Day In / Day Out

Game Of Love


A Song To ELF

The crew started filming Kyuhyun and ________ as soon as the two sat side by side on the couch.

It was raining outside and so they thought that the episode wouldn’t be as productive Day inas the previous episodes. The original mission for the day would have to wait because of the bad weather. No one anticipated the strong outpour outside since it the weather forecast didn’t say the intensity of the rain and it just suddenly rained when everyone gathered in the usual location so they weren’t able to move the shoot.

The weather actually made almost everyone in the place feel lethargic.


The couple didn’t know how to make their day eventful so they just lay comfortably on the couch.

True, the two didn’t have a lot of skinship yet but in this type of weather one would just want to snuggle up to their loved ones.

“What do you want to do?” _______ asked Kyuhyun, hoping he’d have some variety skill to make this shoot more entertaining.

“Well there isn’t a lot that we can do.” Kyuhyun answered nonchalantly.

“Hmm…oh do you just want to watch dramas first? We haven’t really played with the entertainment system you brought.” _______ suggested since she has been staring at the black TV screen.

Kyuhyun nodded and walked a couple of steps before kneeling down to look at the DVD collection he brought.

“What do you want to watch, Jumong or Secret Garden?” Kyuhyun asked his wife’s opinion.

“Secret Garden.” _______ answered with a smile.


“You know other boyfriends would tell their girls 'I'd choose you over Ha Ji Won' but I guess you're not like them.” _______ suddenly spoke up when they were already engrossed in watching an episode of the drama.
”Ya, I can be cheesy & romantic too.” Kyuhyun replied as he turned his head to the side to look at _______.
_______ scoffed, obviously not believing that Kyuhyun has that side. He may seem like a romantic when singing a ballad or a love song but ________ hasn’t seen him give that romantic vibe yet.
Wanting to prove himself, Kyuhyun cleared his throat and gently placed his arm around _______’s shoulder. “I could sit here all day and watch you enjoy what you’re watching.”

_______ rolled her eyes at Kyuhyun’s attempt to show his ‘loving’ cheesy side. _______ had to admit that it worked and she tried very hard to bite back the blush that was slowly being obvious on her face.

This would make fangirls either swoon and say “awww…” at how smooth and cheesy Kyuhyun spoke or bawl their eyes out seeing how close their idol is with his on-screen partner.

“Do you think people who are watching this now think that we’re like such a boring couple? We just laze around the house and do nothing.” _______ said as she redirected their earlier conversation.

“Well hopefully the PD’s will edit our segment into something much more interesting to the viewers.” Kyuhyun answered and both he and _______ eyed the main PD in the room.

“I think your fans won’t mind watching you sleep, play and eat all day.” _______ said as she looked back at Kyuhyun.

“Yeah, I think I’m really an eye candy too.” Kyuhyun nodded in agreement.

“Oh wow.” _______ could only chuckle at Kyuhyun’s proud statement.


After 2 hours of so of looking like bums in their apartment, ______ decided that she really wanted to be a good ‘entertainer’ and not bore the WGM staff or the viewers to death. She wanted to go out, stretch her legs, see the scenery or something...that would surely be better than just mopping around the house all day.

The rain has now turned into light showers and the couple also had a go signal from the WGM crew and their managers that they could go out if they wanted to just as long as they wore the proper gear and had an umbrella.

“Do you want to explore the building first? We haven’t seen anything really besides our apartment. I heard that there’s a sports gym and a café occupying the levels below.” ______ suggested which earned her a nod of approval from Kyuhyun.

The two then fixed themselves a bit before stepping out of their home. They went inside the elevator and were followed by two camera men.

They first visited the gym which also had a spa area.

“Oh wow. This is really spacious.” _______’s eyes wandered around the room, looking at the different fitness equipments

“Do you work out?” Kyuhyun curiously asked _______.

“Uhm…not really. I run and go cycling around sometimes. I’ve learned some Muay Thai kickboxing too before.” ______ revealed which surprised Kyuhyun a bit. At first glance _______ didn’t look like someone who could defend herself but who knew she had hidden talents and surprises.

“Wow. Really?”

“Yeah, do you want me to show you?” _______ asked Kyuhyun who seemed to have not believed her. Kyuhyun wanted to see a sample of how _______ could kick since he did watch a play that incorporated Muay Thai with Ryeowook and Yesung in Thailand before.

_______ stretched a bit before facing the red boxing stand.

Although she hasn’t done this for a long time now, _______ only did some simple basic kicks like the inside leg kick, round kick and a head kick.

Kyuhyun was impressed at how high and strong _______ could kick. She now looked like she could kick his and he would end up back to Super Junior’s dorm.

“How about you? Do you exercise?” _______ threw back the question after showing a different side of herself.

“Oh yeah. As singers we do a lot of dance and vocal exercise.” Kyuhyun answered wittingly.

“There are too many beastly idols showing skin now it’s better to leave some mystery for the imagination.” Kyuhyun followed up, not really answering the question on whether he works out or not.

After that, the couple checked out the condominium’s café before finally heading out of their building to go to the park.

The view of the park was breathtaking. The leaves of the trees were vibrantly green, the flowers were in full bloom and the smell of the rain mixed with the smell of fresh cut grass still lingered around.

The pathway was a bit slippery because of the rain and so Kyuhyun, like the gentleman that he is, had his hand ready behind _______’s body just incase she slips.

There were kids who were already running around the grass field in the park, not minding the mud that would stain their shoes or clothes.

Kyuhyun stopped walking when he felt something hit his shin and so he looked back. One of the kids was cautiously approaching him since their ball accidentally hit the idol singer.

“Ahjussi can you roll or toss the ball back to us?” One of the kids shouted.

“Ahjussi?!” Kyuhyun repeated, somewhat feeling offended. He got the ball from the ground and walked towards the kids.

In the end Kyuhyun played for a short time against the little boys in a game of soccer. His wife of course cheered for Kyuhyun and found it cute when he ruffled one of the boys’ head.


The We Got Married episode for the day may not have been that exciting but the two did have their moments.



Wrote this after a long, busy day. Wasn't able to proofread so sorry about that.

For comments, suggestions, random - serious talks. You can simply tweet me at:


~Comment Replies~ Crazy. Just got the most comments (at a time-batch? / from the last update) for this story! Yay! Keep them coming cause you know I love hearing your thoughts / opinion.

imaginedreamlove:'s okay. At least you were able to catch up na ;) I'm glad you're liking it. Vote noted ^_^

kyumee68: I was actually surprised that they released this song all of a sudden. haha but I really like it too. Hope you like this update ^_~

AngelHae: Vote counted ;) Happy you guys like the poster.

celine_neji: Yay for the positive feedbacks re: poster ^_^ aww...yeah fate / destiny.

StephyLeeDonghae: Yay for cute moments ^_~

chosanghee: Yeah, I think so too. haha but we'll slowly see how Kyu slowly shows his romantic side ;) We'll make Kyu jealous soon. Hope you like this update.

Aeryth: Awww..thank you so much for the comments, I'm happy you were able to read and catch up. ^_^ Thanks for pointing out my error. I try to proofread and check most of the words but yeah...haha

SHERYLN: It's okay ^_^ Hope you did / do well ^_~ Hwaiting~!

eunhyukmylover: *dreamy sigh* destiny. haha Glad you guys like the poster. Hope you like this update ^_^

ColaSmackles: Awww...I'm so happy I was able to make you smile ^_^ Loving Miss A's song too.

I haven't watched SunKyungkwan scandal yet, is it nice?

nsarmiento78: Well...I want to believe in fate, wish it would happen to me one day. haha

I'm glad you liked it ^_^

Is this chaptered considered 'fluffy'? haha It shows a slight romantic side to Kyu and he will show it more in the future.

yunhosyeobo: Yeah, it just makes us wonder how they would have turned out if they met before. Would she be calling him oppa already? haha I think Min Woo's winning.

kyuhaeyee: Yeah I saw it and I actually tried it. But still, wouldn't it be weird if your username isn't really your name and so you still can't imagine your name being there? haha I just find the blanks easier to replace in the mind.

Aww...thank you! I'm so happy you love my stories ^_^ Hope you like this update.

I_am_ME: Yay for cute moments ;)

sujuholic_15: Glad you guys like the poster ^_^

Are they destined to be each other until the end? hmmm...

ilovefishy: Happy you love it ^_^

Hope you like this update

kyuukihae: hihi, well I hope you always want to read the next chapter / update to my stories.

The ex will be revealed maybe after 4-5 chapters.

Alina1225: I liked Andy cause of WGM haha. but I am biased to those English speakers so I quickly liked him and Andy. haha

Yeah he has that bad- vibe. lol ^_~

ivylicious18: awww...yay! Hi new reader! ^_^ I'm so happy you're loving the story. Will balance evil and sweet Kyu in the future. hihi

Christine: Thank you so much for the wonderful poster! Everyone loves it ^_^

Hope you like this update ;) Hwaiting~!

ofhumming: If only fate - destiny works for all of us the way we want them too. haha :)

jeahfujiwara: Yeah, would they have clicked better if they met earlier? And would she be calling him oppa by now? haha They'll be close soon ;)

Big chance that the role goes to Minwoo ^_^

angel13: I'm happy you guys love the fate - connection ;)

cupidzangel: Wish the same would happen to me. haha Yay for cute moments ^_^ Hope you like this update.

suju26kamz: Glad you love it ^_^ Hope you find this update kyute too ;)

ezralaine: Yeah, no matter what, they were still fated to meet each other. Showing little by little how 'bad' the ex boyfriend was. haha

Hope you like this update ^_^ Hope you get showered with blessings ;)

kyuimchi: Happy you guys like the poster :) Yay for cute moments! ^_^

I agree about Taec, he just has that bad- hottie vibe too. lol

Hope you like this update ;)

fishandpenguin: Hope you find this update somewhat sweet and cute ;) Hottie ahjussi. lol They are pretty funny up to now.

19Ki-cha89: Yup, can't stop destiny ;)

awww...thank you so much. So happy you love my story. Hope you get the time to check out my other stories too ^_^

yupthatsme: Yeah, actually wanted Taec earlier too. Now Minwoo seems to be winnig ;)

sjlalalalalove: Fate...destiny ;) haha I think there's a big chance that he gets the role.

hotkey: I wish destiny makes us happy in the end. haha ;)

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xjayess #1
The ending is so sweeet and i love it
Chapter 28: Cute and nice story! Love it so much! XD
ch3nya #3
Chapter 28: Aww i loved your story it was so cute :)
Sonelfwol #4
your username is remind me of my bestie..
yeah..wonderful story after all..
and i love it ^^
covertrui #5
I haven't gotten past your first chapter, and I already know I love you. Why? Because you actually /know/ Starcraft better than -some unnamed- other writers who just say "oh they played a game".

props to you~ time to get back to reading :D
This was really sweet :> The proposal was so cute!
Finished this in one go. I really like the concept and your fic is DAEBAK!!♥♥♥
DomiKitty #8
DAWWWWWWW kay that was an AWESOME ending, although i dont usually like stories that end like with marriages and pregnancies because its like 0_0 but these actually are fine i love them hehehe ^^ i think ive finished like 3 of ur fics in one day... o_______O yep, i dont really have a life. anyways VERY cute <3
DomiKitty #9
AAAAAAAAW! awesome confession kyu ;) im prouda you!
DomiKitty #10
"Guys put on your shirts and pants now!" HAHAH ROFLS xDDD