Taking Care of Mason

N.O.A (Night of Asians) || SM New Girl Group || APPLY CLOSED


Genie called Sky and told her about Mason, "Neh. I understand. I will just change the performance to an other day." Sky  said, "good luck with Mason!" and then she hung up. Genie walked back to her members, "Unnie! Sky said that she will change it an other day."


Mia and Rythem went to Mason's room and took out some warm clothes for him. "Rythem unnie, should we take some toys for Mason?" Mia asked Ryhtem, while watching the toys in the box. "Great idea! Let's take his favorite toys." While Rythem folds the clothes and put it in a bag, Mia took Mason's favorite toys and put it in to an other bag. They were finished and started to go back to the hospital.


"Nicky Unnie... what should we get for Mason?" Abigail said and looked around for something interesting. "I don't really know. what do you think Yane?" Nicky looked at Yane, who is busy with texting. "YAH!! are you even listening to us!?" Nicky shouted and flicked Yane's forehead. "huh? ouch! of course i'm listening to you!" She said, while rubbing her forehead, whining. "Then tell us what should we get for Mason?" Abigail crossed her arm and looked at Yane, who is thinking about it. "uh... i thought something to eat maybe?" She shrugged. Abigail snapped her fingers and raised her arm in the air, "i have an idea!! let's get some ice cream for all." She clapped her hands and smiled of her great idea. "good idea!" Nicky nooded and looked at her watch, "omo! hurry, i'm sure they are thinking where we are!" She ran to a supermarket, leaving Yane and Abigail behind. "YAH! WAIT FOR US!" They said together and ran behind Nicky.

"hm... which flavor should we get?" Nicky looked at the flavors of ice cream and tapped her chin. "CHOCOLATE! STRAWBERRY! VANILLA! COOKIES AND CREME!..." Yane took the flavors. "Unnie!! not so much! we can't eat soooo much." Abigail smacked her head and Yane whined. "YAH! why do you two love to hit me?" She whined and rubs her head, "just this flavors! is that so bad?" "Aish. Fine! But you pay for it." Nicky said. "yes, yes..." Yane rolled her eyes and went to the cashier. Nicky and Abigail grinsed evily and smacked both on Yane's head. "OH MY-- YAH!!! YOU GUYS ARE SO MEAN TO ME!" Yane whined, gave them the ice cream and went out, leaving them laughing.

Soon Nicky and Abigail came out with the ice cream, still laughing. "oh god... you must -hahaha- have seen -haha- your face!" Abigail laughed and hold her stomuch. Yane pouted, "that's not funny... today is not my day." She mumbled the last part and started to walk back to the hospital.


Mia and Rythem arrived at the hospital. "Unnie!! we are back!", Mia smiled and waved at them. "You took long you know that, right?" Shane said, "Anyways... where is Nicky, Yane and Abigail?" "we are here." They said it together in came in the room, waving the ice cream in front of their member's faces. "ICE CREAM!!", Heeyoung shouted and ran towards them. "SSSHHH!!", Jay put her finger on her lips and pointed at Mason, who is sleeping. "mian...", Heeyoung mumbled, took the ice cream and put it on a table. "and what did you two bring to us?", Jay asked Mia and Rythem. "We get some clothes for Mason and his favorite toys.", Rythem took the toys out of the bag, putting them on the ground. Shane helped her with the clothes and put it on the other table beside Mason's bed. "He is so cute.", Genie carred his cheek with the back of her fingers, smiling softly, "i hope he will get well soon."


"not to be mean right now guys but you know Mason has fever how should he eat ice cream?" Shane gave the three girls who bought Mason something a look like 'are you stupid'. "It's Yane's fault" Nicky pointed at Yane,making Abigail laugh. "Oh my never mind" Shane sighed and sat down next to Jay.


Some minutes later they got bored. "How about we play something?", Genie suggested. "let's play truth or dare.", Heeyoung sat on the ground and montined the others to sit in a circel. "fine. who start?", Shane asked. Rythem pointed a finger at Yane, "Yane unnie start." "You guys hate me so much today, right?", Yane scoffed and crossed her arms, "fine, i will pick Truth!"

"Did you ever had a boyfriend before Baekhyun?", Nicky wiggled her eyebrown. Yane looked down and stuttered, "I-I... eh-ehm." She sighed and shaked her head. "No, i had not." Abigail gasped and coughed, while Mia patted her back. "Y-You didn't had a boyfriend before?", Abigail looked at her with widdened eyes. "NO!! I NEVER HAD A BOYFRIEND BEFORE BAEKHYUN!! OKAY?", Yane shouted. Shane covered , "sshh! you don't want to wake up Mason, right?" "eh... he is now awake", Heeyoung said and looked at Mason, who rubbed his eyes. "god - why are you so cute?", Rythem pinched his cheek lightly and chuckled.

"look, what you have done...", Nicky flicked Yane's forehead and stood up to look up to Mason. "i said it, today is not my day.", Yane pouted and stood up, "i'm sorry Mason that i wake you up" Yane pecked his forehead and smiled. She looked at her watch, "omo - i'm late! bye guys!" She ran out of the room, leaving the others behind. "she have a date with her prince charming", Jay scoffed. "hey hey, don't be mad at her. just let's play now with Mason and have fun, neh?" Abigail patted her shoulder and smiled. "neh." Jay stood up and walked to Mason to play with him.







Sorry for the late update 3

We are really busy these days, because of school and exams ; n ;

i changed my love interest too, neh? - aegyoyin_0703

hope you guys still like it^^



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Chapter 43: Sub unit for Rythem and Jay ^^
OMG what about the rest!!!! Excited much
Chapter 43: Omooo congrats congrats!!! Love the sub unit^^ kkk can't wait for more:))
Chapter 41: SUB UNIT!!
I wish to be in troublemaker!!
Keep up the good work^^
Chapter 41: Omoo omoo can't wait for the sub unit^^
Chapter 12: Excuse me, what does Triple Threat means?
Chapter 40: I love all the performance and it's so cute that all of their loved ones came as an MC
Chapter 40: Woahh love the stages ♡♡
Aww , will miss Mason sooo much:((
Chapter 39: awww poor Mason , Mason is sick~ T.T
lol Yane =))
Chapter 38: Mason is sick TT.TT poor boy. Lol how did Rythem forget they have Hello Baby lol
Chapter 38: Sent!
Awww, wittle Mason is sick D: