First meeting -part 2-

Game Of Love



Sistar - Shady Girl





The two continued eating seafood as they got to know more about each other.

“So who’s your favorite Super Junior member?” Kyuhyun curiously asked as he dipped his sashimi into the soy sauce – wasabi sauce mixture.

“All of you are great.” ______ answered safe.

“Ayyy, don’t lie. Come on, you mush have had a favorite at some point.” Kyuhyun continued to probe.

“Siwon-shi…” She answered clearly now in a heartbeat

“Oh wow. You didn’t even think twice.” Kyuhyun chuckled before replying.

“He just seems so cool so...yeah.” she patted her cheeks lightly since she knew she may have blushed a bit.

“Yeah, he’s just like a walking statue.” He said, his tone sounding sarcastic.

“But that was during Super Junior ’05 and when he used to act pre-Super Junior debut. Actually, I really am a er for the vocalists and maknaes and so I think you were a great and smart addition to the group.” _______ revealed her feelings.

Kyuhyun couldn’t help but break into a shy smile although he tried to hide it.

The crew and cameraman that were witnessing the somewhat awkward couple looked amongst themselves and nodded in approval. ‘So far so good’ they thought.

“Aww…jagiya!” a commotion could be heard behind them. Kyuhyun turned around and ______ looked past him as well. The two saw that there was another couple dining just a couple of tables away from them. It could be seen that the guy gave his girlfriend a big bouquet of flowers plus a small basket that had chocolates and candy.

“Happy White Day jagiya.” The guy said and the two hugged each other.

“Aww…” ______ couldn’t help but admire the cute couple that she just saw. Now it just dawned on her that it was indeed White Day.

“The guy should have saved his money and just bought the chocolates.” Kyuhyun commented as  he fixed himself on his chair when he turned around to face _______ and their table again.

“Why?” _______ asked curiously

“The flowers will die anyway.” He said pessimistically.

______ didn’t know what she should reply with that remark of his, so she just stayed quiet and nodded awkwardly.

Little did she know that Kyuhyun has a bitter memory of giving flowers to a girl before. He once gave flowers to the girl that he was trying to court but got rejected.


After a while, they finished their meal and got the bill from the waitress.

Kyuhyun’s eyes immediately went to ________’s wallet. She brought out her wallet from inside her bag and offered to pay which immediately captured and charmed Kyuhyun for some reason.

Kyuhyun brought out his credit card that the SME agency gave him and placed it inside the black bill holder.

“Let me contribute. At least my half if you want.” She offered for them to go Dutch. He refused her offer and paid the complete bill himself.

“Thank you.” She appreciated his gesture.

_______ excused herself to go to the bathroom first while waiting for the waitress to comeback with Kyuhyun’s card and receipt. While she was out of the scene a staff member handed Kyuhyun another mission card.


‘It’s not too late to save white day.’


Kyuhyun tilted his head as he thought of what he could do for white day. He never had a chance to have a girl he was romantically linked with on that day before. He would usually kid and say on public that he wished he could give all of his fans candies and chocolates on White day.

The waitress came back to give Kyuhyun back his card and receipt, as well as getting his signature.

Kyuhyun walked out of the restaurant and was being followed by two of the cameramen while two others stayed in the restaurant to film ______.

Kyuhyun strolled down the street, his eyes were wandering around the different shops looking for a shop that sold sweets.

________ looked confused as she only saw the We Got Married staff in the restaurant and her ‘husband’ seemed to have vanished into thin air.

She looked around the restaurant and Kyuhyun was really nowhere in sight.

“Where did he go?” ______ asked the camera men and the writers but they just shook her head and pointed towards the door.

“This weird. What’s going on?” She was talking to herself as she stepped out of the restaurant and tried to look for Kyuhyun.

This was definitely an interesting first day for both of them.

Kyuhyun sprinted down the street when he finally spotted a sweets store. He was panting but he didn’t let that get in the way of choosing what he could buy for _______.

“Good afternoon sir. Do you need help?” The Korean dessert chef approached the idol as he looked like he was a bit clueless and overwhelmed with the variety of cakes, chocolates, candies, etc. that filled the shop.

“What’s your best seller here?” Kyuhyun asked, admitting to himself that he didn’t know what he was specifically looking for.

“Well what is your partner like? Maybe we can match her personality with what you’ll give her.”

“Oh, uhm…the thing is we don’t know each other that well yet.” Kyuhyun timidly answered.

The dessert chef smile and led Kyuhyun to the table where different boxes of chocolates were set up.

“I think you’re the cool type kind of guy and maybe you won’t like too much heart designs or cheesy corny stuff. In my opinion, this would suit you best to give to your girlfriend. She may not like all of the assorted chocolates that are inside but at least from her picks you would know a little bit more about her.” The chef suggested and instantly he has won Kyuhyun with his idea.

Kyuhyun chose what box size he liked and then gave it to the chef.

As he was paying for the chocolates, Kyuhyun couldn’t help but get curious about the ‘Chocolate personality.’ the chef mentioned earlier.

“Can you tell me a bit on how chocolates can reveal about a person’s personality?” Kyuhyun asked.

“I’ll give you some examples. Milk chocolate means a person is comfortable with anything, like they always ‘go with the flow’. Mint chocolate may mean that the person has an acquired taste.  Mint lovers are usually thoughtful, introvert but have a brooding or creative nature. Dark chocolate can say that a person has an intense personality. But of course all of these are still on a case to case basis.” The chef gladly informed Kyuhyun.


_______ started walking around to look for Kyuhyun but she was stopped by the staff. They told her to just sit at the bench nearby and wait. It was a chilly weather and it didn’t help that _______ had to just stay put and wait for Kyuhyun.

She couldn’t contact Kyuhyun because they haven’t exchanged numbers yet since they just met each other earlier.

Finally after a few more minutes _______ saw a familiar figure walking towards her.

She stood up and looked at Kyuhyun suspiciously. Her eyes and body language showed that she was obviously waiting for an explanation.

Before _______ could even ask anything Kyuhyun handed her a medium sized box. It looked like the size of a laptop.

“Happy White Day.” Kyuhyun bashfully told her. He felt like a little boy handing over something special to his crush.

_______ smiled bright and looked up at Kyuhyun. She was pleasantly surprised, happy to have gotten a sweet, heart-warming gift from Kyuhyun.

“Thank you Kyuhyun-shi.” She could feel her slightly pale face warming up again.


“So what do you want to do now?” Kyuhyun asked _______ as he tried to think of what other things they could do before wrapping up their first episode.

“hmmm…since we haven’t had desserts yet. Want to try the chocolates you gave me?” _______ suggested.

“Yeah that sounds good. I saw a noraebang not too far from here as well. Do you want to go there so we could be indoors, sing and eat?” Kyuhyun added on to her suggestion.

After giving it a thought, ________ nodded and they started walking.


Kyuhyun sang his heart out at the noraebang. He sang songs by his group and as well as some of his favorite ballads from other singers. _______ requested that he sings a song from SJ – T or SJ – H and even though he was a bit embarrassed, he danced to the steps of Rokkugo.

On the other hand, _______ tried her best as well in singing. She’s more confident of her gaming skills than her singing talent although she wasn’t a bad singer. Kyuhyun actually liked her voice, the songs she chose matched her well.


As their first ‘date’ / meeting ended, everyone could feel that it ended on a high – happy note. The two gave their first ‘black room’ interview after the show and they gave their comments and voiced out their opinions on certain moments that happened during the day.The two continued eating seafood as they got to know more about each other.





Do leave facts /  trivias about Kyuhyun on the comment box below or tweet me at:

It would help me a lot in constructing the story and inserting his likes / dislikes. Will credit you guys of course ;)


~COMMENT REPLIES~ Thank you so much for the lovely comments!! 

me123456: Here's your update! ^_^ aww...thank you! ^_^ I hope you fall in love with this one too.

kyuyul: awww...yay! Thanks ^_^ I'm glad you liked it. Yeah Kyu met his match! hahaha hope you like this update ;)

lildoolmai: Thanks ^_^ Hope you like it all throughout

bigbangisdynamite: Thank youy ^_^ Hope this continues to interest you. Hope you like this update ^_^

ikawaiirock: Here's your update! ^_^ I'm happy you loved it.

chara_aia: There were days that I played Plants Vs. Zombies for hours! got crazy addicted. haha ^_^ Thank you, yeah I wanted a change from the norm. No she isn't really a celebrity but she's popular on the internet and with gamers. Team Kyu FTW!

I_am_ME: Here's your update!! Hope you like it ^_^

yay4kpop: awww...thank you ^_^ I really appreciate it. I hope you love this story.

adriana04: Surprised / frustrated gamekyu = Cute and adorable. hahaha ^_^

alj1225: awww...thank you! ^_^ I really hope it does. I'm happy you loved the first chapter, hope you like the rest. ^_^

pinkheadphones: Yeah I really did my research for you guys and Kyu. haha ^_^  love ya guys.

redshuz: yeah girl power over Kyu!! :p haha That's gonna be memorable for him. lol ^_^

ilovefishy: are too sweet! Thank you! ♥ you! ^_^ Hope you like this update.

eunhaecupcake: aww...I'm happy you loved it ^_^ yeah, I just hope no pro-gamer reads my fail description. LOL

eunhyukmylover: Annyeong!! ^_^ That is a good reaction, right? haha ^_^ Yay for cute Kyu moments! Well we'll just have to see if they'll really get along well. Hope you like this update.

ColaSmackles: YAY! I'm happy you're here reading ^_^ Thanks. hahaha me too. I'm like so KYUnfused hahaha. No more technical terms now so hope you like this update. ^_^

gabie_16: yeah, we have to see how they slowly grow and maybe fall (?) for each other. ^_^

celine_neji: awww...thank you unnie! I'm happy you enjoyed. I just tried hard to do / write it right. haha omg! me too I was also a Street fighter, Tekken, Crash Bandicoot, dance-revo person too. LOL good times. ^_^

chosanghee: awww...thanks ^_^ I'm glad you liked it. Hope you like this update.

ILuvSuJu15: I'm happy you like it ^_^ Hope you like this update.

kprincess1995: Never played starcraft o_O haha just did my research. I'm happy you loved the first chapter. Hope you like this one. ^_^

KyuSmiles4ELFs: Here's your update!! ^_^ I hope you love this update too! Thank you.

kyuhaeyee: Yeah, that's why the 'starcraft' wasn't that long since not all may be familiar with it. It was just a necessary first part ^_^ Yeah I love the term too. I haven't heard it before so yeah... haha

skizofrenia:  hmmm...we'll see, maybe ;) I haven't written a story about two 'real' celebs before. haha Yeah Plants vs. Zombies = awesome! ^_^ Hope you like this update. aww...yes, let's all day dream and imagine ^_^

khishluv: Here's your update!! ^_^ Hope you like it.

QieYue19: Me too. No more technical terms here so I hope you enjoy this more. hihi ^_^

ofhumming: KYUnfused. Research like it's a school work. hahaha awww...thank you! I hope it really does ^_^

Just doing what I can to help and spread the word. Really wish you guys all the luck!! I really do believe you guys are doing an amazing thing.

Hope you like this update ^_^

ezralaine: Never played. haha yes! Kyuhyun met his match! aww..thank you. I'm happy you loved it ^_^ God bless you too.

sujuholic_15: Yeah!! Should I have named this story, 'Starcraft Love'? lol ^_^

cupidzangel: Yeah, so far so good ^_^ Here's your update! ^_^ hope you like it.

kyuukihae: awww...yay!! Thank you! I'm happy your're loving it so far. Yeah I love COD! I die too and have to replay over and over again. hahaha Hop you like this update.

lovethirst4music: aww...thank you! I'm glad you like it ^_^ Kyu = starcraft. hahaha. Really? *wher* well I'm happy that why I wrote 'sounds' a bit right for SC gamers. haha. Hwaiting~! Hope you like this update.

BerniceKasheica: Thank you! ^_^ Happy you liked it. Hope you continue to love it.

purple_angel17: YAY new reader! Hi!! awww...thank you very much! I appreciate it. ^_^

sjlalalalalove: Yes, finally, right? He met his match! *evil laugh*YAY! Hope you like this

nabbbibi: yay! Hi New reader! ^_^ hope you like this update!

imaginedreamlove: LOL we really can't deny his good looks. haha beat him in his own game so he'll be more intrigued about the girl. haha!

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xjayess #1
The ending is so sweeet and i love it
Chapter 28: Cute and nice story! Love it so much! XD
ch3nya #3
Chapter 28: Aww i loved your story it was so cute :)
Sonelfwol #4
your username is remind me of my bestie..
yeah..wonderful story after all..
and i love it ^^
covertrui #5
I haven't gotten past your first chapter, and I already know I love you. Why? Because you actually /know/ Starcraft better than -some unnamed- other writers who just say "oh they played a game".

props to you~ time to get back to reading :D
This was really sweet :> The proposal was so cute!
Finished this in one go. I really like the concept and your fic is DAEBAK!!♥♥♥
DomiKitty #8
DAWWWWWWW kay that was an AWESOME ending, although i dont usually like stories that end like with marriages and pregnancies because its like 0_0 but these actually are fine i love them hehehe ^^ i think ive finished like 3 of ur fics in one day... o_______O yep, i dont really have a life. anyways VERY cute <3
DomiKitty #9
AAAAAAAAW! awesome confession kyu ;) im prouda you!
DomiKitty #10
"Guys put on your shirts and pants now!" HAHAH ROFLS xDDD