Meeting the Two Eldest

Please. With Love.

Seunghee and Honey are now sitting in the living room of the ever so big mansion, eye-ing the inside from corner to corner. One or two maids walk passed them once in awhile.

"It feels empty," Honey said.

"Neh," Seunghee gave her friend a short reply.

"Well, it makes our job easier, I guess," Honey said again, and Seunghee nods her head.

"I'm sorry for making you waiting," Jihyuk greets both of them as he took a seat right in front of them.

"It's okay," Honey replied, since Seunghee is already not in the mood. She hates waiting. Though the lawyer is not really late, actually.

"Let's wait for the other three, and after that I will be showing your rooms," Jihyuk said. Both Seunghee and Honey just nod their head. Since they sign up to be 'special' maids [Seunghee is dying to ask what does 'special' means but afraid of she might sounds rude since she's not in the mood right now, she thought she will ask later], one of the conditions is to stay in the mansion. Both of them thought it is not a bad idea since the mansion is so big and luxurious.



Youngjin is walking down the lane, carrying her bags when she saw a girl in her age, staring at the big, district map [which is placed in the middle of the town]as hard as she can Youngjin thought the stone map will break soon because of her stare.

"Do you need help with the map?" Youngjin asked as she approaches the girl.

"Ah.. neh.." the girl turns to her.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Umm.. I need to go to the Lee mansion.. but first I need to get back to my friend,"

"Where is your friend?" Youngjin asked. And she quickly thought the girl is going to be a maid too, like her. Not everybody goes to the mansion everyday.

"I don't know .." the girl replied. As much as Youngjin think the answer is silly, she doesn't have the heart laugh since the girl looks like she really need help.


Youngjin almost dropped her bag when she heard such a loud scream from her back. She turned back as saw a very tall girl running towards them, carrying lots of bags with her.

"Resha!!" the girl she saw just now jumps as soon as she saw the tall girl. Youngjin thought the girl named Resha must be the 'friend' the lost girl named Rin was talking about just now.

"Where have you been?! I told you to wait for a few minutes and when I came back you're gone!" Resha asked as soon as she reached Rin and dropped all the bags on the ground.

"You are so busy with the hot boy at the bus stop I feel bored. Then I saw a very cute kitten just now so I followed it until here. It disappears, and I don't know how to go back to you," Rin replied with a grin. She feels bad for making Resha worried and look for her, but she is more than glad she found Resha again.

"Fine.. Who is this?" Resha asked, pointing to Youngjin. The youngest quickly bows and introduce herself.

"I am going to the mansion, too," she said.

"Really? Let's go together then!!" Rin said excitedly.

"Well, we are already here," Youngjin said, pointing to her left. Both Resha and Rin follow her finger and they saw a very tall gate. Very tall, Rin thought you have to multiply Resha's height by 3 to reach the top of the gate.

"But the mansion is on top of the hill," Resha said, staring at the mansion from afar.

"So what if it's on the top? The owner just feels like putting the gate here, what is the problem?" Rin asked. If it's not because of her big, blinking eyes, Resha will definitely smacks her.

Youngjin thought both of the girls she just met are funny in their own way, and she started to like them. Resha and Rin are still arguing about the gate when suddenly the gate opened by itself and both of them quickly jump and hide behind Youngjin.

"Youngjin-ah, how old are you? You are almost as tall as Resha," Rin asked, peeking from Youngjin's shoulder.

"I'm 17," Youngjin gave Rin a short reply, waiting for what will come from the gate to greet them.

"What? You're only 17?" Resha stares at Youngjin.


"And you will gain some more inches though you're already tall. I am almost 22, and will stay 159cm forever!" Rin said, obviously jealous of Youngjin's height.

"What? You're 22??! I thought you're sharing my age and is still schooling!" Youngjin replied as she turns back. Rin is pouting while Resha is holding her laugh.

"Youngjin-ah, if it's not because I like you, I will scold you already~~" Rin said, pretending to be mad. Youngjin then gave her an apologetic smile.

"Good morning," suddenly a young girl greets them. She is wearing a black and white outfit; Rin thought she looks cute in it. The three of them greets her back.

"I'm Miyoung, and I am the maid in charge for guests today. Please follow me," Miyoung said, leading them to a very antique-looking-car, but is shining beautifully under the morning sunshine.

"You want us to get into this car?" Resha asked.

"Believe me, you don't want to walk to the mansion," Miyoung replied with a smile. The three of them quickly get into the car when they see how far the mansion is from the gate.



"The other three will be here soon, please wait for another two minutes," Jihyuk said politely as soon as he done talking with Miyoung on the phone. Seunghee thought she should just shut up and decided she will scold whoever the other three maids later when they arrive for being late. Honey, however just nod her head since she is too absorbed with the manga in her hand.

"Jihyuk, where's Miyoung?" suddenly a boy appeared from the kitchen, asking.

"She is in charge of the guests today, but she will be here soon," Jihyuk replied.

"Aish, why so late~? I need Tofu now," the boy muttered as he took a seat besides Jihyuk. Only then he saw the two girls.

"Who are they?" he asked.

"Onew, meet Seunghee-shi and Honey-shi," Jihyuk quickly introduced the two girls to Onew. Honey, trying to be polite, stop reading her manga and gave Onew a smile. Seunghee fakes a smile too when Honey pokes her.

"What are they doing here?" Onew asked, not even bother to smile back.

"They will be working here,"

"New maids?"

"Neh. Special maids,"

"Why 'special'?" Onew asked. Both Seunghee and Honey are now paying attention since Onew already asked the question they had wanted to ask since yesterday.

Jihyuk was about to open his mouth when suddenly Miyoung came, and behind her he saw two girls.

"Welcome," Jihyuk quickly got on his feet and greets them.

Miyoung bows, Youngjin and Rin did the same too.

"Yah, you ignored my question for these people?" Onew asked, obviously annoyed.

"He is just being polite, greeting his guests," Seunghee quickly said. She thought the boy is rude.

"Who are you?" Onew asked, ignoring whatever Youngjin said just now.

"This is Shim Youngjin, and she will be working here too," Jihyuk said, introducing the girl to Onew.

"Another special maid?"


"What about this girl?" he asked pointing to Rin.

"She is a new maid, too,"

"Why so many maids applied at the same time?" Onew asked again.

"Youngjin, don't you think he talks too much?" Rin asked, without the intention to hurt anyone. She is straightforward like that.

"This is MY house, so I can do what I want," Onew replied with a smirk. Youngjin then decided she doesn't like this Onew boy. Like Rin said, he talks too much and he is rude, too.

"Where is Resha-shi?" Jihyuk asked. Only then Rin realized Resha is not with them. She was about to steps out to look for her friend when Resha suddenly appear from the entrance. In her hand, there is a paper and a blue pen.

"Resha, where did you go?" she quickly asked.

"Ah.. mian. I just went to observe the mansion from outside a bit. It is soooo big you will definitely get lost in here, Rin. But don't worry, I will draw a map for you," Resha said, staring at her rough map on the paper. The sentence sounds funny, but a good friend she is, she'll do anything to help her friend.

"Resha, have I ever told you I love you so much?!" Rin asked as she gave Resha a hug.

"Everyday," Resha replied, chuckled.

"Another maid?" Onew asked, pointing to Resha and Jihyuk nods his head.

"Hyung, you're early today!" another boy appears and he greets Onew. All the girls thought he looks like a dinosaur because of his jaw, but not a regular dinosaur. A hot one. Resha started to have her eyes on him.

"Jjong, there are lots of maids today," Onew said.

Jonghyun gave the five girls a quick observation. The first one is Honey. She looks attractive, but she is so into her manga and didn't even bother to look at him, so he moves on to the next girl, which is Seunghee. Nomu, nomu yeppo. Very pretty. But she is not smiling at all, so Jonghyun moves to the next girl. Youngjin is pretty and tall. Tall girl will only makes him looks shorter than he already is, so Jonghyun quickly move to the next girl; Rin. He then decided Rin is too cute and is not his type, so he is now staring at Resha.

There is a positive aura around that girl, Jonghyun quickly thought he is attracted to that girl the most, despite of her being the tallest among the girls [for the first, Jonghyun thought it is okay to look shorter than he already is].

"Jjong?" Onew asked, waving his hand in front of Jonghyun.

"N-neh," Jonghyun stuttered his word a bit.

Seunghee is keeping shut. She is trying to calm herself. She is annoyed because she has to wait for the lawyer though Jihyuk is late by only two minutes. She is annoyed a bit more when she has to wait for the other three maids, too. And the two boys just now annoyed her the most.

"Jihyuk oppa, can I sit here ..?" Rin asked, pointing to the couch. She looks so tired, Jihyuk feels so sorry for not inviting them to sit earlier. Rin got to know Jihyuk earlier when she signed the contract with him the day before.

"Please do so, all of you. I'm so sorry for not offering you the seats earlier," Jihyuk quickly invites them to sit. Rin is about to sit when Jonghyun quickly jumps on the sofa and he lies down on his back, taking all space to himself.

"Jonghyun, don't do that," Jihyuk said, pats on his back, asking him to move.

"This is MY couch," he replied, closing his eyes, pretending to sleep. Annoying people is one of his hobbies.

Resha then quickly changed her mind about the dino-like boy. He is hot, but annoying at the same time. Too annoying.

"Are you stupid?" suddenly Seunghee who had been so quiet all this time asked. Jonghyun opens his eyes when he heard the question.

"Are you talking to me?" he asked Seunghee.


"Why are you calling me stupid?"

"Because you look stupid," Seunghee said and Honey is trying not to laugh while flipping her manga to the next page.

"Jihyuk, where did you find this rude girl!?" Jonghyun quickly asked. Jihyuk is about to explain everything when Resha cuts into the conversation.

"Rude? Look who's talking, taking all spaces to yourself when you have guests in your house,"

Yes, she is not helping at all. Jonghyun is more than mad. Jihyuk is trying to avoid any fight on the first meeting.

"You can sit on the floor," Onew said with a smirk, pointing to carpeted floor. Resha hopes somebody can slap that Onew boy for her.

"Let's sit together, then," Youngjin said with a calm smile. She fakes it, of course. The two boys are really good in making people hate them.

"Neh. Nothing is wrong with sitting on the floor. I just read on Wiki this morning. The new research in America states only idiots sit on sofas. They carried out a research on 3000 participants, and it's proven that people who chose to sit on sofas over the floor, 89% of them were in the last class when they were in high schools," Rin said as she sit on the floor, followed by Resha.

"Jinjja?" Honey asked as she took a seat besides Rin.

Rin replied her with a very cute smile. So in no time all the girls are sitting on the floor. Being a gentleman, Jihyuk feels bad to sit on the sofa so he joined the girls on the floor.

Onew and Jonghyun look at each other for a few seconds before them, too choose to join the rest.


"You're not the only one who read Wikipedia," Onew said to Rin.

"You read it too?" Rin asked.

"Of course!" Onew said, but he looks unsure.

"Liar," Rin said as she turns away.

"You think you're the only who can access the internet?" Onew is annoyed when he feels the girl is actually looking down on him.

"There is no way you can read about that on wikipedia because I lied about the sofas and the idiots," Rin replied with a blank expression. Resha is now laughing as hard as she can, and the other three girls are joining her. Even Seunghee is loosening up a bit.

"Aigoo, I thought you are telling the truth about the idiots and the sofas!" Honey is thumping her hand on the floor, laughing so hard.

Onew's ears are now so red out of anger and embarrassment. Either way he can't really do anything since he lied about knowing the fact when he actually don't.

"Please stop laughing all of you. Let's start," Jihyuk said as he took out a black file from his case. He too, is hiding his laugh from the boys. So far he likes all the girls. They don't seem like the type who will back out from the job.

While waiting for Jihyuk to checks all his documents, Honey introduced herself to Rin and Resha. She widened her eyes when she gets to know Rin's age. Rin is pissed off again when people thought she is still schooling. But she is too sleepy to snap at anyone so she makes Resha's shoulder her pillow, trying to pay attention to Jihyuk with her eyes closed.

"Lee Jungwoo is a billionaire, and he never gets married. So last few years, he adopted five sons to be his heir. Meet Lee Jinki, he is the eldest. You can call him Onew," Jihyuk started, introducing Onew to the girls. Youngjin quickly thought how silly the eldest is to act so immature, rude and annoying earlier.

"This is Kim Jonghyun, the second eldest,"

"Is it just me, or Jonghyun sounds like dinosaur?" Honey said, and Resha is holding her laugh. Jonghyun is about to snap but Jihyuk stops him.

"She's a girl, Jonghyun. And she is your guest,"

Polite, yes.

Jonghyun decided to keep quiet, or he might act stupid in front of the five girls. All the girls, on the other hand is starting to like the young lawyer. He seems like a jewel compared to the two retarded sons. At least that is what Seunghee thought.

"I will introduce the rest later since they are not here. I will get straight to the point. Each one of you girls, will be assigned to take care of one of them,"

"One of them will take care of me?!" both Jonghyun and Onew shouts at the same time.

"Neh, that's right," Jihyuk said, staring at Rin who is now sleeping, leaning against Resha.

"I will explain to her when she woke up later," Resha said.

"Do we have to cook for them?" Seunghee asked. She is not a good cook actually.

"Well, your job is to accompany them. And do whatever they asked you to. If they ask you to cook, then you have to do it," Jihyuk said. The girls listen to him carefully. Deep inside their heart, they are hoping not to get the Onew boy and the dino for them to take care of.

"Good luck, then," Onew said as he stood up and walks to his room.

"What do you mean by that?" Youngjin asked.

"No maids ever work here more than a month," Jonghyun said as follows Onew's steps.

Youngjin is now staring at the other four girls. She just learned that all of them are older than her.

"I think the other sons are as bad as that Onew and dino," Honey said, and Seunghee seems to agree with her.

"That's why we offer a very high payment. To make up for your hard work," Jihyuk said with a smile.

"Ah.. that's why.." Youngjin muttered.

"Be sure not to tell them about the payment you are going to get, okay?" Jihyuk asked politely. Since it is one of the conditions in their contract, all of them just nod their heads.

"Now, I am going to assign you with the sons, one by one," Jihyuk said, staring at some documents in his file.

"I have a question, oppa," Resha said as she put up her hand. She doesn't know how old the lawyer is, but since Rin called him 'oppa' just now, Jihyuk must be an 'oppa' for her, too.

"What is it?" Jihyuk asked.

"Who is the most dangerous among them?"

Jihyuk took a few seconds to answer her and then he decided to choose the owner of Room 103 as the answer.

"Well, one of them is a big flirt. The maids said to enter his room with extra caution, or you will be pregnant,"

Jihyuk's sentence caused all of them [minus Rin since she is sleeping] to gasped in horror.

"It's.. just a rumor, though," Jihyuk said again, to calm all the new maids.

"Can I request you, not to assign Rin to take care of that flirt? I am more than worried since she is too clumsy.." Resha said, staring at her best friend. Jihyuk thought Resha is a very good friend and he quickly took out a document with one of the sons' biography on it. Not the flirt, of course.

"I think Rin can take care of him," he said. Rin quickly woke up as soon as she heard her name.

"Me? Take care of who?" she asked, blinking her eyes.

"Him," Jihyuk said as he hands Rin the document. Rin crawls to him and take it. She reads it secretly, covering the document with her body from the rest.

"Rin, let me see!" Resha said.

"No, no. It is dangerous for you, Resha,"


"Because he is so good looking!" Rin said as she stares at his picture.

"Don't be so stingy, Rin.." Resha is still trying to peek on the picture. The other three girls just wait patiently for their turn.

"Oppa, can I go to his room now?" Rin asked when she saw the room number of the son she will take care of.

"W..well, you better read about him first," Jihyuk said, but the girl quickly climb up the stairs.

"I will read on my way to his room!" she shouted.

Resha was about to call her to come down, but she knows Rin will not listen. So she turns to face the lawyer again.

"I don't want to take care of that Onew," Youngjin said to Seunghee.

"Me too," Seunghee said.

"Honey, here," Jihyuk said as he hands the girl another document. Honey was about to take it when all of them were shocked when they saw Rin is running down the stairs with tears in her eyes.

"What happened? Wae??!" Resha quickly stood up from the floor as soon as Rin reached her.

"He's a ERT!!" Rin said, wiping her tears.

"I thought you agree not to assign her with the flirt!" Resha said as she turns to Jihyuk. The lawyer is more than shock, because the flirt's biography is still in his black file.

What possibly had happened upstairs just now?

To be continue..


A little bit about the chapter, of the conditions is to stay in the mansion, so all the girls are now in. They just met the two annoying eldest, Onew and Jonghyun. Resha requested from Jihyuk not to let Rin take care of the flirt and Jihyuk agree. But something had happened upstairs and Rin is now in tears, talking about the ert. What actually happened will be revealed in the next chapter ^^.

Let's talk a bit about the third game. The answer for the first question is Onew. As you can see in this chapter, he gets along with Jonghyun so well, and Jonghyun even call him 'hyung'. Yes, he is the one who greets Jonghyun in the previous chapter, and not Key.

Question two, Resha's first reaction when she steps into the mansion. I wonder if I fail in portraying her as a loyal friend T__T. She draw the map for Rin, isn't she nice?

 Till the next update,

p/s : The answer for the first question will be up soon, together with the official character chart. Gosh I talked to much.. *stares at the LONG rambles*


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TsugumiSora #1
Chapter 11: Uh I think there is something wrong with chapter 9?
Chapter 16: Please continue . [[;
your fanfic makes me smile~!!!!!!
an't wait for an update
i love your story~ it's so cute and fluffy and adorable and soooooo awesome! you're such an awesome writer! update soon!
I think all the characters are cute in their own ways:
Onew X Youngjin - The childish adult and the kid who acts like an adult.
Taemin X Rin - The sensitive kid and the baby-faced 'kid'.
Jjong X Resha - The so-called-flirts.
Key X Honey - The awkward omma and the cool appa.
Minho X Seunghee - The shy beast and the natural beauty.
Jihyuk - The mysterious young lawyer.

For now, Key & Honey is the cutest couple! The fountain kiss~
And I feel there's something between Rin & Jihyuk...
Also, Yejun *sob* I will miss you! T_T

Thank you so much for writing this crazy but full of charms fanfic!
There are so many drama and entertaining plots to read. I know you put lots of efforts in all the details. Love every bits of it. ^^
Lastly, all the best in your work too! Fighting! =D
ZeRynna #6
I LOVE your story!!
Its just TOO cute to not love it..with all the craziness!! XD
Onew is so adorable and well.. I like the way you portray evry each one of them~

Please update...
I'm so curious of what will happen next :D
xoxo-Shira-xoxo #7
Please update soon! :o
I have fallen in love with this story ^^ !!
naznew #8
wow..after i read, i falling in love with your story...
it make me smile and laugh non stop...
thanks 4 create this story...
please update again.

Love Shinee 4ever...
'Gledonia Czephlot'! lol. Onew made that up?! How on earth did he come up with such a name??? :))))<br />
oh and Rin's gardenia camelot was hilarious too! XD<br />
As usual, another epic encounter inside the mansion! But I never thought that Jjong would have that kind of sickness and all that. Cause damn, he fainted! XD Resha, your fault! :))))<br />
<br />
another thing too....<br />
<br />
this one's for chapter 12 though..<br />
"You sound like a perfect housewife," Honey giggled.<br />
<br />
"And you, with your short hair, can be my husband," Key joined the joke and they laugh together as they walk along the other trays, looking for other vegetables.<br />
<br />
Kyaaaaa~!!! Kibum-ah!!!!! Gawd. I love their pairing!! ;D<br />
and the best thing about this chapter is...<br />
<br />
<br />
KEY & HONEY KISSED!!!! Oyea~!!!! :D Mwahahahah!!! They freakin' kissed!! *throws confetti* XD