
Game Of Love

Super Junior H - Good Luck


“I like this place. It’s the right size, the location’s very good and the view isn’t bad. We just need to fix it up a bit.” Kyuhyun described how he felt about the first apartment that he and his ‘wife’ checked out for their mission for the We Got Married episode that they were currently shooting.

“You only like it because there’s an internet café on the lower ground.” _______ teased. She wasn’t too keen about the ‘officetel’ that they were looking at since the water pipe and heating system of the place weren’t working too well.

“_______-shi, here’s my card. If you have any concerns about the place you can call me.” The baby faced and somewhat idol-looking owner said as he handed his calling card to ________.

______ smiled and Kyuhyun immediately changed his mind about the apartment.

“Yeah I think we better look at other places.” Kyuhyun said as he ushered ______ out and were followed by the cameramen.


The two then drove to another apartment building to look at a unit that was available.

The ajhumma who owned the place showed them a big, clean, simple but empty corner unit.

“How do you feel about this one?” Kyuhyun asked his wife.

“It’s actually better than the last one but it’s too bare. That would mean that we have to buy and bring in all of the things that we would need to make this livable. What do you think?” ______ voiced out her opinion before returning the question.

“I agree. We have to be practical here. If we think about the future, how would we split the furniture and other stuff after we leave the show, right?” Kyuhyun’s reply actually surprised _______ a bit. She didn’t think that far a head because they were just starting out on the show but Kyuhyun was already thinking about their end.


Again, Kyuhyun and ______ drove towards their next destination hoping they would be able to finish their house-hunting adventure within the day. They didn’t expect that this would be really hard but then again they both are a bit picky

“Wow! This looks like a really cool posh place.” ______’s eyes wandered as soon as she entered the fully-furnished condominium unit. It was everything that one can look and ask for.

“Yeah it’s perfect, I can see myself living here.” Kyuhyun said as he sat on the big couch in the living room, making himself comfortable. He stretched his body out on the sofa as the man sales-talked and gave _______ some interesting information about the apartment’s location.

A quick fact caught _______’s attention and that one revelation gave her a reason to reject the stylish apartment.

“Why? Wae Wae??” Kyuhyun asked almost in a whining tone as _______ politely told the real-estate agent that they would have to reconsider the apartment and look at their other options first.

“I thought you liked it?” Kyuhyun asked again as he and ______ went inside the elevator.

“Yeah I do.” She simply answered.

“Then why aren’t we renting it?”

“Because I found out that this place is near an all-women’s university.” _______ told Kyuhyun her reason and not because she was going to be jealous. She told him a reasonable explanation on how fangirls would create such a ruckus every time they would be at their ‘home’ to film.


The sun was already down when Kyuhyun and ______ reached the third to the last apartment on their list.

The apartment building was situated in a quaint and nice neighborhood where in there was a café, ramen shop and a grocery shop nearby.

The two entered the half-furnished apartment unit which seemed okay to their taste. They walked around the living space and took note of what was there. There was a medium sized couch in the living room, a platform bed on the bedroom and an average sized refrigerator in the kitchen. It was basically equipped with the simple necessities that a person would need.

“This is nice. Not as special as the last one but it’s homey too.” Kyuhyun stated after looking out of the window where he could view the park behind the building.

“Yeah, we can just add some of our stuff and style to this place to so we can call it ours.” _______ agreed with Kyuhyun as she too looked at the view.

“So is this the one?” Kyuhyun asked _______ so that he could confirm that they are now not homeless.

“Yes it is.” She replied with a bright smile on her face.

“Are you sure? You don’t want to look at the other apartments on our list?”

“Yes…oppa” _______ actually just mouthed the word ‘oppa’, not giving Kyuhuyn the full satisfaction now that she said it for the first and only time that day.

“Okay. We’ll take it.” Kyuhyun replied after chuckling.

“Do you think the Super Junior oppas will like this place though? Is it big enough for us to entertain them?” ______ suddenly thought about her brothers-in-law.

“Oh you don’t have to worry about that. Your first meeting with them two weeks ago will be the last.” Kyuhyun answered casually

“What? Why?” ______ asked curiously.

“It’s not healthy for you to be teaming up with them.” Kyuhyun told ______ which made her laugh.


They still had a few more hours before filming had to end and so _______ suggested that they start cleaning up the place since there were some dust, dirt and other junk around.

_______ and Kyuhyun were able to borrow a vacuum cleaner and a broom from one of their neighbors.

The two equally separated their chores, _______ wiped off some of the furniture that was partially covered in dust while Kyuhyun vacuumed like a boss.

They then listed down the other things that they would need and add on to their place before the director wrapped up the show.

_______ and Kyuhyun finally exchanged cellphone numbers before they went back to the studios of MBC to separately film their individual interviews.


Hello my oh so supportive lovely readers ^_^ Consulting you guys once again, can you suggest a celebrity / idols that our protagonist can be close friends with? (Include guys to make Kyu jealous perhaps?) Haha oh and also give me someone who could play a bad guy in the future.

So that’s…

  • Close good friends (guys & girls):
  • Bad guy:


Comment below or tweet me your suggestions: twitter.com/nisrandom

VBLOG for you ^_^

~Comment Replies~

lollistar: I'm glad that you love this story too ^_^ Awww...thank you. I really appreciate it. Hope you like this update.

me123456: I don't too...LOL I love the two individually though. I like Seohyun & Yonghwa together. haha Should I make Kyuhyun get jealous more in the future? ;) I'm so happy you love my stories. I♥you ^_^

fluffyunicorn: Yay! Happy you love it ^_^ Hope you like this update.

chosanghee: Yeah it was. Me too. haha YAY! Hope you like this update and I hoep you like every word here as well. Thank you ^_^

adriana04: The brother's in law made things more lively and fun. haha Yeah maybe they're both lucky to have each other ^_^

rukinamoto_26: aww...yay! Hi new reader!! ^_^ Yay for girl power! haha aww...yes, please do flood my comment box with support and love. hihi Thank you very much ^_^

eunhyukmylover: Kyuhyun's wife FTW! haha :p More jealous moments in the future? ;) Yeah they're getting closer. I heard that it is that bad, based on the guy's experiences. haha You guys are my inspiration!! ^_^ Hope you like this update. L♥veyouguys

I_am_ME: Haha I guess Kyuhyun was just getting a taste of his own medicine? LOL You're welcome. I hope you like this update ^_^

chara_aia: I'm happy you liked that line. haha ^_^ Jealousy = cute moments. LOL Kyu is an angel on cam.  Hmmm...should she meet her? haha maybe in a future episode ;) *evil laugh* LOL bringing out the evil in you.

awww...thank you ^_^ *hug* loveyou.

sjlalalalalove: Yeah they team up to bully Kyuhyun. LOL Kuhyun restrains himself from being the evil maknae that he is :p

imaginedreamlove: awww...glad you loved it ^_^ Yay for getting addicted! hihi Thank you. Hope you like this update.

yunhosyeobo: I know, right? haha More jealous moments in the future? haha Yeah Kyuhyun found his match so he has to work hard. haha

suju26kamz: Yay for cute moments! ^_^ brothers-in-law will be guests again the future.

celine_neji: Both have suffered, I guess. haha ^_~ Yay for a happy 'family'

angel13: YAY! HI new reader!! ^_^ aww..I'm happy you feel that way and I hope you do continue to like this story.

ilovefishy: Yeah, slowly progressing to call him oppa in the future. haha Hope you like this update! ^_^

kyuimchi: aww...yay! Hi! I'm so happy that you took the time to comment. I really appreciate it and it does make me smile ^_^

Kyu has found someone to 'bully' him. LOL Hope you like this update ^_~

ILuvSuJu15: Yay for funny moments! haha Hope you like this chapter ^_^

KyuWook_21: YAY! Hi new reader!! ^_^ I'm so glad your loving this story. Here's an update ;)

ColaSmackles: Yeah added Hae since I missed (writing about) him. haha I'm happy I was able to make you laugh ^_^ hmmm...maybe? haha

dubuontop891: Haha I like seeing hat side of him too. ^_^ Will put more of that in the future 'episodes'. Hope you like this update.

sujuholic_15: I would like to see the guys' reaction when they tasted his food. haha

yupthatsme: awww...yay! I'm happy that enjoy them ^_^ Thank you.

LOL I really thought hard for those lines.

kyuhaeyee: Yes he can! finally!! ^_^ hahaha Kyuhyun is trying not to be affected. Hope you like this update

kyumee68: haha of course I remember. Your comments about my music - background choice make me smile ^_^ . aww...hope you love this update.

khishluv: Yay for cute moments. ^_~ LOL I'm not into Seokyu too. Hope you find this update cute too.

ofhumming: Yay! Glad you could imagine it ^_^ Here's some cute & whiny Kyu ;)

ezralaine: Haha yeah but I appreciate the suggestion ^_~ Hope you like this update.

cupidzangel: Yeah, I feel like it's always a party with them. haha ^_^ Yay for a happy 'family'. LOL Yeah they got their revenge.

gabie_16: Will show more of that side in the future 'episodes' ;)

alj1225: Yeah Kyu still has to reach that 'oppa' level with her. LOL I think so too. Finally ganging up against the maknae. ^_^

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xjayess #1
The ending is so sweeet and i love it
Chapter 28: Cute and nice story! Love it so much! XD
ch3nya #3
Chapter 28: Aww i loved your story it was so cute :)
Sonelfwol #4
your username is remind me of my bestie..
yeah..wonderful story after all..
and i love it ^^
covertrui #5
I haven't gotten past your first chapter, and I already know I love you. Why? Because you actually /know/ Starcraft better than -some unnamed- other writers who just say "oh they played a game".

props to you~ time to get back to reading :D
This was really sweet :> The proposal was so cute!
Finished this in one go. I really like the concept and your fic is DAEBAK!!♥♥♥
DomiKitty #8
DAWWWWWWW kay that was an AWESOME ending, although i dont usually like stories that end like with marriages and pregnancies because its like 0_0 but these actually are fine i love them hehehe ^^ i think ive finished like 3 of ur fics in one day... o_______O yep, i dont really have a life. anyways VERY cute <3
DomiKitty #9
AAAAAAAAW! awesome confession kyu ;) im prouda you!
DomiKitty #10
"Guys put on your shirts and pants now!" HAHAH ROFLS xDDD