Who Are You?

Still Alive

A/n : Please be aware the POV switches frequently in this chapter. Listen to the song to enhance the mood ^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQwg86HB5Lo

Noa gazed at his sleeping face in disbelief. Infinite questions surged through her head, while she panicked at what to do next. "How on earth have you been out here so long?" She mumbled, relaxing at the feeling of his breathing slowing to a normal pace. At least he wasn't sick, or badly injured. Noa was baffled by his ability to keep warm, when he should of been dead from the freezing cold temperatures. Ice clung to his face trailing down to the ends of his hair, as if he was beginning to solidify permanently. Noa sighed, gazing at his pale cheeks. What will I do with you? I can't just leave you here..


Noa froze as she felt him stir. She needed to stay calm, but her heartbeat accelerated in her chest. His eyes shot open, his brown orbs instantly connecting with her stare. Something struck her. It was as if she had known him for years, a familiar face, yet she had just met him. She scanned his face, praying that he wouldn't become frightened. "Hey there," she said softly," are you alright?" 


His vision was blurry as he came to. He felt the cold wind hit his face, but it didn't affect him. "Hey there," he heard a voice say, struggling to gain focus. "Are you alright?" He blinked as his eyes focused on the person in front of him. A girl, her worried face looking down on him. He huffed, seeing his warm breath collide with the frozen air. He was alive. How?

 "I'm Noa Kim," she said gently , cracking a smile," Do you have a name?" He panicked, pushing himself from her grasp, struggling to back away on the ice. Who was she? He didn't know this stranger, but he felt some connection to her. His brow furrowed, trying to recollect himself. He couldn't remember anything before this. "I found you trapped in some ice," she said, slowly standing up," You were unconsious." His heart beat quickened as she took a step forward. His eyes darted around the clearing, and back to her


No matter what questions she asked, he never gave an answer. "He's just confused," she thought. But as she continued, it was evident that he was struggling with something. An epiphany had struck her. 

"Can you speak?" 

Slowly, he shook his head no. She sighed, kneeling down again "Is there anything you remember?" A second time, no. "This is a problem. What am I supposed to call you then?" He felt around for some loose snow, and began writing something with a finger. She quickly came by his side, as he slowly wrote the characters


"Ji.. Y-you're name is Ji?" she asked. It wasn't as he remembered it, but it was enough for a name. He nodded. He was puzzled at the smile he left on her face. For some reason he couldn't recognize emotions, leaving him almost as empty as her. "I can't leave you out here, you'll freeze," she said, standing up," Come on, I'll take you someplace warm." She held out her hand to him. Confused,  he looked at her bright red mitten, back to her eyes.

"..please? "  

He hesitated for a moment.

I still don't know who she is. But she found me; who knows how I could carry on by myself here. I have to trust her. She's all I've got.

He gripped her hand and was pulled to his feet. Unsteady he was, as they made their way down the mountain, as well as frightened by the dog barking at his feet. 


Noa occasionally stared at Ji. His eyes fixed on empty space as they walked on. She would try to talk, in hopes he would respond in some way. All he did was stare into the distance. The frozen earth painted blue. His expression brought sorrow to her heart, for it seemed he was just as alone as she was; no memory of his past. Yet again, she didn't have much memory of her life either. In some ways, she could say that they were alike. "Don't mind my dog. He's kind of a troublemaker by nature. I never gave him a name, so he can be hard to control." Suprisingly, he smiled. Noa was ecstatic to see he really was listening. If he kept it up, hopefully she could help him remember how to speak again. It would be a difficult proccess. 

"Well, here we are." She said, kicking the door open as she helped him into the house. She set him down in a chair at the table. "A lot warmer here, huh?" He nodded in reply. "Okay, wait here and I'll start a bath for you. I'll be right back."


Ji looked around the house. It was large to him, because of the lack of furniture. His eyes found the picture of Noa's family. Slowly, he rose from the chair to take a better look. Looking at the faces of smiling people, his hand traced the frame. She looks so happy. Why isn't she like this? Where are the other people?  "Ji!" he heard her voice call. "Ji! You're bath is-" She stopped as she saw him looking at her picture. "Oh. That's my family. It's a really old picture though..really old." He could make out a hint of sorrow in her eyes as she spoke. "Enough of this, come on." 

"I might as well tell you about my family, since you seemed so curious." Noa wiped the ice from his face with a warm cloth as she continued. "We all lived here. They died though, my parents. It's been a while since it happened. I've been by myself taking care of things since then. But All three of us were alive when civilization collapsed. This is just a fraction of whats left." 

 Was I really gone for this long? How could everything have just gone to ruins? To see her so destroyed, destroys me also

"I make do with whatever I can. Now that you're here, we'll have to make some adjustments. It'll work out, I promise."

She dried his soaking hair, which made droplets on the bathroom floor. 

"Here's some pajamas that'll fit you. Don't worry their definitely not girly. Come out and I'll make you something to eat" 



"You literally were starving," Noa giggle as he scarfed down soup. "Goodness, I'm tired. How about you?" He paused, looking up to nod. After one more spoonfull , he pushed the bowl away and Noa took it to the counter. She cleaned up, very content with how her day had turned out. "Did you want a blanket?" She turned to the couch, suprised to find he had already passed out from exhaustion. She smiled, yawning as she walked to her bedroom. 

  Resting her head on the pillow, she was once again overcome with the many thoughts that clouded her head each night. What was she going to do, what would come of this? Yet she couldn't help but smile to herself

She wasn't alone anymore 





A/n: Noa Kim finally meets Ji. How was the chapter? Keep reading, because it's going to take an interesting turn later on. I hope you enjoyed the update! 











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Hello subscribers! Just letting you know my wifi is down and it probably wont be up until next tuesday. I'll have chapters ready for the next updates.


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Chapter 14: just came back from my holiday and the first thing I did was to check if you updated and I burst into excitement when I saw the complete sign ! Beautiful story looking forward to your future stories xD
Chapter 8: When I'm reading this I feel like I'm to the story.
I even shaking real hard when the government come to Noa's house.
Good job! This fic is really awesome... (Y)
Chapter 14: ~Wow! I agree it was very creative and unique indeed! Love it!
Chapter 14: This was so good ! Very creative and unique (:
Chapter 13: i love the story! so good! very creative!
Chapter 12: Aww.. I feel sad is going to finish but i will sure go read the next update!
neko_sieg #7
i love your story!^^
can't wait for the next update><
Chapter 7: yay! He fell for Noa. This is sure getting more interesting! ^^
Chapter 7: I wish you had more subscribers this story is really amazing and it deserves more views ! I have already asked my sister and a bunch of my friends to read this story ! keep on updating author-nim ! fighting ! xD