Meeting New People.

I don't care?

It has been a week and two days after you made that bet with Myungsoo (Tuesday, currently), and you definitely have been feeling some changes with your actions. Your actually pretty happy with yourself. Your not so happy like Sungyeol or to quiet like Myungsoo sometimes, you like how you are right now. You smile from time to time, and you even care about peoples' health.

Well... I don't know about you, but I don't think Sungyeol and Myungsoo count as "people." You barely know half of your classmates. Do you consider them your friends since you kind of care about them and they care about you? Guess so, but do they consider you their friends? 

You don't really think that Sungyeol kissing and calling your hand his is an action of friendship, right? And you guess that hug Myungsoo gave you was also a nice gesture of friendship, right? Maybe friends isn't the right title for Sungyeol and Myungsoo, maybe... acquaintances? 

It seems like everything happens at lunch, or maybe some random time when it's dark outside.You have noticed that half of you is so excited for what else is Myungsoo or Sungyeol planning but the other half is still kind of tell you to hold back and stay where you are for a while.


Myungsoo and Sungyeol have different plans. 

Sungyeol pointed at you and called your name, "Sooseungieee~ Come to me!" Like again it was lunch every time something happens, and it's the correct time for it to be lunch time. At first when he called you, you didn't know who actually called you. He was tall like Sungyeol, but instead of red hair like Sungyeol had it was black. 

He was standing in a close distant standing with Myungsoo when you walked out the classroom. Your plan for lunch was to sit on the bench and think like always, but I guess Sungyeol plan could be better, or experiencing. 

You looked and he was nudging you with his arms to come to him, and you became kind of hesitant. Myungsoo was leaning on the wall with his hands in his front pockets looking straight, which was the wall facing him and not you.  Although Sungyeol wanted you to come to him, Myungsoo looked like you shouldn't and it would just be a waste of time.


You decided to ignore him like you do most of the students in your class, and you walked until you stood in front of the pair. Myungsoo stood up and looked at you with bulging eyes that was surprised you'd come. Your eyes accidently glances at Myungsoo and saw the questioning look in his eyes. Again, ignoring, you asked Sungyeol, "Yes, Sungyeol?"

"I want to introduce you to my friends! I think it'll be super duper fun." He stated. You stared at him and asked to yourself why? Why would anyone want to introduce you? I mean, not downing yourself or something but you didn't think you were that interesting to be introduced to anyone. 


You managed to ask,"why?" before you started going in deep thought of the possible reasons why. 

He took your hand, "I want, not just everyone, but also my friends that are important to me to meet my crush!" 

You nodded, "That's great but why do you want me to meet your friends then?" Myungsoo shook his head in disappointment and then opened his mouth to clarify until Sungyeol interrupted, "Woah! Your so silly Sooseung. Your like an elementary child."

He motioned the hand he held and kissed just like the first time and said, "Your my crush!"


Sungyeol was as happy as can be while you were the most embarrassed person you could be. And although both you and Sungyeol were busy with your golden moment, Myungsoo couldn't help but get a little upset out how open Sungyeol was about you being his crush. That didn't even make him so upset, the most upsetting is your reactions. You didn't even deny or object it, nor did you ignore it like you would usually did. 

It upsets him but it also saddens him because part of Myungsoo kind of thinks that Sungyeol is mostly the one changing your caring abilities when the original plan was suppose to be Myungsoo changing you himself. 


Sungyeol, inter winded his fingers together with yours,"Okay, let's go. I don't want you to starve, you need to eat to have a healthy body!" You and Sungyeol held hands and the same reaction happened the first time, people gasping and gossiping. 

You walked hand in hand with Sungyeol and you were quite curious so you asked him, "Did you dye your hair black? I didn't know if you were Sungyeol at first..."

"Oh, I did! I had too, my manager made me." He responded. You looked at him, Why does Sungyeol have a manager? 

Before you got to ask why he has a manager, Sungyeol leaded you to a spot he calls, "Infinitize" for some reason you are clueless to while Myungsoo silently follows behind. A group of guys you automatically thought to be Sungyeol's friends looked up in response of Sungyeol's, "Hey!"

At first you thought it would be alright to meet Sungyeol's friends, and you didn't really care if you were introduced as Sungyeol's crush. In fact you were glad you were someone's crush, and not titled "Ghost girl." 

A guy with purple hair and had a one golden wing for an earring came up and came up to Sungyeol with his hand up in the air waiting to be returned with a handshake. He smiled, and looked at you, "Oh, hello. Sungyeol, who's this?"

Another person stepped in and backed hugged the guy that owned the one winged earring, "And why are you guy holding hands?"

"Dongwoo, Hoya" Sungyeol held up his and yours hand that was intertwined, "This is Kim Sooseung~ My crush!"

The winged one earring guy that appears to be Dongwoo looked back at the group behind them staring at the situation and said, "Woah! You have the same last name as Myungsoo." 

"And me!" A guy with brown hair and really small eyes comes in. 

"Okay, okay. Let me introduce Sooseung correctly, everyone come over here!" Sungyeol said. With that said, the two people in the back walked up to you and stared. 

As you stared, a male with black hair comes to you and says, "Woah, your so pretty." 

"Hey! Back off, can't you see our hands!" Sungyeol criticized. 

He backed off, "Sorry, Sungyeol... but it's true!" 


Sungyeol sighed, in order he named everyone from left to right, "Sooseung, the guy with the black hair that needs to back off is Woohyun."

"Then their is Sungjong the youngest, next is Hoya that still hugging Dongwoo, and their is  Myungsoo and Sunggyu that has the same last name as you, kind of jealous too because I want you to have my last name, and then their is me! Lee Sungyeol. Okay I'm done mumbling." He smiled.


You smiled back and said, "Hello, I'm Sooseung. I apologize if I'm disturbing or anything. I'm not good at introductions nor am I good at making friends..."

Sungjong squealed, "She so cute! Can you teach me how to be like you?" 

You were surprise by the sudden compliment and said, "oh.. I don't know but thank you?" 


"Well it's good to know Sungyeol isn't gay." Woohyun said. 

Sungyeol let out a little sigh and smacked Woohyun's chest as the whole group burst into laughter, "Why are you making so much fun of me in front of my crush? Huh? Why? What have I done to you?" 

You let out a little giggle. "Oh my gosh, I had a feeling I shouldn't have introduced her to you guys. She's laughing at me too!" You smiled and squeezed his hand to assure him it was just a joke. 

The group was trying to die out the laughter of Woohyun's joke but Myungsoo saw how you assured Sungyeol to calm down. Isn't that a sign of caring? Did you not want him to be mad and want him to know that you know he's not gay? I think that's considered caring, and Myungsoo had a thought that was a sign of caring too. 

"Okay Anyways, how is she your crush? No offense or anything to Sooseung because after all, you can be my crush." Woohyun says.

"Hey! Why can't you stop!" Sungyeol pleaded. Beside Woohyun corny joke, you really did want to know why Sungyeol had a crush on you. 

"Back on topic, Why do you like Sooseung?" Dongwoo asks.


"Oh, I'll  tell you all about it! Let's sit." Sungyeol said. Sungyeol took your hand to seat you on the bench while everyone else also sits down too.

Sungyeol takes a breath and says, "Okay... Here it goes."


A/N: Now you get to hear Sungyeol's side of the romance. Thanks to everyone that subscribes and comments! It gives me so much more confidence to update! I love comments and I would to hear your voice of this story! ^^ I encourage you not to be silent and comment :3 (I'm not pushing you at all though, I would love it if you would thats all ><) Wish me luck on the next chapter c:


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Chapter 13: SASDASDASDADSADASDASDA more lovey dovey Sungyeol parts please <3

kekekeke AUTHOR-NIM. GOOD JOB. you gave me soooooooooo much feels *^*
Looking forward to your update ~
Chapter 8: Wooo! This story is awesome! I hope it has a nice ending ~ I like it so far, keep it up! Hehehe ~
qwertyuiopqaz #3
nice story =]
Chapter 6: sungyeol y u so cute >///<
Chapter 5: ohmygawd my feels!!! >/////< this is really really really cute!! and i'm dying to read the next chapter!!! update soon pleaseee!!! *^* <3 i want him to be with sungyeol cause he is just so darn sweet but gaaaah myungsoo is soooo sweet too!!! /bricked/
Chapter 5: omg sungyeol is so cute. but i feel bad for myungsoo.but sungyeol techinically did like her first, so... i dont know