15 Minutes

Please. With Love.

[Please. With Love. Poster #2. From your left : Seunghee, Resha, Rin, Youngjin, Honey]



"I thought you agree not to assign her with the flirt!" Resha said to Jihyuk.

"Yah, do you have to shout that loud?!" suddenly Jonghyun appears from the stairs, obviously disturbed with Resha's loud voice just now.

"I will talk loud when I want to, nobody can stop me! Now call your flirt brother, I need to talk to him!" Resha replied. To her, that dino boy is more than just annoying.

"Flirt brother?" Jonghyun asked.

"Yes. That stupid brother of yours who everybody has to enter his room with extra caution or they will end up !" Resha replied, motioning Rin to Youngjin, giving the magnae her please-take-care-of-her look. Youngjin nods.

"You got the phrase wrong. It is 'enter with extra caution or you will end up pregnant', not ''!" Jonghyun replied with a smirk.

"It's just the same. It shows what a jerk your flirt brother is," Resha replied with a smirk, too. Causing Jonghyun to be angry.

"I am not a jerk!" he snapped as he walks down the stairs towards Resha. Resha then realized the flirt among the five boys is actually Kim Jonghyun himself. No wonder he looks so mad when Resha called him a jerk before.

"A ert is always a jerk no matter how you try to look at it," Resha said, not scared of the second eldest.

"Why are you calling me ert?! What had I done?" Jonghyun asked when he reached the tall girl. Seriously, Resha only need one or two centimeters to challenge his height.

"Well, you made my best friend here cried!" Resha said, pointing to Rin. Jonghyun make his way to Rin and stare at her for a few seconds. Rin, who already stop crying, stares at him too.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Jonghyun said as he jumps onto the sofa.

"So it's not you?" Jihyuk asked.

"Not me. I don't know anything," Jonghyun said.

Resha was about to shout again when Rin cuts in.

"Resha, it's not him,"

"Mwo???! Why didn?t you tell me earlier?" Resha quickly asked.

"Mian~~" Rin is apologizing.

"We only have one flirt in here. Which is Jonghyun," Onew said as he approaches everybody all of a sudden.

"But I do nothing to her," Jonghyun said, pointing to Rin.

"That left only one person, since it is impossible for Key and Minho to do that," Onew said.

"Taeminnnnn!!!" Jonghyun shouted for the youngest. The youngest popped out from the stairs a few seconds after that.

"What is it, Jjong?" he asked lazily as he walks down the stairs. Yes, he called Jonghyun 'Jjong', without 'hyung'.

"It's him!" Rin pointed to the youngest of the five, Lee Taemin.

"He doesn't look like a ert to me," Honey said, and Seunghee nods her head.

"I AM NOT a ert," Taemin said as he reaches everybody.

"Now, let us all settle down and solve this problem together. Please have a seat, everybody," the young lawyer said. Unlike before, everybody now is sitting on a sofa. Jihyuk is more than glad to see that.

"Now tell us what had happened up there, Rin-shi," Jihyuk asked.


And Rin started her story.

15 minutes before the current setting..

"Lee Taemin," Rin read his name. The name is pretty, and he looks so cute in the picture, too. Rin started to like him already.

"Oppa, can I go to his room now?" Rin asked Jihyuk when she saw the room number of the son she is going to take care of. 105.

"W..well, you better read about him first," Jihyuk said, but Rin is too excited she ignored whatever the lawyer is saying.

"I will read on my way to his room!" she shouted and quickly climbs the stairs. She reached the next level in no time, and her eyes quickly looks for room 105. She is weak in finding directions, but it's not that hard to find the room she is looking for this time.


Too excited, yes. She quickly opened the door without knocking.

Her cheerful grin fades away slowly from her face when she saw the youngest son is standing in front of his bed, looking so shock and pale as ever, obviously because of Rin's sudden appearance in his room. And on his bed, Rin saw lots.. lots as in more than 20 VCDs.

"I'm not a ert!" Taemin quickly said, defending his defenseless self.

"I'm going to make a report to Jihyuk oppa!" Rin quickly said and she was about to step out when Taemin reached for her arms and dragged her in before he locked the room.

"It's not like what you think!" Taemin said, with his palm covering Rin's mouth. The girl is struggling so hard before she slapped away Taemin's hand.

"ert, don't touch me!" she snapped. Taemin seems so scared Rin is going to make a report on those VCDs he pushed and pinned the girl on his bed, not letting her go.

"Let me explain!" he said, but Rin is too scared with his action she pushed Taemin away with all her might and run out from the room in tears.

"He's a !" she said, pointing her finger to Taemin, ending her story.

"No, it's not like that!" Taemin said and he looks so pale.

"Gosh, you looks so innocent, I never thought you're a ert," Honey said, and Seunghee nods her head. Again.

"I'm not a ert!" the youngest shouted. Resha then took the chance to put the blame on Jonghyun, who is her least favourite so far.

"Having this person as your hyung, no wonder you're watching those VCDs," she said, pointing to Jonghyun.

"Yah!" both Jonghyun and Taemin shouted at her.

"Don't be rude," Jonghyun said to Resha, but the girl is looking at somewhere else.

"Don't compare us," Taemin said.

"What do you mean by that?" Jonghyun asked the youngest.

"I hate being compared to someone like you," Taemin replied. The dino-like boy is going to shout again when Jihyuk comes into the conversation.

"Please be quiet, everybody," he said calmly. It seems like everybody is listening to him.

"As far as I know Taemin, he is not the type who .. who watch those.." Jihyuk said again.

"But oppa, I saw all the VCDs with my own eyes!" Rin said when Jihyuk is defending Taemin.

"I know. But let us all listen to his story first," Jihyuk said.

"Let's go with that," Youngjin said, and everybody seems to agree with Jihyuk suggestion.

"Komawo, hyung.." Taemin thanked Jihyuk, and he starts his story.

15 minutes before Rin entered Taemin's room..

"That Jonghyun is so rude, I hate him!" Taemin muttered as he emptied his glass of milk in the kitchen. Since he always woke up late, he always drinks his milk at lunch time instead of early in the morning.

He was about to steps into his room when his eyes glances at Jonghyun's door. Room 103.

"He is down stairs with Jihyuk hyung and the guests.. maybe I should go in and steal some stuffs to annoy him," he muttered to himself. It took him less than 15 seconds to made up his mind and step into Jonghyun's room. His eyes explore the room from corner to corner, finding suitable items for him to steal when he saw lots of VCDs scattered on Jonghyun's bed.

"I know he is a flirt, but I never thought he have such a big collection of these.." Taemin muttered to himself as he makes his way to the bed. He then decided stealing the collection will annoy Jonghyun the flirt to the fullest, so he quickly picked up all the VCDs one by one.

He carefully tiptoed out of the room and quickly walks into his. He dropped all the VCDs on his bed before he went out and shut Jonghyun's door properly.

"Suits you best, dino," he said with a smile as he closed his door, forget to lock it.

"Annyeong!!" much to his surprise, a girl around his age steps into his room without knocking. It is so sudden Taemin didn't get to hide all the VCDs..

"I'm not a ert!" Taemin quickly said when he saw the girl's smile is fading. What is he thinking, having that large number of stuffs on his bed? Anyone would thought of him as a ert!

"I'm going to make a report to Jihyuk oppa!" the girl said. Among all beings in the mansion, Jihyuk is the only one who treated Taemin well and he himself respects Jihyuk the most, and Taemin doesn't want the lawyer to think bad of him so he quickly grabs the girl's arm and dragged her back into the room before he locked the door.

"It's not like what you think!" he said, covering the girl's mouth with his palm but the girl slapped away his hand.

"ert, don't touch me!" she snapped. Taemin is more than scared the girl is going to make a report on those VCDs and ruined his image in Jihyuk's eyes; he pushed and pinned the girl on his bed, not letting her go. But the situation is getting worst, now he looks like a total ert.

"Let me explain!" he said, but the girl is too scared with his action she pushed Taemin away with all her might and run out from the room in tears.

"I am not a , and as all of you had heard, I got the VCDs from Jonghyun's room!" Taemin said, pointing his finger to Jonghyun.

"What?!" almost everybody shouted at the same time, and all pairs of eyes are now on Jonghyun who is looking so pale.

"I'm.. I'm not at fault!" he quickly said.

"But you're a ert," Resha said.

"I am a FLIRT, not a ERT," he said, stressing on 'flirt' and 'ert'. Only then he realized both are negative traits, and he sighed.

"Should we listen to your story, now?" Seunghee asked, and everybody seems to agree with her, except for Jonghyun himself.

"I have no story to tell.." he said.

"But you said you're not at fault," Honey replied.

"I AM not at fault! But I have no story to tell all of you,"

"That means it is true when Taemin said he found all those stuffs on your bed?" Jihyuk asked.

It took Jonghyun a few seconds before he gave his answer to Jihyuk.

"Neh. All of those stuffs were on my bed earlier,"

Resha then jumps on the couch before she let out her opinion.

"Mystery is solved. Kim Jonghyun is the ert,"

"I am not! Stop saying that!" the second eldest snapped at her.

"But you owns lots of stuffs," Resha said with a teasing smile.

"I said all of them were on my bed. I didn't say I own them!"

Now all pairs of eyes are on Kim Jonghyun. It took him a few seconds before he realized he had said something he shouldn't.

"I'm going to my room," he said, but Taemin blocked him from leaving.

"Don't leave this matter unsolved. That is such an irresponsible thing to do," the youngest said.

"Yes, Jonghyun. Your brother is right," Jihyuk said.

"He's not my brother! He never call me 'hyung'!" Jonghyun said as he turned to face Jihyuk.

"You never treat me as your brother, too," Taemin said, not looking at him.

"Stop quarreling, and stop adding more problems. We just need to find the owner of those VCDs. Let's not talk about other problems for the time being," Jihyuk said, hushing both Jonghyun and Taemin.

"But the problem is already solved," Seunghee said.

"Neh. Just punish Jonghyun-shi for owning those stuffs," Honey said.

"I don't own them, how many times do I have to repeat that!" Jonghyun is shouting now.

"Well, nothing can be solved if you're not telling us what had happened. They are on my bed but I don't own them, do you expect us to believe you just like that?" Resha said, obviously annoyed with the dino-like son.

Jonghyun was about to snap again when Jihyuk said he agrees with Resha.

"Jonghyun, if those stuffs aren't yours, who then?" Jihyuk asked and he sounds so calm.

Jonghyun just look into his eyes, saying nothing.

"I think he's telling the truth," Youngjin whispered to Rin, and the eldest among the girls nod her head.

"Those are mine," suddenly Onew said as he walks down the stairs.

"Onew?" Jihyuk asked.

"Neh. I own them. I bought them earlier this morning," Onew said as he took a seat in front of Jihyuk.

15 minutes before Taemin sneaked into Jonghyun's room

"You're the first to buy these much," the sales boy said when Onew hands him the cash to pay for all the VCDs.

"Really? Well, I just happened to have more money that your other customers," Onew replied as he steps out from the store, carrying two bags full of VCDs.

"I think these will be enough," he said with a grin. He jumps into his car and reached his mansion within 10 minutes as the store is not far from where he lived.

"Jjong!" he shouted for his brother as he steps into his room. Jonghyun is over-protective of his room [except for the maids to come in with food] and never let any of his brothers in. Onew is an exception as both of them get along very well.

"I'm bathing!" Jonghyun replied from inside the bath room.

"I am leaving some stuffs on your bed!" he said.

"Just do whatever you want, as long as you don't messed up my room!"

Right after Jonghyun said not to mess up his room, Onew stares at all the scattered VCDs on the bed. He was about to arrange them nicely when he remembered something.

"Omo, Tofu!" he muttered to himself and quickly steps out from Jonghyun's room, looking for Miyoung.

"What happened after that?" Jihyuk asked.

"I came down here, talking to you and both of them," Onew replied, pointing to Seunghee and Honey.

"Why did you leave those on Jonghyun's bed?" the young lawyer asked again.

"It's safer. Since nobody really enters his room," the eldest replied, and Jihyuk thought his reason really make sense; hiding stuffs you don't want people to find out in a place that people don't really go in. Furthermore it wouldn't be weird to find those stuffs in Jonghyun's room because of his reputation as a flirt.

"You will be punished, then," Jihyuk said. The owner of the mansion, Lee Jungwoo trusts him to behave the five problematic sons. And he is ordered by Mr. Lee himself to punish any of them if they were caught with their wrong-doings.

"Aish, what is it?" Onew asked as he looks around the mansion, looking for Miyoung, the maid who is in charge to take care of the guests today, but she is nowhere to be seen.

"You will have to clean the kitchen today, and cook for our special maids," Jihyuk said with a smile.

"I hate cooking the most," Onew said as he walks into the kitchen, with Jonghyun's eyes trailing him.

"Jonghyun, you go to your room and locked yourself in for three hours," Jihyuk said to him.

"What?? Three hours? But I have a date now!" he said, widening his eyes.

"You're at fault too, for hiding the truth. And I'll take this," Jihyuk said as he took away Jonghyun's mobile phone.

"B-but.. aish!!" Jonghyun looks so annoyed he quickly make his way to his room.

"Thanks for cleaning up the eyesores," Seunghee said as she took a seat in one of the couches, crossing her legs.

"Suddenly this living room looks much prettier when both of them left," Honey said as she chuckled.

"DO YOU WANT ME TO POISON YOUR FOOD?!" Onew then shouted from the kitchen, causing Honey to choke her breath. She was about to snap when Jihyuk gestured his hand, asking her not to shout.

"Onew, threatening your guest like that is very rude. You'll wash the dishes too after lunch,"

Onew celebrated his new punishment by breaking a glass in the kitchen; on purpose.

"What is wrong with him?" Youngjin asked when she heard the sound of the breaking glass.

"He's.. I don't know. It's hard to behave him. It's hard to behave all of them, actually," Jihyuk replied.

"But he's the eldest. He should.. at least act his age," Youngjin said.

"Maybe he needs someone to tell him that," Jihyuk said with a smile, handing a document to Youngjin. The girl stares at Onew's picture on top of the document.

"Lee Jinki," she read his name.

"Please take care of him starting from today," the young lawyer said, and Youngjin nods her head.

"So the youngest and the eldest are taken," Honey said, referring to Onew and Taemin.

"Great. I don't want Onew," Seunghee said, and the other two seems to agree with her.

"But that flirt Jonghyun is not taken yet," Resha said.

"I don't want him," Honey, Seunghee and Resha said at the same time. It took the three of them about five seconds before rushing to Jihyuk and grabs the remaining documents.

"Found him!!" Seunghee, who happened to be the first to reach Jihyuk, is now holding the document with Jonghyun's picture on it.

"You take him!" she said as she passed the document to Honey, causing the younger girl to widened her eyes.

"Unnie, you're bad! I don't want him, too!" Honey said before she throws the document to Resha.

"W-what?? You two!! Give me the other documents!" Resha shouted, but both Seunghee and Honey are now standing very far from her, with a document each.

"Look at mine, unnie! I love his hair!" Honey said, showing the picture of the son she's going to take care of to Sunghee.

"Ah.. neh, his hair look good," Seunghee said.

"You two!! Aish~.." Resha is completely annoyed, holding Jonghyun's document in her hands.

"Don't worry, Resha. The other two sons are as bad as Jonghyun," Jihyuk said, and Resha stick out her tongue to the other two girls.

"But oppa, just now you said Jonghyun is the worst among them," Honey said, asking for explanation.

"Well, yes. But at least he is always available in this mansion so there will be no problem to interact with him," Jihyuk said, and Resha nods her head. Rin follows Resha and nods her head, too.

"What do you mean by that? Don't tell me these two already ran away from home!" Seunghee quickly asked.

"Well, you're almost right. Can you read me the name on your document?" Jihyuk asked.

"Choi Minho," Seunghee read the name.

"Ah, he is the fourth son. Multitalented," Jihyuk introduced Minho to Seunghee.

"I know, I am reading his biography. He can play piano and guitar? Just wait till I show him my skill with my drum set," Seunghee said while reading.

"You have to wait for him to come back to show off your skill," Jihyuk replied with a smile.

"Eh? He ran away?"

"Well, not ran away. He left. For an unknown reason," Jihyuk explained. Seunghee nods her head and read some more.

"Where is his picture?" she asked, then.

"Well, he throws the picture away when he saw it pasted on the document. He said he doesn't look good enough in the picture," Jihyuk replied, and Seunghee bursts into laugh when she heard that. This Choi Minho sounds like someone with a very high pride.

"Can I go to his room?" she asked.

"By all means, yes. Room 101," Jihyuk replied with a smile, and Seunghee climbed the stairs to find the room.

"Resha-shi, you already met Jonghyun just now," he said as he turned to Resha, and the tallest among the girls is pouting. She doesn't like the fact she has to take care of that dino.

"Now tell me about this Kim Kibum. Is he a runaway too?" Honey asked, waving the document in front of Jihyuk's face.

"Kim Kibum is the third son. No, he is not a runaway. He is always in this mansion, but he never steps out from his room," Jihyuk said, introducing the third son to Honey.

"Is he a neat-freak or something?! The reason for him to lock himself up in his room for two years is so stupid! What bacteria??!" Honey snapped as she goes through the biography, causing Jihyuk to laugh.

"He's weird, I admit. Oh yes, you can call him Key for short. He likes that name," Jihyuk said.

"Key? Another weirdness.." Honey muttered.

"Omo, who's that, he looks like a model!" suddenly Rin said, pointing to the entrance of the mansion.

Jihyuk was about to greet him but he lifts his hand, gestured for Jihyuk to keep quiet.

"Don't talk to me, I'm not in my mood. And you, *points to Rin* slow down your voice," he said as he climbs the stairs.

"Who is that..? I don't like him!" Rin quickly said.

"I don't like you, too," he said from the stairs, without even bother to turn to face Rin.

"What.. an.. annoying person.." Honey muttered, and the remaining girls nod their head in unison.



"The room is very neat and clean," Seunghee muttered as she eyes the room from corner to corner. That's when she saw the very big picture of the owner of the room, and she swears her eyes almost fell out from the sockets!

"What are you doing in my room?" the rude guy who annoys the girls downstairs just now appeared in front of the door and he saw another unknown girl in his room.

"It's me, Beanstalk," Seunghee said as she turns to face the guy, who happens to be Choi Minho.

"Ah, it's been a long time since the last time we met, Jung Seunghee," Minho said with a smirk.

To be continued..


The new chapter is finally here. It's long, and I revealed the answers for the first game, and the fourth game as well! [is it four already? LOL]

The answers for the first game and the fourth game are :
Room 101 : The narcissist, left the mansion : Choi Minho x Jung Seunghee
Room 103 : The dangerous flirt : Kim Jonghyun x Resha Lee
Room 104 : The rude and picky son : Lee Jinki x Shim Youngjin
Room 105 : The monster [wake up late everyday] : Lee Taemin x Shin Seorin
Room 109 : The neat-freak : Kim Kibum x Honey Park

A short summary on the new chapter, Jihyuk already assigned them with their .. their.. jobs. LOL. And at the end, as you can see, one of the pairs actually know each other ^^! Wait for the next chapter to read more on Minho and Seunghee ^^. Oh, the title of the chapter is because there are several '15 minutes ago' along this chapter ><.

p/s 1 : What do you think about the VCDs? XD
p/s 2 : The chart will be up in the next update ^^!
p/s 3 : and I will explain about Onew and Tofu in the next chapter > p/s 4 : No new game for this chapter >< Mian~

Please don't leave without commenting >< . I appreciate all comments, believe me!

Till the next update,

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TsugumiSora #1
Chapter 11: Uh I think there is something wrong with chapter 9?
Chapter 16: Please continue . [[;
your fanfic makes me smile~!!!!!!
an't wait for an update
i love your story~ it's so cute and fluffy and adorable and soooooo awesome! you're such an awesome writer! update soon!
I think all the characters are cute in their own ways:
Onew X Youngjin - The childish adult and the kid who acts like an adult.
Taemin X Rin - The sensitive kid and the baby-faced 'kid'.
Jjong X Resha - The so-called-flirts.
Key X Honey - The awkward omma and the cool appa.
Minho X Seunghee - The shy beast and the natural beauty.
Jihyuk - The mysterious young lawyer.

For now, Key & Honey is the cutest couple! The fountain kiss~
And I feel there's something between Rin & Jihyuk...
Also, Yejun *sob* I will miss you! T_T

Thank you so much for writing this crazy but full of charms fanfic!
There are so many drama and entertaining plots to read. I know you put lots of efforts in all the details. Love every bits of it. ^^
Lastly, all the best in your work too! Fighting! =D
ZeRynna #6
I LOVE your story!!
Its just TOO cute to not love it..with all the craziness!! XD
Onew is so adorable and well.. I like the way you portray evry each one of them~

Please update...
I'm so curious of what will happen next :D
xoxo-Shira-xoxo #7
Please update soon! :o
I have fallen in love with this story ^^ !!
naznew #8
wow..after i read, i falling in love with your story...
it make me smile and laugh non stop...
thanks 4 create this story...
please update again.

Love Shinee 4ever...
'Gledonia Czephlot'! lol. Onew made that up?! How on earth did he come up with such a name??? :))))<br />
oh and Rin's gardenia camelot was hilarious too! XD<br />
As usual, another epic encounter inside the mansion! But I never thought that Jjong would have that kind of sickness and all that. Cause damn, he fainted! XD Resha, your fault! :))))<br />
<br />
another thing too....<br />
<br />
this one's for chapter 12 though..<br />
"You sound like a perfect housewife," Honey giggled.<br />
<br />
"And you, with your short hair, can be my husband," Key joined the joke and they laugh together as they walk along the other trays, looking for other vegetables.<br />
<br />
Kyaaaaa~!!! Kibum-ah!!!!! Gawd. I love their pairing!! ;D<br />
and the best thing about this chapter is...<br />
<br />
<br />
KEY & HONEY KISSED!!!! Oyea~!!!! :D Mwahahahah!!! They freakin' kissed!! *throws confetti* XD