A First Meeting and Skinship

I don't care?

After that inncident, you guys all decided to go to the park. You didn't decide that though, you said nothing of course. You strongly didn't want to go into that cafe, and you didn't want to go to the park either but you felt you shouldn't be picky. It just can't be that cafe. (A/N: You'll find out later.) 

Myungsoo, Sungyeol, and you landed in a nearby park and sat on a bench table. You sat down with Sungyeol and Myungsoo infront of you. 

"So, Sooseung this is Sungyeol." Myungsoo pointed to Sungyeol. 

"Hello Sooseung! I been wanting to meet you for a while!" Sungyeol smiled. You also saved that smile in your memory, it was also a nice smile? 

"Um," You glanced at his eyes and then looked back down "Sorry, I'm not that good a introductions or meetings." 

"Oh that's fine Sooseung, as long as you friendly you'll be alright!" Sungyeol said.

Wow, you thought. Sungyeol seems really happy. Myungsoo filled in the empty conversation, "Sooseung is a little rusty in making friends. Sungyeol you should take her to the swings!"  

Sungyeol stood up and took your hand, "I should! Let's go Sooseung, it'll be super fun." He lead you to a swing and urged you to sit on the swing. You sat but you were scared, you know how the swings worked of course but you never been on one! 

"wait, Sungy-" 

"Hold on!" Sungyeol started pushing you. 

You closed your eyes, your feet are not on the ground >< 


You kept closing your eyes as you felt your hair blow away from your face. In the back of your mind you thought it felt pretty nice, you felt kind of free... like flying. It felt kind of nice to be lifted off your feet for once...

The hands you had on the chains of the swings slowly slipped off one by one because you wanted to put your hands in the air to feel more of the feeling you have right now. You felt so free and you wanted more and when the last finger came off the swing you were high off the ground and started to fall. 

You silently screamed in your head until you felt a grip of warm hands around you. 


You heard Sungyeol's voice, "Sooseung are you okay?" 

"What..." You opened your eyes. 

You saw Sungyeol in front of you but his arms were free. They were different hands around you that weren't Sungyeol's, if they weren't his then who was it? 


"Sooseung?" You turned around to the figure that owned the arms around you. It was Myungsoo. 

"Sooseung! Are you okay? Why did you let go like that, you could have been hurt! What would have happened if Myungsoo didn't catch you-" Sungyeol ranted  and you turn back to face Myungsoo. 

You looked at his eyes. "Are you alright Sooseung? Are you hurt anywhere?" Myungsoo asked. 

You responded, "I'm fine, you can put me down." 



"Are you really okay, Sooseung?" Myungsoo asked again while he settled you down on a bench. 

"Yes, I'm okay. You don't have to care about me."

"No. It's not okay, if I wasn't watching you almost trying to fall you could have been hurt. Even if you didn't fall and was still not hurt I'd still care about you. It;s fine now that your okay though. Do you want to go home to rest?" Your face turned red and you looked away to hide it. Although it wouldn't have meant much to most people, what Myungsoo said hit you. No one have ever showed or told you in anyway that they cared about you. You were pretty much on the verge of crying, in your mind. 


You stood up and said to Sungyeol, "I'll be going home now. It was nice to meet someone as happy and wild as you are Sungyeol. Thanks for today, and for pushing me on the swings." 

You looked at Sungyeol then back at Myungsoo and then walked the way to your house. Many things were on your mind when you started walking, especially what Myungsoo said a minute ago. You softly smiled and stopped when you heard a voice, "Hey! Sooseung hold on, I'll walk you." 

"No, it's okay." 

"No, I want too!" Myungsoo said. Myungsoo waved Sungyeol goodbye and Sungyeol seemed a little too happy to say goodbye to a friend, but he's always to happy. (A/N: I'll make sure to put a lot of chodding misfits for all the inspirts~ *wink wink*) 

"Where's your house?" L asked.

"It's just down there, like I said... You don't have to walk me." 

"I just wanted too, plus its getting dark! If you fell of a swing, how can I trust you walking alone close to dark?" Good point, you thought. You guys walked pretty slow, but were near you house! That's a relief since after what Myungsoo said the air was filled with awkward silence. 

Pretty soon you got in front of your house. The house was quiet and dark because again, of course, no ones there. Both of you faced each other in front of your house, and it was pretty dark but light enough to see each other's faces. 

"You know, I call Sooseung so many times but I have never heard my names from your mouth." He randomly stated. 


"That's not my name honey." 

"It's not? How come..."

"I know, I know. It's not my name though. You can call me Myungsoo."


"Yes. Say it again!"

"Myungsoo." You whispered. 

"What? I couldn't hear you." 

"Myungsoo!" You said a little louder. 

"Now say it with confidence!" 

"MYUNGSOO!" You said. Both of you guys smiled. 



"What is it?"

"Before I go in my house, I just want to say thank you." 

"For what?" He questioned.

"For catching me, and for saying you care about me..." 

"Oh that," He rubbed the back of his neck "That was nothing... Anytime! Just know I put special care for you."


There he goes, with that one smile you saved in your memory from before. You started to walk towards your door. You took a step and until someone pulled your wrist the other direction. You felt a pair of warm arms around you. The arms were no other then the pair of arms that saved you earlier in the park,






"Sweet dreams."



A/N: Did I make up for the short chapter from yesterday? ^^

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Chapter 13: SASDASDASDADSADASDASDA more lovey dovey Sungyeol parts please <3

kekekeke AUTHOR-NIM. GOOD JOB. you gave me soooooooooo much feels *^*
Looking forward to your update ~
Chapter 8: Wooo! This story is awesome! I hope it has a nice ending ~ I like it so far, keep it up! Hehehe ~
qwertyuiopqaz #3
nice story =]
Chapter 6: sungyeol y u so cute >///<
Chapter 5: ohmygawd my feels!!! >/////< this is really really really cute!! and i'm dying to read the next chapter!!! update soon pleaseee!!! *^* <3 i want him to be with sungyeol cause he is just so darn sweet but gaaaah myungsoo is soooo sweet too!!! /bricked/
Chapter 5: omg sungyeol is so cute. but i feel bad for myungsoo.but sungyeol techinically did like her first, so... i dont know