Piece By Piece

Still Alive

Things had continued for a few weeks more, and Ji had grown used to living with Noa. He liked how she was such a mother to him.  Although, he had some guilt , seeing her have to take care of everything for him. She didn't need the stress. 

Poor girl.

Noa walked alongside Ji, stepping on each crack that had appeared on the rugged road. The two had discovered their love for exploring the wide open fields near the house. Sitting together, enjoying the silence as they looked out to the city ruins far off in the distance. 



"Do you like it here, Ji?"


He turned to her,  focusing on her gentle gaze, nodding as he smiled. Noa exhaled a sigh of relief, as she adjusted her sitting position. "That's good. Things have become better, now that you're here." The wind picked up, whistling through his ears. It was always an unsettling sound, so much that he'd get chills.  "This place where I live used to have many people," Noa said," But when it happened, they were left with almost nothing. When food became scarce, there wasn't enough for everyone. My mother was the first to die. She never ate or slept, too distrought over the hardships people were having. We just knew.. she didn't have much time to live.."


 "Sir I'm asking you to wait patiently. The doctor will be with you shortly." " Don't give me that , she's hurt! I need to see her right now!" The nurse didn't acknowledge his remarks, calmly returning to her duties. The man let out a frustrated sigh, slouching in his chair, his foot tapping furiously. Sooner than expected, a doctor came walking into the hall and approached him. " I know how you must be feeling, but I have to talk to you about her conditon."

  "No.. No this can't happen!" " I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do. The impact  was so  large, she suffered damage to her brain, and there's still severe swelling we have to monitor."  Tears ran down the man's cheeks as he spoke. " S-so she's lost her memory? She won't remember who I am? O-or anything?" " I'm afraid so. From what we've seen so far, chances are the swelling won't go down, it's just too much. She doesn't have much time to live. "



Ji came back to reality, the same pounding sensation in his head. Another vision. " You okay?" Noa asked," You've been doing this a lot lately. Is something wrong?" Ji's mind went back to the first thing he saw.

" Something wrong?" 

M-my memories..could they be coming back?


He was scared trying to make sense of what was going on. 

" Are you seeing things?" 

Ji quickly nodded, relieved he could finally get his thoughts out to her.  " Your memories," she said," They're coming back to you! Slowly, but soon you'll remember everything!" 

Noa jumped up, turning to face Ji. " This is so good, Ji! You'll remember how to speak again!" Ji smiled at how excited Noa had become. He himself, was looking forward to his memories returning. 


I'll finally be able to speak to you.. You'll finally hear my voice..

There are so many things I want to say






















A/N: Sorry for my absence. I've just been trying to collect ideas for continuing the story. But Ji's memories are coming back! Wonder what other memories he has..  Until the next update! 











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Hello subscribers! Just letting you know my wifi is down and it probably wont be up until next tuesday. I'll have chapters ready for the next updates.


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Chapter 14: just came back from my holiday and the first thing I did was to check if you updated and I burst into excitement when I saw the complete sign ! Beautiful story looking forward to your future stories xD
Chapter 8: When I'm reading this I feel like I'm to the story.
I even shaking real hard when the government come to Noa's house.
Good job! This fic is really awesome... (Y)
Chapter 14: ~Wow! I agree it was very creative and unique indeed! Love it!
Chapter 14: This was so good ! Very creative and unique (:
Chapter 13: i love the story! so good! very creative!
Chapter 12: Aww.. I feel sad is going to finish but i will sure go read the next update!
neko_sieg #7
i love your story!^^
can't wait for the next update><
Chapter 7: yay! He fell for Noa. This is sure getting more interesting! ^^
Chapter 7: I wish you had more subscribers this story is really amazing and it deserves more views ! I have already asked my sister and a bunch of my friends to read this story ! keep on updating author-nim ! fighting ! xD