Let Me Hear Your Voice

Still Alive

"So happy you could join us, Jiyong. I was just about to finish wrapping up my work here-"

"You won't be as stupid to hurt her again. I won't let you, not again. I remember it all." 


Noa stood trembling as Seunghyun wrapped his arm tightly around her neck, preventing her from making an escape.  "Ji..you can speak!"Pulling frantically at  the tight grip of his arm, she tried so hard to break free from his grasp. "Well, that puts things in perspective for you, don't you think?" Jiyong said nothing, the only message coming from his eyes, screaming with rage. Seunghyun laughed at his response, tightening his grip on Noa's neck. "Ji! He's.. hurting me..!" "We can resolve this, Seunghyun- " "NO Jiyong, we really can't..."  

Before Jiyong could react, he was take back by the three other figures emerging from the shadows. "Long time no see!" Seungri cackled," Didn't think we would come back , now did you?" Seungri..Youngbae.. and Daesung? What the hell are they doing here?! "We became accuainted right before..the incident that occured between me and her, and you decided to step out of line." "And I trusted you.. why did I even waste my time." "Because you were stupid," Seunghyun retorted. 

Seunghyun shoved Noa away. She stood frightened in the background as the others began to close in on Jiyong. 

"So, why don't we just end this now, and we'll be on our way"

"Give up Seunghyun." 

"GIVE UP?!" 

Seunghyun was first to speed towards jiyong igniting a stream of fire towards him. Jiyong dodged his attack, killing the flames with ice shooting from his fingertips. "You're Ice?!" "Gonna be hard for you then." "DAMN YOU." The others went all out at Jiyong, trying to sweep him off balance, the electricy surging through the air, and giant mounds of ice hurling towards his head. They had no clue how light on his feet he was, for he had dodged almost every one of them, limiting his need to fight back. "WHY ARE YOU NOT HITTING HIM YOU IDIOTS!?" "HE'S TOO FAST FOR US-" "WELL LET THE FASTEST OUT OF ALL OF US HANDLE IT." Knowing his queue, . Jiyong looked around frantically, noticing Seungri sprinting in different direcitons, appearing in multiples places as he ran at lightening speed, throwing his focus off. "I'm intimidating I know," Seungri laughed," Such as shame you might die from the shock." Jyong was overcome with a seething pain, as electricity made way through his insides. "You're such a child, you can't beat me!" 

"You're nothing!"

"You coldn't even save her!"

"It's all 




Something was set off in Jiyong's core, as a burst of energy shook the ground, sending giant shards of ice flying in every direciton, pinning his opponents to the ice. Lke broken glass, the shards jabbed through their abdomens. They sat, as they coughed up blood. "Ngh." "You..bastard!" Youngbae yelled. "I have nothing to be scared of. I'll always be alive. I'll be there when my next life begins. And then I'll kill you!" Seungri thrashed about, but was overtaken by another shot of pain as the shard drove deeper into his insides. Jiyong let out a sigh of relief as he looked at the faces of the dying men, driven deep into the thick ice. But wait..

"Jiyong! Look out!" 

He turned to see Seunghyun towering over him, about strike him with a sure death blow. "You're finished," Seunghyun murmured. Before Seunghyun could act, he was suprisingly pushed out of the way, by none other than Noa Kim. 

"Ngh, , get off. You're ing done!" 

"Don't touch him! I won't let you!" 

Seunghyun was overcome with pain as Noa sunk her teeth into his arm. "NNGGH!" . He threw her off  him violently, sending her falling headfirst into the ice. Jiyong froze, his eyed widening as he heard the crack of her skull as she hit the ground. "NO!" He flew to her lifeless body, horrified as he saw blood trickle down her forehead. "Not again..anything but this!" Unconsious on the ground, he shook her frantically, praying she would come to. 

"Oh my, such a similar setting.. Reminds you a lot how she died, doesn't it?"

"You don't know anything! She was still alive after it happened!"

"She was long gone after that, Jiyong, don't ing deny it."


A/N:  Listen to enhance the moodhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaZVqIaTXwQ

Tears streamed down Jiyong's face, holding Noa tight in his arms. It was the first time in ages he had experienced som much pain. It made sense to him now. He had another chance to fix things before,  but he was too late. Seunghyun watched as Jiyong continued his quiet sobs, holding her body close. "Such a shame, look where you ended up, the whole thing looking like it was your fault." Jiyong froze at his words. "What are you talking about?" "Have you not recovered every detail, Jiyong, my god!" "If your toying with me, I wont hear it-" "Oh but I'm not," Seunghyun retorted," I might as well refresh your fragmented memory." Jiyong looked up, confused at all the things Seunghyun was saying. "Where do I begin," he laughed.

" No doubt you were an idiot, getting drunk and insisting you were fine, and drove home with Noella. You were so out of it, you lost control, skidding off the highway. A shame, you left her terribly injured. All your fault the doctors' said she suffered brain damage and lost her memory. Every image of you was erased. Afterwards, you were merely a stranger in her eyes every time you went to visit her. Then there was that fateful day when the world collapsed on itself. You happened to be on your way tot he hospital, wanting to see her before the time came. But you didn't make it, being struck by a beam on the hosptial stairs, just inches from her room. And so she died, just like all of us, never remembering you existed. And as the world was reborn, so were we."

 You were an answered prayer from what was left of her fading spirit, Jiyong, can't you see that? She woke up in this new world as if it had been a dream, as if the people she loved were still there. She took one step into her now destroyed version of home, devastated, confused at what at happened. The sadness began to eat away at her new beating heart, her ability to live this new life was slipping away. Without you, her existence would of completely vanished from life as we know it. She cries for someone, yet she doesn't know herself who it is.."

But enough of that, I had just as much to do with it as you! I did it, Jiyong, I mixed drugs into your drink at that party, that was supposed to celebrate your one year anniversary, remember!? Making sure you were bound to screw up, being wasted off the alcohol. I admit, it worked better than I expected. I made sure I did what I could to make your life as equally full of suffering as mine had been, Jiyong! I SEALED YOUR FATE !

Jiyong became numb, as it all sunk deep into his core. 

"You..you killed her!" You took her, everything away from me! YOU BASTARD!!"

"Took away from you? NO Jiyong, it was YOU who took her away from me! Telling her all sorts of lies, that I was a horrible human being!"

"You can't deny what you did, Seunghyun! She came to me, tears streaming down her face, asking for someone to confide in, all because of how you tried to take away her dignity!

"She led me on, toying with me, my feelings. There was only so much I could take when it came to her. I needed it bad. The aching feeling I felt when I thought about her..it had to be stopped! I couldn't let it swim around in my head anymore!"

"Where has the Seunghyun I used to know gone-"

"That Seunghyun is dead! No more! The new Seunghyun has been reborn in this new life!" 

Jiyong stood up, taking steps towards Seunghyun. 

"You feel guilty, don't you?"

"What? No, you idiot, are you serious?! I never was! As long as it brought you pain, I was content."

"No, thats not it. Despite this façade of confdience, I can tell some guilt inside you is growing stronger."

"I have no remorse!" 

"You loved her too. You had the strongest feelings towards her building up inside, and you couldn't take her wanting me."

"Shut up, Jiyong!"

"So you went as far as to commit murder? Killing the girl you loved, but putting the blame on me gave you peace of mind, knowing I was suffering just as you had. The thing is, it affected me much more than it could have ever affected you. I was hers, and she found something in me that you could of never given her. A heart." 

Seunghyun stood speechless, realizing the truth he had been hiding 

"N-no," he stuttered," No! No! You're wrong!" 

"You can't hide anymore Seunghyun." 


Seunghyun backed up against the thick walls of ice, terrified of acknowledging his true feelings for everything. 

"The bad ones can't win. They can't prevent the truth from coming out eventually. So I'm sorry, Seunghyun. For everything. I can end your suffering right here. After all, there isn't anything left in this life for you." 

Seunghyun's eyes widened as he felt a shard of ice shoot through his chest. His severe wound began to bleed profusely. Jiyong looked at him with no sign of sympathy , watching as Seunghyun choked on his own blood. With his dying words, Seunghyun managed to cough up the words. 


"I...I'm so-rry."


Jiyong sat in the middle of the clearing, amidst the battlefield smeared with blood, seeping into the snow. He held noa close to his chest, feeling defeat. He couldn't save her; not then, not now. "God damnit Noella..come back." He mumured words as he rocked her back and forth in his arms, tears trickling down his cheeks once again. "If only you could remember. I know you didn't then, but It all makes sense. You were supposed to remember me in this life, Noella. So don't give up on me now..please." Despite the pain, he slowly pressed his lips to hers, putting his heart out on the line. "I can't do this on my own, Noella. You have to remember."


"Remember..please remember.."


Although she had disappeared, it was as if her whole life had flashed before her eyes. She found herself speeding through time, coming to an unfamiliar setting.  

A boy and a girl, meeting for the first time. She was cute, her hair up in pigtails, dressed in a white blouse and flowling skirt. He was tall, his hair shaved on one side, leaving a side of hair trailing down his face in a stylish way. It seemed like fate as they bumped into each other at a coffee shop. Then again, she saw him while she was busy at the bookstore. Ever since then they had been good friends. Then there was the other man, joining the group and the three all became good friends. But he betrayed her. He tried to do the most unspeakable things to her. She found comfort in the other, thus sparking a relationship that seemed like it would last forever. But it didn't. She was injured in an accident, leaving her badly damaged and no recollection of her life. But there was one, the one who always came to visit her, the only one who would bring flowers and put a smile on her face. In truth, there was one image in her mind as she took her last breath. 

the image of Jiyong.


Noella's eyes shot open,her vision blurry as she came to. She felt the cold wind hit her face, her warm breath colliding with the frozen air. It was as if a weight had been lifted off her chest, that she had been freed from a neverending curse. Her eyes spotted a familiar face, hovering over her, but she had a hard time making out who it was. "N-Noella?! You're still alive!" "J-Jiyong? Is that you?" "Yes, yes Noella I'm here..I'm not going anywhere!" She wrapped her arms tight around his neck. She was shaking, letting out her quiet sobs into his shoulder. "W- What happened to me Jiyong?"  





"You woke up from your dream"


























A/N: What that a good ending or what?! Man I'm tired. But staying up till 3 was worth it. Hope you enjoyed. But wait, Don't go just yet! We still have the epilougue to look forward to! Until the next update!








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Hello subscribers! Just letting you know my wifi is down and it probably wont be up until next tuesday. I'll have chapters ready for the next updates.


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Chapter 14: just came back from my holiday and the first thing I did was to check if you updated and I burst into excitement when I saw the complete sign ! Beautiful story looking forward to your future stories xD
Chapter 8: When I'm reading this I feel like I'm to the story.
I even shaking real hard when the government come to Noa's house.
Good job! This fic is really awesome... (Y)
Chapter 14: ~Wow! I agree it was very creative and unique indeed! Love it!
Chapter 14: This was so good ! Very creative and unique (:
Chapter 13: i love the story! so good! very creative!
Chapter 12: Aww.. I feel sad is going to finish but i will sure go read the next update!
neko_sieg #7
i love your story!^^
can't wait for the next update><
Chapter 7: yay! He fell for Noa. This is sure getting more interesting! ^^
Chapter 7: I wish you had more subscribers this story is really amazing and it deserves more views ! I have already asked my sister and a bunch of my friends to read this story ! keep on updating author-nim ! fighting ! xD