What's wrong?

Game Of Love

Joo - Bad Guy


Kyuhyun and _______ were invited to host Music Core together as a ‘married couple.’

Even though they just filmed We Got Married days earlier, Kyuhyun was happy to meet _______ for the second time this week. AS MC’s of the show, Kyuhyun and had the privilege to have a dressing room all to themselves. _______ ran a bit late and so the two weren’t able to exchange more than just greetings before hosting the music show.

On air, _______ seemed very okay. But in between takes, she didn’t look or talk to Kyuhyun much. Kyuhyun noticed that she was quieter than usual, he thought that maybe she just wanted to focus on memorizing her lines and so he didn’t try to think much about it. He and _______ ran the show smoothly together, there were no awkward pauses nor dead air.

They went back to the dressing room and _________ still didn’t mingle with Kyuhyun. She just told him that he did a great job before she went to her side of the room and started to pack up. It was if they were only acquaintances or co-workers.

Kyuhyun felt like there was really something wrong and so he didn’t hesitate to pull his chair and sit next to ________.

“What happened? Are you okay?” Kyuhyun asked right away.

“I’m okay.” ________ replied after looking shortly at Kyuhyun.

“Then why are you acting like that?”

“Like what?”

“You’re quiet and distant. You’re not talking to me like how you used to. Is there something wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m just being normal.”

“We were doing fine the last time.” Kyuhyun expressed. He hoped that _______ would open up to him because after their last fight, he really is more sensitive now than before. He wanted to know what was going through her mind or what was troubling her.

‘We were closer than even just a few days ago and now I feel like there’s a greater distance between us.’ Kyuhyun thought.

“_______-ah we have to go.” The manager called for _______ at the door.

“I have to go.” _______ said and stood up from her seat. She bowed to Kyuhyun and said goodbye.

‘Is this one of her mood swings or PMS or something?’ Kyuhyun wondered while he let out a sigh. _______ definitely left him confused and bothered.



What really happened to _______ before this day? What changed?

Well…let’s rewind things a bit and see what really happened that night when Minwoo paid _______ a visit.



“Just come back to me.” Minwoo stated as he tried to get inside _______’s apartment.

“You cheated on me twice.” _______ answered back as she continued to try to push Minwoo out the door.

“We were on a break.” He tried to rationalize his actions from the past with that excuse.

“We broke up for a week. And you cheated on me too while we were together!” ________ replied, she was really starting to get annoyed and mad now.

“And you think Kyuhyun is such a loyal guy?” Minwoo’s question caught _______ off guard as she finally stopped pushing him.

“I’m sure you know about your ‘husband’s’ concert in Paris, right? Aren’t you just a bit curious as to what really happened in Paris?” Minwoo asked her again as he was finally able to fully close the door behind him.

“Of course. The concert was a big success.” ________ said proudly.

Minwoo scoffed “Well did you know what happened after the concert? Do you know what Kyuhyun did at the after party?”

“What do you mean?” ________ raised her eyebrow at Minwoo. She wasn’t sure where he was getting at.

Minwoo brought his phone out, he was obviously armed and prepared before barging in.

He handed ______ his phone and there she saw photos and videos of Kyuhyun getting too close and intimate with a girl in a club. She was dirty dancing…well more like grinding against Kyuhyun while he just looked like he was enjoying himself, he wasn’t stopping her and it may seem that he was even encouraging her to move in her own accord. Photos of him drinking up with his label mates were also shown to her and as well as a video of a stumbling Kyuhyun who needed help to stand and walk out of the club.

“I’m itching to share this on the world wide web.” Minwoo suddenly spoke making _______ return her attention to him.

“So? No one would believe you.” _______ shoved the phone back to Minwoo. She too tried to believe her own words.

“Oh but as you see, I have proof.  And you know me and my connections. I’m pretty convincing, I mean isn’t it proof enough when I easily got you back before?” Minwoo smirked. He was threatening to damage Kyuhyun’s career.

“You almost caused me to lose my career before what else do you want from me?!” _______ raised her voice.

“Just you baby.”

“I’m not making that mistake again. Besides Kyuhyun and I are just in a show together. What makes you think that this will affect me?” _______ kept a poker face on.

“Poor Kyuhyun, what would people think of him after the see this? Can you imagine what this girl will go through once the netizens tracks down who she is?” Minwoo used guilt to play with _______’s head. He knows _______ very well, she’s too nice for her own kind.

“So…what do you say?” Minwoo asked as he tucked in some strands of hair behind her ear and smiled sweetly.

_______ looked up at Minwoo and glared evilly at him, if only looks could kill. She really loathed him with every fiber of her being.

*end of flashback*


Thank you for the lovely comments / congratulatory messages!! ^_^

You know I'm just one tweet away: twitter.com/nisrandom


~Comment Replies~

kyuyul: Thank you sweetie!! ^_^

I'll make time to edit the stories and post them online! Will post the links when I do ;)

You mean Minwoo, right? hihi Hope you like this update.

StephyLeeDonghae: Awww...thank you so much! I'll try to post them for download as soon as I can! ^_~

Virtual party with you guys.

kyuhaeyee: Thank you!! ^_^

Yeah, the Cho's are really sweet people. haha Its just that Kyuhyun wants to be evil since he's the maknae. haha

Minwoo is really going to shake things up.

jaeeun: Yeah, well I'm sure they got a whole lot closer after the accident ;)

kyumee68: haha mianhe! I'm embarrassed.

YAY for that happy family moment!  ^_^

imaginedreamlove: Haha we'll bond with her and get to know the maknae's deep dark secrets through her ;)

Haha I hope you find Minwoo hot in this update too ^_~

LOL WHUT?! Ano meaning nun? But I saw a fb page na 'kwento mo sa koreano.'

KyuWook_21: YAY for sweet Kyu! Unfortunately Minwoo would stop him from having more sweet moments with his 'wife.'

anj_yesung: Well I'm glad you're back!! ^_^ I'm sure you’ll hate Minwoo here. haha

YmiNgo: awww...thank you ^_^ You're my sunbae here then.hihi

Hope you find this update awesome too.

kyuimchi: aww...thank you so much! I only wish to write better for you guys since you're all awesome for reading and supporting me ^_^ Hope you continue to enjoy my stories. ♥


Haha he has favoritisms now. His 'wife' > family members.

Hmmm...do you think they'll be able to confess to each other after what just happened? ;)

ikayewings: Awww...sweet! Thank you so much. I really appreciate it ^_^ I'll continue to write as long as I have amazing readers like you who enjoy my works.

I'm so happy that I get to make you smile and relax. You guys make me happy!

I'll definitely make time soon so I can edit and post the stories online for download. ;) Most of them will be.

Don't apologize! I LOVE LONG & SWEET COMMENTS!  More anniversaries with you guys, yes? ;) ♥♥


Minwoo is certainly playing his bad guy role very well here. haha Let's see how Kyuhyun can take him.

pinkmonster: aww...happy you loved the last update ^_^

hihi...an idea just formed in my head while I was trying to sleep.

YAY for surprising inspirations / motivations!

Minwoo will shake things up for the couple ^_~

awww...thank you!! You can call me Nadine ;) I'll keep on writing if you guys keep reading & enjoying. You're all awesome!

suju26kamz: Thank you! ^_^

Yay for Kyuhyun being sweet! But Minwoo's back and he screams trouble.

celine_neji: YAY for the last chapter being happy compared to this one that isn't as 'bright'. haha

Thank you unnie! ^_^ Will make time to edit and post the stories for download soon.

yunhosyeobo: Me too. I'd be like over-thinking my words & actions. haha ;)

They'll meet each other soon.

jeahfujiwara: He should have stayed sweet the whole time so things wouldn't have turned out like this. haha

tsk tsk Minwoo is doing well with being a jerk.

DoRKii_ELF: aww...thank you so much!! You're awesome!

 I'm so happy the last update was able to make you smile ^_^


ofhumming: Thanks!! ^_^

haha suspense! but now you know ;)

I_am_ME: Thank you! ^_~

We'll see how things work out for the two of them after this.

pwincesso8: Glad you liked who I chose to be the bad guy. haha ;)

Hope you like this update.

awww...thank you for reading! I already have a new wgm-themes story in the works.

eunhyukmylover: Kyuhyun's subtle sweet actions make us want to melt. haha ^_^

hmmm...will they continue to be able to act sweet after this chapter?

awww...thank you so much!! ^_^ I♥you guys.

SHERYLN: Will he still be able to confess after this? T_T

Thank you sweetie! ^_^

gabie_16 : awww...thank you so much sweetie! That's a sweet comment. I appreciate it ^_^ That's why I write, to make you guys happy

Alina1225: awww...*hug* yeah I kinda got the emotion from watching his cut on Strong Heart before.

Yay for a happy family moment with his wife! ^_^

Now you know Minwoo's plan ;)

Thank you!!! ^_^

kyuukihae: He's sweet even if he's still being subtle with his actions. haha

awww...thank you so much! I really try to improve and write better for you guys ^_^

Did Minwoo kill you in this chapter? ;)

cupidzangel: Yay for them being a happy family! haha

Hope you like this update, although you might not like Minwoo's actions ;)

aww...thank you!! ^_^ Yes I look forward to having more anniversaries with you guys, yes?

leeteukbaby: Thank you!! You guys are amazing for always reading & supporting me and my stories!! ^_^

hmmm...will Kyuhyun still be able to confess after this chapter?

glinkkiehyukkie: Will he still be able to act on his feelings after this? ;)

aww..thanks you!! I'll try to write more and hopefully you guys will continue to enjoy them ^_^

ilovefishy: Thanks!! ^_^

Even his parents want them to get married in real life already. haha

Here's the drama ;) Minwoo is all to blame...and well Kyuhyun too.

adriana04: Hopefully they can still have cute moments in the future ;)

Minwoo already made his move.

AngelHae: Yay for the couple's sweet moments! ^_^

Now you know Minwoo's plans ;)

awww..thank you for reading & supporting. More anniversaries with you guys, yes? ;)

yupthatsme: Yup, unfortunately Minwoo's here again :|

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xjayess #1
The ending is so sweeet and i love it
Chapter 28: Cute and nice story! Love it so much! XD
ch3nya #3
Chapter 28: Aww i loved your story it was so cute :)
Sonelfwol #4
your username is remind me of my bestie..
yeah..wonderful story after all..
and i love it ^^
covertrui #5
I haven't gotten past your first chapter, and I already know I love you. Why? Because you actually /know/ Starcraft better than -some unnamed- other writers who just say "oh they played a game".

props to you~ time to get back to reading :D
This was really sweet :> The proposal was so cute!
Finished this in one go. I really like the concept and your fic is DAEBAK!!♥♥♥
DomiKitty #8
DAWWWWWWW kay that was an AWESOME ending, although i dont usually like stories that end like with marriages and pregnancies because its like 0_0 but these actually are fine i love them hehehe ^^ i think ive finished like 3 of ur fics in one day... o_______O yep, i dont really have a life. anyways VERY cute <3
DomiKitty #9
AAAAAAAAW! awesome confession kyu ;) im prouda you!
DomiKitty #10
"Guys put on your shirts and pants now!" HAHAH ROFLS xDDD