The so called word, "Date."

I don't care?


Chapter 13: The so called word, “Date.”



Your POV.


It was the end of the school day and Myungsoo had leaded you to a park for some unknown reason. (Yes, Sungyeol knows and had warned Myungsoo, hehe.)


You laughed and asked after wondering for a minute or so, “Why and where are you taking me?”

“I just wanted a day out with you.”

“That’s a lame excuse. You mean a date?”

“You can call it a date… I call it an outing. But yeah, a date.” He sheepishly admitted.


Myungsoo placed his index finger in front of his lips, “Sungyeol would kill me if I told him it was a date, so shh.”

You laughed mimicked him, “Okay, shh.”


He urged you to take a seat on the bench he chose and as you gladly accepted he sat next to you.

“So, you seem pretty warmer compared to when I first met you.”He said.

“Yes, I guess so...”


Myungsoo hesitated and then brought on the topic, “Have you talked to Byunghun yet? Or… L.joe?”

You froze for a minute, and then managed to turn your head to face Myungsoo. How does he know Byunghun? Or are you just hearing things?

“Byunghun and I are close friends.”

You grunted, “That explains everything. I don’t want anything to do with L.joe or Byunghun or whoever the heck he’s called now. Especially since he’s probably dating someone else by now.”

“That café was a mistake.”

You scrunched your eyebrows, “How do you know about what happened at the café?”


Myungsoo sighed, “I’ll explain. You’re not the only person who had a hard time that day.”



Myungsoo’s POV.


Like Sungyeol, we were all hanging out at the bowling alley. I left right after they started the bowling game. Byunghun was on a so called “date” with Shin Minyoung. Byunghun didn’t want to go on the date though!

He was forced too. The reason he went on the date in the first place is because she was black mailing us. She knew something about Hoya that Hoya doesn’t want anyone to know, but she said if she doesn’t go on a date with Byunghun then she’ll tell everyone!

“No I am not telling you his secret though. It’s a secret for a reason!” I explained to Sooseung.

So I told Byunghun about it and he said his willing to do it as long as she doesn’t cross the border, like kissing or hand-holding.

He asked me to watch over in case she does anything over board, so I was there at an extra table to keep watch. They met after I got settled down reading a book across from them. I clearly remember the back of Byunghun’s head and that nasty flirty face of Minyoung. She’s so despicable. She does a lot of over rated things that Byunghun hasn’t even done before! I had a really hard time guarding Byunghun’s innocence.

Byunghun only said to me that he had a special someone, and after that slap Minyoung gave Sooseung, I knew it was Sooeseung.

 Minyoung was doing all these things like rubbing her feet/leg on Byunghun’s and that only made him stiffer! I was going to disrupt her scheme but Sooseung came in with a saddening look.

She looked so depressed and I just wanted to go up to her and hug her. Sooseung asked Byunghun what he was doing with Minyoung, and I kept hoping she wouldn’t misunderstand but Minyoung made her think the other direction.

It was hard to watch Sooseung try and figure out the situation and I wanted to be a superhero and save Sooseung.

I heard Minyoung say, “You disrupting our date!”

I looked up and saw that she had slapped Sooseung and I got up, but got back down because I didn’t want to blow anything. Besides, if I came to Sooseung and hugged her or protect her she would have thought weird about me.


I saw a lot of water leaking from her eyes as she exited out of the café. I went up to Byunghun and he was taking Minyoung somewhere, and his eyes said he was going to deal with her privately.

He said exactly that, “I’m going to beat Minyoung up. No one hurts my bear like that! NO ONE. Go and protect her for me Myungsoo?”

I gladly went to follow Sooseung after I punched Minyoung. She was no longer a girl after she did that slap stunt to Sooseung. She did not have to slap Sooseung.


I followed Sooseung quietly to make sure she was safe, but she was just lingering back to her house with a saddening look.

We were passing by the bowling alley and a group of guys ran past her that caused her to fall to the ground.

My instinct was to go to her and help her but Sunggyu called my cell phone,”Myungsoo? Where are you?”

“I’m fine! Call you back!”

“Hey! Don’t talk to your leader like that. I just wanted to make sure you were safe. Also, check on Sungyeol. He disappeared too.”

I hanged up as quickly as I could but it was too late.

But at that exact moment, I fell for Sooseung. The way she was trying to get back up after getting slapped and tripped by a whole bunch of guys. It wasn’t like some other girl that just stays there to depend on someone else.

She depended on herself; she was so independent that I was attracted to her somehow.

 Sungyeol had already beat Sooseung it. He was helping her and I let it go. Sooseung was in good hands, I mean it was Sungyeol.

I know it was wrong to fall for someone that was already taken, like from Byunghun but I couldn’t help it! Sungyeol fell for her, why can’t I? It’s a fair battle between Sungyeol, Byunghun, and I.


Sooseung could be mine, right?



Your POV.

“So Byunghun had never actually liked and went on a date with Minyoung? It was all because Hoya needed help?” You asked.

Myungsoo silently nodded and grinned. You stared at him for a little and noticed how his eyes were. They weren’t cold or warm. It was so neutral and really nice.

You had no expression on and replied with an okay.


He grinned and told you, “Okay. Now you know the story. You have three people that like you! And I have 2 competitions.” He stood up and gave you his hand so you could get up also.

You ignored it and got up by yourself and smile at Myungsoo. Now that everything that confused you and made you depress is now clear, you’re ready to move on to some fun. You’re ready to get past the challenges that you’ve had.

You pointed a random direction, “Let’s go?”

Before you took a step to a random destination you felt arms that embraced you. Of course it was Myungsoo.

You wrapped your arms around him back and asked, “Why the hug?”

“Mmm,” He hugged you tighter, “I just wanted to make sure your okay. I don’t want you ever hurt!”

You eyes widen. You pulled back a little to face Myungsoo’s face as you looked into his eyes. You slowly admired the look he gave you until you distractedly looked down and had your eyes on his lips. They were so perfectly shaped, so fluffy… and pink!

You were so lost in not his eyes anymore, but his lips. You both still had each other’s arms wrapped around each other’s waist. You noticed how really, really close you two were. You were less than a centimeter from him.


Especially, close to his lips.


Your noses were even touching, and the more you noticed the more red you blushed. You coughed and released your grip of Myungsoo and scratch your neck which was not itchy at all. You were slightly embarrassed, telling by the shade of red painted on your cheeks!

You embarrassingly scratched the back of your neck as you try and move on to a topic, “Do y-you want… want t-to walk me back to my… h-h-house?”


All he did was nodded happily, “Okay!”


You cursed yourself silently. Why were you so embarrassed? You kissed so many times, so why is it any difference if you were that close to Myungsoo? What the heck was that back there?



Just trying to keep things fair for Sungyeol too, you said as an excuse.



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Chapter 13: SASDASDASDADSADASDASDA more lovey dovey Sungyeol parts please <3

kekekeke AUTHOR-NIM. GOOD JOB. you gave me soooooooooo much feels *^*
Looking forward to your update ~
Chapter 8: Wooo! This story is awesome! I hope it has a nice ending ~ I like it so far, keep it up! Hehehe ~
qwertyuiopqaz #3
nice story =]
Chapter 6: sungyeol y u so cute >///<
Chapter 5: ohmygawd my feels!!! >/////< this is really really really cute!! and i'm dying to read the next chapter!!! update soon pleaseee!!! *^* <3 i want him to be with sungyeol cause he is just so darn sweet but gaaaah myungsoo is soooo sweet too!!! /bricked/
Chapter 5: omg sungyeol is so cute. but i feel bad for myungsoo.but sungyeol techinically did like her first, so... i dont know