chapter 10

Please. With Love.

@aft sheyla : im glad u love this fic ^^! *bows* sorry for the late update~~.
@sugar : now when i read it again, its really funny how jihyuk glued the couch to the floor XD. OnHyun are cute together ne?
@kazeryu : aww, u made me smile when u said "the moment I saw this on my updated list, my eyes practically sparkled!". it really made my day, tq ^^!
@peperomin : new readers make me happy! *hugs* tq for reading ^^
@bree : im glad i made u laugh reading the previous chapter ^^!
@starlee : the blackboard mission is indeed a success XD
@syu : yah, how come u give me one-line comment only XD
@adri : yes, taemin is not their brother. i mean, all of them are not blood-related. i stated that in the beginning of the chapter, ne? or not .___. i'll go check after this XDDD!
@onbomcorndition : ah, a silent reader in sfi? tq for coming here, keke. yeah, the icons in sfi are all here when i pasted the fic from there XD. and no, minhyuk is the look-alike of the lawyer :)
@piqa : u commented here too ^^. the mission is indee funnay XD keke

Posted Image
To help you to know the characters :)
The maid is right below the son she is supposed to take care of.


♡♥♡ chapter 10 : getting along

After they succeed with the Blackboard mission, the four sons [Key is excluded since he is taking an extremely long bath to clean himself from the dirt Honey had poured on him] sit together with Resha and Rin in the living room to watch whatever show the two girls are going to watch. It was then when an idol group appeared on the screen, and the two girls suddenly squeals their lungs out.

"OMG, it's him!!!" Resha and Rin both scream together.

"He looks so good in white!!" Resha added.

"Look at his smile!" Rin squealed too.

Onew and Minho stared at them, jawdropped. While Jonghyun and Taemin are trying to figure out which one of the boys on the screen are these two girls were squealing on.

"Who are these boys..?" Minho asked.

"UKISS!" both Resha and Rin squealed, eyes still glued on the screen.

"What is 'you kiss'? Is that what this group is called? Weird.." Onew started to complaint.

"Agree, hyung. It sounds WEIRD," Jonghyun said, stressing on the word 'weird' to attract Resha's attention.

"If you are going to debut in a group, what will the name of your group be?" Resha asked. It took Jonghyun a few seconds before he came up with a name.


"That sounds even weirder, okay?" Resha chuckled.

"No, it's not weird. Right, hyung?" Jonghyun said, turned to Onew.

"I want to be the leader!" instead of answering Jonghyun, Onew volunteered himself to be the leader.

"I can rap well, so I'll be the rapper. Flaming charisma Minho, how's that sounds?" Minho suddenly said causing the rest to laugh.

"I want to be called Bling Bling! Because I shine the most!" Jonghyun said.

"Shine the most, yeah right," Resha smirks.

"I can sing better than the guy you're squealing over just now, okay?" Jonghyun said.

"Don't look down on Soohyun!" Rin suddenly cuts in, throws a small cushion on the dino-like son's face.

"Yah! I said that to annoy her, not you!" Jonghyun snapped at the cutie. His intention is actually to make Resha angry.

"Do you think I care who you wants to annoy? Soohyun is my bias in the group, that's why the cushion hits your face!" Rin said, glared at him with her big eyes.

"Aigoo, you look like you're going to eat Jonghyun," Taemin said, laughing at the same time. But he is not really comfortable inside, knowing there is a guy whom Rin likes so much. He learnt his name now; Soohyun.

"Aish, how dare you hit Bling Bling's face," Onew muttered, and got ignored by both girls who are back to watch UKISS on the TV screen.

"I want to be the lead dancer!" Taemin suddenly said, raising his voice too to attract Rin.

"You can take that position," Minho said. Taemin gave Rin a glare, but the girl is too immersed with that Soohyun.

"What about Key?" Onew asked.

"He nags a lot about cleanliness, like an omma. So he can be the omma of our group," Jonghyun said, chuckling at the same time.

"But 'Sparkle' sounds stupid. I don't want to debut with that name," Minho suddenly said.

"Yah, Minho. Are you saying my suggestion is stupid?" Jonghyun asked, raising his voice.

"Isn't that obvious?" Minho smirks.

"What about 'Shiny'?" Taemin suddenly asked.

"Shiny sounds.. well, not bad," the fake leader Onew said, and Jonghyun pouted.

"Yeah, it sounds better than 'Sparkle'," Minho said, nodded his head, and Jonghyun pouted even more. Resha who is focusing on the screen, saw the dino's cute pout, for the first time she thought the second son doesn’t resemble a dinosaur, but a puppy instead. A cute puppy.

"Annyeonghaseyo, we are shining SHINY!" Onew suddenly said.

"I am leader Onew," he continued.

"I am the best looking, Bling Bling Jonghyun!" Jonghyun said.

"I am Flaming Charisma Minho, who is better looking than the Stupid Bling," Minho said before he got kicked by Jonghyun.

"Yah, shortie. Do you want to die!?" Minho snapped at Jonghyun, who is even more angry when people call him 'shortie'.

"I am the cute magnae, Taemin!" Taemin said, finishing the fake group introduction with an aegyo. Only Key omma is missing.

"Now I think we can definitely beat this 'you kiss' boys" Jonghyun said. But he got ignored again by the two girls.

"He cried.." suddenly Rin said, pointing to the screen.

"He is! Aigoo wae!?" Resha asked.

The four boys are now watching the TV again and indeed, they saw the guy called Soohyun cried while singing.

"He looks so pure!" Resha spazz again.

"Okay, now he looks pure just because he had tears in his eyes!" Jonghyun is angry out of no reason and stomped his feet to his room.

"Why is he angry?" Resha asked.

"Who knows~," Onew responded. Being the closest to Jonghyun, he can feel that his dongsaeng actually is interested in the tall girl.

One thing the four boys didn't realize is, it is the first time they sit together and talk, or even joke. The first time, yes.

And the two maids didn't know how much they had helped to bring the sons together just by sitting on the sofa and squealing over Soohyun of UKISS.

The next morning..

Minho is reading a newspaper while lying on his bed while waiting for his breakfast. It's almost 10 a.m but Seunghee is no where to be seen. Usually his reakfast will be ready on 9 a.m, so Minho started to starved.

"Yah, Seunghee!" he suddenly shouts, calling for his personal maid. It is normal if no one answer you if you're calling for him in the mansion, because the mansion is very big.

"Aish, this girl. I will ask Jihyuk hyung to reduce her salary!" he snapped as he jumps off his bed. He was about to go down stairs when he walked passed Seunghee's room and notice her door is left opened.

He thought for awhile if he should just go in into the girl's room. After giving the matter a thought around one minute, he decided to just peek into the room.

It was then when he saw Seunghee is sleeping on the floor.

"Aish! No wonder she is not there to prepare my breakfast!" he snapped and quickly stepped into Seunghee's room.

"Yah, wake up!" he shouts on top on his voice. Surprisingly, even with that, Seunghee did not open her eyes. Minho started to get worried so he kneels down on the floor, using his fingers to tap a bit on Seunghee's cheek.

"Seunghee.. wake up," he sounds normal now.

Slowly, the pretty girl opened her eyes. She quickly changed into a sitting position as soon as she saw Minho in her room.

"What.. what are you doing here?" she asked, and she sounds unusually weak.

"I came in to ask for my breakfast. And what are you doing, sleeping on the floor?" Minho decided not to shout when he saw how pale Seunghee is looking right now.

"I.. I must have fell asleep while doing my revision.." Seunghee replied. Only then Minho realized there are lots of notes and a few books scattered on the floor besides Seunghee.

"What you just did is not healthy. Now go rest," Minho said, pointing to Seunghee's bed. It was then when Seunghee saw Minho's watch on his wrist.

"Omo, my exam will start in thirty minutes!" she said, starting to gather all her notes.

"What? You're going to the exam hall in this condition? Go look at yourself in the mirror, you are extremely pale!" Minho started to snap again.

"I don't care," Seunghee muttered slowly. She stood up and was about to steps to the bathroom when she lost her balance and fell. Thanks to the forever quick Minho, he managed to catch Seunghee in his arms.

"It is impossible for you to sit for your exam today. You better rest," Minho said and he was about to bring the girl to her bed when Seunghee gave him a weak push.

"I.. I've been preparing for this test since last week. I can't afford not to attend the exam.."

"Don’t be stubborn! You can never answer anything in this condition!" Minho is now angry.

Seunghee, however is determine to sit for the exam. With all the remaining strength left in her body, she pushed Minho out of her room.

"I need to get ready," she said before she closed the door on Minho's face.

"This girl.. aish! I'm not going to care about you anymore!" Minho snapped as he left for his room. He lied, though. He is seriously worried, actually.

Room 109

"Do you really have to enter my room?" Key asked when Honey stepped into his room with his breakfast.

"This is my job," Honey replied as she put down the tray.

"I don't understand all these personal maid matters," the third son muttered as he sat on his bed.

"It's to manage all five of you, of course," Honey said as she hands a zipped bag to Key.

"What is this?" Key asked.

"I bought you a hand sanitizer. You can always use it if you feel insecure with whatever you touch; lets say your door knob. There are some anti-bacterial soap and lotion too. I also bought you a bottle of anti-bacterial air freshener for you to spray wherever you like," Honey said.

Key ped the bag and inside, he saw all the things Honey mentioned just now. And not just that, he also saw a small, pink towel.

"This is for me, too?" he took it out, and only then he saw a red, heart shapped button at one corner of the towel. Not knowing why, his heart beats fast.

"Yes, that's for you. Just in case later when you move around the mansion, or take a walk outside, you can use this to wipe your sweat," Honey said, smiling.

It took Key half a minute before he can utter the phrase which the last time he muttered it he already forgot.

"Thank you,"

In the kitchen..

Youngjin is baking some cookies when she heard a sound, like a big thing fell on the floor. She turned to her back and saw Onew with his face buried on the floor.

"What are you doing, Onew-shi?" she asked as she walked over to the eldest son.

"Help.." Onew muttered weakly, obviously acting.


"I need.. chicken.."

Youngjin chuckle a bit as she stood up and left the guy.

"Did you plan to leave me to die?" Onew asked as he stood up and follow Youngjin.



"You will not die just because you didn't get to eat a chicken,"

"But chicken is my source of energy!" the eldest pouted, and Youngjin found him very cute.

"Here, hold this for me," Youngjin said as she hands Onew a big food container.

"What is this for?" Onew asked.

"To fill in chocolate cookies," Youngjin said as she placed cookies in the container one by one. Without any of them realize it, they started to talk about random things together.

Room 103

"What is the biggest mammal on earth?" Jonghyun asked. Both him and Resha are sitting on the carpeted floor, playing a quiz together.

"Blue whale!" Resha answered, she looks so immersed into the game.

"Aish, how did you know the answer?!"

"Because I'm clever. Now, it's my turn to ask you," Resha said as she took out a small note book from her bag.

"Yah, what is that book for?"

"I jotted down some general facts to make them into questions," Resha answered.

"That is not fair! I asked you an easy one!" Jonghyun said.

"You can ask a harder one later. Oh, we planned to play 10 questions only, right? This is the tenth," Resha said, smiling.

"I will ask an even harder one next time we play!"

"This is the last time I'm playing this game with you. No more 'next time',"


"Just because. Now, the question. How many legs do butterflies have?"

"That's easy. Six," Jonghyun laughed, much to Resha's annoyance. The game was supposed to end there, but Resha asked the next question.

"In which country was golf first played?"

"Scotland," Jonghyun answered, smiling cheekily.

"What is the smallest ocean in the world?!"

"Arctic Ocean," Jonghyun got it right again.

"Are you peeking in my answers?" Resha asked.

"You are covering the answers like crazy, is it even possible for me to peek in from here?" Jonghyun is laughing. He likes the fact he managed to annoy the girl.

"Aish! What about Aurora Borealis? Do you know anything about that?"

"Aurora Borealis? Even Taemin can answer that. What do you want to ask actually? What is it commonly known as? The answer is Northen Lights,"

"I don't want to play anymore!" Resha stomped her feet out of the room, leaving Jonghyun who is laughing so hard on the floor.

Jihyuk's personal office

"Oppa, this is for you!" Rin said as she hands the lawyer two heart shaped candies.

"Thank you," Jihyuk said, smiling.

"Can I stay in your office?"

"Sure, why not? Where's Resha by the way?" Jihyuk asked since it's weird for Rin not to cling to Resha like she always did.

"She is playing a game with Jonghyun. And Jonghyun said to me he wants to be alone with Resha so I am left alone," the girl said as she climbs on a couch in the office.

"Why don't you spend your times with Taemin, then?" Jihyuk asked again.

"Oppa, it's only 12. He will only wake up at 2pm~" Rin said, lying down on the couch.

"Ah, I forgot," Jihyuk replied as he took a seat on the other couch. It's nice to have someone to talk to in his office.

"Oppa, did you find the thing you lost?" Rin suddenly asked.

"What.. thing?" Jihyuk asked. It's the second time Rin talked to him about something that is missing.

"Do you feel complete?" Rin changed her question.

"For now, yes. Why are you asking?"

"Nothing. Oppa, where are the two candies I gave you?"


Rin took one from the two and keep it in her pocket.

"You cannot have this one because you lied," the girl said.

Jihyuk was about to ask what she is talking about but Rin jumped out from his room after giving him a goodbye wave, leaving him in curiosity.

Seoul National University

Seunghee stepped out from the examination hall, feeling as miserable as ever. Her head hurts so much; eventhough she know the answers for the questions just now, she can't write them down properly.

"I should have listened to Minho," she muttered to herself, disappointed. It was then when she lost her balance and fell besides the main gate. A few girls tried to help her, but they decide to back off when they saw the girl suddenly shed her tears.

"What happened..?" one of them whispered.

"I don't know, but it seems like something bad just happened to her.." another one replied, whispering too.

Seunghee's knee is bleeding, but she cried because of her stubbornness, not the physical pain. She knows her preparation for the exam all went wasted because she did not do well just now, just because of her health problem. If only she asked for a medical excuse from the university medical center today; judging on her condition now she is sure she will be excused from the examination, she knows she will be able to do much better if she were to take the examination in a better health condition tomorrow, or whenever the university arranged for her to take it. Not today, where everything went wrong.

She wipes her tears with her fingers and was about to stood up when suddenly someone lifted her from the ground.

"Minho.." she said the name the moment she saw who is holding her.

"Let's go to the clinic," Minho said, avoiding Seunghee's eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Seunghee asked, wiping her tears again.

"I am on my way to a store, and on my way, I saw you on the ground," Minho said. Seunghee thought what he said was true when suddenly she heard a few girls who tried to help her earlier talk.

"The guy is lying right?" and Minho stopped his steps.

"He's standing in front of the gate for half an hour already," and Minho's face turned paler.

"No, we've been here for two hours already, chit chatting and the guy was here even before we reached here," and Minho's face is now as pale as ever. He turned back to the girls and shout.

"Shut up! Go study and stop talking about other people!!" and he ran to his car, carrying Seunghee in a bridal way with him. He hates it how the girls had sold him away to Seunghee, the fact that he was very worried and was waiting for Seunghee to make sure she is alright.

As for Seunghee, she realized that everybody must have a good side of him no matter how bad he portrayed himself. And Choi Minho is one of them.

To be continued ..

Jajang! Seunghee x Minho is progressing a lot, ne ^^? I hope it make up for the less humor in this chapter. I'll try to make the next chapter as funny as usual, neh XD? I am now focusing on the love story. Nghee ^^.

I have a few things to say. First, saeng il chukha e for my deary Fany. She's a loyal reader, a good friend and a good dongsaeng to me. Fany, I hope I made you happy with this chapter ^^. *hugs* ILY!

Second, Starfish is missing in this chapter O.o ! It's a big issue right? LOL, coz I know most of you love the big journal XD. We'll have it back in the next chapter ^^.

Third, Taemin has no line in this chapter .__. Coz he is still sleeping~. And anyone wants to know what is the thing that Jihyuk lost, hands up! *pretends to count*

Fourth, which pairing do you want to read in the next chapter? Seunghee x Minho supporters, I hope you are happy with this chapter. The other supporters, tell me which pairing do you want to read on next? Choose one between Resha x Jjong, Honey x Key, Youngjin x Onew and Rin x Taemin ^^!

Fifth, THIS is the show Rin and Resha were watching at the beginning of the chapter. Soohyun appeared at 1:08. He started to cry somewhere in the same verse, but is clearly showed at 3:16. The song is very beautiful, I like it even though the company ditched my Xander from the group *kicks whoever behind the ditching*.

Lastly, thank you for reading! I love you guys, a lot!!

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TsugumiSora #1
Chapter 11: Uh I think there is something wrong with chapter 9?
Chapter 16: Please continue . [[;
your fanfic makes me smile~!!!!!!
an't wait for an update
i love your story~ it's so cute and fluffy and adorable and soooooo awesome! you're such an awesome writer! update soon!
I think all the characters are cute in their own ways:
Onew X Youngjin - The childish adult and the kid who acts like an adult.
Taemin X Rin - The sensitive kid and the baby-faced 'kid'.
Jjong X Resha - The so-called-flirts.
Key X Honey - The awkward omma and the cool appa.
Minho X Seunghee - The shy beast and the natural beauty.
Jihyuk - The mysterious young lawyer.

For now, Key & Honey is the cutest couple! The fountain kiss~
And I feel there's something between Rin & Jihyuk...
Also, Yejun *sob* I will miss you! T_T

Thank you so much for writing this crazy but full of charms fanfic!
There are so many drama and entertaining plots to read. I know you put lots of efforts in all the details. Love every bits of it. ^^
Lastly, all the best in your work too! Fighting! =D
ZeRynna #6
I LOVE your story!!
Its just TOO cute to not love it..with all the craziness!! XD
Onew is so adorable and well.. I like the way you portray evry each one of them~

Please update...
I'm so curious of what will happen next :D
xoxo-Shira-xoxo #7
Please update soon! :o
I have fallen in love with this story ^^ !!
naznew #8
wow..after i read, i falling in love with your story...
it make me smile and laugh non stop...
thanks 4 create this story...
please update again.

Love Shinee 4ever...
'Gledonia Czephlot'! lol. Onew made that up?! How on earth did he come up with such a name??? :))))<br />
oh and Rin's gardenia camelot was hilarious too! XD<br />
As usual, another epic encounter inside the mansion! But I never thought that Jjong would have that kind of sickness and all that. Cause damn, he fainted! XD Resha, your fault! :))))<br />
<br />
another thing too....<br />
<br />
this one's for chapter 12 though..<br />
"You sound like a perfect housewife," Honey giggled.<br />
<br />
"And you, with your short hair, can be my husband," Key joined the joke and they laugh together as they walk along the other trays, looking for other vegetables.<br />
<br />
Kyaaaaa~!!! Kibum-ah!!!!! Gawd. I love their pairing!! ;D<br />
and the best thing about this chapter is...<br />
<br />
<br />
KEY & HONEY KISSED!!!! Oyea~!!!! :D Mwahahahah!!! They freakin' kissed!! *throws confetti* XD