flirty . cutie

Please. With Love.

Seoul National University
The Entrance

Shin Seorin cycles in with her pink bicycle, having a cheerful smile on her face. Well, that smile fades away when she saw no one in front of the Medical Faculty, which happened to be the first building you will reach when you enter Seoul National University.

She stares at the familiar spot Resha usually waits for her every Monday morning. They always go to the university together, except on Monday since Rin's class starts a bit later. So Resha will go first and they will meet at the entrance of Medical Faculty. However, Rin realizes she is alone today.

"I will park Pudding first," Rin muttered to herself as she cycles to the garage for students to park their vehicles. Please note that this doll-like girl have a weird habit of naming her personal belongings, and Pudding is the name of her bicycle. Why Pudding? Just because she thinks the name sounds cute for her bicycle.

"Everything can be solved, so don't panic," she muttered to herself as she took out Momo from her bag. Momo means pink in Japanese Language, which is the colour of her mobile phone. Biscuit, which is a big, white bunny plushy, is attached to Momo. The role of Biscuit is to add more cuteness to Rin. Don't ask why the name is Biscuit, Rin is sometimes too random to be true.

"Solution number one is to call Resha. But my mobile phone is out of battery," she said as she stares at Momo's black screen.

"Ah, I have Resha's maps!!" a happy smile suddenly appears on Rin's face when she remembers Resha once draw a map of SNU for her. She quickly took out an A4 size paper from her pink, sling bag happily. However, another difficulty came. Resha is not good in drawing.

On the paper, there are a few squares. Rin thought maybe the squares resembles each faculty in SNU. Resha labeled them, too. Medical, Educational, Law, Engineering, ICT and others. There are red crosses all over the map too.

"Mwoya? What are these.. and what does all these red crosses mean~~?" Rin starts to panic. She stares some more at the map, and after five minutes, she starts to walk when she decides the red cross with the word 'Monday' under it is the location of her class today.

15 minutes had passed, and Rin is now stuck in front of an elevator.

"Aigoo, I'm already late!!" she shouts as she throws Momo [with poor Biscuit, hanging back and forth] into the air. Another habit of her is to throw whatever she is holding when she's panic.

"What are you doing here?" suddenly a guard came and greets her. He bends down and picked Momo [and poor Biscuit] on his way. Rin quickly keeps the map inside her pocket and bows politely to the guard.

"A high school student like you should have been in school at time like this," the guard says as he reached Rin. The girl was about to snap when she heard what the guard said, but then her mind quickly thought of something.

"My unnie is studying here. She left her purse early this morning, so I am here to give it to her. But.. I think I'm lost.." Rin said as she turns around, staring at the unfamiliar surrounding.

"Which faculty is she from? Let me send you there," the guard seems to fell for her simple act.

"Language Faculty!"


Seoul National University
Cafeteria of Language Faculty

The two girls are talking to each other when Resha Lee dropped her bag on the table and took her seat not very far from them. The smiles on their faces start to fade away. Obviously they don't like Resha.

"Let's go and sit somewhere else," one of them suggested.

"Just stay here. This table is not hers," the other one replied, raising her voice, trying to grab Resha's attention. But the pretty girl is very busy with her mobile phone.

"Somebody thinks she's so good just because stupid guys are chasing her," maybe looking for fight is her hobby, the girl just now keep on raising her voice. Luckily, this time Resha turns to her.

"Your friend is just a few inches in front of you, do you really have to talk that loud?" Resha asked, causing the other girl to turn away in anger when Resha is pretending as if she's not the one she was talking about just now.

But yeah, the picture here is, there are some girls who doesn't like Resha. Don't get her wrong, she's a good friend. Resha loves to smile and laugh. She can ease your mind; you will feel very comfortable and relaxed when you talk to her. Her sweet words and smile never fail to make you smile. That's because she's really friendly.

But sometimes she is too friendly with certain group of people; namely hot boys. Boys seem to like her a lot too. That simplified Resha's life as a flirt.

"Resha, mianhae. I'm late," Cheondung said as he reached the cafe.

"It's ok. Here," Resha greets her boyfriend sweetly, patting on the chair besides her.

"How's class today?" Cheondung asked. He sweats a bit, obviously he is running here just now. Resha thought he looks hot like that.

"Resha?" Cheondung called for her name, waving his hand in front of the girl, too. Resha came back to her sense and give the hot boy a smile.

"Mian. You were saying?"

"It's okay. Let's go to EduCafe for lunch. I don't really like the food here," Cheondung said as he took Resha's hand in his and together they walk to the cafe in Educational Faculty. The boy is talking about his tiring day on their way. As much as Resha adores his hotness, she is not interested in topics like basketball. She was pretending to be a good listener when her eyes caught the new boy in her faculty. Joon, who is jotting down something in his book, caught Resha who is on her way to where he is sitting.

Quiet, but he is indeed hot.

"I don't see hope at all, and I was more than sure we are going to loose the game," Cheondung is still telling a story that Resha doesn't like.

"Really? What happened then?" Resha asked as she took out her blue pen. She let Cheondung walked a few steps in front of her and she bend down when she reached Joon.

"Resha," she said with her seductive smile, introducing her name as she wrote down her phone number on Joon's note book.

"Joon," the boy replied with an understanding smile. Resha gave him a wink before she run after Cheondung who is so busy talking about his sports life. Both of them are about to steps into EduCafe when Resha's mobile phone beeped. The girl took out the phone, and she saw a text from Kan, one of her boyfriends.

"I think he got class in this building today," Resha muttered to herself as she reached for a map she draws to save her from stupid fights between her boyfriends. Well, everybody knows Resha Lee is a flirt. But guys seem to still like her, and they don't even care she is flirting everywhere and dating them at the same time. Knowing the fact, still Resha thought it will be better if she can avoid flirting with them at the same time.

"Mwo.. where are the red crosses!" Resha asked, more likely to herself when she saw the paper is just a plain map, without the red crosses. She uses red crosses to mark the place she shouldn't go on certain day to avoid fights between her boyfriends. But there are no red marks on the map, instead there are lots of details here and there on the map, obviously created for someone who got a very weak sense of direction. Someone like Rin.

"Omo, I gave Rin the wrong map!" she then realized her best friend is now struggling so hard with a wrong map.

"Dungie, you stay here. I'm going to find Rin!" she said, kissing Cheondung on his cheek and quickly dashed on from the cafe. As much as she loves all the hot boys, friendship always come first.

Right after she glanced at her watch, she knows she is already late to pick Rin up. Usually she will wait for Rin in front of Medical Faculty and together they will walk to their class. She walks as fast as she can to the faculty, but on her way, she saw the doll-like girl is walking happily besides a guard, telling her fake 'high school stories'.

"Rin!" she quickly shouted for her name. The girl in pink, as soon as she heard Resha's voice, quickly fastened her steps and give Resha a tight hug.

"Unnie, I finally saw you!" Rin said, her arms are around Resha's neck.

"Unnie?" Resha asked when Rin let her go from her hug. Why would she called her 'unnie' when Resha is actually younger than Rin?

"Unnie, you left your purse!" Rin said as she took out a black purse, bedazzled in pink and hands it to Resha. Resha then gave her best friend a dumb look. That is obviously Rin's and not hers.

"I found your sister lurking around like a lost puppy just now, trying to find you. So I showed her the way to your faculty," the guard who fell for Rin's act just now said as he reached both of them.

"Ah.. thank you for helping my LITTLE sister," Resha said, stressing on the word 'little' and she pats on Rin's head, and Rin is grinning.

"You better go to school now, girl," the guard said as he walks off.

"School? So he thought you're a high school student? How come you didn't scold him this time?" Resha asked as both of them walk together. It is not the first time people mistaken her best friend as a high school student. Rin looks younger than her age. Her interests, her likings and the way she acts doesn't help at all. And usually by calling her a high school student will cause Rin to snap.

"I HAVE to pretend to be one, today," Rin said.


"A high school student who looks like a lost puppy looking for her unnie in the university sounds WAY BETTER that a final year student of SNU who can't even find a way to her class after studying here for four years," Rin said. As much as Resha thought that reason is funny, she can't really laugh. It's not Rin's fault she have a very weak sense of direction.

"Noona!" both of them turn back as soon as they heard the familiar voice. Resha turns back with a smile, and Rin turns back with two stupid blushes on her cheeks.

"Noona, you left your purse!" Yejun said as he approached the girls.

"Ah, you actually r-really forgot your p-purse?" Rin asked Resha, stuttering her words. She can't really talk well when her dream boy is standing in front of her.

"I don't even realize that. Thanks, Yejunnie!" Resha thanked her dongsaeng as she took her purse.

"No problem. Rin noona, you look cute today," Yejun greets his noona's best friend, causing Rin to choke her own breath. Resha is laughing when she saw Rin's condition.

"You better go to school now, Yejunnie," Resha said as she motions Yejun away. Rin will soon die due to lack-of-oxygen-condition Yejun caused her, and it is Resha's responsibility to avoid that.

"Okay, okay. I'll go now," Yejun said as he walks away, and Resha saw he is holding a folded paper in his hand.

"What is that, in your hand?" Resha asked.

"This? A poster. I saw it pasted in front of our house just now," Yejun said as he hands the poster to his noona.

Both Resha and Rin are now staring at the poster.

"1,000,000.00 KRW??!!" Rin widened her already big eyes.

"I can buy lots of things with that amount.." Resha muttered. Disbelief.

"But we have to be maids," Rin said.

"I don't think I can be one. What if there are good looking boys in the mansion? I will definitely abandon my works and flirts, instead," Resha said as she folded the poster back.

"But I think those who applied are interesting," Yejun said.

"W-why?" Rin asked.

"They are offering an extremely high of payment. So I think they really need someone who can do the job perfectly. I think those who apply must be .. good in cooking, good in cleaning, good in handling all house chores. In short, a good candidate for a wife!" Yejun said randomly, not knowing what he said just now attracted Rin a lot.

A house wife for Yejun?

Rin is staring at the folded poster in Resha's hand with full interest.


The Lee Mansion
Living Room

"Why are you looking so mad?" he asked as he jumps on the couch besides Jonghyun.

"Somebody just kicked my leg!" Jonghyun said, pointing to his poor leg.

"Who?" he asked, widening his eyes. Jonghyun stares at him, jaw dropped.

"The answer is too obvious!"

"What?" he asked.

"Aigoo. There are only five of us in this mansion. That narcissist s out there, God knows where. The neat freak is in his room! Both of us as here, that left only one!" Jonghyun said.

"Why do you have to shout?!" the other son said as he throws a cushion on Jonghyun's face.

"Yah! I know you're jealous with my looks but you don't have to ruin it with a cushion!" the dino-like boy snapped.

"Jealous? Gosh, you're funny. I don't want to look like a dinosaur," he said as he stood up to turn on the television when the 'son' both of them are talking about just now steps in.

"Welcome back, Lee Taemin," he greets the youngest with a fake smile.

Taemin walks passed him, don't even bother to look at both of his hyungs. Especially Jonghyun who is still sulking.

"Where are you going?" Jonghyun asked as he blocked Taemin's way.

"My room," the youngest replied.

"You just went out, and after a few minutes you came back. Why?"

"Just because,"



"Jonghyun, just let him go. He's a loner, let him be like that," the other one said as he took his seat in the sofa.

"Go. You're unwanted here," Jonghyun said with a smirk as he gave Taemin a slight push on his back. The youngest stood there for a few seconds before he walks to his room. He left his snickers on his way to his dance class just now, so he came back for it.

Taemin slams his door as hard as he can when he reached his room. He feels like punching Jonghyun on his face. How he hate him.


As much as he hates Jonghyun, he knows Jonghyun is right about him being unwanted in the mansion. He has no one, and everybody knows he is the weakest candidate to be Lee Jungwoo's heir. Maybe he should leave too, like the other brother of his.

Taemin jumps on his bed, burying his face in the pillow, decided to skip his dance class for today.


The night club is too loud with music so Kan grabbed Resha's hand and dragged her out.

Clubbing is one of Resha's hobbies, and because of that she will go home late almost every night. Tonight is no exception.

"Why didn't you reply my text this evening?" Kan asked as he leans down a bit, his face is a few inches from Resha's.

"I forgot.." Resha replied, her long finger draw a line on Kan's jaw.

"Well, as a punishment, let's go to my house tonight,"

That line opened Resha's eyes a bit. She loves hot boys, she flirts with them, and that's it. Not more than that.

"I'm sorry but it's already late. I have to go now," Resha said as grabs her leather jacket, but Kan stopped her from leaving.

"You owe me, Resha," he said coldly, and he doesn't look like he's joking. And Resha starts to panic. Kan's grip on her wrist is too tight, Resha don't know what to do to escape him.

"Aah!" Kan is almost shouting. He let go of Resha's hand, and places both of his palms on his head.

"R-rin?" Resha muttered as she saw Rin suddenly appear from nowhere in her pink pajamas, holding a big, red, toy hammer. It seems like she just hit Kan's head with it.

"Mr. Kan. It's 12 already. Cinderella needs to go," Rin said as she bows politely, and she dragged Resha away. Kan just stood there, watching Rin and his girl friend walks away.

"Where did you get that hammer?" Resha asked.

"I stole it,"

"What??!" and Resha's expression is now like this O.o

"You actually believe that?" Rin is laughing as she hits Resha's shoulder lightly with her hammer. She always make random jokes, and Resha seems to fell for the joke almost every time.

"Aish, you're always like this!" Resha said, pouting.

"Aigoo, don't be mad. I'm just joking," Rin said as she pats on Resha's head. It's a funny sight to watch both of them. Rin is trying so hard match Resha's height. Too bad she only wears slippers that night, and her 170cm friend is wearing heels.

"You're here alone?" Resha asked.

"Neh. I know you're here from Yejun, and since its already late, I asked my driver to drop me here,"

"Where is your car?"

"He went away already because I ask him too. Walking with you is more fun," Rin said with a smile. And the two friends walk back together under the full moon, talking about random stuffs. Their houses are next to each other, so they always go out and in together.

"Resha, remember the poster we read this morning?" Rin asked when they finally reached their houses.

"Neh. Wae?" Resha asked.

"I registered my name,"

Resha stares at Rin for sometimes before she burst into laugh.

"I am not going to fall for your jokes twice in a night," she said when she can finally stop laughing.

"I'm not joking. I will start working tomorrow," Rin said, not blinking her eyes. Resha then waits for a few seconds for Rin to laugh, like usually when Resha fell for her joke. But she didn't tonight. Resha is more than worried. She was about to scold that girl when she remembered what Yejun said this morning. And no one knows how much Rin is into Yejun more than Resha herself.

"Omo, Rin!! You don't have to do that just because of my dongsaeng!!" Resha is shouting on top of her voice.

"At least I can.. try. You know my parents never allow me to do any house chores.." Rin said. She once tried to cook, but she caused a fire in the kitchen. So her parents never let her cook ever since. She is allergic to dust, so cleaning the house is strictly prohibited to save her from catching a flu.

"B-but... aish, Rin! Nobody is there to take care of you! I am not there to take care of you!!"

Resha is not mad. She's worried. She's very concern when it comes to her friends, and Rin is a special case.

"I know you will be worried. So I have your name registered, too!" Rin replied with a sweet smile on her face, causing Resha to drop her jaw.

The tall girl waits for a few moments. Rin's expression stays. She didn't laugh. That means she's not joking.


And Resha's shout that night woke up almost everybody in the neighborhood.

To be continued..


As you can see, not everybody signed up for money, kekeke XD.

Introducing another two girls, Resha and Rin. They will be joining Seunghee, Honey and Youngjin to serve the brats in The Lee Mansion. Like I said in the previous chapter, I focus on the girls so that you guys will get to know them better. Don't worry, since they will be going to the mansion in the next chapter, our SHINee boys will appear more often ^^.

Resha Lee (19)
Tall and pretty. A flirt. A good friend. Always fell for Rin's random joke.

Shin Seorin (21, going to 22)
Looks younger than her age. Loves naming her stuffs. Loves pink. Adores Yejun.

All of you must have noticed that I already revealed the son who kicked Jonghyun's leg in the previous chapter. Yes, it's the youngest, Lee Taemin! Majority of you voted for Key. Well, I agree he suits the role the most, LOL. If you are wondering why Taemin called Jonghyun just by his name, it's because all of them are brats and spoiled XD! Why should he call 'hyung' to all his elder brothers, right?

As for the first game, the answers will be revealed soon, don't worry ^^. But from this chapter, you can get one clue. Taemin and Jonghyun are NOTthe narcissist and the neat-freak. Now let's play a new game XD!

The scene in the Lee mansion up there, there is another mysterious son who throws a cushion on Jonghyun's face, LOL. Who is he? The choices are Onew, Minho and Key.

This is VERY random. Just drop anything you can think of, I don't mind. I just want to know what's in my readers' mind, that's all. Based on the personality of Resha Lee in this chapter, make a guess on what will be her first reaction the moment she steps into the Lee mansion.

Happy reading and guessing! Please wait for the next chapter! The girls are meeting the brats soon ^^!

Much Love,

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TsugumiSora #1
Chapter 11: Uh I think there is something wrong with chapter 9?
Chapter 16: Please continue . [[;
your fanfic makes me smile~!!!!!!
an't wait for an update
i love your story~ it's so cute and fluffy and adorable and soooooo awesome! you're such an awesome writer! update soon!
I think all the characters are cute in their own ways:
Onew X Youngjin - The childish adult and the kid who acts like an adult.
Taemin X Rin - The sensitive kid and the baby-faced 'kid'.
Jjong X Resha - The so-called-flirts.
Key X Honey - The awkward omma and the cool appa.
Minho X Seunghee - The shy beast and the natural beauty.
Jihyuk - The mysterious young lawyer.

For now, Key & Honey is the cutest couple! The fountain kiss~
And I feel there's something between Rin & Jihyuk...
Also, Yejun *sob* I will miss you! T_T

Thank you so much for writing this crazy but full of charms fanfic!
There are so many drama and entertaining plots to read. I know you put lots of efforts in all the details. Love every bits of it. ^^
Lastly, all the best in your work too! Fighting! =D
ZeRynna #6
I LOVE your story!!
Its just TOO cute to not love it..with all the craziness!! XD
Onew is so adorable and well.. I like the way you portray evry each one of them~

Please update...
I'm so curious of what will happen next :D
xoxo-Shira-xoxo #7
Please update soon! :o
I have fallen in love with this story ^^ !!
naznew #8
wow..after i read, i falling in love with your story...
it make me smile and laugh non stop...
thanks 4 create this story...
please update again.

Love Shinee 4ever...
'Gledonia Czephlot'! lol. Onew made that up?! How on earth did he come up with such a name??? :))))<br />
oh and Rin's gardenia camelot was hilarious too! XD<br />
As usual, another epic encounter inside the mansion! But I never thought that Jjong would have that kind of sickness and all that. Cause damn, he fainted! XD Resha, your fault! :))))<br />
<br />
another thing too....<br />
<br />
this one's for chapter 12 though..<br />
"You sound like a perfect housewife," Honey giggled.<br />
<br />
"And you, with your short hair, can be my husband," Key joined the joke and they laugh together as they walk along the other trays, looking for other vegetables.<br />
<br />
Kyaaaaa~!!! Kibum-ah!!!!! Gawd. I love their pairing!! ;D<br />
and the best thing about this chapter is...<br />
<br />
<br />
KEY & HONEY KISSED!!!! Oyea~!!!! :D Mwahahahah!!! They freakin' kissed!! *throws confetti* XD