A First Warm Gesture

I don't care?

Since yesterday, you have been thinking about the bet a lot. Why are you think about it, you don't care... don't you? 

You were talking a stroll in the park. The weather was chilly and its exactly a month before December comes, and when first snow comes. You sighed. You thought about first snow lots of times before, and the thought of first snow lead you to think about love. That's what everyone thinks when they think first snow. "What are you going to do when it first snows?" You imitated a drama. 

You were walking along the the trails the park made and kept your head down. You walked along and thought about how many times you've already been here. You looked up at the skies, and the clouds were so pure and white. You felt so refreshed of your life when you go through this park. It seemed like everything disappears. 

"Soo Seung!" You heard from behind. 

You turned your head around and didn't see anyone there. That was a bit weird, you thought. You continued your walk by turning to face forward and saw a figure popped up in front of you.

"Ah!" You stumbled. "L-sshi? What are you doing here?" 

"I was going to the store to get snacks for my sister and I saw you!" He blinked, "I wanted to say hi."

"Oh..." You looked at him. 

He looked at you with a tilted head and saw how your face was a bit pale and your hot breathing in the cold air. As he grinned a little, your started to feel uncomfortable. 

"How do you look with your eyes close, Soo Seung-ah? It's like you never blink." Myungsoo curiously asked.

"Uh? Um... I don't know...." You closed your eyes. You shook a little when you felt something warm wrap around your neck, and you opened your eyes. 

"There! Perfect... The first step to caring is having a warm heart." He stated. "Oh! Wait.. 3...4...5..." His right hand slowly reached for your hand and he held it in front of you. "Warm hands! Warm hands, warm heart. See you later Soo Seung!" 

He started to jog the other way, as he left he turned to you again and said, "And I want my red scarf back. You can return it to me at school tomorrow!" 

You didn't know it yet, but when he waved goodbye... your heart was slowly starting to open up. You let out a little smile, and then froze. What are you doing? Giving in already? You shook the thoughts away and made your way back to your house. 


It was close to midnight when you got home, which means your mother and father weren't here. Who are you kidding, when are they ever here? You opened the door and saw food on the table and a note. "Eat it if you want. I couldn't finish it anyway." 

You glanced at the food. On the table was a plate of waffles and strawberries. It must of been here since the morning. You sat down and ate it down quietly and went up to wash up to go to bed. Tomorrow was another boring day of school, you thought. You thought about school and immediately realized about what happened at the park with L. You touched the scarf and secretly smiled to yourself. You placed your hand over your heart. Heart status: Warm. 



The next day you woke up with L's scarf hugged in your hands. "It was cold last night." You said as an excuse.

You got out from bed and looked out your bedroom door and again... house empty like last night's, or everyday. You faced this fact already but it still saddens you that your parents are only in the house when they don't have something important to do. Being a world wide-known doctor for plastic surgery(father)  and being a well-known therapist(mother) seems to be time consuming. You don't even know how your parents met, yet how your even born. 

In minutes you managed to have your uniform on and go to a cafe you liked and eat over there for breakfast. After that you made it to school with music in your ears, your backpack, and his scarf. 



Once you entered the classroom, you made your way to your seat as usual and sat down. No one was really in the room yet, it was just you, a few students you never really were interested in, and Myungsoo. You stared at Myungsoo as he was laying down sleeping.

Is this a good time to give him his scarf? You walked up to him and placed the scarf on him like a blanket, he looked cold. "I hope he's warm enough." You thought to yourself. Wait, what? When have you ever cared if anyone is warm enough? You didn't even care if you were cold, let alone L. 

You rushed to your seat and as you looked back to any sort of excuse to care for L. "I'm just returning his scarf, that's all." You said to yourself. Although it was true, you know yourself that there was more then just returning his scarf.


The first period of class starts and it's the same everyday, lagging on lessons. You plugged in back your music. When the teacher stays on top of her teaching skills and tasks, then I'll pay attention to something I haven't already learned. 

You looked at the sight of L and noticed the red head guy isn't here today. You saw a head turn, L's. 

"You put this on me?" He mouthed.

"Who else did you give your scarf too?" You mouthed in response. Myungsoo smiled.

He let out a laughter and turn back around, "Thanks." 



You let out a breath.

You placed your hand over your heart. Heart status: Warmer. 

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Chapter 13: SASDASDASDADSADASDASDA more lovey dovey Sungyeol parts please <3

kekekeke AUTHOR-NIM. GOOD JOB. you gave me soooooooooo much feels *^*
Looking forward to your update ~
Chapter 8: Wooo! This story is awesome! I hope it has a nice ending ~ I like it so far, keep it up! Hehehe ~
qwertyuiopqaz #3
nice story =]
Chapter 6: sungyeol y u so cute >///<
Chapter 5: ohmygawd my feels!!! >/////< this is really really really cute!! and i'm dying to read the next chapter!!! update soon pleaseee!!! *^* <3 i want him to be with sungyeol cause he is just so darn sweet but gaaaah myungsoo is soooo sweet too!!! /bricked/
Chapter 5: omg sungyeol is so cute. but i feel bad for myungsoo.but sungyeol techinically did like her first, so... i dont know