Someone Else's Turn

I don't care?

You could not focus on a thing in school after what had happened last night. Although you don't tend to focus.. you tried to anyway but still, you couldn't! It was a normal school day, but in the inside you weren't normal. This could have been expected though, because yesterday was your first hug! 

Things were totally different today. The teacher that lags, isn't lagging! So it was super important for you to focus... but how can you? Yesterday's hug from Myungsoo was your first hug and I guess it's safe to say that you want more hugs. (A/N: I want a hug from Myungsoo!) 

You never had skin ship with anyone, and after that hug from Myungsoo last night you fell asleep feeling fluffy and warm. You saw and heard of hugs before but you never actually have one, and you have been wondering for a while why people gave out hugs and what was so special about them. Now that you have had a hug thanks to Myungsoo, you now know why hugs are given. Wait.. but you don't know why Myungsoo gave YOU a hug...

Now that it came to mind, he could've have just said goodnight and left. Why did he hug you? You never actually saw him give hugs or actual skin ship with anyone besides Sungyeol and some of his other friends that come to meet up with him. Not that you have been stealing glances of him from time to time. 


You sighed, you don't know what is going on in your mind or actually, in your life. It has only been about a week or so since the bet, and you never expected Myungsoo would change your caring abilities so much.  But are you actually caring? You haven't actually did something that fell under the caring department, and other then that you only have been doing this "caring" or what ever you call it with Myungsoo. 

Myungsoo... you smiled at the name and thought back about last night, for the 3466666600 time. 


The teacher yelled, "Sooseung!" 

"Huh," you looked at the teacher "Yes?" 

She started to come closer to your desk, one past Myungsoo and Sungyeol and a seat before you. "Would you mind sharing your thoughts? What have you been doing instead of learning?" 

You looked at her silently, kind of glaring actually. 


"Go outside! I guess you know what to do after that." That, is a punishment. You had to leave your hands in the air until the teacher calls you back in. It hurts so bad... and the teacher usually leaves you out there until lunch time. Sometimes they leave for lunch and forget about you, especially if you have a teacher like Ms. Lee. The teacher that sent you out was definitely, Ms. Lee.


You stood up and passed by Sungyeol and Myungsoo and out the door, everyone was staring out you.

A girl murmured, "Should be expected she'd be sent out ghost girl." You ignored it and left out a sigh after you heard a high five. You kneeled down and placed out your hands in the air near the door.

"You better keep them in the air or you'll have a whole day like that!" Ms. Lee warned. You were going to leave me out here like this for the whole day anyway, you thought back.



20 minutes passed and it was close to lunch time, and your arms were in pain. Your still enduring it but it still hurts. You were about to put them down and give up until your heard another yell, "Go outside like Sooseung!" 


You looked at the door to see who'll be joining you, you hoped it wasn't any of the students who called you 'ghost girl.' A pair of really tall legs walked past you and kneeled next to you. 

He put his hand in the air also and asked, "Are you alright?"

"Sungyeol? What did you do?" You asked. 

He smiled softly, "I thought you would need a friend." 

You smiled in return and heard a grumble.. it was your stomach. You turned red and hoped your stomach wouldn't't make that noise again... but it did. 

Sungyeol laughed, "This is why I'm here." He let his arms down and reached for his pockets. It was a snack of Choco Pie. 

"What are you doing?! You going to get in trouble!" You scolded. 

He ripped up the wrapper and placed the snack in your mouth. You were suprised and you smiled back. You were beginning to munch on it until your heard a grumble again, but it wasn't yours this time. 

You giggled and took out the Choco Pie and broke it in half. You took the piece that wasn't bitten by you and placed it in Sungyeol's mouth, "Ah." You mouthed. He gladly ate it and you ate your piece. 

It was a cute sight to see, both you and Sungyeol were giggling and biting on the snack you guys shared. After you ate the snack he gave you, your arms weren't really a bother anymore. It was actually really light. 

"Lee Sungyeol and Park Sooseung! Come back inside for a talk, the bell is about to ring." Ms. Lee stated.

When you and Sungyeol heard it, both you and Sungyeol were relieved. At the same time,  both of you put your arms down. You hand hit the floor and someone's hands landed on yours. 

You turned red and looked at your right hand that was intertwined with the guy beside you. 

"Let's go!" Sungyeol urged. He stood up and helped you up and both of you guys entered the classroom with his hand in yours. You were embarrassed, why is he holding your hand. What is with Sungyeol and Myungsoo and their skin ship! You tried to let go but he held it on stronger. You gave up and he led the way to your seat. 

"Why are they holding hands!" The girl from before yelled out loud. You didn't see by how embarrassed you were, but Myungsoo had a straight face on. He should be happy for his friend that he made a move on his friend's crush, but he wasn't so satisfied.  

Ms. Lee cleared and said, "I'll talk to the trouble couple after the bell rings for lunch." After that statement, you blushed even more. On cue, the bell rings. 

You stayed in your seat and so did Sungyeol. All the students started to gossip and scream after seeing the display of skin ship that just happened to you a while ago. Myungsoo told Sungyeol good luck, and took a quick glance at you and then he got up and left the room. The classroom now had only you, Sungyeol, and Ms. Lee. 

You got up and went up to the teacher's desk to face her and so did Sungyeol. Sungyeol stood next to you and reached for your hand. 

You whispered, "What..." and moved your hand. It was no use, Sungyeol still held your hand and smiled silly. Why is he doing this to you, why? 

Ms. Lee cleared . 

"This is just brief scolding, but just pay attention in class, okay? I hate having to be harsh on two of my favorite students, but I have to keep my reputation or else the student will ease up on me and won't take me seriously." 

You and Sungyeol nodded a yes. Ms. Lee started to pack up and grabbed he lunch to leave, she walked to the door and then stopped, "Oh, and congratulations." 


"Hey! Why are you holding my hand! There's no reason too." You asked. Sungyeol raised your raised hand in front of you, "One, it was fun.. Two, I'm going to make this mine!" Your eyes widened, "Why?!?" 

He grinned and kissed the back of the hand he held, "I'll tell you when I want too. But, for now you hand is mine! People call you ghost girl because you don't care right? Even if you don't care, I care for you. I care for your health, your smile, what you eat, when your hungry... everything! If you don't care like people say, then you don't care if your hand is mine, right?" 

You looked down and smiled. You didn't want to admit it but you did, "Right..." 

"Yes! Let's go and eat, Sooseungiee?~" 

You nodded, and Sungyeol led you the way to the cafeteria. Don't blame yourself... after not having to be cared for years, why would you reject an offer to someone who said they cared about you? 



Little did you and Sungyeol knew, Myungsoo listened to the conversation. "I care about you too." Myungsoo whispered. 

A/N: I don't know what's wrong with me.. I just feel like updating this weekend! Ahh~ Hope you guys like it ><

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Chapter 13: SASDASDASDADSADASDASDA more lovey dovey Sungyeol parts please <3

kekekeke AUTHOR-NIM. GOOD JOB. you gave me soooooooooo much feels *^*
Looking forward to your update ~
Chapter 8: Wooo! This story is awesome! I hope it has a nice ending ~ I like it so far, keep it up! Hehehe ~
qwertyuiopqaz #3
nice story =]
Chapter 6: sungyeol y u so cute >///<
Chapter 5: ohmygawd my feels!!! >/////< this is really really really cute!! and i'm dying to read the next chapter!!! update soon pleaseee!!! *^* <3 i want him to be with sungyeol cause he is just so darn sweet but gaaaah myungsoo is soooo sweet too!!! /bricked/
Chapter 5: omg sungyeol is so cute. but i feel bad for myungsoo.but sungyeol techinically did like her first, so... i dont know