Five Devils

Please. With Love.

The Lee Mansion
Second Floor
Room 101

The new maid walks slowly into the room. There is not much to do with the room since the owner left it neat and tidy two years ago. From what she had heard from other maids, he is well-disciplined, systematic, and hates it when somebody disturbs him when he's with his canvas and paint.

He treats his belongings better than human beings. He is usually impolite to everybody, be it his brothers or the maids in the mansion. It's easy for him to look down on others since he is excellent in every field. But because of his bad-manner, nobody is willing to be his friend. He never cares, though. He lives for himself.

The maid went to the big window and opens it, letting the fresh air in. She was about to left when her eyes lay on the picture hanged on the wall. The picture of him.

He looks good. It's a regret he's no longer here.

He always thought he has nobody in the mansion. So he left.


Room 103

"You go first. I will be right behind you!" Chanseul said, grinning encouragingly.

"No, I think you better go in, first!" Abby replied as she took a few steps back.


"Because you're older!"

"I'm just older by a year~"

The two maids are now standing in front of Room 103. According to schedule, both of them are supposed to wake him this morning.

Room 103 is scary in its own way.

"Be careful with that room! Once you step in without EXTRA caution, you will be pregnant!"

"Do you think it's really true?" Chanseul asked, staring at the room number.

"Well, I guess the other maids were only exaggerating the fact that he is a flirt," Abby said, pretending to be braver and understands more than her friend, though both of them just registered as new maids in the mansion last week.

"Abby, I'm holding the breakfast," Chanseul said. Well, indeed she is. A plate of two slices of bread, together with a small bottle of marmalade.


"I can't open the door, so you have to go in first!" and she pushed Abby to the door with her . The door is not even properly closed in the first place, so Abby fell down in the room with that one push.

"Pabo!" she scolded her friend, and Chanseul is just standing there, grinning widely since the door is now already opened. All she have to do is greet him, put down the tray and run out from the room.

"Good morning, sir!" she said, bowing 90 degrees and quickly make her way to the small table besides the king-size bed.

"You traitor!" Abby said as she stood up and steps out of the room. That acts of her scares Chanseul a lot, so she quickly put down the tray. She doesn't want to be alone in that room.

"Wait for me!" she said. She was about to follow Abby out of the room when suddenly he appeared from the bathroom.

"They hired a new maid again?" he said with the most seductive smile Chanseul ever seen in her 20 years of life. She is scared of the fact she just entered the room without EXTRA caution. She is scared of the threat she will be pregnant like the other maids said, but she can't take off her eyes from that figure.

He is standing in front of her, having a white towel wrapped around his waist. His body is a bit skinny, but some bulges here and there make him look so manly.

"Thanks for bringing the breakfast for me," he said as he walks towards Chanseul, who is too mesmerized by his charm.

"It's my .. my job.." Chanseul stuttered her words, having such a dashing lad, half-, standing only a few inches from her.

"You look tired," he lean down a bit and whisper in her ears.


"Want to share my bed?"


Room 104

"Why us?" Colleen asked as she walks with Minhye to Room 104.

"I don't know. I was shocked myself when I saw my name on the schedule board today," Minhye replied with a sigh.

"Do you have experience in waking him up?"

"Yeah, and he made me cry!"

"Tell me about it!" Colleen asked worriedly. Seriously, he made a girl cry?

"He complained about everything! Believe me when I said EVERYTHING! From the food till the colour of the tray! Seriously, what is wrong with a silver tray?!"

"That sounds weird~"

"He IS weird!" Minhye said. The two maids are still talking about the son who lived in Room 104 when suddenly a girl ran out from the next room in panic, she trips her feet and fell in front of both of them.

"Who.. who are you?" Colleen asked, quickly put down the tray she's holding to help the girl.

"Aigoo, don't be rude. She's one of the new maids hired last week," Minhye said as she help the girl to stand on her feet.

"Are you okay?" Colleen asked.


"What happened?" it's Minhye's turn to ask now.

"He.. he asked me to share his bed," the maid who happened to be Chanseul replied, and she looks so pale.

Colleen and Minhye look at the room number. Room 103, no wonder.

"At least you're not pregnant," Colleen said, and Minhye smacks her on her back.

"I'm going to quit this job. This is too scary," Chanseul said as she walks away. The other two maids look at her with sympathy.

"Will we end up like her?" Colleen asked.

"Let's try our best to stay here!" Minhye said as she took out a notebook.

"What is that book for?" Colleen asked as she picks up the tray again.

"To make sure everything is perfect. I don't want him to complain about anything today," Minhye said as she took out a blue ball pen.

"A medium-size glass of orange juice?"


"Three slices of bread?"


"Blueberry jam in a purple, small bowl?"


"Peanut butter in a small plate, but slightly bigger than the purple bowl?"


"Spoon and fork, on the left side of the tray?"

"Checked! And I have extra spoons and forks in my pocket just in case he needs more!"

"Good! And the tray is now white, so I guess we're done?"

"Let's go in!"


Both of them then step into the room after knocking.

"Why is the tray white..?" the first question by him makes the two maids shivers.

"I thought you don't like silver tray..?" Minhye asked.

"I hate white the most," he said, and continues to read his novel.

Minhye slapped her forehead for not knowing that. Well, how is she supposed to know?

"The purple bowl looks ugly on the white tray. The bread looks weird, where did you buy it? And why blueberry jam?" there, he starts.

"Because you always have blueberry jam with bread for your breakfast, sir.."

"And you're expecting me to eat the same meals everyday?" he asked with a smirk.

"We're sorry, sir," both of them quickly bows.

"Go. Just by seeing both of you wearing those stupid dresses ruins my mood. Seriously, who is so stupid to design such ugly dresses?"

"We.. we will go now. Just call us if you need anything, sir,"

"I can't believe you guys actually wear those," he said, chuckling.

"I can't stand this stupidity anymore!" Colleen said and she quickly stormed out from the room. She will never stand such a bad-mannered person. If only she can kick him out from the room, she will do it. But unlike the owner of the room, Colleen knows her manners.

Minhye just watches Colleen as she walks away. She wonders if she should follow her.


Room 105

After listening to stupid complaints about her dresses, her socks and her hair band, Minhye walks out from Room 104 in wrath. She wonders how can one be so choosy over almost everything? In an annoying way, too!

She was about to head for the stairs when she heard a loud noise from behind.

"I'm sooorrryy!!" she saw Zara, who is also a maid there, running out from Room 105, covering her head with a silver tray, frightened.

A few seconds after that, a glass of milk hits the wall behind her, obviously thrown by him from inside the room. The glass broken into pieces and the milk spilled all over the floor in front of that room.

"I'm so sorry, sir!" Zara is bowing quickly in front of the room.

"CAN'T YOU TELL IT'S TOO EARLY!!?" there, he is shouting now.

"I'm so sorry! Seriously I am! It's almost 10 am so I thought, I thought .." Zara is stuttering her words. Well, 10 am is a bit late already, all his brothers are already up.

"I went to bed at 7 and you expect me to woke up at 10??!"

"I'm sorry, sir, I didn't know!!" Zara is bowing again.

"DON'T COME BACK BEFORE 1PM!!" and with that, he slammed the door so hard Minhye think the mansion will break down soon.

Zara stares at the door for a few seconds and turned to face Minhye. She looks so pale and frightened at the owner of the room who can easily transformed into a monster if his sleeps is disturbed.

Poor girl, Minhye thought.


Room 109

Hyunah is standing in front of that room, alone. The other maid who is scheduled to work with her that morning is no where to be found. She ran away, some of the other maids said.

This is the first time Hyunah is standing in front of that room. He chose a room which is quite far from the other sons because of a certain reason. A certain, stupid, exaggerated reason.

"Good morning, sir," she greets the son who lives in that room politely, knocking twice on the door. Though she knows he will never open the door.

"Is it morning already?" she heard him asking from inside.

"Yes, sir,"

"I better open the window, then,"

So far, it's good. Hyunah hopes the conversation will stay like this. She doesn't want to quit her job like other maids.

Now is the tough part. No one ever succeed in doing that.

"Sir, I have your breakfast with me. If you can open the door, I can bring in your morning meals,"


"Sir, you should eat nutritious food sometimes,"

"Fast noodles are enough,"

"Fast noodles are not good for your health, sir,"

"I don't care,"

"..." she is thinking what else she can say for him to open the door.

"Go," he said.

"Sir, you have to come out from that room at least once in awhile,"

"So that I will catch a disease and fall sick?"

"Sir, you will not be sick just by stepping out from this room," Hyunah is trying so hard to make him come out from that prison he created on his own.

"There are lots of bacteria outside, I don't want them on me!" he sounds annoyed now.

"We are keeping this mansion as clean as we can, sir,"

"Don't you know you're spreading bacteria from your mouth since you were talking so much?! I wonder if you had brush your teeth this morning! Stop talking and go away, I don't want dangerous bacteria in front of my room!"


The Lee Mansion
Living Room

"How are my sons doing?" Lee Jungwoo asked as he invited Song Jihyuk, his personal lawyer to sit.

"As bad as ever," Jihyuk said as he took his seat in front of the richest man in Korea.

"Tell me more about them,"

"Colleen Kwon, who had been working for us for almost six months, which you know is a very long time since usually no one ever stay here for more than a month serving your problematic sons, just quit a few minutes ago,"

"Can't blame her," Lee Jungwoo said.

"Of course we can't blame her. Next. Lee Chanseul, hired last week, also quitted. The reason is, she is afraid of being ," Jihyuk said, adjusting his spectacle, reading the letter by the poor maid.

"That flirt.. aish.." Lee Jungwoo looks so disappointed.

"Zara Park, also a new maid, quitted too. She stated nobody ever shout at me like that in my whole life. I hope someone will slap him for me one day in her letter,"

Lee Jungwoo said nothing. He is very disappointed with his sons, and with himself as well. If only he wasn't too strict on them before, maybe they will not end up acting like this.

"So we lost three maids just for today?" he asked, and Jihyuk just nods his head.

"This is not good.. and my health condition is not helping at all," Lee Jungwoo look so worried. Jihyuk understands his concern. The mansion is so big they need lots of maids to take care of it. But because of those five brats, the number of maids is reducing from time to time. New maids come though, but lots more leave.

"I suggest we hire special maids for them," Jihyuk suddenly said as he drinks his coffee.

"Special maids?"

"Well, we will ask them to sign a contract, so no matter what happened; they can't quit the job. One to take care of each, so other maids will only have to take care of the mansion and don't have to worry about your sons. We can avoid maids quitting jobs, and don't have to hire new ones, too," Jihyuk said.

"That sounds alright. But why would someone sign a contract to be a maid? To take care of brats..?"

"For money," Jihyuk said with a smile. Even as a maid, you can expect a tremendous amount of money from the richest man in Korea. Lee Jungwoo seems to agree with him.

"Let's wait for another week. If one more maid quit her job because of them.." and he cannot continue his sentence when a maid barged into the living room.

"I ALREADY BRUSHED MY TEETH THIS MORNING!!" Hyunah shouted as soon she reaches both Lee Jungwoo and his personal lawyer.

"What?" Jihyuk looks confused. Why would someone told you she already brush her teeth?

"Go to hell with his stupid bacteria, I quit!" Hyunah said and she quickly left the living room. Jihyuk slapped his forehead when he knows who the maid was talking about just now. He then, turns to Lee Jungwoo, raising one of his eyebrows.

"I guess we will go with your plan," Lee Jungwoo finally said.

To be continued..


There are a number of cameos in the first chapter. Their roles are to explain about the problematic sons in five different situations.

Do you guys want to play a game? As you can see, I purposely hide their name in this chapter. The rule is easy. All you have to do is to copy the form below, include it in your comment and guess who is who XD! When you read this chapter, I would like to know who came to your mind in each situation. The answers are between the SHINee members, obviously. Simply type in the member's name after the room number you think they live in ^^.

room 101 :
room 103 :
room 104 :
room 105 :
room 109 :

If you're too lazy to read again, let me conclude the personality of each owner of the rooms.

Room 101 : The owner is excellent in all field, impolite and look down on others. Left the mansion two years ago and is now living on his own.
Room 103 : A flirt, and you have to enter his room with extra caution to avoid pregnancy XD, lmao!
Room 104 : The owner is so choosy and picky on almost everything; bowls, trays, dresses.
Room 105 : The owner went to bed so late and woke up late, too. He'll transform into a monster if you disturb his sleep.
Room 109 : The owner is so scared of bacteria he never steps out from his room. Easily lost his temper.

So, yeah. That's all ^^. Have fun reading and guessing!

Till the next update,

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TsugumiSora #1
Chapter 11: Uh I think there is something wrong with chapter 9?
Chapter 16: Please continue . [[;
your fanfic makes me smile~!!!!!!
an't wait for an update
i love your story~ it's so cute and fluffy and adorable and soooooo awesome! you're such an awesome writer! update soon!
I think all the characters are cute in their own ways:
Onew X Youngjin - The childish adult and the kid who acts like an adult.
Taemin X Rin - The sensitive kid and the baby-faced 'kid'.
Jjong X Resha - The so-called-flirts.
Key X Honey - The awkward omma and the cool appa.
Minho X Seunghee - The shy beast and the natural beauty.
Jihyuk - The mysterious young lawyer.

For now, Key & Honey is the cutest couple! The fountain kiss~
And I feel there's something between Rin & Jihyuk...
Also, Yejun *sob* I will miss you! T_T

Thank you so much for writing this crazy but full of charms fanfic!
There are so many drama and entertaining plots to read. I know you put lots of efforts in all the details. Love every bits of it. ^^
Lastly, all the best in your work too! Fighting! =D
ZeRynna #6
I LOVE your story!!
Its just TOO cute to not love it..with all the craziness!! XD
Onew is so adorable and well.. I like the way you portray evry each one of them~

Please update...
I'm so curious of what will happen next :D
xoxo-Shira-xoxo #7
Please update soon! :o
I have fallen in love with this story ^^ !!
naznew #8
wow..after i read, i falling in love with your story...
it make me smile and laugh non stop...
thanks 4 create this story...
please update again.

Love Shinee 4ever...
'Gledonia Czephlot'! lol. Onew made that up?! How on earth did he come up with such a name??? :))))<br />
oh and Rin's gardenia camelot was hilarious too! XD<br />
As usual, another epic encounter inside the mansion! But I never thought that Jjong would have that kind of sickness and all that. Cause damn, he fainted! XD Resha, your fault! :))))<br />
<br />
another thing too....<br />
<br />
this one's for chapter 12 though..<br />
"You sound like a perfect housewife," Honey giggled.<br />
<br />
"And you, with your short hair, can be my husband," Key joined the joke and they laugh together as they walk along the other trays, looking for other vegetables.<br />
<br />
Kyaaaaa~!!! Kibum-ah!!!!! Gawd. I love their pairing!! ;D<br />
and the best thing about this chapter is...<br />
<br />
<br />
KEY & HONEY KISSED!!!! Oyea~!!!! :D Mwahahahah!!! They freakin' kissed!! *throws confetti* XD