Beanstalk and Neat-freak

Please. With Love.


Thirteen years ago before the current setting..

"Appa, I don't want to play piano," the seven year old Seunghee said to her father. Both of them are now standing in front of the class.

"I already registered your name under this class, Seunghee," her father said.

"But I don't want to," the little girl replied.

"Look. Just try first, okay? After a week, if you still don't want to continue, we'll go and do something else, is that ok?" her father asked, and she quickly agrees to that solution.

"We have a new student with us today," the teacher said to the class as she motions the girl to the center of the class.

"Annyeong, I'm Jung Seunghee," the girl quickly introduces herself. Everybody in the class seems so excited now that they have a new friend, and some of the boys started whispering to each other as Seunghee turn out to be the prettiest girl in the class now.

Seunghee stares at all her new class mates. Some of them look younger than her, a few of them looks like they are already in high schools, but she think most of them are around her age. These students are here to learn piano regardless of their difference in age. Seunghee can tell that everybody looks excited to meet a new friend, except for one boy. A tall boy. He looks at Seunghee for awhile with a smirk and then he throws his glance somewhere else. Seunghee then decided she doesn't like that boy.

"Seunghee, you can sit over there, besides Minho," the teacher said. Much to her horror, 'Minho' is actually the tall boy just now!

But she still makes her way to the said boy, praying in her heart that boy is not as annoying as she thought, because she's not good in handling her anger.

"Hi," she greets the boy as she took her seat, but the boy is checking his hair on the big mirror hanged on the wall not very far from them, ignoring Seunghee.

"Fine.." Seunghee muttered to herself as she took out her mini comb from her bag. Seunghee loves her long hair the most, and she brings a mini comb with her everywhere to keep her hair neat.

"You bring a comb with you?" suddenly Minho asked.

"Yes," Seunghee replied, faking a smile since she doesn't like the boy.

"What's the point? It's not that you can be as pretty as a white goose from an ugly duckling with that comb," Minho said, without looking at Seunghee, still checking his hair in the mirror.

"I know a comb can't turn an ugly duckling into a white goose, you don't have to tell me that. And stop checking your hair in the mirror, it can't turn a retarded duckling into a sane duck," Seunghee replied, pretending to listen to the teacher.

"You called me a duck?" the boy asked, pretending to pay his attention to the lesson, but he's gritting his teeth. Nobody ever messed with him before. Nobody. This girl seems to be the first.

"Don't tell me you never thought yourself look like a duck every time you look into the mirror," the pretty girl replied.

"You're ugly," Minho said, he's out of ideas to tease Seunghee actually.

"People don't say that to strangers. Especially a girl," Seunghee replied, completely annoyed with the tall boy.

"I will say what I like to anyone. I'm being honest here," Minho replied with an evil grin.

"But I'm not ugly!" Seunghee snapped, trying so hard to control her anger on the first day of her piano class.

"I'm not ugly, too!" Minho snapped back, and now all eyes are on them.

"Are you stupid? I never said you're ugly! Honestly I think you're pretty cute, but your brain is retarded!" Seunghee is now shouting on top of her voice.

"How dare you called me retarded! Look at your face! You look more retarded than I am!" Minho said, grabbing the mirror for Seunghee's hand and hold it in front of the girl so that she can see her own reflection in it.

"No, I don't! Look at you, you look like Psyduck!" Seunghee said, grabbing her mirror back and hold it in front of Minho.

"Psyduck?? That idiot pokemon? Don't ever compare me to something like that! You look like a snail!"

"Snail is much cuter than you!"

"What about an ugly snail?"

"Ugly snail is you!"

"No, I'm not! You're the ugly snail here!"

And both of them keep on shouting at each other; giving stupid names, keep on grabbing the mirror until Minho finally smashed the mirror on the floor when Seunghee called him a retarded sloth.

"That.. that mirror is my birthday gift, you Beanstalk!" Seunghee shouted angrily before she finally slapped the boy on his right cheek. She's too angry to notice how much the word 'beanstalk' affected the boy.

"Beanstalk.." Minho muttered to himself as he remembers the first time he met Seunghee, thirteen years ago. They meet again several times after that, so he remember that girl [who slapped him] very clearly.

"Where are you going, Minho?" Jihyuk asked when he saw Minho, heading to the mansion's entrance.

"I'm going home," he said without even bother to face Jihyuk.

"This is your home," Jihyuk said.

"Hyung, you know I don't belong here," he said when he finally turn back to face the lawyer. He is rude, but he respects Jihyuk. The lawyers seem to be the only one who never hurts his feelings.

"You belong here, Minho. Just like your other brothers," Jihyuk said again, trying to persuade the fourth son to stay.

"Hyung, it's hard for me to live in here. I have my own life out there," Minho said again, hoping for Jihyuk to understand him.

"Minho, you know your father's health condition, right? He really wants all of you to stay together under the same roof,"

"But hyung, I need to be out there," it seems so hard to persuade this tall boy.

"Well, you can always go out. It's not that I'm going to lock you up in your room," Jihyuk said.

Minho says nothing. He is still trying to think of other excuses when Jihyuk said again.

"Furthermore, now you have your own maid to take care of you,"

"My own, what?" Minho asked, widened his already big eyes.

"Your maid. You know, thanks to your brothers, the maids keep on quitting their jobs. So I just hired new maids with contracts, so they can't quit," Jihyuk said, summarizing everything Minho had missed since he's not in the mansion before.

"Are you trying to tell me that Jung Seunghee is my personal maid?"

"Yes. I see that you've met her upstairs,"

"Yes, I did. Hyung, she can't leave no matter what happened, right?" Minho asked, and he looks interested with that fact.

"Well, if you want to put it that way, yes," Jihyuk replied.

"I'll stay then," Minho said with a smile as he took his seat on the sofa.

"You're not lying to me, right?" Jihyuk asked for a confirmation, since Minho suddenly agrees to stay.

"No, I'm not," Minho replied.

"Where is Seunghee unnie, anyway?" Honey and the remaining girls broke the conversation between Minho and Jihyuk.

"I think she's calming herself up there, knowing that she's stuck with me in this mansion starting from now," Minho replied as he laugh.

"You sound evil," Rin said.

"I don't need your opinion," Minho said. Resha was about to snap at him for being so rude to her best friend when suddenly a loud beep echoed through out the mansion.

"Is that a fire alarm?" Youngjin asked.

"No, it's not," Jihyuk said as he took out a remote control from the nearest drawer.

"That remote control looks weird," Honey said, pointing to the long, spiral antenna on top of the remote control.

"I know," Jihyuk replied with a smile and he walks to the plasma TV in the living room. The girls are now staring at the plasma TV, and they can see a small, red light bulb right besides the super-big screen, flickering.

"Ah, finally he's here," Minho said as he grabs a magazine on the desk, open it and start flipping through the passage, ignoring the screen.

"Who's here?" Resha asked, but none of them have the answers.

All of the girls, including Seunghee who just joined the crowd a few seconds ago are now staring at Jihyuk and the remote control with interest. The young lawyer then pressed a button on the remote control, turning on the gigantic plasma screen. All pair of eyes [except for Minho's] are now on the screen. A very good-looking boy appeared on the screen, and from the sight of the room he is in, the girls concluded he is a patient in a hospital because everything around him is plain white.

"Hyung!" the boy then greeted Jihyuk with a cheerful smile.

"It's been quite long since the last time you used this screen," Jihyuk replied, smiling.

"Neh, last two weeks I guess. Well, I need more fast noodles," the boy said, waving an empty, big box of fast noodles.

"You eat fast noodles too much," Jihyuk said.

"Who is that?" Youngjin asked.

"I think he's a patient from a hospital," Rin said, and Resha nods her head.

"No, he's not. He's the third son," Honey said, staring at the boy after she took a glance of the picture on his document.

"I will no longer provide you fast noodles," Jihyuk is still talking with the third son, also known as Key.

"Mwo? Wae??" Key quickly asked, widening his eyes.

"It's not good for your health. If you still want it, you will have to come out from your room and buy your food stock on your own," Jihyuk said, and he doesn't look like he's joking, causing Key to sigh.

"Hyung, you're mean," he said.

"I'm not. I just want you to come out from that room,"

"Hyung, tell me about the personal maids! I heard Jonghyun and Onew talked about them," Key said, avoiding the conversation about him coming out from his room.

"Nothing special. You will now have one specific maid to serve you," Jihyuk said, motioning Honey to the front.

"So she will take care of me?" Key asked, pointing his index finger to Honey [to his camera in his room, actually].

"Yes. Her name is Honey, and you better cooperate well, Key," Jihyuk said.

"How am I going to cooperate with her, and how is she going to take care of me since I never step out from my room?" Key asked as he chuckled.

"Why ask silly question? You just have to come out, that's all," Honey said before Jihyuk can stop her.

"But I don't want to," Key said, his smile fades from his face.

"Because of the stupid bacteria?" Honey asked with a smirk on her face.

"Bacteria are dangerous, not stupid," he replied.

"You're not going to die if you step out from your room,"

"How can you assure that?"

"Look at your brothers. Look at Jihyuk oppa. Look at all the maids. Look at me! Can you explain us not dying living with bacteria in your mansion?" Honey asked, completely annoyed with Key.

"W-well, how would I know the answer!" Key replied after he took a few seconds to think what Honey had said.

"Come out and you'll know the answer!" Honey snapped.

"I don't want to. *turns to Jihyuk* and hyung, you will see me dying because of starvation. Starting from today!" he said, maybe threatening, and he pressed a button on his own remote control before the big screen turned black again.

"Gosh, how annoying!" Honey said as she turns to Seunghee, and the other girl nods.

"Honey-shi, I must remind you that payment will only come if you do your job," Jihyuk said.

"How am I to take care of him if he's locking himself inside his room?" Honey asked.

"It's your job to make him leave his room," Jihyuk replied with a smile, and Honey slapped her forehead. She started to regret applying to be one of the maids.

"Sorry for interrupting, but I need to see Miyoung," suddenly Onew said as he appears from the kitchen. Luckily, Miyoung is finally there.

"Yes, Sir?" the young maid quickly made her way to Onew. She's holding a black bag in her hand.

"Where's Tofu? I asked you to send him to laundry yesterday, right?" Onew quickly asked.

"It's in here, Sir," Miyoung said as she hands the bag to Onew. The eldest son quickly grabbed the bag and he took out 'Tofu' from inside.

All pairs of eyes are on him now. Well, all of them are now watching Onew attaching 'Tofu', which is a big, white tiger plushy to his mobile phone.

"Now my phone looks as pretty as always!" he said, grinning happily.

"So, that's Tofu?" Youngjin asked, pointing to the tiger.

"Yes. Why?" his grin fades away and he looks so cold towards Youngjin.

"I have something like that, too!" Rin said excitedly as she took out her pink mobile phone from her bag, and everyone is now staring at her big, white bunny plushy hanging back and forth, attached to her phone.

"Meet Biscuit!" she said, waving the bunny in front of Onew, but Onew quickly hides his tiger; Tofu behind his back.

"Throw it away!" he said as he grabs Rin's phone [and Biscuit] and throws them on the sofa.

"Why did you do that?!" Rin snapped as she picked up her phone again.

"Your bunny might hurt Tofu!" Onew replied, still hiding Tofu.

Youngjin really wants to slap the eldest son and tell him that a plushy can never hurt another plushy when Rin reply him with another stupid line, to match Onew's stupid reason just now.

"But Biscuit is a bunny! Tofu is a tiger, so the dangerous one is your plushy!" Rin said, pointing to Onew's white tiger.

Youngjin slapped her forehead. As if the tiger can hurt the bunny. Both of the plushies are not even alive. She turns to Resha, and the playgirl muttered a silent 'Rin is always like that,'.

Jihyuk then asked Rin to keep Biscuit in her bag to avoid fights with the eldest son. Rin did what she was told, pouting.

"Onew, go back to the kitchen and do your job," Jihyuk said, motioning him to the kitchen. The eldest son growled a bit before he went back into the kitchen.

"We already meet all of the sons," Youngjin said, and the rest of the girls nod.

"All of them are annoying," Honey said, and Resha nods.

"Let's go to your rooms, now," Jihyuk said with a smile, inviting all of them upstairs. So all of them followed the young lawyer steps, climbing the stairs.

"This is Room 101, belongs to Minho," Jihyuk said as soon as they reached the next level.

"Room 103 is Jonghyun's, 104 is Onew's, and Taemin is in Room 105," he continues.

"Is Key living in Room 102?" Honey asked when she realized Jihyuk jumps to Room 103 right after Minho's; Room 101.

"No. Room 102 is empty. Jonghyun and Onew doesn't like Minho, so they create a gap in between by leaving that room empty," Jihyuk said. Resha smirks when she heard the dino-like son's name.

"So, where is Key's room?" Honey asked again.

"Room 109, there," Jihyuk points to the said room.

"He hates the others so much so he created such a big gap by leaving three rooms in between empty?" Youngjin asked, judging on the Room 102 case just now.

"Well, that's not the reason. He is afraid of bacteria so much, so he thought be living far away from others can help," Jihyuk replied as he chuckled, and Honey can't hide her annoyed expression.

"Can I choose this room?" Rin said, pointing to Room 106.

"Yes, you can. Taemin's room is just besides yours, so it will make your job easier," Jihyuk said.

"I'll take Room 107, then," Resha said, counting the gap of her room from Jonghyun's.

"I want this room. Maybe it can help me with my job," Honey said, choosing Room 108, which is next to Key's room.

"Can I have this room?" Seunghee asked Youngjin, pointing to Room 110.

"By all means, unnie. I love the number of this room," Youngjin said, choosing Room 111 as hers.

"All of you can start unpacking your stuffs now. Rest well for tonight, and I expect all of you to start working the next morning," Jihyuk said, and he bows politely before he went downstairs.

"Why can't all the sons behave like Jihyuk oppa," Rin said as she steps into her room, and the rest couldn't agree more.


In the kitchen..

Onew is sweeping the floor when suddenly Jonghyun appears out of nowhere.

"What are you doing here, Jjong?" he quickly asked.

"I.. I'm here to help you.." Jonghyun said, and he looks a bit guilty.

"Aish, what if Jihyuk saw you in here? You're grounded, right?" Onew asked again, not knowing Jihyuk is actually standing just beside the kitchen entrance. No, the young lawyer never have the intention to eavesdrop the conversation. He was about to check on the eldest son when he heard the conversation.

"He's upstairs with the girls, don't worry!" Jonghyun said as he grabbed the broom from Onew's hand and begins to sweep the floor.

Onew stared at that brother of his before he sigh.

"Is it about the VCDs?" he asked.

"I'm.. I'm sorry.." Jonghyun said, sweeping still. But his action is getting slower.

"You don't have to feel guilty, Jjong,"

"It's.. my fault.." Jjong said, without looking at his hyung. He stops sweeping already, staring at the floor.

Both of them stay like that for awhile, until Onew pats the younger boy on his back.

"Treat me a hamburger later," he said with a smile, and a relief expression appears on Jonghyun's face.

Both of them continue cleaning the kitchen together, and Jihyuk keep on wondering the truth behind the VCDs. He walks off after that, and he missed something in the conversation. Well, something so random, but it's something big, considering Jonghyun as a flirt.

"Jjong, you likes that Resha-girl, right?" Onew asked, causing his younger brother to choked his own breath.

"M-mwo?? What make you said that?" he quickly asked, he even dropped his broom.

"Nothing," Onew said and he laughed after that, watching Jonghyun all-red-face.

to be continued..


Dear readers,
I am so sorry for updating this fic so late. My first week in this new semester almost kill me, I don't have time to write anything T___T

Let's talk a bit about this chapter. Lots of readers had been asking for me to write more on Key. So he finally made his debut in this chapter ^^! Isn't he and plasma screen funny .__. ? And I wrote more Minho x Seunghee and Key x Honey, too.

I notice Youngjin has the smallest number of lines all these while, so she will appear more in the next chapter ^^.

And lots of you had been saying that Onew watching s is a nightmare XD! Mianhae, but it is not like that, so don't worry ^^. Just wait till I reveal the truth of the VCDs later, hehe.

What do you think of Tofu the tiger and Biscuit the bunny XD?

I'll try to come out with a new game in the next chapter ^^! Please tell me what do you think of this chapter, ne?

Till the next update,

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TsugumiSora #1
Chapter 11: Uh I think there is something wrong with chapter 9?
Chapter 16: Please continue . [[;
your fanfic makes me smile~!!!!!!
an't wait for an update
i love your story~ it's so cute and fluffy and adorable and soooooo awesome! you're such an awesome writer! update soon!
I think all the characters are cute in their own ways:
Onew X Youngjin - The childish adult and the kid who acts like an adult.
Taemin X Rin - The sensitive kid and the baby-faced 'kid'.
Jjong X Resha - The so-called-flirts.
Key X Honey - The awkward omma and the cool appa.
Minho X Seunghee - The shy beast and the natural beauty.
Jihyuk - The mysterious young lawyer.

For now, Key & Honey is the cutest couple! The fountain kiss~
And I feel there's something between Rin & Jihyuk...
Also, Yejun *sob* I will miss you! T_T

Thank you so much for writing this crazy but full of charms fanfic!
There are so many drama and entertaining plots to read. I know you put lots of efforts in all the details. Love every bits of it. ^^
Lastly, all the best in your work too! Fighting! =D
ZeRynna #6
I LOVE your story!!
Its just TOO cute to not love it..with all the craziness!! XD
Onew is so adorable and well.. I like the way you portray evry each one of them~

Please update...
I'm so curious of what will happen next :D
xoxo-Shira-xoxo #7
Please update soon! :o
I have fallen in love with this story ^^ !!
naznew #8
wow..after i read, i falling in love with your story...
it make me smile and laugh non stop...
thanks 4 create this story...
please update again.

Love Shinee 4ever...
'Gledonia Czephlot'! lol. Onew made that up?! How on earth did he come up with such a name??? :))))<br />
oh and Rin's gardenia camelot was hilarious too! XD<br />
As usual, another epic encounter inside the mansion! But I never thought that Jjong would have that kind of sickness and all that. Cause damn, he fainted! XD Resha, your fault! :))))<br />
<br />
another thing too....<br />
<br />
this one's for chapter 12 though..<br />
"You sound like a perfect housewife," Honey giggled.<br />
<br />
"And you, with your short hair, can be my husband," Key joined the joke and they laugh together as they walk along the other trays, looking for other vegetables.<br />
<br />
Kyaaaaa~!!! Kibum-ah!!!!! Gawd. I love their pairing!! ;D<br />
and the best thing about this chapter is...<br />
<br />
<br />
KEY & HONEY KISSED!!!! Oyea~!!!! :D Mwahahahah!!! They freakin' kissed!! *throws confetti* XD