Avoiding who owns you

I don't care?


Chapter 11: Avoiding who owns you.


-starting back off from Chapter 9!-


All that pain and emotion you felt a year or two ago all broke through again once you realized who was standing in front of you with the same smile you really missed.

You were trembling from head to toes. The gift bags were close to the boarder of falling as you hesitated to take a few steps back.

When you thought everything was going to finally be normal for once, Lee Byunghun returns. The two gift bags in one hand and your other hand hovering over your mouth.

You gasped and looked around for an escape. You definitely did not want to see him after he just ditches you in the dust! You weren’t overreacting in this situation though, definitely not after what happened at the café too.

He was standing there with that smile that once gave you the best feeling in the world, and all you really wanted to do is hug him and expect him to do the same thing and give you the love he gave you like in the past.

But that was probably never going to happen. You did not want to care about him anymore.

You tightened your hands for some confidence and thought the best thing to do is to leave. You manage you make a sudden dash and accidently shoved him to the side just to get through the door to exit.

You still had the gifts in your hands, and as you ran all you were thinking was to go to some dark place and hide in the corner. You wanted to avoid all the drama by coming to Incheon district.

Water from your eyes started to continually fall as you heard the same familiar voice yell, “Sooseung! Wait!”

That was supposed to stop you and help him catch up to you, but it just made you run harder. You curse yourself that you took the bus to Incheon district, and stopped at the same bus stop that dropped you off.

You turned back to see his soft glossy hair push back from his face caused by the winter wind and panicked some more. He was closer.

You whispered under your breath, “What to do!? What to do?! Why are still popping up in my life…”

The bus was not coming! You were so caught up in the moment, you couldn’t realize that a little particle of snow dropped down across you face.


First snow.

You looked up and down for a bus, but it wasn’t coming. You hoped but hope was not enough. A faint hand touched you elbow and you knew exactly who it was.


You turned around to your ex-boyfriend, or ex-love, and wiped your frozen tears. You disappointedly looked at the ground and hoped he would not see your swollen, wet face.

“I missed you.” You want to hear.

“I missed you,” You heard his voice and imagined his words in the icy air “Bear.”

Your eyes closed slowly and shook your head as if it was a lie, “No, you didn’t.”

His hand cupped your face and moved your head up to face him and his eyes that reflected the weather, cold. His eyes stared straight into yours and grinned, “Does it look like I’m lying?”

Yes, you wanted to say. He wasn’t though; it was the same look he always gave you since you met him. You knew if he’d lie anyways. You loved him back since he made you his, right?

He released his hands that were connected to your face and connected it to your open hand. There was a specific way you guys held hands, pinky to pinky. It was a sort of symbol that resembled what made you his in the first place.

His touch surprised you, you missed his touch. You objected naturally of course, and try to retain your taken pinky but it was no use. His pinky tightened before you could let go.


Before the bus came for you to succeed your escape plan, he took you to a coffee shop and seated you down to talk. He settled down before you with that stupid little grin and started the conversation off, “How have you been?”

You glared at him in disbelief; does he not remember what happened at the café?

You took a breath and decided you should stand for yourself; you wanted Lee Byunghunto feel gulty, “I see you took me to a coffee shop besides that trashy café.”


His smile dissolved and left you a pleading look, “Sooseung, I’m sorry at what happened at the café. I told you it was nothing!”


You scoffed and looked around, “That’s what you said when you left too.” Nothing but silence filled the air after that.

You were uncomfortable, and you wanted to leave. You didn’t want to see his face, at all.

L.joe looked into your eyes, “Sooseung. Ignore that crap! Look, its perfect today. I was searching for you to show you why I left. It’s first snow! I need redeem myself.”

You looked out the window and saw the snow dropping down. Snow, snow.

He grabbed your hand forcefully to lead you out the door, “I’m going to show you whether you like it or not, because I’ve been working on my off to show you this after I left!”



He took you to a music store. There were albums and posters of bands like 2AM, 2PM, EXO, Miss A, Super junior, TASTY and Infinte. You released L.joe grip off of your hand and stared at the poster of Infinite.

Your eyes widened as you stood closer and analyzed the seven faces on the poster. You lifted your finger and pointed at the tallest member of the group with black hair, “Sungyeol? Why are you on Infinite’s poster?”

You slid your fingers from left to right, “And myungsoo! And Sungjong. And Dongw-”

L.joe blocked your view of the poster, “Sooseung! You’re still focused on Infinite?!?”

“No. It just that-“

He took you to the listening center and placed the headphones on you as he entered a CD into the machine, “The rapping is personally to you. Remember on first snow?”


♫ My first kiss-- ♫ (A/N: Song here)

Byunghun’s and your first kiss when it first snow back when you to were together. You took the headphones off and stared at him, “What does the song has to do with us?”

“I rapped it!” He said excitedly. He handed you an album and you examined it closely.

Teen top? You couldn’t believe it, “Byunghun what are you doing on here?”

“Your boyfriend is a rapper for a leading k-pop band called, teen top.” He said coolly. “Didn’t I tell you I was going to be more popular then Infinite?”


You looked back at the front of the album and the guy in front of you, he’s really a idol now?

A teenage girl who was probably the same age as both you and L.joe popped up randomly and fangirled, “Woah! It’s L.joe! Hello!”

“Yah! Aren’t you supposed to be in school!?” He scolded.

She softly walked away to the cash register, “I just wanted to buy a copy of your album…”


L.joe laughed and turns back to you and saw your straight face, and immediately reflected the same expression.


You let out a sigh and asked, “You left to become a part of Teen Top?”

“Yes, that is correct.”


You gave back his album and left the store, you couldn’t believe this. You felt so stupid.



You murmured to yourself while you made your way to the bus stop, “Byunghun, you could have just told me that you were leaving to be a part of Teen Top. I would’ve have supported you, or even follow you to Korea! Why couldn’t you just tell me why then? Why did you have to keep the most important details a secret from me? You left me so clueless! I was alone and needed your affection and love you had always given me. But I didn’t even know if you’d be okay, or where you were going, or if you were ever coming back. You don’t know how much I suffered not be able to come to you when I needed you. I basically killed me.”


A/N: Yaaay~ Double update for once :3 Hehe, How do you like the new poster? Don't be a silent reader ><

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Chapter 13: SASDASDASDADSADASDASDA more lovey dovey Sungyeol parts please <3

kekekeke AUTHOR-NIM. GOOD JOB. you gave me soooooooooo much feels *^*
Looking forward to your update ~
Chapter 8: Wooo! This story is awesome! I hope it has a nice ending ~ I like it so far, keep it up! Hehehe ~
qwertyuiopqaz #3
nice story =]
Chapter 6: sungyeol y u so cute >///<
Chapter 5: ohmygawd my feels!!! >/////< this is really really really cute!! and i'm dying to read the next chapter!!! update soon pleaseee!!! *^* <3 i want him to be with sungyeol cause he is just so darn sweet but gaaaah myungsoo is soooo sweet too!!! /bricked/
Chapter 5: omg sungyeol is so cute. but i feel bad for myungsoo.but sungyeol techinically did like her first, so... i dont know