Meeting Mom

Falling In Love With Cupid

" Don't Wake me Up, up, up, up, up ,up!......."

You were awoken by your phones loud alarm "Don't Wake Me Up". As you glanced at the clock, it was still 6:00 in the morning.

" As you wish my alarm tone, I shall sleep again... So don't wake me up." You were about to drift into dream land until....

" KRIS!!!!!!"

You stoop up instantly then you heard loud screams. It came for Kris and Luhan's room. When you opened it, you saw Luhan grabbing Kris' collar, trying to wake him up.

" Kris, get your out of my bed!!! NOW!" Luhan shakes Kris violently. Kris , on the other hand, just opened one eye to look at Luhan, then he closed them again and smiled.

" Luhan don't be too loud. You're disturbing me." Kris says sleepily while Luhan is shacking with anger. You could swear he was gonna throw Kris out from the upper bunk of the bed to the ground.

This is their room again...

Kris sleeps below while Luhan sleeps above.

Luhan was really shacking with anger that you couldn't help but save Kris from the trouble that would've came his way.

You went near Luhan's bed and hit Kris hard making him wake up. " Yah, wake up!"

Kris suddenly sits up with a very shocked face.

" I just had the weirdest dream. I dreamt that there was this huge masculine guy wearing a female attire hitting me in the head. I swear my head still hurts so bad." Kris said innocently not knowing that it was you who hit him in the head.

" Why son of a...." You stopped what you were about to say since you saw Kris staring at you innocently. Like a dog who just shat on the carpet and runs at you wagging his tail trying to say " Hehehehehe, I did nothing wrong."


You just sighed and asked Kris to get out of Luhan's bed.

" What the... Luhan why am I in your bed??" Kris asks Luhan whose anger had subsided a bit.

" You ask yourself that! You were the one whom I woke up with next to me smiling like an idiot while sleeping!" 

" Oh, Luhan you should've just said so." Kris said to Luhan while looking flattered. Just like this....

" I shouldv'e said what?"

" That you wanted me to sleep with you!"

" That's absurd you stupid idiot! Now get out of my private space." Luhan says while kicking Kris dangerously out of his bed.

" Yeah, yeah, yeah... Whatever." Kris says while climbing down the ladder.

" I think you were sleepwalking Kris." You said to Kris.

You once saw in television a man who dreams about their backyard's grass turning into chocolate. He then ran out of his room and went to the backyard to eat the chocolate. His wife ended up seeing him eat the grass like a goat instead of the delicious chocolate that he dreamt about. Weird.

" What did you dream about last night?" 

" I think I dreamt about a la.. No, no, it wasnt. Ummmm" He starts thinking deeply, Luhan and you waited for ten silent seconds. Finally....

" Oh, right. I dreamt about myself swimming in this small pool. I swam and swam until I got tired so I decided to climb up the ladder to get out of the pool. Then, ummm, I suddenly layed down the floor, It was shocking though because the floor was really fluffy."

" That floor you're talking about was my BED!!!" Luhan said with a higher tone.

"Hmmm, I wonder what really happened last night."

Ok so as an author, I'll say  to you what happened to Kris and how he ended up on Luhan's bed. Since the three of them were sleeping dreamily last night, they  have no story to tell how it happened since they had no idea. So I'll tell:)

Late at night, as Kris was dreaming about him swimming in the pool, he was actually really swimming in reality. Nope, there was no water. He was swimming in his bed like an idiot, using his blankets as the water. The time he dreamt that he climbed the ladder, he really did in reality and ended up in Luhan's bed. 

End of story:)

After minutes of trying to reconcile the two, you finally started to prepare yourself. This time, you wore a simple dress but then you thought, "what the heck I don't even care about first impressions." So you wore this:


You were supposed to wear this                              :

So sad, and you looked so good with the dress. (T_T)

Kris and Luhan also wanted to go with you in fetching your mom so  they also wear their fashion.


Oh My, they look so nasty... You pretty boys oh so nasty. So HANDSOME!!!

Finally, all of you were ready to go. You went out of the house and Kris was about to go to his car.

" Come on, I'll give you a ri...Oh, right." You saw Kris looking a little sad when he remembered that his car's back glass was broken. Ehemm, you were the one who broke it, remember?

You felt guilty and then suddenly you remembered the car your mother's ex- boyfriend left in the garage. He didn't return to get it so basically it's already yours.

 This is REALLY the car this time. No joke.

" Kris, how about you take mine." You said as you pressed a button in the garage remote, opening the garage door.

As Kris looked at the car, his face was like. :O 

Luhan's was like. :D

" Oh my sweet... this baby is gorgeous!" Kris says while directly sitting in the driver's seat.

" Oh God, this is one heck of a good ride." Luhan says while jumping to the front seat.

" And who says you could drive??" You say to Kris who was already about to start the car.

" Can I drive it? Please..." He pleaded you.

" No." After saying that, he suddenly looked at you with big puppy dog eyes.

 Ok, so I don't have a picture of him with puppy dog eyes but his puppy dog eyes would be as cute as this dog's.

You were taken aback. You actually wanted to ride the car, so you tried resisting it.

Suddenly Luhan plays along with Kris and does the puppy dog eyes too. It was a combo of cuteness.

 Now you couldn't help it...

" Uhhh, fine. You drive the car but there should be no scratch afterwards."

" Yas mam!" Kris saluted.

"Yey!" Luhan was happy.

" Luhan, why do the puppy dog eyes?"

" Oh, it's nothing." Luhan said so you shrugged the matter off.  " You might get us killed by driving" Luhan thought.

You took a seat at the back and Luhan sat with you since he thought it would be lonely for you to be alone at the back.


You finally arrived at the airport.

" Guys, we're here so wake up." Kris looks at the back seat.

Kris' POV

As I looked at the back seat, I saw Eun Mi and Luhan awkwardly close in sleeping.

     <--Like this

I felt the strong urge to have them apart. And so I did, which made them wake up.

" Oh that was a good sleep." They said together.

I've got this unpleasant feeling. Weird, I guess I just didn't eat enough breakfast. Seriously dude, it's like you ate the whole table and you're still hungry??

Eun Mi's POV

You're currently waiting  then you saw your mom from afar.

You were happy so you ran to her screaming. " MOM!!!" With your hands stretched out ready to embrace your mother.

Your mother also stretched out her arm and ran. Cool! Like the reunion scene of a dramatic movie.

You were almost near to hug her until she passed by you and instead, hugged Kris and Luhan. You felt very red, embaraced by your mom's action.

" Mom, how could you do this to me??"

" I'm so sorry dear. It's just that look at this two.... They're so handsome (squeel)" She continued to hug both of them.

" Hahahaha, dear. Stop it, you're making me jealous."

" Sorry love!" Your mom said as she ran back to him.

As you turned around to see where the voice came from, you were shocked by who you saw......


Oh my, who's the future-dad?? 

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Chapter 15: kris-oppa is driving me crazy!!! update soon author-nim
Chapter 15: that's not embarrassing you look pretty unnie :)
Chapter 15: Totally in love with this story! Please updated soon!
And Kris! I love it! <3

Love Hanna<3
Kimmyungs #4
Chapter 14: Happy new year author-nim!!!!!!! :D
LOOL she fainted after seeing kris' abs
d(^_^o) I love how eun mi is meeting each member of CUPID
So update soon! and I'm a new reader
Chapter 14: update soon author-nim ^_^
Chapter 13: ohhhhhhh..i like the update author-nim....please update soon ^_^
VisionsOfUs #7
Chapter 13: daebak!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: RLAB!! u know,i just laugh when im reading ur ff..
Chapter 11: author-nim..please update soon ^_^
nanie01 #10
Chapter 9: i like your story.. :)