Getting Mad

Falling In Love With Cupid

After fun chats, you glanced at your watch. It was already 9:00 pm and the shop was almost closing. You stood up from your seat.

" It was fun but I gotta go now. Bye!" You said to them as you were about to go towards the door. 

" Wait! Umm.. let me take you home." Himchan said while standing up from his seat. You nodded and smiled as  a thank you. Then, when he was about to go out the door with you, he stopped on his tracks. He turned to his friend, who you already know. His name is Daehyun.

" On second thought, let Daehyun give you a ride. I just remembered that I don't have a car. hehheheehe" He said embarassed while he rubbed the back of his neck. Daehyun gave a "me?(0.0)" expression and Himchan nodded. 

" It's fine with me. Come on, I'll give you a ride." He said shyly. You nodded awkwardly.

" Take care of her, man" He said as he went out of the bakery and walked his way home. Both of you bid him farewell and walked towards the parking lot. Then he opened the car door for you.

You shyly went in. The ride was really awkward and silent because you two weren't that close yet.


You arrived home and he helped you out of the car.

" Thank you." You said as you opened your gate. He smiled and went off. You watched the car vanish and then a frown came on your face.

" Kris.. That bastard. I'm gonna kill him." You said with white knuckles and a clenched jaw. You quickly walked inside and immediately searched for your target. You searched the living room and found John instead watching a movie.

" Good evening John, what are you doing?" You greeted him. You kinda like him now because he's the reason why you just shed 3 pounds. *5 pounds more!!* You thought excitingly. He smiled at you.

" Oh, I'm just watching a movie. The visuals of this movie is really great!" He praised while pointing at the screen. As you looked at the screen, the movie timingly showed a rated R ( if you know what I mean) scene. Your face directly flushed.

" Oh my!" John exclaimed while immediately changing the channel. Then there was awkward silence. Only the crick of the cricket can be heard. You embarassingly scratched your head and went to the kitchen.

* Great visuals, huh.* You thought with a grin. When you went to the kitchen, you found your mom there washing the dishes. You smiled and hugged her from behind.

" Oh Eun Mi, you're back. Where have you been?" She asked while washing a plate. You helped her by drying them.

" Nah, just somewhere. By the way mom, have you seen Kris?" You asked her while getting a plate and drying it with a clean towel. She also washed another plate.

" I think that he's in his room." She said. Then after finishin, you dashed your way to Kris' room. Then without knocking, you barged in.

" Kris, you dare.. Oh my gosh!!!" You said while covering your eyes. Kris was wearing his towel around the waist with no shirt on.He grinned and went near you. You backed up until you touched the wall and you still had your eyes covered. He leaned one arm on the wall on top of your head and slowly removed the hands that were covering your eyes. 

" That's why you should knock." He said, grinning. You opened your eyes and looked at his evil face and then down to his exposed chest. You saw his oh so hot abs. Your pupils dilated then BOOM. Nose bleed!!

You fainted and collapsed to the floor leaving a surprised Kris. He held your shoulders and shook you hard.

" Eun Mi! Wake up! Please wake up!" You hears his voice getting fainter and fainter as you closed your eyes.


You woke up the next morning with a tissue in each nose hole. You found yourself in your room with your mom placing newly washed clothes inside your closet. She noiced that you were awake.

" Good morning sunshine." She smiled at you then went out of the room. You dazed out a bit then a snore made you snap back.


You looked at the source of the sound and found Kris sleeping near you. * He must have stayed all night.* You thought with a smile as you were about to ruffle his hair. 

You were inch closer when you remembered what he did yesterday. Your hands immediately turned into fist as you punched his head.

" Ouch! What the, Eun Mi!!!" He said grumpily. You frowned and crossed your arms. You lift your hand and pointed at the door.

" Get out." You said. He was rubbing his aching head.

" What?" He asked you.

" GET OUT!" You screamed and pushed him out your room. You immediatlely slammed the door shut and layed down your bed again.

" Bastard." You mumbled.

Kris' POV

Eun Mi closed her door right in front of my face. My face would have been broken right now if I was any centimeters nearer.

* Sheesh, I didn't know she would be angry.* I said as I raked my hair. I went to my room and got my phone. Then I dialed her number as I layed down my bed. Then she rejected my call. (sigh) I was about to place the phone back on the table but then I recieved a message. It was from Eun Mi.

" You f***ing S**t! How dare you call me. Your so gay!! 'cause a true man doesn't invite someone to meet with him and not come, you d***head!!!"

She said. The words she used were really surprising.

" Woah, she's that mad? Well, she'll forget this later on and forgive me." I said confidently. She was a good girl despite her personlity so I'm sure she forgives easily. That's what I thought, until she sent me another message.

" Don't expect me to forgive an a**hole like you 'cause I won't!!! !@#$%^&*"

" Uh-oh." I thought.

" Kris! Eun Mi! Breakfast!!" Miss Park called for us. I went out of my room and met with Eun Mi. I decided to smile goofil at her to make her laugh just like she always does but she just rolled her eyes and looked away, ignoring me.

I don't know why but I suddenly felt pain in my heart when she ignored me. I know what I did was wrong but I didn't think that she would be this mad.

* This is bad. What am I gonna do?* I thought while looking at Eun Mi who was still pretending that I didn't exist.


Happy New Year everyone!!!

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Chapter 15: kris-oppa is driving me crazy!!! update soon author-nim
Chapter 15: that's not embarrassing you look pretty unnie :)
Chapter 15: Totally in love with this story! Please updated soon!
And Kris! I love it! <3

Love Hanna<3
Kimmyungs #4
Chapter 14: Happy new year author-nim!!!!!!! :D
LOOL she fainted after seeing kris' abs
d(^_^o) I love how eun mi is meeting each member of CUPID
So update soon! and I'm a new reader
Chapter 14: update soon author-nim ^_^
Chapter 13: ohhhhhhh..i like the update author-nim....please update soon ^_^
VisionsOfUs #7
Chapter 13: daebak!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: RLAB!! u know,i just laugh when im reading ur ff..
Chapter 11: author-nim..please update soon ^_^
nanie01 #10
Chapter 9: i like your story.. :)