
Game Of Love



I’m so happy that a lot of you guys requested for a sequel / epilogue / special chapter because that means you really enjoyed the story, right? I honestly can’t see myself writing a whole new sequel story for this one (yet?) and I didn’t want to start on something that I don’t have any outline for. BUT I really really wanted to try and grant your requests and so that’s why I decided to write an epilogue.

Who knows maybe in the near future I’ll write another special chapter with Kyuhyun being a father already ;)

I really hope you guys enjoy this one even though it’s just short ^_^



It’s the second time that ________ and Kyuhyun have gone out of the country together and at both times, it was for an SM Town concert.

_________ watched the concert from the backstage area. She smiled brightly as she heard the loud cheers and fanchants of the crowd. SM Town in NYC has truly been a success and everyone who worked hard on the production felt like all their efforts has once again paid off.

“Ready to go?” ________ felt Kyuhyun wrap his arm around her waist to pull her closer to him.

“Go where?” She curiously asks as she sees Kyuhyun wearing a whole different, smart-casual outfit.

“Dinner. I’m bringing you to a place that overlooks the city.” Kyuhyun was already feeling so proud that he found a great place for the two of them to enjoy the night.

“Dinner? Just us two? Don’t you guys have like an after party celebration?”

“Yeah but I already told them in advance and asked for their permission. I’m sure they’ll understand that I’ll rather take my fiancé out on rare occasions like these.”


Yes, it’s been months since Kyuhyun has proposed to ________. He did it in front of the thousands of fans who went to see SM Town in Japan. He could say that it was one of the main events in his life. A moment that got his palms sweating, heart racing, and almost made him speechless but of course he had to fight all of those anxious feelings away.

He could still remember ________’s reaction as she was caught off guard when he called her out on the stage to introduce her to the audience. Of course people already knew who she was, fans did watch We Got Married and supported the ‘fictional gaming’ couple.

Kyuhyun kind of gave the fans plus _______ a shock when he shared their story with them through snippets and photos from the show as well as their personal off-cam pictures.

After beating around the bush, Kyuhyun got down on one knee. Being the show-off that he is, Kyuhyun proposed to _______, asking her to marry him using three different languages, Japanese, Korean and English…he even sang a couple of lines from ‘Marry U’.

_______’s jaw almost dropped and tears started already falling down from her eyes as she tried to comprehend what was happening in front of her.

She couldn’t even answer Kyuhyun coherently so she just kept nodding her head while her hands covered the lower half of her face.

The crowd roared and not because of disapproval, but they shouted their hearts out to show their support and love for the two.

Kyuhyun wore the ring on _______’s finger before standing up to hug her, he too had tears in his eyes.

This is surely not for show, their true feelings poured out on stage. It seemed like they momentarily forgot that they had thousands of people watching them, a lot also got carried away by the couple’s moment that they also shed tears.

The other SMTown artists who were just on standby and in the backstage area rushed towards the couple and surrounded them with rounds of applause.

It was needless to say that the maknae of Super Junior upstaged the show from his label mates.



Kyuhyun took his blazer off and placed it around _________’s shoulders since he could tell that she was feeling so cold despite already wearing a scarf around her neck.

The two walked towards the rented car after the fans followed the SM Town bus hoping that they’ll catch a glimpse of their favorite stars.

Kyuhyun wasn’t that worried with the fans since he really planned everything and coordinated with his colleagues.

They couple passed by the bright lights of Times Square where they took the chance of taking photos of themselves, just like regular tourists.  


________ was amazed with the view of the hotel’s restaurant that Kyuhyun picked. The window walls overlooked the city nightscape…it was breathtaking.

They ordered the restaurant’s specialties which included ravioli as the appetizer, a center cut Prime NY Strip Steak for the main course and cheese cake for dessert.

“We get to have a vacation after this concert. Do you want to come with me and the family to Spain?” Kyuhyun asked in the middle of having dinner.

“I’ll have to take a pass on that. You need to have your own bonding time with your family.”

“But they love you too.”

“And I feel the same. I’m just telling you that you need your solo time with them. I feel like I see you more often than they get to see you so just enjoy, re-connect and relax with them. We can travel on our own and with them too soon. Besides as their daughter-in-law, I plan to spoil them.” ________ told Kyuhyun what was in her mind.

“You already are. Every time I meet up with them alone they look past me and see if I’m hiding you anywhere, that’s how much they like to be with you. They don’t even greet their own son anymore, instead their first words will be like ‘Oh you didn’t bring our ________ with you.’” Kyuhyun pouted as if he’s jealous of the attention ________ was getting, well in fact he loves and is proud that he snagged such a lovely girl that everyone approves of.

“It’s because I’m nicer and sweeter than you. Plus they love unnie and I because we’re pretty.” _______ said before taking a sip of wine.

“If you two are pretty, then what do you call your lovely fiancé?”

“Well you’re smart, you have a great voice, and you’re famous and cute…when you have make-up on.” ________ still didn’t get tired of teasing Kyuhyun. Both of them still act like love-struck teens, still not tired with their playful ways.

“Ya!” Kyuhyun pinched _______ playfully on the cheeks. An action he knows that she isn’t very too fond of.

“I’m kidding. I love every side of you.” _______ pried Kyuhyun’s hands away from her and rubbed her reddening cheeks.

“By the way, will you be watching Super Show 4 when we tour around the globe?” Kyuhyun curiously asked. Of course there’s no question that ________ would be watching their epic concerts in Seoul, but they haven’t talked about whether she’ll go and watch them when they bring the concert to foreign lands.

“We’ll see. You know we still have a lot to fix with our wedding and all but I’ll try to surprise you.”

“Sorry if I’m not a big help yet.” Kyuhyun reached out to ________’s hand on the table and placed his hand over hers. He does feel guilty about missing out on most of the preparations being done.

“Don’t worry, you already helped me out with the cake and at least you’ve already picked out your outfit for our special day. Just make sure you’ve actually cleared out all schedules for our wedding week. Ara unnie and our parents have been patient with me with the planning as well. You and unnie are still in charge of the music, right?” ______ understood how busy Kyuhyun’s work gets and with the all tours lined up, she could only pray for his well-being despite the hectic schedule.


After dinner the two went to the hotel’s pool area - terrace because the staff recommended it. They were told that the view would be romantic there as well.

Kyuhyun hugged _______ from the back as they took in the new yet temporary beautiful scenery.

“Do you want to know what I would have done or said if someone told me before that we’d be really together after ‘We Got Married’?”

“What? And don’t tell me you would have laughed or else I’d give you a headbutt.” _______ joked as she leaned back and rested her back against Kyuhyun’s chest.

“I’d pay them to guarantee their words. I knew from the start that you were a keeper…even if you were mean to me.” Kyuhyun placed his head over _______’s head and used his chin to annoy her as he slightly rubbed it against the top of her hair and then tickled the side of her body.

_______ tried to get out of Kyuhyun’s hold as she fought to control herself from exploding with laughter.

Kyuhyun just laughed at ________ before turning her around and wrapped his arms tightly around her again.

________ calmed down as she rested the side of her face on Kyuhyun’s chest, she hugged him back and the couple swayed from side to side a bit.

“I love you. Thank you for coming into my life. Despite all the girls who throw themselves at me –ARGH!” Kyuhyun was speaking his heart out when he felt ______ bite his shoulder.  Of course he had to ruin the serious moment with his boastful remark. He leaned back and eyed ________ weirdly.

“You were saying?” looked at Kyuhyun as if she didn’t do anything wrong, blinking her eyes to emphasize her innocent image.

“You should be rest assured that you are my one and only partner.” Kyuhyun still makes ________ blush with his words and actions, and most definitely with his voice when he sings.

“I love you too. I can’t wait for the day that I officially become your wife…and take you away from your precious gaming world.” ________ still is a match for Kyuhyun, having her own version of counterattacking his sweet and weird comments.

Kyuhyun placed his hand on ________’s nape and pulled her closer to him while he met her half-way for a kiss.

The two understood each other’s hearts almost completely, and they have their whole lifetime to fully figure each other out, to understand and help one another improve and be complete.

“Do you…uhm, do you want to check–in?” Kyuhyun bashfully asked _______. He knows how that question may sound or appear wrong…but he was sure he wasn’t giving her the wrong impression.

_________ bit her lower lip and nodded. Both of them knows where this night would probably lead to.

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xjayess #1
The ending is so sweeet and i love it
Chapter 28: Cute and nice story! Love it so much! XD
ch3nya #3
Chapter 28: Aww i loved your story it was so cute :)
Sonelfwol #4
your username is remind me of my bestie..
yeah..wonderful story after all..
and i love it ^^
covertrui #5
I haven't gotten past your first chapter, and I already know I love you. Why? Because you actually /know/ Starcraft better than -some unnamed- other writers who just say "oh they played a game".

props to you~ time to get back to reading :D
This was really sweet :> The proposal was so cute!
Finished this in one go. I really like the concept and your fic is DAEBAK!!♥♥♥
DomiKitty #8
DAWWWWWWW kay that was an AWESOME ending, although i dont usually like stories that end like with marriages and pregnancies because its like 0_0 but these actually are fine i love them hehehe ^^ i think ive finished like 3 of ur fics in one day... o_______O yep, i dont really have a life. anyways VERY cute <3
DomiKitty #9
AAAAAAAAW! awesome confession kyu ;) im prouda you!
DomiKitty #10
"Guys put on your shirts and pants now!" HAHAH ROFLS xDDD