Turn Of Events

Still Alive

Noa shot up from her sleep, glacing around at her surroundings. The dresser, the bed, the night stand..

I'm home

"Strange, I remember being up in the mountains last night with..Ji." At an instant, it all made sense "Did he carry me all the way back here?" She blushed from the realization of Ji's gesture. Why? He..he didn't have to do that. She slowly stood up from the mattress, still trying so see whether she was dreaming. "I must of been pretty tired," she said to herself," I didn't bother to wake up and change into my sleep clothes." pulling open the drawer, Noa grabbed a clean shirt and some pants, quickly throwing them on before she left the room. Upon entering the ktichen, she took a glance into the living room, where Ji laid passed out on the couch, and a small smile formed across her lips. It's good to know you'd take care of me if I needed you

 Slowly walking the hall of the hospital, the man inched up the stairs up to her room. He didn't know if he could stand seeing her in such condition after the accident. If only he could of done something. He had a bouqet of flowers, hoping that they'd put a smile on her face in such bleak surroundings. Somewhere inside, he prayed she'd recognize his face as he entered the room. "Jagi," he said softly, as he pulled up a chair. She turned to him, a confused expression on her face. "W-who are you?" It felt as if a knife had been jabbed through his chest. "She doesn't remember anything about me.."

  He tried hard to prevent the tears from falling. He had to keep it together, for her sake. "I'm someone very close to you," he said, setting the flowers on her lap, covered in blankets. "Someone..close?" "These flowers are for you. I thought you'd like them."  She beamed, taking the flowers in her bandaged fingers and smelling the assorted arrangement. "They're so pretty! Thank you!" 


"Are you awake?"

Ji's eyes shot open, seeing Noa's face hovering over him. It reminded too much of that moment when he first met her eyes. Those gorgeous brown eyes of hers. He nodded, hoisting himself up from the couch. "I'm not sure what you want to eat this morning," Noa said, returning to the kitchen. Things were interupted at the suprising knock on the door. 

"Looks like breakfast is going to have to wait, Ji"


"How can I help you gentlemen?"

"Are you Noa Kim?"

"Yes, why?"

"We'd like you to come into the city for questioning."

"Questioning? D-did I do something wrong?

"It will further be explained if you come with us now." 

"But I have other things to take care of."

"It's urgent that we speak to you elsewhere."

Noa looked back to Ji, still sitting on the couch. My god, you must be so confused at what's going on. She sighed. 



Noa threw on a jacket, straightening the collar as she got ready to leave the house. Ji stood beside her, still puzzled at why she was leaving. "Some people in the city want to talk to me about some things. It's not about you, believe me." Looking into his eyes, she realized how much he was worried about this. It was the first time she had left him alone. "I'll be back soon," she said, holding his hand in reassurance ," I promise." 

He stood frozen as he watched her head towards the door. She'll be back soon. She promised..when is soon though? She closed the door behind her, and after a minute, he heard the sound of a car driving away from the house. He was alone again. 



Noa sat quietly in the back of a black government car, speeding towards the inner parts of the city. She was just as worried about him. How would he cope being left alone for however long she'd be gone? She felt guilty for doing this to him. "I'll be back as soon as I can Ji." "Excuse me?" The driver said, puzzled at her quiet remark. "Nothing." 

The city had looked so unfamiliar to Noa when she laid eyes on it for the first time in years. The giant observation tower hadn't changed, but buldings surrounding the landmark had either been destoyed and in the process of renovation. People were really trying to bring life back to normal. The sky, was always the same. A vast mix of blacks and grays, with the occasional light of the red giant peeking through the thin layer of clouds. The car slowed to a stop in front of a large building, Noa recognized as the Main Science Facility. 

"Welcome to the city," A woman dressed in a elegant suit said to Noa as she got out of the car. "Please follow me."

 As Noa was escorted through the building, a familiar face caught her eye. 

Jo, you bastard

"Nice to see you here Noa." 

She said nothing, for she was trying to calm the anger slowly building up inside. Soon it was her, Jo, and the woman standing in the elevator, silent as the descended down to a lower level. Coming to a stop, the elevator chimed, and the woman led the way to a small room. She the opened the door and allowed Jo and Noa inside. "He'll be with you shortly," she said, closing it  behind her. 


"I can't believe you told them!"

Noa slammed her hand on the table in rage . "Noa, it's perfectly fine. They just want some information about him." Noa and Jo's argument was interrupted by the knock of the door "Come In." The door quietly opened, and a tall, scruffy man casually sat down opposite her. Jo stood silently against the wall. The man began. "Noa Kim?" "The one and only," she retorted. He exhaled, noticing her frustrated expression. " Do you know why you're here?" " Because an idiot by the name of Jo can't keep his mouth shut." "Can it, Noa." The man chuckled," You both have known each other for some time. I don't think I've ever seen this much conflict between you two" "You don't know me," Noa snapped. "Well then. I'd like to formally introduce myself. I'm Mr. Gherebo-" "Great to meet you," Noa said sarcastically. "We really should get down to buisness. The sooner we finish, the sooner you can get back home to...what's his name?" "Ji, his name is Ji." "Very well..Ji" Noa crossed her arms, as she tried to listen to him without screaming. "The information we have on Ji, so far, is that he was found encased in ice, correct?" " Yes" "He cannot speak, but can listen to basic human conversation, correct?" "Yes" "Let me ask you something, Ms. Kim. You say you found him in some ice, how is that possible without him acquiring some kind of sickness. He would of contracted hypothermia.. or-" I dont know" Noa said. " Very well, onto my next question."



"Where did they say they wanted them?"

"They said to put the specimens in contaiment center B. It should be enough room for four of them." 

Several workers began the process of hauling a load into the containment facilty beneath the main science building. Four specimens were dropped off early that morning, and were ordered to be containted for observation. The facility had heavy security, guarantee that nothing could get in or out. "Alright that's the last of them," a worker said,"it's all up to the guards now." 

"Do you know his age, where he comes from even?!"

"How would I know?! He doesn't speak, sir! I've told you this millions of times! He has barely any recollection of his past life!" 


With a slam of the large doors, the specimens sat frozen in the middle of the room. Lifeless. Noise could be heard as security made final adjustments to the secure the building. 

"Is he a danger to society in any way?"



Suddenly,  the ice began to crack, the faint sound of heartbeats echoed throughout the room. 


" Does he have any abnormal abilities?"

"Why are you asking me all of these questions?!

Without warning, a rumble was heard as the ground shook beneath them

" What the hell?!"


"There's been a disturbance in Containment center B!

Alarms went off, and more security was dispatched to the containment facility to try and seal off the exits. 

"Make sure security doesn't get hands on you, Seungri." 

" Will do." 

The main door controls were shot from a burst of electricity that surged through the internal system, giving easy access out.

" I did my job, now lets get out of here." 


"What is going on?!" Noa shouted, standing up from her chair. Mr. Gherebo stood up afterwards, reaching into his pocket and retreiving two pills. Swallowing them, he exhaled. "Were you aware of the recent discovery of four other lifeforms similar to the one you found?"



Ji stood sat at the table in Noa's house, looking through a box of old belongings he had found in the back of a closet somewhere. Most where childhood photos, which he skimmed through. Her family, relatives..but there was something else. A picture, which seemed as if it had been taken recently. He stared intensely at the photo. Noa's features, that expression. He remembered the girl. 

"They're so pretty! Thank you!"


I know you..


A tall ,slender man sprinted through the halls of the facility, with several others following behind. "! He's not here!" "Damn it!" "He can't be far,"one of the shouted to the other. "We'll ing find him. Dead or alive. I'm not going down until I get my hands on him." He spotted a security guard. In rage, he grabbed the him by the collar,  his piercing eyes glaring mercilessly into the terrified man. "Where is he?!" he shouted. 


"Where is Jiyong?!"
















A/N: Ohhh boy! Such an exciting chapter. So many things happening! Who are the mystery people? What exactly do they want with Ji? Or who's name we now know is Jiyong! Until the next update!

















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Hello subscribers! Just letting you know my wifi is down and it probably wont be up until next tuesday. I'll have chapters ready for the next updates.


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Chapter 14: just came back from my holiday and the first thing I did was to check if you updated and I burst into excitement when I saw the complete sign ! Beautiful story looking forward to your future stories xD
Chapter 8: When I'm reading this I feel like I'm to the story.
I even shaking real hard when the government come to Noa's house.
Good job! This fic is really awesome... (Y)
Chapter 14: ~Wow! I agree it was very creative and unique indeed! Love it!
Chapter 14: This was so good ! Very creative and unique (:
Chapter 13: i love the story! so good! very creative!
Chapter 12: Aww.. I feel sad is going to finish but i will sure go read the next update!
neko_sieg #7
i love your story!^^
can't wait for the next update><
Chapter 7: yay! He fell for Noa. This is sure getting more interesting! ^^
Chapter 7: I wish you had more subscribers this story is really amazing and it deserves more views ! I have already asked my sister and a bunch of my friends to read this story ! keep on updating author-nim ! fighting ! xD