Progress of feelings?

Game Of Love

After School - Shampoo

“Guys pack your bags soon. We’re going to fly out to Taiwan again by the end of this week for SJ-M activities. Lots of variety shows are waiting for you guys there.” The guys’ manager announced to them in the dorm

“Wait…How about my We Got Married shoot next week?” Kyuhyun seriously asked the manager.

“I already informed the station and they said that they have enough footage to produce at least 3 episodes plus you will still be filming one more this week so it’s going to be okay.”

“Kyuhyun, don’t tell me you look forward to filming We Got Married already?” Donghae got curious because the maknae didn’t always react like that when he had to miss shows.

“Yeah we thought this was just a burden to you before?” Ryeowook asked intriguingly as well.

“Well…I’m used to it now. It’s refreshing and different” Kyuhyun muttered.

“Which is different? The show or the girl?” Sungmin teasingly asked the maknae.

“Did ______-shi get to you?” Siwon said and eyed Kyuhyun suspiciously.

“Aish no! I just don’t want to seem unprofessional.” Kyuhyun was starting to get annoyed with his hyungs.

“Riiiight.” Shindong was ‘convinced’ with Kyuhyun’s answer.

“Our maknae is growing up.” Eunhyuk shouted and the room was filled with a rowdy atmosphere.



Today’s filming for We Got Married is on a different and new setting. Kyuhyun was dropped off at a university and he guessed that this is where his wife is currently studying at.

Of course upon seeing cameramen and an idol, people nearby stopped and stared at Kyuhyun to gossip, speculate or take photos of the guy.

One of the We Got Married writers told Kyuhyun where he could find _______ and it didn’t take him too long to spot her.

There was already another cameraman that was with _______ in the library where she waited for Kyuhyun.

_______ still wasn’t used to the attention she was getting, especially around her campus since she did keep a low profile. Sure she was known in the cyber world before but ever since We Got Married started she has gained a lot of new followers, fans and haters.

“Hi” Kyuhyun smoothly greeted _______ as he sat across her.

________ smiled at Kyuhyun as she greeted him as well.

But before the two could catch up or talk about their plans for today’s shooting, something caught Kyuhyun’s eye.

He saw _______’s calculus book that was almost being covered by her bag thaw was on top of it.

“Ooohhh…” Kyuhyun immediately expressed interest in the subject as he reached out for the book and scanned through it.

“Wow. So much enthusiasm.” _______ said jokingly as she observed Kyuhyun’s reaction.


The two started walking around the campus as ________ toured her hubby while her schoolmates ogled at them

She showed him where her building was, where she studies, hangs out, eats, etc.

It’s been a while since Kyuhyun last visited a school and so he kind of missed the atmosphere of it.

Kyuhyun was surprised to find out that _______ still had one class to attend before she could leave.

“Well how many minutes would that take?” Kyuhyun asked ______ since he is somewhat used to waiting.

“Uhm…2 hours.” ______ answered as she looked at Kyuhyun shyly. She was told earlier that he would be coming late so she thought it wouldn’t be a problem.

“Can’t you skip it for now?” Kyuhyun asked with a hopeful tone.

“Sorry. Attendance is a must and my professor is a bit of a terror, so unless you pull of a miracle then there’s nothing I can do.” _______ did feel apologetic but had no choice.


After having nothing to do and being bored for half an hour, Kyuhyun decided to pay ________’s classroom a visit.

He took a peek from the small window on the door and saw how focused and attentive ________ looked.  He then knocked on the door and opened it to let his presence known.

“Yes? Do you need anything?” The professor asked quite intimidatingly.

Kyuhyun entered the classroom to approach the professor and _______’s classmates clapped for him immediately.

“Seonsaengnim, if I sing a part of our song and give autographs can you let my wife leave early?” Kyuhyun asked which embarrassed _______ and made her hide her face behind a hardbound book.

Although the professor didn’t want to seem like she was easy to persuade, she pretended to think about it.

“My kids are fans of Super Junior so I guess they would be happy if I get their idol’s autograph plus a photo.” The lady compromised which made everyone clap again.

Kyuhyun then did his part of the bargain, he signed autographs and posed for photos before he sang one of Super Junior’s hit songs.

“Hope you continue to give Super Junior and We Got Married lots of love.” Kyuhyun told everyone while _______ was now standing beside him. He surprised ________ when he suddenly took her hand in his so that they could bow to her class, as if asking for her classmates and professor to look over the two of them.

Everyone cheered for the couple and shouted “Hwaiting!”

________ couldn’t believe that Kyuhyun did all that just for her to be dismissed way earlier than her other classmates. She was sure she was going to get a lot of teasing but she did feel special when Kyuhyun did what he had to do just to get her out and be with him.


Since it is Kyuhyun’s first time on _______’s university, the We Got Married crew decided that the two should enjoy a campus date as their mission for the day.

Kyuhyun carried _______’s books for her as they walked towards the big garden / field of the university. There was a restaurant there that had a different dining set up and so ________ suggested that they should try it out. Taking advantage of the vast area filled with green grass and flowers, the restaurant had a picnic style dining area. The couple was also under a big tree and so they were being shielded from the sun.

Overall, the experience was good and refreshing. It was fun being out and enjoying what nature had to offer.


From a far, the two could see three hot air balloons that were on the other end of the field. They walked towards the activity area and saw that free hot air balloon rides were being offered to anyone who was interested.

Being somewhat adventurous, _______ asked Kyuhyun if he wanted to try it out.

“What if something pops the balloon while we’re up? What if we get flown far far away?” Kyuhyun was listing down the negative things that could happen but _______ covered her ears because she didn’t want to hear it. It was a rare opportunity and so she dragged Kyuhyun to step on the basket like area under the big balloon. With one of the guide men with them, the hot air balloon was slowly lifting off the ground.

“Not too high please. You know just at the right height where in incase anything happens it would still be safe to jump off.” Kyuhyun asked the guy who was controlling the hot air balloon.

Kyuhyun and _______’s heartbeat accelerated as they continued to go higher, stopping just above the trees. It was a thrilling experience for both.

After having a field day the shooting finally came to an end and the crew was already packing up.

Just before _______ could leave, Kyuhyun ran up to her car hoping he’d catch her before his manager looks for him.

_______ was surprised that Kyuhyun was knocking on her window, instead of just rolling down the window, _______ opened the door. It seemed like they were hiding themselves using the door and was having a secret, private conversation.

“You heard about it already, right? That we won't be shooting for a while due to our activities in Tawain for SJ-M.” Kyuhyun wanted to clarify if ________ knew the details. He didn’t want to seem like a douche who would just ditch her.

“Yeah oppa. I understand that you do have a busy schedule so good luck with that.” _______ replied, ending her sentence with a sweet smile.

Kyuhyun looked taken aback upon realizing something. “You just called me oppa…”

_______ chuckled at how surprised Kyuhyun looked just because of that. “I guess I’m that comfortable around you already.”

After recovering from the shock, Kyuhyun tried to remember why he knocked on her window in the first place. ”Anyway…what was I going to say? Oh yeah we should get together outside of work sometime. Our schedules won’t be too packed soon and well it would be nice to hang out and practice my gaming skills with you.” Kyuhyun tried to sound as casual and cool as possible.
”Yeah that would be nice. You have my number so just contact me anytime and I’m sure we can arrange something.” _______ answered back. She was happy that she could feel her and Kyuhyun becoming closer off-camera.

“Okay then…Get home safely.” Kyuhyun stepped back from the car a bit but just enough so that he could hold on to the car door handle.

Even though she was sitting, _______ still bowed a bit to bid Kyuhyun goodbye. Kyuhyun closed the door for her and waited for the car to drive off before turning back.

Unknowingly Kyuhyun smiled as he walked towards his van where his manager was already waiting for him.

The driver and manager picked up Heechul on the way home too since he finished filming a guest appearance on another show.

“Why is this kid smiling while sleeping? He must have had a good day.” Heechul talked to himself as he noticed the expression on the maknae’s face. He saw Kyuhyun sleeping with his head against the mirror and there was a subtle smile on his face.



THIS IS MY LAST UPDATE…as a teen that is. LOL

Turning 20 on the 20th

I know I’m older than most of you, am I right? Wait no. Don’t remind me I’ll just feel old. haha


BY THE WAY, Read my latest blog post and tell me if the guy on the photo looks like Jonghyun. haha


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~Comment Replies~

anzuKyu: Awww...yay! Hi new reader!! I'm glad you're liking this story ^_^ Hope you like the update.

StephyLeeDonghae: Yay for cute moments! haha thanks ^_^ aww...having writer's block?

hopelessromantic: That's my theme song for the past few days...I don't feel like doing anything. haha ^_~

chosanghee: Well I hope you love this update too since Kyuhyun's showing a slightly different side on and off camera. hihi ^_^

Gonna make a big scandal and he'll be jealous soon. haha

SHERYLN: I'm glad a lot of you guys laughed at the Ahjussi part. haha Hope you like this update ^_^

eunhyukmylover: Teuki will forever be an oppa to me. haha He's my peterpan. lol Yeah Kyu sometimes looks older than his hyungs. haha

I'm not sure if there are any corny moments here but I'm sure there are some sweet moments ^_~

I do it cause I love you guys! ^_^ Plus I get relaxed when I write stories and not academic papers. haha

♥ Saranghae ♥ thank you

sjlalalalalove: I know, right? calling the maknae ahjussi. haha ^_~

adriana04: Should put more cheesy moments for Kyuhyun. haha ^_^

hotkey: Harabeoji?! haha no! forever oppa for me! ^_^

Hope you like this update.

I_am_ME: Oh cool. Is it hard? I've only tried boxing before but was really interested to try kickboxing.

Hope you like this update ^_^

yunhosyeobo: Haha yeah, I cringe if it's toooo corny or cheesy.

Happy I made a lot of you laugh cause of that ^_^

TyngTyng: I bet he would get offended. haha

AngelHae: Aww...that song is really sweet! Heard it first on SS3 and I'm glad they released the studio ver. ^_^

suju26kamz: Teasing him although he's the maknae of his group. haha

cupidzangel: Haha I'm sure a lot would have had a heart attack or melt because of that ^_~

FriedChickie: Hope you find this chapter adorable too ^_^ I'm sure a lot of girls would love to be in her place. haha

ofhumming: I'm sure there are a lot of things you would want to do with or do to Kyuhyun ;) haha

Alina1225: Haha just like when people found it hard to believe that Chansung was 2PM's maknae.

Hope you like this update ^_~

ilovefishy: Kyu ahjussi!! More skinship soon! ^_~

ColaSmackles: That just means Kyuhyun getting old! lol I kid. ^_~

Yeah, I'll try watchin it soon! Thanks for suggesting it.

yupthatsme: Cute kid, right? I bet he'll grow just like Kyu and be an evil maknae. haha Thanks.

Hope you like this update ^_^

redshuz:'s okay ^_^ I'm making it look already that she had bad memories with the ex-boyfriend.

Hmm...well hopefully he'll start showing his romantic side and not just his evil ways. haha

nsarmiento78: No, they didn't. If there was based on experience maybe it'll be just 5% haha. I'm so happy that you feel that way though. I really try to make it seem believable.

Same...I wanna believe in it too. But even though it's not in love, I'd like to think there are times that fate has done wonders to me in terms of maybe opportunities and such. ^_^

No I don't have an account there. Why?

Yeah I kinda made it slightly slower than my other stories but there's a lot of progress in this chapter, I think?

Hope you like this update ^_~

imaginedreamlove: LOL. Love - hate relationship? haha

Wow future kid is going to be sneaky rin like Kyu! ^_~

Hope you like this update.

ezralaine: Happy a lot of you guys liked that part. haha ^_^

kyuhaeyee: Yeah we need proof of Kyuhyun's 'goodies' lol He should be like Siwon who always flaunts. haha ^_~

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xjayess #1
The ending is so sweeet and i love it
Chapter 28: Cute and nice story! Love it so much! XD
ch3nya #3
Chapter 28: Aww i loved your story it was so cute :)
Sonelfwol #4
your username is remind me of my bestie..
yeah..wonderful story after all..
and i love it ^^
covertrui #5
I haven't gotten past your first chapter, and I already know I love you. Why? Because you actually /know/ Starcraft better than -some unnamed- other writers who just say "oh they played a game".

props to you~ time to get back to reading :D
This was really sweet :> The proposal was so cute!
Finished this in one go. I really like the concept and your fic is DAEBAK!!♥♥♥
DomiKitty #8
DAWWWWWWW kay that was an AWESOME ending, although i dont usually like stories that end like with marriages and pregnancies because its like 0_0 but these actually are fine i love them hehehe ^^ i think ive finished like 3 of ur fics in one day... o_______O yep, i dont really have a life. anyways VERY cute <3
DomiKitty #9
AAAAAAAAW! awesome confession kyu ;) im prouda you!
DomiKitty #10
"Guys put on your shirts and pants now!" HAHAH ROFLS xDDD