk hyung told me you are always healthy this past two years eventhough you're living with germs and bacterias everyday. To what extend can you assure me that you are free from bacteria?!"

Key gulped his saliva, shocked at the angry girl in front of him. He is shocked at the fact he is living with germs all this long, and he started to think about Honey's last question too. "To what extend can you assure me that you are free from bacteria?!"

Honey is still not finishing her lecture, so she continues.

"Look at your yogurt drink! Do you know what it's contents? Bacteria! Thousands of them! And you seems very healthy to me!"

Key said nothing. The rest of the girls just stood there, watching. The other brothers together with Jihyuk are downstairs. They decided not to come up. Plus, the conversation between Key and Honey can be heard clearly, because since those two were shouting their lungs out, their voices echoed across the mansion.

""Let's see if you die after this. I assure you I will suicide if you die just because of these dirt," Honey said again.

Rin tiptoed a bit and whispered to Resha. "Let's go down stairs. Running Man is going to start in a couple of minutes!" so they both went down the stairs slowly.

"All you need to remove this dirt is a bath. Use soap too, and everything will be okay," Honey said again, she sounds much calmer.

Key said nothing, and did nothing to response. He turned back to walk into his room when Honey called for his name.

"Key-shi. I will think of you as a coward forever and you lock your self inside again,"

The third son then gave Honey a deadly glare.

"Who said I'm going to lock myself up? I want to take a bath, that's all!"

"Promise me you'll never do that again. Can you do that?"

"Of course I can, I am not a coward!"



He slammed his door, greeted with Honey's victory smile.



"So finally, he's out," Jonghyun said, and Onew nodded his head.

"The whole fire alarm mission was funny," Minho said.

"It's Blackboard, not fire alam mission," Taemin said to him.

"Are you on your maid's side now?" Jonghyun asked, smirking at the same time, causing Taemin to blush.

"I am just reminding him the name of the mission, that's all," Taemin muttered.

It is then when Rin and Resha arrived at the living room.

"Dino yah, where's the TV's remote control?" Resha asked Jonghyun.

"Here," Jonghyun throws the remote control over.

"Did you just respond to her when she called you 'Dino'?" Taemin asked, bursting into a laugh.

Only then Jonghyun realized that his personal maid had just called him Dino.

"Taemin, stop laughing! And Resha, what did you call me just now?!" he snapped. But it seems that Resha and Rin are so into the remote control, so he got ignored.

"But Rin, today they will broadcast the Love Request show again. We missed it last two days, right?"

"Ah, neh, neh. Let's watch Love Request, then. I'll just download Running Man later!" Rin said as she switched on the TV.

"Yah, Resha. Don't ignore me!"

"Shut up, Dino. I have a show to watch here," Resha replied him, her eyes are on the TV, caused Jonghyun to drop his jaw.

Jihyuk left for his office, and the other brothers took their seats on the sofas. They were tired of the Blackboard mission just now and decided to watch what ever show is there on the TV. It was then when an idol group appeared on the screen, and the two girls suddenly squeals their lungs out.

"OMG, it's him!!!" Resha and Rin both scream together.

"He looks so good in white!!" Resha added.

"Look at his smile!" Rin squealed too.

Onew and Minho stared at them, jawdropped, while Jonghyun and Taemin are trying to figure out which one of the boys on the screen are these two girls squealing on.

To be continued.

THERE! The longest update ever for this fic. It is almost 5300 words. Yeah, I took that much words to get Key out from his room. Did I make him extremely annoying in this chapter? Please don't hate him, everything will get better soon, trust me :)

This long update is for me to make up for the two-months-absence of this fic's update. I got a few of you PM-ed me personally asking me to update this fic, I am so sorry I made you guys waiting~. But it's here now! And I hope the long chapter is not boring >< ..

Tell me what you think of it, ok? Comments are my dose :) I will try to update soon too now that I'm done with my studies and will start looking for jobs on May :) I want to rest first, keke.

p.s : Running Man is addictive XD that's why I mentioned it in this chapter XD. Any other Running Man's fans here?? Let's be friends, lmao.

p.s again : This chapter is fully UNEDITED, pls forgive all the mistakes ><

Till the next update,

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TsugumiSora #1
Chapter 11: Uh I think there is something wrong with chapter 9?
Chapter 16: Please continue . [[;
your fanfic makes me smile~!!!!!!
an't wait for an update
i love your story~ it's so cute and fluffy and adorable and soooooo awesome! you're such an awesome writer! update soon!
I think all the characters are cute in their own ways:
Onew X Youngjin - The childish adult and the kid who acts like an adult.
Taemin X Rin - The sensitive kid and the baby-faced 'kid'.
Jjong X Resha - The so-called-flirts.
Key X Honey - The awkward omma and the cool appa.
Minho X Seunghee - The shy beast and the natural beauty.
Jihyuk - The mysterious young lawyer.

For now, Key & Honey is the cutest couple! The fountain kiss~
And I feel there's something between Rin & Jihyuk...
Also, Yejun *sob* I will miss you! T_T

Thank you so much for writing this crazy but full of charms fanfic!
There are so many drama and entertaining plots to read. I know you put lots of efforts in all the details. Love every bits of it. ^^
Lastly, all the best in your work too! Fighting! =D
ZeRynna #6
I LOVE your story!!
Its just TOO cute to not love it..with all the craziness!! XD
Onew is so adorable and well.. I like the way you portray evry each one of them~

Please update...
I'm so curious of what will happen next :D
xoxo-Shira-xoxo #7
Please update soon! :o
I have fallen in love with this story ^^ !!
naznew #8
wow..after i read, i falling in love with your story...
it make me smile and laugh non stop...
thanks 4 create this story...
please update again.

Love Shinee 4ever...
'Gledonia Czephlot'! lol. Onew made that up?! How on earth did he come up with such a name??? :))))<br />
oh and Rin's gardenia camelot was hilarious too! XD<br />
As usual, another epic encounter inside the mansion! But I never thought that Jjong would have that kind of sickness and all that. Cause damn, he fainted! XD Resha, your fault! :))))<br />
<br />
another thing too....<br />
<br />
this one's for chapter 12 though..<br />
"You sound like a perfect housewife," Honey giggled.<br />
<br />
"And you, with your short hair, can be my husband," Key joined the joke and they laugh together as they walk along the other trays, looking for other vegetables.<br />
<br />
Kyaaaaa~!!! Kibum-ah!!!!! Gawd. I love their pairing!! ;D<br />
and the best thing about this chapter is...<br />
<br />
<br />
KEY & HONEY KISSED!!!! Oyea~!!!! :D Mwahahahah!!! They freakin' kissed!! *throws confetti* XD