So sudden?

I don't care?



Your POV. 

After Sungyeol told your story, everyone laughed and awed at how sweet Sungyeol was. You weren't though. It was sweet what you did but, before Sungyeol came along that day something really terrible happened. And yes, it involved that cafe. And yes, it also had a thing to do with lowering your caring abilities. 


"Soo seung, it's almost time for next period but there still time. Do you want to eat?" Sungyeol asked. You looked up at him, and gently smiled and said denied. You weren't feeling so good after thinking of the event that caused your left cheek to get marked red. 

You whispered in to Sungyeol's ear, "Sungyeol... I'm going to go to the nurse. I don't feel really good, I might just go home." He looked at you and whispered back to you, "Why is my darling hurt? I'll walk you to the nurse and give you something to make you feel better!" 


"Guys, yo yo yo. I'm going to walk my darling back to class." Sungyeol said. 

Sunggyu gave a confused look just like the other companions near them, "Huh? The bell didn't even ring yet though?" 

Sungyeol gave him a look and Sunggyu glared at him, "What? You don't do that to your leader!"

"I'll just be back, I'm walking my darling! Yeash!"


Gloominess already took over your body and you walked like a corpse. Of course naturally, Sungyeol got a little worried and rubbed your back. The way to the nurse wasn't as far but it was distant enough for a full 20 minute conversation. 

"You know I care about you, right Soo seung?" Sungyeol asked. Automatically, since you knew the answer, you nodded.  He started to ask a who other questions just like the first one as you continually nodded. 

You were just steps away from the nurse's room and both you and Sungyeol stopped in front of the nurses door. 

"Okay, this is your stop! Sooseung, promise me you'll get better right?" He asked.

You looked to his eyes and instead of a nod you answered, "Just for you." He immediately smiled as his eye lightened up and he held up his pinky for you to exchange with for a promise. 

You gladly took that promises overlooking the past sad memories that made you gloomy. After you made a pinky promise, Sungyeol bent over and slowly kissed your forehead and made your body feel warm and secured. 

Sungyeol released his mark on your forehead to knock on the door. 

"Feel better. I'll see you tomorrow." He said so softly that felt so nice in your ears. You looked at the door while the nurse opened the door and persuaded you to enter her office. 

You hesitated and caught Sungyeol's wrist as he was turning to walk away. 

"Can I have a hug before you go?" You asked cautiously. You closed you eyes and gulped as you hoped he would respond with a yes. Better yet, you opened your eyes when you felt his arms around you.

You happily hugged back and you felt so warm and secured just like the minute before when he kissed your forehead. "Okay, Sooseung. Even though I would love to stand here and hug you the whole day, I don't want you to get even more sick. Go on! We'll have plenty more hugs when you get better? Okay?" 

You looked at him and answered his question with an okay. He released you and grabbed you hand and kissed it as he waved goodbye and turn the other way to leave. You smiled and entered the office. 



The nurse sits down, "So what seems to be the problem, Ms. Kim?" 

"I just need a note to go home, I feel sick." 

"Okay... Winter is coming in already. Do you want me to call your guardian to pick you up?" 

I'm pretty sure they don't care, you silent thought. "No. I'll walk home." You said.

"But your sick..."

"I have legs that still can move."

"Alright, just be careful." With that, the nurses sends you off with a paper that says you can go home to rest. Now, all you have is you and some alone time to think of all that painful memories that happened before this senior year came along.


As you left the school, you silently said goodbye to the school and started walking to your house to get some rest. That day that left you witha  red mark had never failed to make you frown. Everytime you think about what happened and why... it just doesn't make since. There is still no explaination of why he was there....

You grunted, you are so irrated by how much he had hurt you. It soul and you can't believe he's probably just roaming the streets enjoying his time while your working on your caring department. 

It was bad enough to disapear, but seriously... cheat too? You sighed and sighed once again. You can see your house closer and closer and stopped near a bush that had flowers on it. 

You stopped and faced it as you felt the petals so soft and slowly dying since winter is coming. Althougth you had some effort and some action that showed you cared, you still far away from completely being such a caring you want to be. 

Like Sungyeol... oppa? 

You continued your walk to your house and grunted once again.

Your heard a yell not that far away that stated, "I like you!"

Your eyebrows tightened and you walked again, you automatically thought it was some kind of purposal to a someone. Wait, It's still school time isn't it? You left it slide thinking it could be an adult kind of couple, but your curiousity didn't stop you from turning around.

"Soo seung, I like you." He said coming closer. You widened your eyes and took steps forward and stopped a few steps from you. 

"I like you, Kim Soo Seung. You don't have to do anything about it, and I know Sungyeol also likes you but.... It kills me inside how you know that Sungyeol likes you but you don't know how I feel about you. It was painful to know you know how sungyeol feels about you but you didn't know mine. I know it was none of my bisnuess but, I also want to kiss your forehead, and give you comforting hugs, and hold your hand openly."

"Myungsoo? What are you doing here?" 


"I just couldn't take it anymore, so I ditched and wanted to tell you my confession." He asked. "Don't just deny me yet though. Just give me a chance too?" You mind was clouded at that momment as you slurred a word for reassurance. 



Myungsoo unraveled his scarf and put his scarf on you. "I know your not really sick. Don't think about the past, and think about now. Your doing pretty fine now aren't you? You might think your not even close to caring, but I don't care about anything like that.


He grinned, 



"All I know is that your perfect, with or without caring." 



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Chapter 13: SASDASDASDADSADASDASDA more lovey dovey Sungyeol parts please <3

kekekeke AUTHOR-NIM. GOOD JOB. you gave me soooooooooo much feels *^*
Looking forward to your update ~
Chapter 8: Wooo! This story is awesome! I hope it has a nice ending ~ I like it so far, keep it up! Hehehe ~
qwertyuiopqaz #3
nice story =]
Chapter 6: sungyeol y u so cute >///<
Chapter 5: ohmygawd my feels!!! >/////< this is really really really cute!! and i'm dying to read the next chapter!!! update soon pleaseee!!! *^* <3 i want him to be with sungyeol cause he is just so darn sweet but gaaaah myungsoo is soooo sweet too!!! /bricked/
Chapter 5: omg sungyeol is so cute. but i feel bad for myungsoo.but sungyeol techinically did like her first, so... i dont know