The Start of a Bet

I don't care?

All photos are not mine unless stated. >.<

Just like any other boring school day you were sitting in the back of the classroom minding your own business like you have been doing when your life started. You were a senior and was just a nobody. No one paid any attention to you, no one was a bother, you were cleared of any friends, and somewhat bored. 

Your teacher and the class were in a lagging era, like always. She would always forget to teach this or to pass out this, or hurry up to the next chapter that we never get to, or never will get too. You took this chance to stare out the window and plug your earphones in to listen to music. I'm sure the teacher won't mind, besides she needs to focus on her teaching skills before punishing you. You couldn't listen another day of what she was trying to teach yesterday. Which was shake sphere. 

Outside the window was a great view of the park. You sighed. It was a great sight, yes, but it wasn't a great sight for you. You hated seeing stuff like that. Kids played with their friends or with their parents. They all owned this smile that you wish you could do yourself sometimes and its just, ugh. Parents were so caring to their children. 

In particular, this one son was being pushed by his mother on the swing. The mother was so careful not to harm her precious in anyway. Theres not even one scratch on his nose, but yet the mom is so caring and careful with her son. Why is that? It looks so easy to accomplish a family bond, but how come that never had happened to you? 

You looked away and huffed. Your always so angry when you see a relationship. You were pretty aware of the lacking you had in the caring department.

You looked around to observe the situation in the classroom and caught a pair of eyes on you. Who is that? I don't think you have ever talked to a guy with red long hair and a tall height. But then again you never really talked to anyone so... 

You looked around you. Nothing but empty seats and a plain cream wall that completed a room. You wondered until your eyes landed on your desk. You looked closely at the tagging and carvings. There was things like SY <3 RR, lovely Namu, and Ya<3Dong. Things that all contained a certain subject.





How could you dare think about love when you can't even accomplish care. 


You started getting tired of the music filling your ears and took off your ear buds off. When you plugged out your ear phones from your ears a bursting of noise came through. Everywhere there was little groups of conversation. What's the teacher doing? Of course, lacking on the lesson.

You observed little bits of chit chat and looked directly of the red head guy. He's height is kind of awkward but he dresses nicely for a tall one. There was no reason to look at you. Especially because your all the way in the back corner where no one pay attention too. There aren't even seats filled in next to me.

The red hair guy was conversing with someone in front of him. You observed him too. His hair was black, and his eyes were blank but somewhat a attention grabber. 

The bell rang, finally. You grabbed your things and headed to the door to the next thing on your schedule, 


lunch time. 





You walked to the bench where you always go to eat or do whatever and decided not to eat. You didn't want to. You plug back your earphones in and enjoyed the view. This bench was wood and was right under was a big green tree. You hand reached out to touch the trunk of the tree until something caught your attention. 

Far away the red head guy was walking away towards to multi-purpose room. You saw his face again. He looked happy and joyful. You sighed. Your enviousness will never stop until the day you could smile and be happy like that too. 

You tried to touch the trunk of the tree again and was interrupted by a voice, "Hey."

Your eyes opened as your hand plug out one of your buds, "tree?"

"Oh no that's Woohyun, I'm L." (A/N: *wink wink*) Your head turned around and found a figure standing in front of you with a lunch box and two pairs of chopsticks. You mentally smacked yourself, you were so foolish to think a tree would actually talk. 

"What do you want." You said in return with a blink. 

"That's welcoming." He pointed to the bench you sat on "Do you mind if I sit here too?" Your eyes looked over to the cafeteria and the other benches that were far away from the bench you sat on and wondered why. 

"Why here?" You asked. 

He sat down next to you and set up his lunch box. He took his chopsticks and ate a rolled egg, "I'm here to talk about something with you, if you want to be so informal." 

"Go ahead and talk. I don't care." You said in return, plugging back in your bud back into your ear. 


L set down his chopsticks and took out the bud that was just put back in and insert it into his ear. "Hey y-"

"You listen to infinite?" L said rocking his head to the tune. "Why?"

"Because they seem so happy." You said, grabbing back the bud that got stolen. 

"Just because they seem happy, you listen to them? Do you even know what they look like?" L asks, proceeding back to his unfinished lunch box.

You answered with a no, "But I want to, they must look happy if they sing happy."

L sat back down in his seat with his food in front of him and ate another thing from his lunch box.You guys sat within a distance with both your's and his feet on the ground. 

"Can you go on a date with Sungyeol?" L stated quickly. 


"What?" L turned his head to face you. "Why not?" He's cute."

"Then you go out with him." 

As L heard your response, he choked on the food he was chewing on. 

He kept choking and choking until he was able to manage going back to normal. "I was choking, and you didn't even look at me." L explains. 

Soo Seung doesn't care. 

You don't care.

"I was almost this close to dying, yet you just blinked the other way.." L mumbled.

You looked at him, "I don't care. I don't care about anything." L looked at you with his blank eyes and tried to figure out what was behind your words. 

I guess he gets the message that he never really knows anything about your life and what's it like. 

"So you don't care about anything? Like at all?" He said quietly. 

"Why should I care about you or anything else when I can't even care for myself." You said turning you head back to the view in front of you. 

"Wow.. How long have you not cared?" L said with a curious look in his eyes.

"Since I've been born."

"Why?" L asks, with an expression of sympathy. 

"Does it matter... just hurry up with your food and leave." 

"What if I can make you care?" L said with a promising look,"Then would you go on that date with Sungyeol?"

You turned towards him once again, "And if you don't, what would I'd get in return."

L looked around and a thought came into his head, "Back stage passes to Infinite's concert!" 

Does he look like the type to keep his word? You looked at him again, and he smiled with confidence. Yes. You thought about the possible side effects on this deal... If he accomplishes this, you could actually be able to care. Isn't that what you want? Plus, if he does and you go on the date, it's just one date. And... if he doesn't accomplish, you can go back to where you are right now and get to see Infinite. The group that sings happy, and might look happy, and secretly in your heart, makes you happy. 


You opened your mouth, "You have one month." 

A/N: If you guys didn't get the little... *wink wink* It's because Nam Woohyun, is sometimes mistaked as namu. Namu means tree in korean~ For those that don't know :) 

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Chapter 13: SASDASDASDADSADASDASDA more lovey dovey Sungyeol parts please <3

kekekeke AUTHOR-NIM. GOOD JOB. you gave me soooooooooo much feels *^*
Looking forward to your update ~
Chapter 8: Wooo! This story is awesome! I hope it has a nice ending ~ I like it so far, keep it up! Hehehe ~
qwertyuiopqaz #3
nice story =]
Chapter 6: sungyeol y u so cute >///<
Chapter 5: ohmygawd my feels!!! >/////< this is really really really cute!! and i'm dying to read the next chapter!!! update soon pleaseee!!! *^* <3 i want him to be with sungyeol cause he is just so darn sweet but gaaaah myungsoo is soooo sweet too!!! /bricked/
Chapter 5: omg sungyeol is so cute. but i feel bad for myungsoo.but sungyeol techinically did like her first, so... i dont know